"Flying Feather, what's the situation with that fourth-generation Kazekage?"

Sasuke's gaze was locked on the fourth-generation Kazekage's body again, and that person's aura was wrong.

But now everyone doesn't seem to see the problem, and 'she' is not easy to say.

"Filthy Earth Reincarnation plus Illusion, Orochimaru's puppet.

Fei Yu lowered his head and whispered in Sasuke's ear about the reason, now Orochimaru's thinking is crooked by Xiao Hei, and all kinds of ideas will always go in a magical direction.

For example, in the current stands, the four generations of Hokage Wave Feng Shui Gate are reincarnated from filthy soil, which everyone can understand on the surface.

But they won't know that in fact, the four generations of Wind Shadow Raksha are also the same existence, and this guy is still controlled.

In comparison, the wave wind and water gate that they fear is safer.


Sasuke stopped paying attention after making sure it wasn't a living person, as for Orochimaru's illusion...

'She' prefers to believe that Orochimaru is actually asking someone for help.

"It's time for me to play, how is that kitten going to fight, what if he dies..."

Naruto came out of Flying Feather's arms, turned his head to look at the Shiranui Genma who had already walked into the arena, and his face was tangled.

The examiner is on the field, and this last battle is about to begin.

But what she was struggling with now was, what if the attack was too brutal and injured someone?

"Naruto Uzumaki, don't go too far!"

This is too contemptuous of people, everyone is the same identity, you can't talk so much just because you have more tails!

"Okay, then I'll be serious, Fei Yu, you have to look at me later, I'll beat that kitten down!"

When he heard that Shiranui Genma had already announced that he would invite the two of them to enter, Naruto didn't forget to kiss Fei Yu's face to declare his sovereignty, and then walked into the arena with an arrogant face.

Not far from them, the corners of my arrow's eyes jumped, but he still walked over with anger.

Being looked down upon like this, he had to give Naruto Uzumaki a good look!

" "It's going to be an interesting match, right?"

Fei Yu stood in the stands, his eyes fixed on the two who were already fighting in momentum, as long as Shiranui Genma left, the battle between the two was bound to be exciting.

"Yes, Naruto's guy..."

Sasuke looked at Naruto, who had already announced his new identity to everyone, and a little helplessness appeared on his face.

The matter of becoming a girl is not very important in comparison with those things just now, and when someone pays special attention to this aspect in the future, her identity change has become a foregone conclusion.

Naruto, this guy has a lot of thoughts!

Sure enough, it's not the crane tail you saw in your dream at all, it's essentially changed, and you...

Thinking of his own situation, Sasuke shook his head and put his mind down for the time being, and watched the game seriously.

Now all this is completely different from the picture in the dream, whether it is 'her' and Naruto, or Sakuraiso and Hinata who are watching it...

and Ning Ci, who suddenly wiped out the clan and left.

All this can no longer be compared with those memories in the dream, life has entered a new path, and 'she' should also come out of it!!

At the beginning of the game over there, there was also a battle in a forest outside Konoha Village that went unnoticed.

Senju Pillar came here with someone and stopped after making sure that he had left the normal patrol range of Konoha.

This time, he didn't give the adult version of Fei Yu any chance to speak at all, and when he stopped, he smashed it directly with a punch.

He didn't want to use ninjutsu at all, so he directly spelled out the physical arts.

The two of them went back and forth, and in the staggering of fists and feet, they still destroyed the surrounding trees and rocks, until the Thousand Hands Pillar stood there with angry eyes and stopped making a move, which was the end.

By this time, there had been a pothole in the ground around them, and even the trees had been broken into debris and scattered around.

"Bastard, what's wrong with you just letting me fight, can't I punch him?"

The panting Thousand Hands stood there, his eyes still burning when he looked at Fei Yu, but he just couldn't hit it.

After fighting for so long, every blow he hit would be taken or missed...

This kind of fighting, which is completely not on one level, has not been experienced by him since he was very young.

I can't imagine that I will die once, and I can still be played with after the reincarnation of the filthy earth, I really can't be more aggrieved, and it is even more uncomfortable than throwing it into the illusion space without any resistance before.

"No, there are countless times after hitting once, and I resolutely can't allow it!" Adult

Feiyu walked to the river that was not affected by them, and simply lay down on the grass, feeling the freshness of the water and squinting his eyes.

His seemingly defenseless posture instantly dissipated a lot of the original irritability between the Thousand Hands Pillar, and he walked to him and sat down with a little helplessness.

"That's why you

didn't let that kid get hurt?" Senju Tsuruma suddenly thought of the education he had talked to this guy about before, but a ninja didn't let him get hurt, and he even wondered if that kid didn't have combat experience.

"As long as the strength is enough, you can keep yourself from getting hurt all the time, wouldn't it be great to give him such a target?"

Adult Fei Yu turned his head to look at the Thousand Hands Pillar, this guy's hair is really good, even if it is the body of the reincarnation of the soil, but this long hair is still soft and flowing...

"What are you doing?" Thousand

Hands almost jumped up directly, and his hair was suddenly grabbed by this guy's reach, even if he didn't find an ambiguous aura, he just felt entangled.

"I like long hair, but my own hair can't be so soft..."

, his fingers stroking over the strands of hair, Fei Yu expressed frustration that his hair was too hard.

Now his hair is about the same length as Sasuke's, but it is much harder than Sasuke's, so much so that he gave up several times when he wanted to have long hair.

"You're a hedgehog head, if your hair is long, it's probably similar to Madara's hair, and so is that guy's hair..."

Senjukuma's arm suddenly stretched forward, and he laughed strangely after touching Feiyu's hair.

Sure enough, his hair is too hard, and he doesn't seem to be better than him!"

If you were a woman, I'd think you're inviting me..."

Fei Yu let go of the strands of hair on the tips of his fingers, raised his hand to grasp the wrist between the pillars, and stared at him with blood-colored eyes.

He wasn't ready to bully this guy, but why did he always take the initiative to come up?

Obviously he wanted to let him go, and now it's very embarrassing!

Take him to the illusion space for a walk again?


The author has something to say:

Meow~>▽< Thank you for the reminder of the "why be so busy" reward~|. ・ᄌ・)っ ♡ Thank you for the milk tea, love letters, likes and power generation with love ~ Meow ~ Σ (TωT) efforts--

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