"I slept so comfortably..."

Fei Yu woke up at noon the next day.

But when he felt one of the hands on his body, he was stunned for a moment.

That location, it seems....

"Pillar-senpai, can you tell me what this is doing?"

His eyes widened, and Fei Yu looked at the Thousand Hands Pillar who was smiling at him, and always felt that it was appropriate to beat him up at this time.

The hand in the quilt is really excessive!

"This hurts... Didn't you always know? Reaching

out for the quilt between the Thousand Hands Pillar, a scar stretched from the shoulder to the waist on Fei Yu's body.

This is the scar that exists on the body of the adult Fei Yu, yesterday after taking Fei Yu to the upstairs bedroom, the pillar just took out the quilt and put the person on it, and on a whim, I wanted to see if this kid also had that scar.

Initially, after the clothes were opened, the scars did not appear.

But Zhuma felt curious, so he opened the immortal mode and started directly, and in the process of his slow treatment, this scar appeared.

"What hurt... No, isn't it?

Fei Yu looked down at his body, the hand was still on his waist, but the scar was extremely obvious...

Because there has never been, Fei Yu at this time naturally shouldn't know.

So under his horrified gaze, the hand between the Thousand Hands Pillar was raised and retracted.

"It should be the wound left by you in your previous life, pay more attention in the future, just don't let people hurt these positions..."

The Thousand Hands Pillar didn't know how to explain to Fei Yu, this kind of scar from the soul is not easy to explain too much.

But if he didn't say it, it would be a disaster if this kid didn't pay attention to being injured in this position.

With his character of doing whatever comes to mind, it is very likely that something will happen at any time.

Just like this time, because of the sentence between the doors, he thought that he could resurrect the dead, so he had to hurry up and finish it...

It really makes everyone around him worry about his freewheeling character.

"Last life? Senpai Senpai, are you sure that this wound was not left by that guy for me, and then give me a reason to continue to work hard to become stronger?

Fei Yu's finger pointed at the wound, and his attitude of not believing Tsuruma succeeded in making the first Hokage master glare.

"Believe it or not, don't be so reckless in the future, your eyes are okay, right?"

Not wanting to continue on the previous topic, Pillar looked at Fei Yu's eyes, wanting to see if his reincarnation eyes could continue to be used.

After all, it is the ability to bring the dead back to life, and there will definitely be no shortage of restrictions in this.

"I can't use it for the time being, but it's okay, I'm not used to using pupils anyway."

Fei Yu's fingers swiped over his eyes, and when he opened them again, he changed into those blood-colored eyes, but he blinked a few times, but he didn't return to the state of reincarnation eyes.

This situation reassured Pillar a little, but in fact, Fei Yu just didn't want to use it for the time being.

After all, some people have been resurrected, and he doesn't want to be thought that he can still do things back to life in the short term.

"Are you going to take a break or show off your cooking skills?"

For Fei Yu's cooking, Pillar Ma is actually quite interested, but now Fei Yu's reincarnation eye ability is no longer available.

Of course, even if it can be used, he doesn't dare to let Fei Yu use it, because if it is he who wants to resurrect, then there will be no one to provide Chakra for Fei Yu.

Once the chakra is completely extracted, what awaits the feather will inevitably be death.

"Wait and cook, but do you want to tell me about this to save the world..."

Fei Yu lifted the quilt and wanted to get out of bed, but he stopped in an instant, as if he suddenly remembered it, and stared at the pillar with strange eyes.

Save the world?

He didn't say he was responsible!

"It's not about saving the world, it's just that we have some common enemies now, and the guy said these enemies will target you, so you need to work hard to get stronger to find those enemies and get rid of them."

The Thousand Hands Pillar quickly organized words to explain the matter of saving the world, and he was quietly relieved after seeing that Fei Yu was skeptical but did not ask again.

Sure enough, there are some things that can't be said in a hurry, otherwise it will be a big trouble to explain.

That guy doesn't know what's going on, if it's okay, shouldn't he come back too?

"I'm going to keep growing, but now I'm going to cook, and your brother is still thinking about my cooking, and my future parents-in-law..."

I was stripped of my clothes when I was sleeping....

This kind of thing must not be known to Naruto, otherwise she should come up to him with grievances and let him explain.

"Feiyu, how are you feeling now, the senior in the pillar said that he would restore the chakra for you, and he never let us go over to disturb him, are you feeling better now?"

Naruto had been sitting at the top of the stairs on the first floor, and now he heard footsteps coming downstairs and jumped up and ran.

She's been waiting since yesterday, and now she can finally see people.

"Good... I'm fine, I just consumed a little bit a lot before, and now there are no other problems, wait for the food to be ready, what do you want to eat?

Hakuha reached out and hugged Naruto, her fingers tapping lightly on his shoulder.

This guy has been waiting downstairs like this, it's really easy to make people feel distressed.

"It's good that you're okay, I'm not hungry, when you recover a bit, we can go back to the village and eat barbecue..."

Naruto hugged Toba's waist and helped him downstairs.

It is true that she has not eaten all the time, but at this time, she is really reluctant to let Feiyu cook, and with that level of consumption yesterday, this body will definitely not recover in a short period of time.

"It's okay, I'm actually hungry too, wait a little bit to make something simple, then barbecue, okay?"

Giving most of the weight of her body to Naruto, Fei Yu looked at her glare, and her eyes became a little pitiful, which successfully turned Naruto's original direct denial into hesitation...

"Why don't you just watch us prepare the materials, so it should be fine, right?"

Although he doesn't like to cook, Naruto still knows a little bit about packing materials.

And now it's not just her, everyone can help.


With a helpless smile in his eyes, Fei Yu was helped downstairs and slowly walked outside, and after taking out the scroll and opening it, he handed over the task of placing the kitchen utensils to the others.

At this time, in addition to the return to the village, there are also Sasuke and Itachi looking for prey nearby.

The guy from Orochimaru went back to Otoshinobi Village directly last night, and Shikamaru was fishing by the river not far away.

So outside the house were the two newly resurrected couples, and Kakashi, who had been sitting in the tree reading the villain's book.

At this time, seeing Fei Yu take the kitchen utensils out of the scroll, Kakashi quickly came down from the tree, and without a word of nonsense, he finished skillfully stitching these things together.

The technique without pause is obviously extremely proficient, and there is no shortage of this kind of work at a glance.


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m good evening~~

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