"It still takes some time, don't stay here now, Sound and Shadow should still have spare weapons, let's go to the battlefield to try the effect..."

Besides, these big barrels of wood are too rampant to kill those who are too strong, but these are said to be defective, you can still try them!"

Yakushidou looked at the few shadows who were eager to try, and in a good mood, he commanded Shui Yue to hurry up and bring over the few weapons he had prepared before.

"I don't need it, Orochimaru has already brought what I can use before, you can choose the right one for yourself.

I rose from her position, and a piece of golden sand flew out of the gourd behind her.

This golden sand is a mixture of sand specially made by Orochimaru, which is extremely toxic and specially modified for large barrels.

The resilience of the big barrel wood clan is very strong, but her golden sand has caused damage, and it is normal to reduce the resilience, if it is used smoothly, it can also make those woods die directly!

"It has to do with it, it's different, Kazekage, you run on both sides, it seems that the benefits are still great!" Mizukage

Terumi suddenly sighed when she looked at my Airo, she had complained to others before that I Airo gave up so much for love.

But now it seems that people are also quite profitable, at least there are some special items, people can not only get a unique copy, but also know in advance.

Even the special weapon that has not yet come out of the experiment, Orochimaru has prepared it early...

It's really a family's treatment!

" Well, there are a lot of benefits, but Mizukage doesn't have to worry about it, Fei Yu has already said that he won't let people in the door again, and Mizukage's age is not high or low, so it's not suitable. "

I've been dealing with other shadows a lot in the past two years, and I need to manage the village and so on.

But her style of choking people half to death with one sentence has not changed much so far.

"Cut... That's just a man that my sister doesn't look down on.,To talk about age... That person who can marry someone more than a hundred years ago, I am in the prime of life now, why

is it that the age is not appropriate?" Mizukage Terumi glared at my Airo, she also sighed sourly, and didn't she really care about that flowery boy, as for directly using her age to hit her?

Besides, it's not that no one likes her, it's just that she hasn't found a suitable person to marry at the moment

! Sooner or later, she will definitely get married!

"So it's not appropriate to say that you're not high or low, the older you can't compare to the strength, and the younger you can't compare to the age, but it's also normal, as long as you don't be so irritable, you can still get married..."

It's too irritable and no one dares to marry, so if you want to marry, adjust it a little, don't spray magma at every turn, otherwise who can stand it...

"You... Kazekage, don't think you're amazing, you're just a sand player, if you want to be irritable, you're no worse than me!" "

The fact that she couldn't marry was a hard wound for Mizukage Terumi, and now that I Airo said it so bluntly, she felt entangled again.

Gentle or something....

She's just so irritable, why should she change it, she won't change it!

"Several, the weapon is here, please pick a handy one..."

The medicine master looked at the conversation between the wind shadow and the water shadow with a black line on his face, and hurried to stand up and remind him when the water moon brought the weapon over.

He knows a lot about the situation of this wind shadow I love Luo, and he went to study in the sound ninja village for a period of time before, and at that time, there was a lot of trouble, and even Jun Malu, a good-natured guy, was so angry that he jumped.

But I love a lot of what I say, and when she says it, she just tells the truth, or asks if she doesn't understand...

Staying naturally or something, not ordinary people can bear.

Because of this, Lord Orochimaru admires me very much.

In Orochimaru-sama's words, Iairo is the third cutie after Naruto and Sasuke to change the atmosphere from dull to joyful.

But it's not that there haven't been good changes at all, for example, Bai was very entangled at the beginning, and after I Airo said two words, he blushed and went directly to Lord Orochimaru to ask for a medicine that converts yin and yang.

It was Bai who had been hesitating for nearly a year, and he made a decision within two sentences of my Airo, and Yakushi Dou also said that he was really stunned.

"Let's go, it's been a long time since I've used

a knife..."Kakashi reached for the pleasing looking short knife, he had used his father's knife, but unfortunately it shattered...

But when it comes to weapons, the dagger is still his favorite.

The Hokage chose them all, and the others didn't delay, they each picked the one they picked and rushed into the battlefield together.

After all, this weapon is specially crafted, and after several Kage came to the battlefield and killed a large barrel of wood defectively, the morale of the ninjas on the battlefield increased greatly.

The rest of the battle continued, after slashing most of the white slabs that appeared this time, and destroying dozens of large wooden remnants...

Madara also managed to destroy two full-fledged large barrels of wood in an attack.

The remaining three, seeing their companion's death, quickly retreated after glancing at each other, retreating back to the perimeter of the teleportation array to defend.

"Truce, everyone is tired, give them a chance to continue teleporting, we also need to prepare again..."

Pillar appeared next to Madara, and the two stood in front of the army to block the ninja alliance that was still trying to rush over.

At this time, the battle has already begun, and there is no need to change the battlefield.

Once the location is changed, the spread of the battlefield will only destroy the new area.

So both sides are prepared, and the next thing is to find a way to kill more big barrels, slowly wear down the combat power, and wait for the final battle to come.

"All the wounded are sent to the village, there is a medical area prepared there, hurry up!" "

The cleanup on the battlefield is brutal, even if there are slugs who have been following the ninja coalition for treatment, but some people are not given a chance to be treated at all when they die.

The whole or mutilated corpses were collected and brought back, and gradually only the corpses of Bai Jue and some half-finished large barrels of wood were left on the battlefield.

"You all go back and rest, and Feiduan comes over to help. "

The flying feather that had been on the watchtower appeared on the battlefield, looking at the white jue who were about to transform into trees, and beckoned the evil god to come and prepare for energy recovery.

Since the original big barrel wood was transformed by devouring the power of the world, it is time to return it now!

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