"Actually... Actually, it's okay, after all, it's also an iconic statue..."

Fei Yu reached out and hugged Xiao Hei in his arms, and walked around the statue, although it was a little too big, it was still very similar.

"Uncle Ben doesn't like to be watched, I thought that bastard was going to make a small one and put it in your bedroom, but he actually..."

It's mysterious, right, but Orochimaru is that stupid!

Sure enough, that guy has been too idle lately!

"The statue is indeed a little bigger, but it is not out of place compared to the pattern here, Fei Yu, you can first see what is not suitable for the construction of these houses, big brother, he went to clean up the backyard, if it is not suitable, let him change it again..."

But the problem of this statue is not important, now it is the construction of houses, he still doesn't understand, why his eldest brother is suddenly so diligent.

Even if you build a house for that stinky boy to live in, you can directly build a complex of buildings with staggered courtyards.

"This was built by the first Hokage-sama?"

When it came to building a house, everyone habitually thought of Yamato, and no one thought that there could be any other possibility.

So when they looked at Senju at this time, whether it was Kakashi or Naruto, they were a little dumbfounded.

"There's nothing out of place, I feel like the aesthetics of Lord Pillar are pretty good!"

Fei Yu glanced at the small buildings that were scattered, this one was indeed very good, and it directly made him one step in place in the future.

If I'm not mistaken, there is also a residence prepared for himself by the Thousand Hands Pillar, and the sign of the Thousand Hands Clan in the courtyard near the gate is really obvious.

There is also an Uchiha fan logo next to that courtyard...


Do you want to think about someone anytime and anywhere, that guy won't be resurrected for a while!

Fortunately, these are only two of the courtyards, and the others have not seen any other signs yet.

"Count your kid acquaintance, the main courtyard is yours, and now the one with the mark is the master, what kind of logo mark you want, you can prepare it yourself, this is not for Sasuke, if you want a yard, you can choose it yourself..."

But this courtyard is only for him to live, and Kazuma and Tsunade still have to live in the house prepared by the village.

Although there is a bit of a gap in age, he doesn't want his younger brother and granddaughter to be targeted by some people...

After all, even he was worried about that guy who was definitely undisciplined!

"The Uchiha logo... Tsuruma-sama didn't want to leave this room to a masked man, right?

Sasuke looked around, but finally fixed his eyes on the fan logo.

There are only two brothers left in the Uchiha family, and the mask guy, so if they don't let them live, it must be...

"Masked man? The guy I'm talking about, even if he's disfigured, can't wear a mask..."

Senjutsu decided to wait and ask the guy who the masked man was referring to.

"He seems to be Madara Uchiha..."

, though skeptical, Sasuke added again.

That guy calls himself Madara Uchiha, and it seems that there is indeed a big problem.


Hearing that someone was pretending to be Madara Uchiha, Senju Pillar was furious in an instant.

No matter who the masked man is, he will never allow anyone to use Madara's name!

"It's just an Uchiha junior, you were tired just now, go back and rest first..."

The adult flying feather walked out of the courtyard with the mark of the Thousand Hands Clan, grabbed the arm between the pillars and took the person back directly.

And that tone, that attitude....

And the calm that followed the sudden comfort of the pillars...

It all made Qianshou look dumbfounded, and even a faint sense of strangeness emerged, and his brother seemed to have become a little different.

But what it is, he can't say.

"Senpai Senpai, is there a special kitchen here, you know that I like to cook, and the seniors in the pillar room shouldn't miss this part, right?"

Fei Yu watched the pillar being taken away by his own body, and did not continue to delay, and quickly walked forward with Xiao Hei in his arms.

"Right here, it's a pity that I'm already a dead man, otherwise I would definitely want to try your kid's cooking, but I've heard them say that your cooking skills are much, much better than those professional chefs..."

His brother also said when he was building the kitchen before, and he didn't know if he would have a chance to taste it once after it was built in the future.

At that time, he just told the truth, it was absolutely impossible...

As a result, he was beaten by his brother.

"I'll prepare a body for you to use in the future, it's not difficult to eat something delicious, if you don't like the newborn body, how about resurrecting you now?"

Fei Yu looked at the spacious kitchen and the dining room that was divided into several areas...

Sure enough, I know him very well...

It's just that it suddenly occurred to him that he seems to have a reincarnation eye that has been copied, otherwise...


"Wait, wait! What's the situation with your eyes, aren't you writing wheel

eyes, you eyes..."When he looked at Fei Yu with a thousand hands, he knew that this little ghost was strange, but at this time his eyes became circles...

Could it be the legendary eye of reincarnation?

"Fei Yu, can you really resurrect people?"

Sasuke's eyes suddenly widened with excitement, and she remembered her parents...

If she can be resurrected, does that mean that 'she' can no longer hold grudges against her brother?

Although the clansmen are also very important, they are not close relatives, they are not vital beings in their hearts, and they will always be diluted.

"I don't know how many people can be resurrected, but the pupil technique of this reincarnation eye should be possible, just resurrect a few people at a time...

It is possible to reincarnate a person first and then try, but this matter needs to be cooperated by Orochimaru, because at present, the part of the reincarnation of the filthy earth can only be done by him. "

Fei Yu has always really forgotten that he still has double reincarnation eyes, and if he can really be resurrected, then many things seem to become more interesting.

"Orochimaru... I'm going to Otoshinobi Village now, my parents' bodies are still there, brother, you go with me, I want to bring my parents back to life! "

Sasuke doesn't want to wait, he has to leave the village in two days, if he can bring his parents back to life, then no matter where she goes, there will be family waiting for her to come back.


The author has something to say:

Meow ~ >▽ < Meow actually slept all afternoon, continue to continue, wait for another chapter, and send it ~~~ by the way, ask for a reward to feed the meow o(=·ω·=)m

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