"I'm just temporarily converting my body, I'm originally a man, so you don't have to worry about anything!"

Although Izuna was young when she died, she didn't waste her years in the Pure Land, and now she knows what it means when she looks at Naruto's eyes.

But although she has become a woman, it doesn't mean that it will always be like this, and it is impossible to rob someone else's boyfriend, this little girl's mind is completely superfluous!

"Sasuke also changed temporarily, and then it wasn't the same as me, anyway, it's better for seniors not to get too close to Fei Yu..."

Such a pitiful appearance successfully made Izumi, a guy who is a woman but actually absolutely manly, dumbfounded, and he said that he understood so much why he still let this little girl show such an expression.

This strange atmosphere stalemate lasted for a long time, until the gate opened, and Kazuma and Sasuke, as well as Shikamaru and the three siblings, returned together.

But when Sasuke saw the guy in what was clearly hers, a few inconspicuous flashes of lightning flashed in his long hair, which had just been loosened recently.

This dress was specially arranged for her to be made by her brother, who is this bastard?

"Sasuke! Next, we have an Izuna senior in the team, who is also from your Uchiha family, can you take a look and get acquainted? When

Naruto saw these people coming back, he jumped up and threw himself in front of Sasuke, reaching out to hold Sasuke's arm, so that she could see the new Uchiha clearly.

"Izumi? How is it possible, Izuna Uchiha is..."

Compared to Sasuke, who frowned, Senju's speed was faster.

Standing in front of Izumi, the excitement of the door collapsed instantly after seeing that it was a woman.

Izuna Uchiha has become a woman....

Is there anything real in this world?

All of this is a huge illusion, right?

The two little ones have changed, although he is surprised, but it has nothing to do with him, but the eldest brother said that he will become the eldest sister, and he hasn't figured out how to accept this change, now...

Toba Kazama, that bastard!

"Feiyu, you come out for me! Explain it to me and you can explain what it's all about! After

looking at it carefully for a while, Kazuma confirmed that this was really Izuna, so after stabilizing the chakra a little, he turned around and went to the kitchen to find Fei Yu to give him an explanation.

"It's so strange, why is Uncle Kasama more excited than this Senna-senpai?"

Naruto leaned on Sasuke's shoulder and shook Sasuke's arm a few times, asking her to help think about what it would be.

After all, the one who was transformed seems to have accepted it, doesn't it?

"Probably... Kazuma-senpai and this Izumi-senpai have a relationship that we can't understand for the time being..."

Sasuke's original anger has long since dissipated, and she now knows who this is.

But because she knew, she really wanted to see the next development, this one died in the hands of a thousand hands, and now she is back....

How will it take revenge?

After all, as an Uchiha, Sasuke knows very well the genes in his own bloodline, and if he doesn't retaliate on the premise of having a grudge, it is absolutely impossible!

Just like this hair that doesn't go well even if it grows longer, this one will never let go of the enemy who killed him just because he died once.

"Shut up! Fei Yu, I'll have lunch later today, you can explain it to me now!

Kazuma glared angrily at Sasuke and Naruto, then turned his head to continue staring at the flying feather in the kitchen who didn't seem to be going to deal with him.

Some things must be made clear, he just can't bear it anymore...

"I asked just now, it's because of some operation mistakes, and it will change back in a few days..."

Fei Yu himself was also very helpless, he confirmed with Xiao Hei a few times before, until he said that he wanted to tease the cat stick, Xiao Hei finally explained.

This turned out to be just a prank by Xiao Hei.

Actually, it wasn't a prank, it was just an experiment, but it was clear that the experiment was unsuccessful.

The soul of Uchiha Izuna is male, and his own consciousness is extremely firm, and he is not as casual as Tsuruma or Naruto in terms of gender, so the changes in his body do not represent the soul.

Since it is a failure, it will naturally change back soon.

However, Fei Yu is also clear about one thing now, that is, Xiao Hei, a pit goods, seems to be tossing some kind of pit experiment, and I don't know who the target is targeting...

"You mean, in a few days I'll be back to a normal man's body?"

Izuna listened to Fei Yu's words, and he actually didn't believe much at this time, but if he could turn back to normal, he didn't seem to have to prepare for when he would die.

"It's only going to take a few days, so you pay more attention to yourself, and if there's any problem, tell me, that guy's reincarnation eye is damaged, that's why this kind of thing happened..."

Fei Yu put the lid on the pot and sighed helplessly when he looked back at Izuna.

Xiao Hei didn't even tell him in advance, and now he has to continue to make the reason convincing.

"Damage to the eye of reincarnation? You also have the eye of reincarnation, right? "

It's a little vague about Fei Yu's words, but Izumi really believes it.

Because the door has been resurrected, and the cost of resurrection is bound to be not small, so a person's reincarnation eye has been used by two identities, and it is good not to ask for that guy's life.

But he still doesn't understand, why does this guy have two identities, can he really come from the future?

His own writing wheel eye can see through everything, but now he can't see through the cause and effect between these two flying feathers.

"My reincarnation eye has been used before, and they can't use it anymore after resurrecting the predecessors in the door, but I don't know who that guy's reincarnation eye is for, but he said that it can barely be used at present, but the effect may be unexpected..."

It's just that people who are familiar with Fei Yu's writing wheel eyes have found that in his eyes at this moment, the original three magatama have changed.

"How many hooks do you have in this writing wheel?"

Izumi also saw that this guy's writing wheel eyes are not normal at all, no wonder that guy told him at the time that he was barely an Uchiha, which is obviously crooked!

I saw it before, and it seemed that there was still a small magatama on each of the three circles, and each eye was barely a triple magata.

But now there are still three circles, and each circle has become two magatama, and there are six magatama in this one eye!

If you follow the growth of normal Uchiha eyes, this guy should become a Kugotama if he grows again, right?

"Eyes? How is this..."

A mirror appeared in Fei Yu's hand, and after seeing the change in his eyes, he himself was frightened first.

This shocked and somewhat worried expression change directly made Izumi, who wanted to ask something more, change her mind.

It's obviously the adult who is doing the trick.,This little one still seems to be completely ignorant and controlled.。

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