"Seafood, Sasuke said you can't serve it to the table, but it's okay to use it as fertilizer for sea creatures after it's baked!"

Naruto stood in the air, the fire phoenix's wings flapping and fluttering towards the island.

She just looked at the fish struggling below, but there was no wind tiger around her.

"Human, water overcomes fire, you can't succeed in playing with fire here!" This

time, the pseudo-god tree fusion is an octopus, and it is a multi-stage fusion.

The face of a man, the hair of a vine with a few leaves, the body of a snake and the tail of an octopus....

At this time, the multiple fusion was standing on the water, and a protective shield made of water protected the island.

After the fire phoenix flew a few laps closer, it was only some weak fish at the beginning that were grilled into dried fish.

"Do you think the sea is all yours?"

Naruto waved his hand again, and the fire phoenix flew back again, and when he got closer, he suddenly lowered his head and pecked at the water cover, and there was an instant hole in the protective cover.

"The sea, not only the sea, but also the land of the future!" The

multi-fusion fish monster watched the fire phoenix fly in through the broken hole, not only did not panic, but showed a satisfied smile.

"Land, even the sea won't want to accept you if you don't know what it is..."

Naruto snapped his fingers as he watched the water cover regain again, and then quickly moved towards the sky.

As for why it's snapping your fingers....

She learned from Fei Yu!

"Human, you can't escape... Drop..."

Finding out that Naruto was leaving, the fish monster didn't agree.

Its purpose is to make humans feel fear, how to make this little girl who clearly seems to be the strongest among humans escape.

But before it could finish its words, its eyes widened, its eyes full of disbelief, staring at the island and the sea that were rapidly dissipating beneath its feet and fell into panic.

The islands were gone, and the waters moved away in the form of whirlpools, turning the places beneath their feet empty.

"As I said, the sea can't hold you, big barrel of garbage, die!" Naruto's

angry shout rang out far as the huge whirlpool that rose from the bottom of the water flew directly into the air.

The fire tornado fused with the Wind Tiger and the Fire Phoenix roasted these fish monsters into dried fish and cut them at the same time, and finally melted into the sea into pieces.

'Dance of the Flames, Lotus, Bloom!'

Naruto slowly opened his mouth when only the multi-fusion sea monster that was struggling to hold up his defenses was left in the fire tornado, pointing at the fire and wind in front of him, and suddenly clenched his fingers.

The high-intensity wind stagnated for a moment, and the flame broke away from the wind's wrapping and turned into a red lotus, but at this time, the red lotus was just an unbloomed bud.

The gray-white traces quickly converged on the lotus petals, turned into power, and then merged into it.

Huge lotus buds formed in the air, and news of the Thunder Country kept transmitting, and the ninjas patrolling the coastal area quickly made preparations for taking pictures and videos.

Didn't give them more time to wait, the buds moved.

Petals bloom one by one, and the fiery red color colors the sky and the sea until the lotus flower is in full bloom.

In the center of the lotus, the original multi-species combination has been transformed into a wood carving.

Now it was released, and after a gust of wind, it turned into smoke and dust and drifted towards the sea.

"Good performance, those ninjas have been recorded and passed out..."

Fei Yu reached out to catch Naruto who pounced, now that the show is over, it's time to go see the official ninja alliance.

This time, the ninja alliance was divided into two parts, and entered the sea from both sides of the Land of Thunder.

Because they had to assemble and reorganize before setting off, both of their teams had just arrived near their first target island.

Compared to the ferocity and splendor of Sasuke Naruto's shots, the battles between these ninja coalitions and low-level sea monsters have become much more normal.

But on the other hand, death and injury are being staged, and the blood color is gradually rendered on the surface of the sea, which stimulates the fighting spirit of the monsters in the sea even more.

"Lord Pillar, aren't we going to make a move?" Four

of the Five Shadows were in charge of the village, and only Thunder Shadow followed him to the sea.

It's because he can't come here, and now these things are all around the Land of Thunder...

"Go ahead, I'll wait for that immortal-level fish monster to come out. Sitting

on the deck, Pillar sighed as he watched the battle ahead.

These sea monsters made of large barrels of wood are ferocious in combat, and they are all combat training specifically for the human body.

In other words, these sea creatures at this time cannot be called fighting, they are hunting for food.

And these ninjas haven't gotten used to this way of fighting just to kill them.

"You all come with me!"

Thunderkage was distressed by the death of the ninjas, and after jumping down, he began to fight with the elite team.

With the addition of strong combat power, the death of the ninja side has become less, and the sea monster side has quickly run back to the island to report after some deaths...

"Brother, I'll go too, these guys in the sea, I think I need to take some of them back and study them, so that I can better find out what the purpose of the big barrel wood is!"

But without a message from the pillars, he could not go to war....

"Go ahead, don't scare people..."

Pillar is very clear about his younger brother, and now looking at these strange things, he must want to study them.

"Nothing scary..."

, Kazuma jumped off the deck, and after killing a few fish monsters on the surface of the sea, he didn't feel interesting, and it didn't take long for him to rush to the island with a wave of ninjas.

One by one, the water escaped from him, and one person could be stronger than a team.

And the task of the ninjas behind him has directly become to collect all kinds of materials and seal them, and when they go back after this fight, they have to study...

"It's finally out, it's my turn now!" After

seeing Kazuma being slapped away by a human-faced octopus monster, Pillar's figure disappeared from the deck and appeared behind Kazuma to catch him, not forgetting to heal his injuries before throwing him aside.


The human-faced octopus monster had not only octopus claws but also branches, and as soon as it opened its mouth, a wooden hand suddenly slapped it out and slapped it directly back to the island.

After that, he didn't need any words, and the pillar standing on the wooden man's head had already followed, and the wooden man's hands turned into huge palms, and every time he slapped it, he could distort the expression of the fish monster...

While the battle was raging here, a similar scene was happening on another large wooden test base recently, but the special fish monster there was being slashed again and again by a tall armored giant carrying a sword.

The picture is extremely ferocious, and Fei Yu and Sasuke Naruto, who were watching the battle in the air, did not forget to comment when they watched it.

This person who doesn't have many opportunities to participate in the war, and when he can occasionally make a move, he will always be a little more murderous...

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