"Orochimaru, since you have already defected, why do you want to target Teacher Sarufei at this time, since you are here today, I will not let you leave again!"

A big toad suddenly fell from the sky, and after Jiraiya appeared, he stared at Orochimaru and glared at each other angrily.

He was a little uncomfortable from the blow before, and he has been living in a remote place in Konoha all the time, except for a few dark parts that bring him food every day, that is, he is just retreating.

But just now, someone hurriedly looked for it, saying that Orochimaru brought someone to Konoha and was ready to kill the three generations of Hokage after ruining the game.

He was in an anxious mood and didn't care about anything else, he directly channeled out the toad, jumped on its back and came over.

"Jiraiya... If you don't want to wait for me to kill you, get out of the way!"

Tsunade watched Jiraiya's appearance, and his eyebrows couldn't help but jump a few times.

I wanted to ask Jiraiya about some things before, but he couldn't find anyone at all, and now this guy has appeared, but he's here to make trouble!"

"Tsunade? why are you walking with Orochimaru, this guy is here to wreak havoc, he..."

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that he couldn't go on.

Because he saw the man he couldn't mess with, as well as the angry gaze of Bo Feng Shuimen and Jiu Sinai.

As for the first and second generations over there....

He hadn't reacted yet, and he didn't realize the special significance of these two for a while.

"Jiraiya-sensei really came in time, but I don't know about letting the three generations of Hokage pass on the word to Tuogu, have you heard?"

Kushina's eyes shifted from the ape flying sun, and when he looked at Jiraiya, he was still resentful.

When she was pregnant, she also appeared as a teacher at Watergate, and at that time she also said what the child's name was, but later...

"I... I've been looking for someone, so I didn't pay much attention to it in the first place..."

Jiraiya's face was flushed, and he was agitated as he grabbed his hair.

He's not looking for the Child of Prophecy, so he doesn't care who Naruto is.

"Child of Prophecy, now that Naruto is the Child of Prophecy, don't you suddenly feel free?"

Now hearing Jiraiya say that he was not available, he raised his foot and walked over to Naruto's side, flicked his fingers on Naruto's little head, and reached out to grab Naruto's shoulder, making him stand directly in front of Jiraiya.

"What? Naruto is... It can't be, it's impossible, how could he..."

Going around and around, everything was missed.

Such a result is unacceptable, he has been running for the child of prophecy all his life, but now he is told that the child he didn't want to come back to see at the beginning is...

"Jiraiya, this one should be right, his strength is stronger than the big toad immortal, so he said yes, then it must be!" Toad

Jian carefully lay on the roof and bowed his head in the direction of the adult flying feather.

It doesn't want to be so cowardly, but the current Miaomu Mountain is a place where a little overlord is rampant, and if it doesn't behave, it will be beaten when it goes back....

"He... How do I know that he is not a liar, and now he is on the side of the enemy, toad Jian you..."

, I don't want to admit this fact, because if this is true, then he is almost equal to the waste of this life!

And he sent people to him at the beginning, but he chose not to.

"Jiraiya, don't listen to them, now it's Orochimaru who recalls the dead from the world of the dead, it's he who controls the first and second generations, as well as the Watergate couple, they are all doing things according to Orochimaru's orders..."

"Orochimaru, you are really getting more and more excessive, with me today, I will definitely not let you hurt Mr. Sarufei!" "

Jiraiya doesn't want to admit that he has been wasting his life all along, so at this time, in Sarufei's words, he successfully threw away those who don't want to know first, anyway, Orochimaru is the culprit, so deal with Orochimaru first!"

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with fierce eyes, and bit his fingers to psychic except for the slug.

Since she is going to fight, then she will accompany

her!" "Jiraiya, you stop them first, I will now use secret techniques to send these dead back to the Pure Land first, so that they can break free from control and rest in peace!"

He knew very well that if he lived, all the charges against him would continue to be questioned today.

But if he dies to save the trapped first and second generations, and the fourth generation of couples...

Then naturally someone will whitewash him, as long as one is whitewashed, the others will also be considered slander.

And once a person dies, some things in the past will gradually be left only the good parts, as long as someone promotes it again, it can be completely rewritten.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely stop them!" "

Jiraiya didn't understand what happened before, he only knew now that Orochimaru would definitely not be right.

"Ghoul sealed!" Just

when no one expected it, Ape Fei Sun Slash didn't even fight, and directly used the forbidden technique of sealing the ghouls who would definitely die.

At this time, not only Orochimaru and the others were stunned, but they were also dumbfounded.

Although he hadn't returned to the village before, he also knew that Bo Feng Shuimen had used this forbidden technique to seal the Nine-Tails, and he himself had died.

"The three generations of Hokage-sama are really excessive, and they just want everyone to die together, but it's a pity that even if you die, I will let people write down the things you did at the beginning, and when the time comes, I will let everyone in the world know what you have done to lack virtue!"

Orochimaru glared angrily at the god of death that was gradually forming after Sarutobi beheaded, he had been cut off in the stomach because of this before, and now he actually saw it again.

I don't know if the god of death holds a grudge, what if I come out and then target him?"

"What I haven't done, no matter how much dirty water you splash, it's useless, when I send a few dead people back to the Pure Land first, someone will naturally settle accounts with you!"

But he is not afraid of death, and only by dying can more people be willing to believe in him.

And once the decision is made, whether it is Koharu or Mito Menyan, even if it is for their own reputation, they will be willing to stand by Asma's side and gild the name of their third generation Hokage with a layer of merit.

When the lights go out, he is still the most admired and admired Hokage in Konoha, what crime is accused, it is all the slander of Orochimaru!


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ >▽ < good afternoon ~ The diligent Meow sent five times in the morning ~ (*^-^*).

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