"Good evening, everyone!" As

the space distorted, the hearty laughter of Bo Feng Shuimen sounded, and he appeared in the wooden house with Jiu Sinai in his arms.

Kakashi, who was the marker, quickly changed positions after sensing the two appearing, preventing the followers from colliding into each other.

Kakashi really didn't understand it at first, but then he was used as a fixed position again and again, and he couldn't see that he was really a fool!

As the center of the Flying Thor's centralized marking, Kakashi went from being helpless when he first knew about it, and now he slowly has a sense of mission in the bottom of his heart.

"Mom and Dad, I miss you!" Before

Kushina could be put down and stand firm, Naruto had already pounced directly.

This time the family of three hugged each other, and Shuimen had a daughter-in-law in his arms and a daughter at the same time, but he not only didn't find a place to put people down, but tightened his arms and hugged the two better.

"Naruto, Mom

misses you too!" "Dad misses you too, but why do you seem to have lost weight lately, are you too tired outside..."

The family of three directly ignored the others in place, and the joyful atmosphere successfully made the others helpless and dumbfounded.

Sure enough, it's a family with a clear mind!

" Kakashi-senpai, why did your expression become so strange, was it too surprised to see me?"

The second wave appeared with three people, and the first to say hello at this time was Yamato, who was carried in his hand.

As a mobile villa builder, Yamato's task this time is very simple, he is arranged separately by the columns, and he is responsible for building a house anytime and anywhere.

Standing on the other side of the door was the Uchiha Itachi wearing the Uchiha clan emblem trench coat and holding a scroll in his hand.

When the elder brother arrived at the place, his eyes were only on Sasuke over there, and as for the mission that came over this time...

For the time being, he probably won't be in a hurry.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of people, are there any people in the back?"

Izuna had been standing by the staircase for a long time, leaning against the wall, waiting to see who would be in the bottom of the road.

He could know the Mizuto couple over there at a glance, because they were Naruto's parents, and he still knew about Naruto's background.

Over here....

One of the Uchiha's juniors, and the other guy who was smiling silly, looked a little weird.

"Not for the time being, my brother said to send more people over, lest Fei Yu this kid have to make a move, and if there are more people, at least you can watch him..."

Although he can guess the reason, there are some things that can't be said clearly!

"Senpai Senpai, although I should call you an ancestor, but it is not appropriate for Tsuruma-sama to say it, although I don't understand it very well, but I am here to give you the clothes that the Uchiha family now commonly uses, as well as ninja equipment..."Uchiha

Itachi's gaze finally left Sasuke's side, and when he turned his head to look at Izumi, his attitude was quite respectful.

But when he talked about how the pillar had explained before, he tried hard to keep himself from laughing because he had made up some pictures in his brain.

"That's right, Izuna looks so young, it's enough to shout a senior, and besides, it's not a direct ancestor, so there's no need to be so entangled!" raised

his hand and patted Uchiha Itachi twice on the shoulder, and turned around to go outside the kitchen, avoiding Izuna's questioning eyes.

He won't tell this guy that Madara Uchiha has been cheated, and when the time comes, everyone should not worry about the issue of seniority, anyway, Izuna and Madara didn't leave any direct descendants.

"Whatever you want, what is the current Uchiha family, since you are here, tell me a little more, I don't want to believe a word of what this guy is saying so far!"

Izuna glared back at Matsuma, then turned around and walked upstairs with Uchiha Itachi.

"I'll go too!"

Sasuke was worried that something would happen, so he quickly followed with his foot.

When the Uchiha clan was wiped out, she was worried that if this Izuna-senpai knew, her brother might be in danger.

"I hope I don't have a fight later, or I'll go up and watch it?"

Leaning against the kitchen, he glanced up a little confusedly, he just suddenly didn't want to fight with Izuna like this.

Thinking about it, the Uchiha clan is also quite miserable, and there is only such a family left, and as a result, Sasuke has become a girl.

In the future, Madara Uchiha can also be resurrected, but his brother...

No, it should be said that his sister dug the pit in advance, and unless Madara Uchiha is not resurrected, the resurrection must be a woman....

At that time, Quannai is probably helpless and can only accept it, just like him.

So, the Uchiha family, it seems that this Uchiha Itachi is left!

"It's okay, Itachi's strength... In fact, his real strength is not as simple as looking thin and weak..."

Fei Yu replied to the door in the kitchen, he had discussed with Xiao Hei before, Uchiha Itachi's combat power was very strong in the original plot, but he wanted to die so he never cared about conditioning, so he was terminally ill.

Now that he is no longer sick, and it is impossible for Sasuke to let himself die, then his strength will only increase again.

And Sasuke is on the top, he won't let Izumi have much advantage in the fight, because he wants to protect Sasuke

! This is a sister who can give away her life for nothing!

"It's really not weak, but it should be a little worse than Izumi, although Izumi died early, but he hasn't been asleep in the Pure Land for so many years..."

Although there are constant fights in normal times, how can his opponent be weak!

"Actually, I've always been curious, you killed Izuna Senpai, can you be sure that there are no other problems here?"

Killing Izuna was something Kazuma had almost never suspected, as Madara Uchiha couldn't have lied to him about it.

Although he thought that it was impossible for Izuna to die, but this is the case...

"Do you remember it well, are you sure you killed it?" Fei

Yu, who continued to be busy cooking, reminded again, he was very sure of one thing anyway, that is, there must be that black absolute in this one.

But how it is, it depends on Kazuma and Izuna to understand it themselves, because what the injuries of the original battle were, the two of them are the ultimate direct owners of the memory.

"That time... I'll think about it again..."

Even though he has fought countless times, he has never dared to recall the memory of that battle.

He hated the Uchiha, and that would never change.

But this doesn't mean that he and Izumi are just enemies of life and death, especially under the premise that their brother is a friend and an enemy, the battle has always been somewhat restrained from each other.

Well, that time....


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m early~ Thank you'Kiwi Bird.✨️' for the reminder of the reward~ Thank you readers for the love letters, like and use love to generate electricity~|. ・㉨・)っ♡

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