"I'm Airo, you can almost go back, you don't have to continue to send us, and if you send you again, you won't be able to go back tonight..."

Naruto looked at me Airo beside him with a tangled expression, and when he left Sand Hidden Village, this guy said that he was going to send them back again.

But I set off in the morning, and now I've eaten lunch, what kind of trouble is this guy going to make!

"I said when I came out that I would accompany you to the other three ninja villages to familiarize yourself with the environment outside, and when I come back, I will almost be able to take over the Kazekage..."

He just wants to follow the meal, and by the way, take a look at the situation in several other countries and ninja villages, after all, if you want to find out the news, there is no safer team than this team.

"What about her?"

Naruto's face flushed with anger, and he turned his head and pointed to his hand bow and asked again.

"I'm Shikamaru's girlfriend, and in order to prevent Shikamaru from being taken by the little girl, I need to follow him until you return to Konoha, and then go to meet the parents of the Nara family, and I also have to hand over the marriage letter, and I want to get engaged!"

Temari looked up at Naruto with her chest held high, she now had enough reason to follow.

"Then he..."

Naruto, who was in a tangled mood, pointed to Kankuro at the end.

"I'm in charge of going to Konoha with the marriage certificate to negotiate with the Nara family, and I'm already a shinobi now, so I can do this task."

Kankuro looked helpless about his sister and brother's performance, but he had too much oil paint on his face, so he didn't make people see the traces of blushing.

What a marriage book, what an observation....

Actually, it's all about a bite!

That bastard of my Airo sticks to people.,In order to prevent My Airo and Shouhe from becoming Konoha by then.,They can't come with it!

"Cut! If you want to eat, just say it!

Sasuke snorted in disgust, walked to Feiyu's side and put down the cut fruit, and didn't look at the three siblings who were embarrassed by the reason.

"I'm not just rubbing rice..."

I'm always feeling bad in front of Sasuke, because Sasuke's guy's writing wheel eyes have been getting more and more scared of Shouzuru lately.

But he didn't want to stay in the village, and now that he had such a good reason, he naturally had to come out with him.

As for the rice....

That's just one of the reasons, more of a thing that can't be said, but he has absolutely no malice.

"It tastes good, Sasuke's knife skills are getting better and better."

Toba eats the fruit while feeding Sasuke and Naruto.

As for the three sisters and brothers of Shayin over there, from the moment they followed them out of Shayin Village, he knew that they would definitely not be able to drive away.

And it's not necessary, anyway, it's not in the way, and you can create some occasional joy on the road, such as watching Shikamaru being picked up every day....

"Sasuke's sword skills are also able to cut fruits..."

Naruto was happy to eat, but she would never praise Sasuke.

"The wind will pick up in the afternoon, let's rest here today, and then continue to hurry tomorrow when the wind stops, wait for you to clean up the room, I just added two floors..."

The wind doesn't matter if it's in other places, but not in the country of the wind.

It's windy in the desert, and something might really happen.

And he happened to be going to Orochimaru to have a look, that guy...

Now it seems that the weakness is a little too much.


"Lord Orochimaru, you can't continue..."

Yakushi Dou and Jun Maro stood aside, watching as they grabbed a needle and shook it, both struggling with whether they could go over directly and control the person.

Now that this is the case, if it continues, maybe something big will happen.

But none of them have participated in the refining of these special potions, and at this time, I don't know if they really stop it, whether there will be more serious consequences.

"All out... All out!

Orochimaru's voice was hoarse and weak, he might be finished now, but the experiment had to go on.

As long as there is a slight possibility of success, he will never give up!

Before the experiment, Mr. Xiao Hei had already told him about the possible results, but he still chose to continue.

Now it's just that step, if he succeeds, he will fulfill the greatest wish in this life, if he fails...


He's not going to fail, absolutely not!

"Orochimaru-sama, you—"

Junmaru's arm was grabbed by Yakushidou, but he was genuinely worried.

Orochimaru-sama had done a lot of experiments before, but there had never been anything like this before, there was no one left except for the two of them, and the entire base was completely empty...

"Get out!"

"Get out, I'm here, he won't die..."Orochimaru's

dumbfounded roar and a helpless sigh appeared at the same time, and the figure of the adult flying feather stood directly beside Orochimaru, waving his hand at the two people at the door.


"Let's leave!"

Jun Ma Lu and Yakushi Dou watched Fei Yu appear, and quickly ran out all the way.

With this person here, they can indeed rest assured.

"My dear master, you finally remember me..."

The needle in his hand was handed to Fei Yu, and Orochimaru relaxed his body and decided to hand it over to his master for the time being.

Ever since the resurrection of the second and fourth Hokage in Konoha, Orochimaru has been busy experimenting with these genetic fusions.

After working day and night, he reduced his speed several times and finally saw success.

I thought something was wrong when Mr. Xiao Hei suddenly didn't appear, but it seems that he was looking for someone, right?

"I'll help you complete the next experiment, and all you have to do is survive..."

Fei Yu prepared the rest of the various potions and materials, and the spiritual power directly took them all out of the needle, floating in the air one by one, observing the changes of the Great Snake Pill and injecting them when needed.

Relying on various genes to reshape the body, this is not at the same level as his use of the reincarnation eye to resurrect the soul.

Resurrection only needs to be given according to the original traces, and the energy supply is sufficient to succeed.

But the new body has to be shaped, and what is needed is observation and control anytime and anywhere, which requires him and Orochimaru to control together, and at the same time pay attention to the fact that certain genes that need are not rejected....

In short, it's troublesome and dangerous.

Orochimaru was lying on the pure white bed, and as he fused a little bit, his original body was gradually decaying.

Between life and death, Orochimaru's pain is unspeakable, but he always remembers one thing, and that is....



The author has something to say:

Meow ~ >▽ Good evening < ~ Meow is here again ~ Thank you for the tips from the readers~~~|. ・ᄌ・)っ ♡ I like your yo so much~ ♪ Of course, Ah Meow will continue to ask for rewards, ask for smaller videos, and ask for favorites~~~~

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