"Trouble? Where did your shadow clone practice before? The

Thousand Hands stood up, and when he came to Fei Yu's side, he raised his hand and put it on his shoulder.

Mu Dun's chakra poured out along his palm in an instant, and this situation turned out to be a full body examination for Fei Yu.

"Wet Bone Forest..."

Fei Yu opened his mouth a little helplessly, he knew that the pillar would react strongly, this guy was really taken crooked by him.

"The helper he got you was a slug immortal?"

Hearing that place, Senju Pillar understood.

No wonder it is said that there is no need to worry about vitality, this is directly inviting the immortal of the Wet Bone Forest to come out as a backing.

That's really something that guy can do.

"Probably only the slug immortals can, then now that the people have arrived, let's find a place to try the effect, but you can't be resurrected by the predecessors of the pillars, will this hurt you too much?"

Moving his body, Fei Yu turned his head to look at the pillars, and suddenly felt that he was too bullying.

Let this guy watch the other people who have been reincarnated from the filthy earth come back to life, and he will continue to look like this.

"It's okay, that guy has already prepared me for the follow-up resurrection, even if you don't need my help, I'm not going to resurrect directly this time, it's good now."

Thinking that the guy said that he would be resurrected in a special way in the future, Tsuruma has no idea about being left alone now.

And this way of resurrection, it should be that the more people, the greater the consumption....

In this case, don't let this kid be tired, in case he is tired, who knows if the guy who grows up will have to pay any price.

"Go and take Uncle Watergate and Aunt Kushinai together, let's go... Let's go to the Valley of the End, there are not many people going to that place, and even if something goes wrong, there won't be too much trouble. After

thinking about the area near Konoha, Fei Yu finally chose a place that was more familiar in the plot.

The Valley of the End....

Originally, Sasuke and Naruto were supposed to fight here, but now...

Let's go to a resurrection together, and by the way, you can also bring kitchen utensils and tableware to have a happy dinner....

"The Valley of the End?"

Everyone is familiar with this place, but it is because it is familiar, so after Fei Yu finished speaking, everyone looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar with a little confusion.

Go to the place where he fought his last battle, and resurrect others and ignore him....

Wouldn't that be too much?

"Let's go, let's go over and get ready first, Naruto, you take them over quickly."

Patting Naruto on the shoulder, Fei Yu turned around and walked straight towards the Valley of the End.

The art of reincarnation....

It's hard to say what will happen after this technique is performed.


'Xiao Hei, can you please stop being so obscene, didn't you say that you will bring clothes after resurrection?' Fei

Yu walked slowly on the road, this speed made the others look helpless, but he was actually quietly communicating with Xiao Hei.

It's all out of the village, and Xiao Hei even told him that he needs to prepare clothes, because in fact, after being turned into a living person, the clothes that were originally reincarnated in the dirt will be turned into smoke and dust to dissipate.

It would have been nice if it was just a group of men, but now there are two women here, and there are girls watching...

The system is really pitted!

"That's the original plot, it has nothing to do with me, I just suddenly remembered that when I was resurrected, I guided the life force and chakra to reshape the body according to the soul, and I had never heard of someone who could reshape clothes..."

Xiao Hei laughed distorted in the system space, it really suddenly remembered, so this time remind its host.

If it really wants to do bad, it must wait until it happens, so for the sake of the host now!

"I know, I'll let them prepare..."'

Stopping, Fei Yu stood in place and looked up at the sky, his eyes revealing a bit of sadness.

How was he going to talk to them and get them back to prepare the ladies' suits?

"What's wrong? Did you think of something inappropriate, if there is anything missing, just wait for a while..."

Senju Pillar stretched out his hand, grabbed Fei Yu's shoulder and stood in front of him.

With this sudden melancholy expression, he couldn't help but think about it.

What can bring sorrow to this stinky boy is probably that the guy has an accident again.

"I just had a problem that came to mind, critical, troublesome, and... It's a little embarrassing.

Fei Yu showed an innocent and tangled expression, turned to lean on the pillar's body, and looked at the five filthy earth reincarnators.

Now that Bo Feng Shuimen and Jiu Sinai have just caught up, the couple still don't understand what this is all about, only that Fei Yu seems to have a way to make them into living people.

"It's okay, Feiyu, you just say it directly, although you want to live again, but it's not necessary, if you have difficulties, don't be persistent, mom just wants to watch you grow up well, and then live happily together after getting married..."

She really doesn't think it has much to do with it, she has died anyway, and at this time it's just to maintain the status quo.

"No, it's not that there's trouble with that, but... Instead, it may take a few more people to go back and buy some clothes to bring, I just remembered that the resurrection is the body, and the clothes are dust and condensation, so it is impossible to preserve, so this is a little embarrassing..."

Fei Yu used a tangled expression, and his gaze swept over the bodies of these five.

Whether it is a man or a woman, this dress is a must.

"It's really troublesome, or... Watergate, go back and buy me clothes, buy a few more sets!

Jiu Sinai turned his head to stare at the water gate, buying clothes for his daughter-in-law or something, he was sure he could.

"Then I'll go back and buy it, Senior Fuyue, I'll take you back with me, and let Jiu Sinai and the others wait here."

Bo Feng Shuimen didn't feel anything wrong at all about going back to buy a full set of clothes for his daughter-in-law, but he wanted to take Uchiha Fugaku back with the Flying Thunder God, but found that Uchiha Fugaku's expression was a little embarrassed.

Because although they have been married for many years, Uchiha Fugaku has never bought clothes for Mikoto.

"Let's go back together, the second Hokage-sama should need to go back too, right?"

Can't just say that he doesn't know how to buy it, Uchiha Fugaku can only bring a thousand hands in his words.

"I don't have to go back, I've already prepared a lot of clothes and other things, but there are no women."

Senju unceremoniously punctured Uchiha Fugaku's hopes, he has a lot of other things here besides clothes, so clothes are just habitually prepared with him.

It's like these guys, at this time, they even need to bother with this.

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