"Brother, you take Mom and Dad to eat some fruit first, we have to prepare more..."

Sasuke wore a high ponytail and a long skirt with the Uchiha clan crest, and stood up and smiled after seeing his family coming.

"Sure enough, the more I look at it, the more cute it becomes!"

Uchiha Mikoto smiled at Sasuke, and led Uchiha Fugaku, who was still a little awkward, to the dining table next to him to sit down and rest.

Their youngest son has become a daughter, which is indeed a big stimulus for their couple.

In the battle a few days ago, when three beautiful girls suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the figure of the murderous slashing enemy looked very beautiful.

But during the break, they watched Itachi take Sasuke over, and at that moment as parents were only shocked.

At first, the couple was a little difficult to accept.

But looking at Sasuke's expectant eyes, although helpless, he still reached out and held the child in his arms and whispered a few words of comfort.

It's just that after returning home that day, Uchiha Fugaku directly self-retreated for more than a day, and he didn't come out until he figured it out.

But this awkward feeling is still difficult to get rid of for a while.

Fortunately, there was Naruto before, there was Orochimaru, and I Airo, who came with me this time...

There is more than one person who has transitioned to gender, and they don't have to worry about Sasuke being covered in gossip, but some people will definitely look at them with strange eyes, which can't be avoided for the time being.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do, now that everyone is nervous, you have a barbecue banquet here, will this be a little too much?"

Tsunade walked over helplessly, deciding to ask about the situation first.

She believed that these little children would mess around, but these adults certainly wouldn't just want to have fun.

"These boys and little girls are hungry, just get something to eat, and there is a lot of space here, and if there is a problem, you can go directly to battle."

Kazuma raised his hand and knocked Tsunade's head, if he could have stopped it, he wouldn't have to show up so late.

Now that he asks this question, can he tell the truth?

The truth is that he doesn't know, he doesn't know anything!

"It's not right at this time... Forget it, what you said makes sense, this place to eat, if you start fighting, you can fight directly..."

Tsunade raised his head and held his forehead, and reluctantly turned around to find a place to sit down.

She didn't ask....

As for the reason?

She saw Duan Zheng coming over with a bunch of drinks, and it was obvious that this guy was also one of the participants...

"Tsunade, you're not easy!"

Mizukage Terumi walked to Tsunade's side and sat down, looking at these people in Konoha with envy and a little sympathy for Tsunade.

As a shadow of the village, even if it is sometimes limited by advisors or elders, at least it still has absolute power on the surface.

But now, Tsunade's power in Konoha doesn't seem to be comparable to that of some children.

Although she can only look up to the combat power of some children, the majesty of the shadow of a village is really gone.

"Except for what I can't control, everything else I have to manage, when will the position of this Hokage come to an end!"

Tsunade raised his hand, took a sip of the drink that had been thrown over, and let out a helpless sigh.

There were more than a dozen in the village that she couldn't manage.

But other than that, she has to take care of everything, and there is a rule that I don't know when it will appear, and I can't replace the Hokage for three years...

It's simply....

It's so inhumane!

"This handsome guy looks so good when he laughs..."

Terumi glanced at Tsunade, and her previous sympathy was instantly gone.

Sitting in this position but trying to give way day by day?

She shouldn't have any sympathy, this guy is obviously asking for herself, and if she has the time to care about others, she might as well look at the handsome guy!

"That's my man, don't think about it, or else... I'll kill you!

Tsunade followed Terumi's eyes, only to find that this guy was staring at her lover endlessly...

"Heh, hehe..."

Terumi felt the gloomy eyes around her, and finally decided that it was better to look up at the white clouds in the sky.

She sympathized with Tsunade just now, and it was definitely a stupid thing to do after her brain pumped.

They have a handsome lover, two super strong grandfathers, and so many powerful masters in the village....

In the presence of these preconditions, where does Tsunade need any right to speak?

It is clearly protected by the masters of the village at home, and you can enjoy a good life without fighting or grabbing.

Everything is about thinking too much about yourself....

"Tsunade-sama, there's a strange person coming across the street, and according to observation, it's not the Filthy Earth Reincarnation..."

They just found a strange person, that guy is walking freely among the army of the reincarnation of the soil, and according to the speculation of several staff officers, it is likely to be the controller of the army of the reincarnation of the soil.

"It looks like I can't help it!"

Tsunade slapped the table and stood up.

"It turns out that the barbecue here is to provoke the conspirators behind it, and sure enough, we thought it was simple, worthy of the second generation Hokage and Orochimaru-sama!"

Kirabi, who was standing next to Thunder Shadow, suddenly let out a sigh of emotion, but at this time, no one paid attention to his way of rapping, but looked at it in unison.

There was Orochimaru, who was already looking for food on a plate, and the door room that hadn't reacted at all.

At this time, because of the strength of the Great Snake Pill and the fact that he had specially brought people to help before, these people not only had great respect for the Great Snake Pill, but even privately spread some...

The legend about how Orochimaru was framed and framed by a trusted teacher, but after all, he achieved the immortal with perseverance.

Therefore, except for a limited number of people in Konoha, everyone else will be honored as an adult, even Kirabi.

"If he doesn't come, he can't do it, you don't have to worry about it, have a good barbecue, you can watch it when you're full..."

This guy cuts the meat quite evenly, but it's just a little bit worse when it comes to brushing.

"Orochimaru-sama, is Fei Yu coming back?"

Shikamaru had been carried back to the village for many days, although he had always said that there was too much trouble by Fei Yu's side, but at this time, looking at Orochimaru's expression, he missed Fei Yu a little.

At that time, it was really stable!

"Almost, so you can prepare some ingredients, he might... I probably want to make something to eat for those two, after all, those two didn't have the opportunity to do this before..."

Picking up a few slices of barbecue meat and putting them on a plate, Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the two who had successfully resurrected.

Her master must be very happy in the days to come.

I just hope that there will not be a situation of being chased and beaten in the future, after all....

Mu Dun and Susa are together, and her master may have some trouble when he can't hurt anyone, right?

If there was a real chance of happening, she would have to find a place to watch the show.

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