"Forget it, if you don't understand, I'll do it directly. Seeing

Fei Duan, he was still at a loss, but Fei Yu didn't want to continue to consume with him.

The big barrel wood over there has already begun to attack, and continuing to consume it will only delay time.

His daughters-in-law are still there, what if they think something is wrong with the delay here.

"What are you doing..."

Fei Duan looked at the hand that landed on his head with a confused expression, and the next moment his immortal body suddenly fell, and only the soul was caught by Fei Yu in his hand.

Now he didn't have to doubt it to understand, the immortal attribute had been destroyed.

"You're too ruthless, if I don't come out, won't I die directly?"

Fei Duan's falling body suddenly burst out not long after sinking, and it turned out to be alive again.

And when he looked at Fei Yu, his eyes were full of anger and grievance.

"Wait, wait, who are you, that's my body..."

Fei Duan's soul looked confused, he was all here, and his body was actually bouncing up and down after resurrection?"

"Evil God, aren't you going to fuse half of your body back?

Fei Yu let go of his hand and let the evil god clean up after himself.

"Fei Duan, come back, you are another me..."The

evil god reached out and hugged Fei Duan's soul, and absorbed it back in an instant.

Because of the belief that has always been, the consciousness of Fei Duan did not have the idea of resisting, and he took the initiative to dedicate it.

But now that it's fused together, that part of the consciousness is also the evil god's own, and after the fusion is completed, I think about it again, and I suddenly feel so stupid...

"This way of believing is good, and there will be no resistance, but what's the point of you tossing around, or what are you avoiding?"

Fei Yu looked at the evil god whose eyes changed back and forth, this guy was obviously cheated by himself.

I am full of faith in myself, and now I am merging back, and I worship and look up to myself....

"You also know what the situation is now, if you don't reincarnate, you will be killed, and the result of reincarnation is still to be targeted and annihilated, what do you think I can do? At least I am still me now, not a puppet that is controlled, and I have not returned to heaven and earth after disappearing..."

The evil god glanced at Fei Yu, he didn't like this guy very much now.

But I have to say that if he doesn't want to die, he really has to cooperate with this nasty guy.

The Grim Reaper's choice is right, and if you have a relationship with a strong person, you can become the same camp.

It's a pity that he can't be the stupid god of death, he doesn't understand anything every day, and he doesn't know how he can survive the chaos that wiped out the gods at the beginning.

Moreover, he still hasn't figured out what this god of death does, only that he has been around since the day he became a god, and he has never been killed...

"So, who the hell are you hiding? It's not Big Barrel, right?" Fei

Yu looked at the angry evil god, if this guy just wanted to avoid Big Barrel, it wouldn't come to this point.

And it's clear that Otsuki didn't see him as a target.

According to the previous analysis, the reason why Otsuki locked on Indra and Asura was because these two people were related to the creation and destruction of the world.

That is, the companion god of the world, in order to control them and prevent them from returning to heaven and earth...

And those low-level gods, the big barrel wood clan really didn't seem to care much, otherwise Fei Duan, the guy who shouted evil gods every day, wouldn't have been safe and stable all the time.

So, who is he hiding

, or rather, those low-level gods, how did they die, who killed them?"

"The big barrel wood is one thing, although we are gods, there is a guy in this world, he is called the god of fate..."

The evil god sighed and slowly talked about the beginning.

That god of fate didn't exist at first, he hadn't heard of it when he became a god, and then he asked some older gods, and they didn't know it at all.

But the god of fate just appeared out of nowhere and slaughtered them.

Many of the fallen gods returned their power to heaven and earth at that time, which was normal, and the power of the gods did not disperse, and they could reunite after death.

It's just that the power is the same, but the consciousness is no longer the past.

But that time, it wasn't like that.

After being killed by the guy who claimed to be the god of fate, he clearly saw that after the power of those gods returned to heaven and earth, it was absorbed by a strange tree before there was a chance to reincarnate.

The gods, when they died, were no more, they were all part of the tree.

Except for a few who escaped and were reincarnated, the others were gone.

At that time, it was the reincarnation of the gods of creation and destruction, and their reincarnations had not yet appeared, and no one could fight against the god of fate.

What happened after that was not much different from what Fei Yu knew, but the evil god could only quietly reincarnate half of his soul, and his power did not dare to pass it on.

In order not to let himself die too easily and consume his divine power, he simply made an immortal identity, passed it on from generation to generation, and then had the legend and belief of the immortal evil god.

But no one but himself has this God's favor....

"What are your plans now, stay here and deal with Otsuki with us, or go to the Pure Land and hide in the Grim Reaper?"

Fei Yu had no intention of forcing people to stay and fight, and the god of fate seemed to be very similar to something he had imagined.

If so, then it doesn't make much sense for the evil gods to stay.

"Who do you look down on? Before, it was because I didn't have a choice, but now I have a choice, of course, it's to kill the big barrel of wood, although I didn't leave much ability for Fei Duan, but now I'm a god! Divine power, it's still no problem to kill some big barrel wood!" The

evil god's temper admits that he is not good, but now he is angry and he doesn't dare to be angry, because this guy in front of him has the power to not lose the original god of fate.

When there is no hope, he can only hide, and if there is hope, he naturally wants to work hard for the future.

As for the evil god or something...

Who said that the evil god can't fight the enemy, the title is evil, it's because of his name, not that he doesn't do his job!"

"Then go back, don't be so ruthless at first, give the ninja alliance a little chance to play, and when the later powerhouses of Otsuki appear, there will be no chance for them to do it." "

For another god on his side who is not sure whether he is reliable or not, Fei Yu is worried now that he is too anxious to make a move.

If the opportunity for the ninja alliance to make a move is completely cut off, it will be a devastating blow to the ninja world.

The god of fate....

He probably knows who the ultimate enemy is, but now let's take it step by step!


-The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m thanks to 'Kiwi.✨️' for the gifts such as Bo Bo milk tea ~~ Thank you for your support from the readers, Meow will continue to work hard --

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