"Don't say it so ugly, it seems that you are not familiar with humans, I can at least be regarded as a partner, there will be no shortage of delicious food and drink, you are a person who is extracted every day and does not get any benefits, after all, you are not as good as me!"

The Nine Lamas were in a good mood and returned to the front of the eight-tailed bull ghost again, and took out two peaches with a wave of his paws.

The slow enjoyment of the delicious fruit, the success of the eight tails once again has the strength to struggle, angry....

"I love Luo, do you want to help me ask, how did this stinky fox manage to be so free, I want to eat it too..."Shouhe

, who had been stimulated by the Nine Lamas since the first goodbye, finally couldn't help it, and now it looked at the aggrieved appearance of the eight-tailed cow ghost, and suddenly remembered itself.

This stinky fox is really a bastard, and he knows how to bully his own kind, traitor!

But it has to admit that it is still a little envious...

"I'll ask Naruto when the fight is over..."

I'll look at the battlefield, he'd been curious about the Nine-Tails who were eating fruit and watching the Eight-Tails struggle.

This guy....

Not much like a tailed beast, more like a psychic beast.

It's still the kind that can take the initiative to run out.,There's no ferocity and violence of tailed beasts when getting along with people.。

On the contrary, it was the nine-tails on the side of the fourth generation Hokage, which was more in line with his cognition of the tailed beast in his heart, and...

He also wanted to know, why did there be two nine-tails?

"I seem to feel that some guy is playing a bad idea, I said how are you going to fight, if you are not going to cut this bull-headed octopus monster, then let it go back, this is really ugly!"

"The Nine Lamas also had enough, at this time I felt that my Ai Luo's vision was wrong, and quickly adjusted his expression, so that this farce could be over."

As soon as he arrived here, he directly abolished most of the strength of the Eight Tails, which was enough to make Yunyin Village feel distressed and vomit blood.

As for the follow-up....

It's fun to play slowly.

After tossing it all at once, isn't it going

to be a game to be played!"Throw it back to Renzhuli, teach a lesson for the time being, if you don't have a long memory next time, you will kill it again, anyway, it's a waste that can't be bounced!"

"Quanna's complaint was very heart-wrenching, but because of his words, the eight-tailed cow ghost knew that he didn't have to die.

"It seems that it's over, do the four generations of Thunder Shadow still want to do it? The accounts between me and your Yun Ren haven't started to settle yet!"

"I'll hold a meeting of the Five Shadows on this matter, and I'll get justice with the Hokage when the time comes!" Thunder

Shadow looked at the Eight-Tails, who had returned to Kirabi's body again, and was very unwilling to be bullied like this at the door.

But although he is brave, he is definitely not a brainless reckless man.

Now that Kirabi went out, he was brutally abused after being whipped the Nine-Tails without even jumping, and at this time, even if he could do something with the

second Hokage? Just hit a person with a pillar force, let them be so ruthless, if this is to beat the second Hokage...

It is estimated that Yunyin Village is really going to finish playing!

But this matter he will let the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder come forward, and the Land of Fire will definitely be able to put pressure on Konoha at that time...

It is absolutely impossible to spare the people who have bullied Yunyin Village

!"No problem, at present, my eldest brother and our family's little granddaughter are here, by the way, the fifth generation Hokage is my eldest brother's granddaughter, if you let people go to her, pay attention to bring some gifts, after all, my eldest brother has not been able to make a move for a long time, and now when he sees someone who comes to the door, he wants to find someone to fight..."

Looking at the four generations of Thunder Shadow in front of him, his face was getting darker and darker, and he inexplicably thought of Tsunade, and sometimes he spoke a little harder, and it was really super comfortable!


That guy from Izumi Nai glared at the eight-tailed man pillar just now, wouldn't he be digging a pit again?

Sure enough, it is impossible to return the tailed beast of the other people so generously, it is worthy of being an opponent for many years, and the more I look at it, the more pleasing it

is to the eye!" "I will ask them about this matter when the Five Shadows meet! Do you want to stay for the time being, or are you going to leave when the trouble is over?"

Lei Ying wanted to drive people away directly, but he didn't dare to say this, he couldn't beat him, he didn't have the right to lose his temper now.

He couldn't even open the defense of Yunyin Village, because the two tailed beast jades just now had already destroyed several of the defense points set up in the village.

"We are here to communicate, so naturally we have to stay for a few days, but Lei Ying can rest assured that after they fight, they should not be provoked to fight again in a short period of time.

Shikamaru stood on the gate of Yunyin Village, which had long been ruined, and had destroyed so much just now, but there was no problem under the feet of their group of people.

Now that the trouble has passed, it is estimated that it will be able to calm down for a few days for a while, and some historical issues will have to be talked about at the negotiation table.

"Then please!"

the angry Thunder Shadow walked up to Kirabi in a few steps, and after carrying the people, he had to personally take the people to arrange for them to stay.

He had never felt this feeling of grievance before, and at the moment he was resentful and began to calculate, how to make Konoha pay the price!

If he could, he might have to unite with other ninja villages, such as the Tsuchikage that had just been destroyed before, and the Mizukage who would encounter trouble at any time in the future...

As for the Kazekage....

Looking at the few people in Shayin Village who ran to the side of the little girl of the nine-tailed man Zhuli, he already knew the attitude of Shayin Village.

"Naruto, Shouhe wants to change the seal of the Nine Lamas..."

I Airo walked beside Naruto, and almost made Shouhe run away with a word, although the meaning was the same, but such a straightforward inquiry...

At least everyone except Naruto had a little strange expression.

It's really, so straightforward!

"It turns out that Shouhe also wants this kind of seal, this is what Fei Yu changed for the Nine Lamas, but this shouldn't be appropriate..."

Naruto thought of the eyebrow kiss when he changed places for the Nine Lamas, I'm not a girl, and he won't be a girl...

Most importantly, she didn't want Fei Yu to do that...

That kiss is obviously only hers!

"Hmm... That can't be helped, it's good to be like this now..."

I Airo was a little disappointed when he was rejected, but he also knew that there must be many restrictions on this sealing method that can be used by tailed beasts as psychic beasts at will.

So just ask, no, you don't have to force it.

"Let's go, let's stay for a while, seal... It's not that it can't be changed, by the way, Uncle Mizumon's seal can also be replaced, there seemed to be some small problems when borrowing power before..."

Fei Yu took Naruto's hand, and looked at her little expression just now to know why she directly denied it.

It's not much of a need to be jealous or something.

Naruto's forehead was the request of Xiao Hei, and he didn't say that it would be necessary to change a seal for people in the future.


The author has something to say:

Good evening~(*^-^*).

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