"Today, I'm the first generation of Hokage Thousand Hands Pillar, together with the second generation Hokage Thousand Hands Pillar, and the fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shui Gate, to judge the third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash...

Erase the identity of the three generations of Hokage of Sarutobi and Slash, there is no longer any trace of him on the Hokage Rock, because all the property that was corrupted during the Hokage period will be recovered, and those who have been poisoned by it can take revenge with their own hands..."

Standing on the roof of the house, the two scrolls in his hand opened, and when the sentence of Sarutobi was announced, he suddenly raised his hand, and the direction of his palm was the position of the three generations of Hokage on Hokage Rock.

There was no need for a seal, and a wooden hand suddenly appeared above the Hokage Rock and slapped it at the position of the three generations of Hokage.

When the wooden hand dissipated, the position of the first, second, and fourth Hokage remained the same, and only the position of the third Hokage was vacant at this moment.

"Elder Konoha

Shimura Danzo..." announced the disposition of the Sarutobi Sun Slash, followed by the announcement of the results of Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo, who was already half-dead, was a little more relaxed at this time.

Although they are all cleaning portals, cleaning up a generation of Hokage, and dealing with an elder....

The difference is huge.

Tuan Zang was just an elder, and he didn't need to let the Thousand Hands Pillar have any thoughts.

"Fei Yu, I want to take care of Tuan Zang by myself!"

Sasuke stood beside the young Fei Yu, and at this time the verdict had been publicly announced, and Dan Zang and Sarufei Hi had become the sinners of Konoha.

Whether or not they will have anyone willing to follow, the big picture is now decided.

can't wipe out the enemy with his own hands, after all, it still makes Sasuke's mood unhappy.

"The Grim Reaper over there doesn't hurt anyone, just do whatever you want, don't worry about anything else..."The

young flying feather raised his hand and patted Sasuke's shoulder, while also pushing Naruto on the other side forward.

The two of them have been thinking about revenge for many years, and now they can settle this grudge, and there is no need to be restrained.

"Then I'll go!"

Naruto was a little more direct than Sasuke, and the spiral pill in his hand condensed, and walked towards the Sarutobi Sun Slash step by step.

"I'll go and deal with Danzang first, don't be in a hurry to kill him, remember to leave me some!"

Sasuke's eyes closed and opened, and the blood-colored eyes of the magatama turned and converged to form a new pattern, and black flames ignited on Danzou's body.

I've already crippled Danzou just now, and Sasuke doesn't need to do much in front of people at the moment.

And 'she' always felt that if she didn't go faster, Naruto over there wouldn't leave her with anything.

"Big brother, I'll do it..."

After Qianshou came back with Bo Fengshuimen and Bo Fengshuimen, he looked at the black dumplings that had been burned, and he couldn't get better in an instant.

At that time, he said so much, and what he said was that he would finally let him clean up the portal, but now that everyone is dead, he didn't leave

a chance at all!"You're coming back too slowly!

" Senju Pillar directly ignored his brother's grievances, Sasuke was too fast just now, and he had already used Amaterasu without giving people a chance to react, what could he do

? Could it be that he let him take action to save people?

"Forget it, there are a few more..."

It's said that it's gone for him, and he doesn't have to worry about those things anymore.

At present, he and Bo Feng Shuimen brought back these few, some of them are in the shadows, and some are in the roots...

In short, they are all diehards of Ape Fei Ri Slash and Tuan Zang, and when they need to solve something, this is all a black knife.


Originally, they thought that Sarutobi was waiting for death, because Naruto ran over and smashed a spiral pill, and this guy didn't make much noise.

But now that Sasuke has passed, he suddenly screams...

This seems to be a bit of a situation.

"Lord of the three generations of Hokage, you are slowly coming to realize this day..."

There was blood sliding from the corner of Sasuke's eyes, and it was really not a good thing for 'she' to forcibly make the illusion space just now.

But in the end, it was 'she' who succeeded!

Even though the current writing wheel eye is an eternal kaleidoscope, and Fei Yu used a copy of the weasel to open it for 'her', but 'her' writing wheel eye does not have the ability to read the moon space.

But just now, 'her' illusion didn't even bring the ape flying sun slash into it, so 'she' had to use some methods that Fei Yu had heard about by chance to carry out the forced creation of the illusion space.

It's still rough, but she's still successful, but there's something wrong with this eye at the moment, and she can't use it a second time for the time being...

But just this time, he was enough to make Ape Fei Ri feel more despair and pain.

The injuries Naruto experienced since childhood, the destruction that 'she' encountered, and the various crises she would encounter when she went on a mission...

These were all used as the basis for illusions, and they were all applied to the most precious grandson of Ape Fei Ri.

Let Ape Fei Ri Slash watch carefully in the illusion space, and watch the most important person in his heart endure all this, and then die extremely miserable!

After seeing his precious grandson, Ape Fei Sun Slash watched in the illusion how his son was slowly grinded to death by the rumors in the village and the conspiracy of many people because of him.

These processes are slow, so slow that they can be seen clearly, but nothing can stop them...

"The Uchiha family is indeed another group of evil imps!" Senju

glanced back, and at a glance, he could see that this was another illusion of the Uchiha family.

It's too much of a nasty thing to write about wheels or something.

Illusion is always hard to guard against.,Now this little ghost, who is only 13 years old.,Actually brought the ape flying in and was tortured....

"Someway!" Hearing

the familiar words again, Senjutsuma raised his hand and put it on the shoulder of Senjuma, instantly making Senjuma shut up.

"Big brother, save some face..."

I forgot for a moment that my eldest brother has been in a sensitive period recently, and I felt the strength on my shoulders between my thousand hands, and I just hoped that I could take care of the problem a little in front of people.

He didn't want to just clean up the third generation Hokage, and then it would be his turn to be beaten on the spot again.

"Hmph!" the

Thousand Hands Pillar snorted coldly and turned his head to the side.

He really seems to have a problem, and it seems that he really needs to find time to fight that guy, otherwise the tangle in his heart will not be able to unravel.

At this time, seeing that Sarutobi was brought into the illusion space, with a hideous and painful expression, what he thought of was not the Uchiha's writing wheel eye ability, but the illusion space that the bastard had taken him to before...


looked at his eldest brother dumbfounded, and finally reluctantly turned around and glanced at Bo Fengshuimen.

At this time, his eldest brother can leave it alone, but these people were brought back by him and Shuimen, so he has to decide how to deal with them first.

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