"Hokage-sama, I'm sure as the head of the Uchiha clan that this matter will definitely not work!"

Sasuke suddenly thought of the new patriarch of the Hyuga clan who suddenly became angry, and at this time, since 'she' was proposed as a shinobi and it didn't work, then it would be better to give himself another identity.

"Uh... Since it is the Uchiha patriarch who has a request, then this document will be invalidated, Uchiha Itachi will only be a member of the Uchiha clan in the future, and when the identity of the upper ninja will be restored, it will be decided by the Uchiha patriarch! "

With such a good reason in front of you, how could Bo Feng Shuimen let it go.

Directly when everyone else was staring, he simply tore up the document in his hand and announced the result with certainty.

"The Uchiha clan has been wiped out, where did the patriarch come from..."

Zhuan Koharu sat on the side, watching these people make a decision without asking their opinions at all, and raised his hand to slap the table.

"When did the Uchiha disappear? It was just the death of the clan, and as long as Konoha is still there, the Uchiha clan will live on forever! "

Senju Pillar didn't want to make a sound, he was dragged by that guy to be a therapist all night last night, and he hasn't recovered yet.

And last night, he also confirmed that if that guy's injury was treated outside the illusion space, although it would heal a little faster, his consumption would have increased many times compared to that in the illusion space.

At this time, he came over to go through the motions, but some people had to disturb him, and sure enough, there was no need to keep these elders or something, so let the door find a few charges and clean it up.

"Big brother, just listen, the Uchiha family will definitely not disappear..."

Senju frowned on the side, knowing that the three words of Uchiha were his brother's taboo.

But this kid actually claims to be the patriarch of the Uchiha clan?

This seems to be a little too much, just such a little strength, can you be the head of the Uchiha clan?

"Sasuke, I have time to look for your Uchiha family's weapons, I don't know where to throw it by that guy Madara, since you are the patriarch, go and find it back..."

Of course, this kind of thing, he can only talk to Fei Yu.

"I'll go find it, thanks for the reminder!"

The goal had been achieved, and Sasuke thanked Tsuruma before returning to the side to stand.

But this Uchiha's weapon....

It may be really hard to find, but since it exists, he can't let Uchiha's weapons wander out.

"Then the next thing is the follow-up treatment

of the ape flying sun, after our intelligence, although Asma is a father and son relationship with him, but he is not involved..."About the aftermath of the ape flying sun, and the review of the descendants has soon had a result, at present, the ape flying Asma is on a mission, and after the emergency recall, he also rushed back to Konoha this morning, but he is still being tried in the shadows.

Of course, under the operation of some elders, for now, he is left there to ask some simple questions, and it will not be Senai Bihi's turn.

Anyway, the final result, whether it is the truth or what, the current ape flying Asma was found not guilty.

Konohamaru is still young, except for being picked up by Asma in the future, like ordinary ninja children, at most, he will suffer some verbal harm among his classmates at school.

Probably, it's a bit similar to Naruto at the beginning, but Naruto didn't have an uncle who could protect him at the beginning.

"Next is the list of members who have sent other ninja villages, and the members who have been set up so far are Toba Kazama, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hachiki, and... The second generation of Hokage Senjuma-sama! "

Bo Feng Shuimen felt a headache when he looked at this list.

His baby girl wants to follow, which is normal, and he can gain more knowledge when he goes out, but the second generation Hokage-sama is going to make a lot of fun.

This one went out for a walk, and it is estimated that there will be several times more enemies in Konoha.

"Then the position of the captain is..."

Kakashi glanced at the Bo Feng Shui Gate with some confusion, and looked forward to handing over the captain's position to Lord Kasuma, and he definitely couldn't afford to take such a group of guys out.

"Kakashi-sama definitely can't be the captain, and neither can you, Kakashi, so we handed over the captain's position to Nara Shikamaru, and I think he should be able to handle this..."

The position of the captain has to be thought about and made at a critical moment, but it is clear that neither Kakashi nor Kasuma can handle things rationally.

"Four generations of Hokage-sama, I should be the weakest in this team, right?"

Shikamaru only felt that his head hurt, with such a group of people, could he not be this newly promoted Zhongnin?

Any one of these teams can abuse him single-handedly, and when the time comes, he will not lead people out of the task, but to serve this group of masters, right?

"If you are indeed the weakest in terms of combat power, so your task is to be this captain..."

Mizuto, who was wearing a Hokage robe, was a little embarrassed, and he told the truth directly.

"I—I see..."

Shikamaru, who was hit, took a step back and accepted the result.

Sure enough, he was only asked to join because there was a lack of a captain here...

Obviously, he was about to collapse when he was hit, but he actually felt a little like laughing, although it would be very troublesome along the way, but he could look forward to the trouble for the first time.

After all, his task is to be the captain, and it would be good to follow and watch the show at other times!

"Okay, let's talk about the rest later, we don't have to eat, but we can't continue to delay your time..."

He also had to go home and help Kushina clean up the house, although they didn't need to sleep, but home was indispensable, and it was not appropriate for Naruto to always live in the Uchiha's house.

"We're going to eat something... By the way, how about we go to eat ramen, I haven't been to Ichiraku ramen in a long time! "

When Naruto walked out of the Hokage building, he was still struggling with the question of what to eat.

She was taken by Kushina to see her new home last night, and the Uchiha family has a new person back...

It seems that Fei Yu's future residence will have to be adjusted....

At first, Naruto thought it was just revenge, and nothing else would change, but she suddenly found that her daily life seemed to be changed.

If it was before, now you can hold Fei Yu's arm, let Fei Yu cook when you get home, and ask what you want to eat...

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