"They... What about them?"

Hinata Ningji finally waited for the wooden house to dissipate, but he always felt all kinds of awkwardness when he looked at the young Feiyu in front of him.

When the three of them came, it seemed that a soul was dragged out, but now they don't even have a soul with a human being?

I'm going to find Orochimaru, it seems that there are some things to discuss, do you want to go back directly, or go with me to live in Yunyin Village for a few days, now the second Hokage and the fourth Hokage are there, and Naruto Sasuke Shikamaru them..."

Fei Yu briefly mentioned the question of where they went, and then shifted the topic to Ning Ci.

If Ning Ci wants to go back to Konoha is also very simple, the three generations have carried a lot of pots in the original way, as long as Ning Ci is willing, he can directly hand over the matter of exterminating the clan to the three generations of Hokage.

But Fei Yu looked at Ning Ci's expression and knew that he really didn't want to go back.

"I'm just a traitor, Konoha definitely can't go back, by the way, Hinata... Actually, Hinata is still good, if you give her more chances, she will still try to become what you like, she has just been scolded so much since she was a child that she can't have confidence in her heart, and she doesn't dare to express herself as she likes..."

Shaking his head, Ning Ci refused this suggestion to go back to the village.

But when he thought of the village, he thought of the little girl who would call her brother after him when she was very young.

Hinata Hinata....

A person who made him resent the Hyuga family, but the only one he couldn't hate, although he was the eldest lady of the Zong family, but that day passed...

Probably, isn't it so happy!

"Try to live, if we are all still there in the future, we will send you a wedding post when we get married!"

Fei Yu raised his hand and patted Ning Ci's shoulder, this guy is really...

Brother or something, is there really the attribute of sister control or

brother control? Of course, it's not just the elder brother, after all, there is also brother control...

Especially the two old-timers who don't change their mouths recently!

I have to fight for my brother every day....

Family affection is such a thing, and sure enough, sometimes it can be very wonderful.

"I'll live well and take care of Hinata..."

Ning Ci turned around directly after speaking, and left quickly in the direction of Yuyin Village.

People are lost, and he doesn't know if he will be suspected again when he returns.

But no matter what, he still has to go back first, I hope that some guys who like art can stay away from him this time, and they will be annoyed to death by them every day!"

"I always feel that this is a little strange..."

Fei Yu stood in place, looking at Ning Ci's disappearing back and shook his head.

But there are some things that are still in a hurry, so he still goes back to rest, and by the way, he has to study how to toss a few more times here in Yunyin Village.

According to what Yunyin Village did before, if it weren't for the fact that he had to leave some manpower to prepare for a five-shadow meeting or something like that, it would not be too much to destroy it directly.

Just as Fei Yu said hello and rested after going back, in Orochimaru's underground laboratory, Obito looked at Orochimaru's face with distortion and disbelief.

This guy....

"Orochimaru, even if you become a woman, how can you pay it back..."

Obito protected Lin behind him with a tangled face, and only felt frightened and threatened by the big snake pill who came back with a three-tailed after going out there for a while.

Orochimaru he knows, it can't be like this!

" Uchiha Obito, that guy is so annoying, he left you such a scourge... But for the sake of sending a three-tailed man pillar force, I won't be happy not to go to him, you'd better get aside now, or I'll take your soul out and reshape it together!"

Orochimaru carried the three-tailed man who was turned into the size of a palm with one hand, and raised his other hand to grab Nohara Lin in his hand.

She went to great lengths to catch the three tails, and now she is still regarded as a bad person?

really, the annoying Uchiha!

"Reshape is reshaped, I'm not afraid, but you make it clear first, what are you doing when you catch this thing, Rin is no longer a human pillar force, you..."

Obito knew that Madara would be brought back to the world, and he also knew that he would implement a special moon eye plan after catching the nine-tailed beasts.

Now if Lin is being a three-tailed human pillar force, she will be targeted by others in the future.

Although some people are very strong, but the existence of Madara Uchiha, if you really want to sneak attack the tailed beast, it is not something that a single person can stop if he is strong!

"Then it's good for you to fuse the three tails for her, anyway, I just think it's a pity to waste it, I really bothered to help you but not be appreciated... Jun Mario, prepare the materials!"

Orochimaru glanced at Obito in disgust, turned around and led them to the next door.

How could her plan be stopped, whether it was Uchiha Obito or Nohara Rin, who would fuse the three tails, was there a difference?

Her master is really good at playing, and now Nohara Lin and Obito are really inseparable anymore, even...

But I won't tell them this secret yet, let them find out for themselves when the time comes, maybe it can add a little fun

!" "Orochimaru-sama, the materials are ready!" "

Since his body recovered, Jun Maro has been working as an assistant in the laboratory, and occasionally uses some experiments that are not very problematic for his own observation.

Orochimaru once said that he didn't need it, but Jun Maro seemed to have discovered a new interest, and the research and desire for these experiments were about to surpass Yakushi's pocket.

In this regard, Orochimaru asked the reason very seriously, and Jun Ma Lu and Yakushi Dou answered very consistently.

They hope that they can catch up with Orochimaru-sama in the same direction.

However, after determining that he could not be replicated, Orochimaru could only say that they could work hard, but it would be difficult to surpass the estimate.

Because some things are not human beings can find, at least after she has half of the share, the remaining half can only be her master's.

"Wait a minute... Why does Obito have to reshape his body, he is obviously a complete body..."

After arriving at a new secret room, Nohara Rin looked at a large cultivation chamber and instantly realized that something was wrong.

Obito is obviously a living person!

" It's not

a soul to take out!" Orochimaru is now a person who doesn't talk much, and his slender fingers stretched out and directly grabbed Obito's soul.

Not only that, but she also threw Obito's body directly into the cultivation chamber.

At this point, Obito and Lin can't continue to talk nonsense.

"Now you two have to remember clearly, if you don't want each other to die, just work hard!"

Orochimaru threw the souls of the two of them into it, and the next moment a series of seals were knotted, and the entire cultivation warehouse was tightly wrapped by Mu Dun.

Next, she just hopes that the result will not disappoint!

Writing wheel eyes, Uchiha bloodline, three tails....

I hope her owner will enjoy this surprise that is about to be born!

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