"What's so good about being a human being, the one who found me when you were still alive Mother, told me that if you want to be immortal forever, you must completely integrate your power, that is, become a real big barrel wood, but you won't give me the sacred tree in the end..."

When he was told that he could become a god who could become immortal, he was excited and worried for a long time.

He thought that as long as his mother gave him the power, and then transferred the sacred tree to him, then he would become a god and take good care of his mother.

But who knew that my mother was bent on using the Divine Tree to create an army, what was the use of those white army, it was just a group of puppets, and it was impossible to deal with the army of the big barrel.

In the end, he couldn't get what he wanted naturally, so he could only choose to let Hamura shoot with him, seal his mother and then slowly extract his strength.

Later, after being tricked by him into going to the moon, Hamura was a little lacking in strength after extraction, and he set up a lot of secrets on the moon so that Hamura's descendants could continue to provide him with energy.

At the same time, it is also possible to maintain the extraction of the power of the Divine Tree.

The ten tails that the Divine Tree has turned into, and the power has also been divided into nine parts by him, just waiting for the future, when everything is successfully completed, he can let his mother also become the power of the Divine Tree, and then merge with the Divine Tree...

As long as this is done, he will be the absolute big barrel wood complete body, and now there is only one last step left, which is to reunite the nine-tailed beasts, and the mother will be resurrected and sealed as a ten-tailed human pillar force...

It's just a step away, but there are saboteurs.

Not only did this plan fail, but even the two gods who had been weakened a little bit and were about to die

out broke free! Isn't that what he said at the beginning, isn't that the one in control of

fate? Why, fate will also change, he is obviously destined to become a god!

"God? I killed all the original gods, and you actually want to become a god?"

It was the first time that Kaguya knew her son's purpose.

When she came here with the Divine Tree, the Divine Tree began to devour the power of this world after it took root, but those gods would definitely not be willing.

Therefore, the gods at that time, as long as they were close to the sacred tree, almost none of them could leave alive.

But she never expected that the son she gave birth to would be prepared to become a god in this world after so many calculations?

If it really succeeded as he said, it would only be the nutrients for the divine tree.

The sacred tree and the gods of this world are completely opposites, and they can directly erase and devour each other.

"Mother, don't laugh, you were so weak before you swallowed the fruit of the Divine Tree, how could you kill the gods..."

The big wooden feather coat sitting on the ground shook his head, he wouldn't believe it.

In his impression, the mother was very weak and weak....

"My weakness is due to the fact that all my strength is in the Divine Tree, if it weren't for the two of you brothers, I would have fused with the Divine Tree a long time ago, instead of being a human pillar force...

It's a pity that you make me sad too much, your strength is given by me, but you use the power of the same origin to do it with me..."

Otsuki Kaguya looked sad and desperate, she didn't know if she wanted to regret it, but she was sure that there would be no chance to regret it.

"So, can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

the big barrel wooden house man lay on the ground weakly, listening to the two of his ancestor level accusing each other like this.

With a blank face, he didn't understand why so many things had happened, his plan had not yet had time to prepare, why was the moon gone?

He still had to marry the white-eyed princess and go home, and he had to find a pair of suitable eyes to evolve himself, but he hadn't done anything yet...

"A disabled descendant, Yucun can only leave such a useless inheritor in the end..."

The big barrel of wooden feather clothes looked at it, and there was only one waste left who was disgusted and didn't even have eyes, and he even thought he was amazing.

If she really has pure white eyes, she should be the purest bloodline inheritor of her mother, even if they fight back and forth, how can such a girl be such an eyeless kid who can be worried about?

It's a pity that he doesn't have the ability to break out again, even the big barrel of wood feather coat and the big barrel of wood Kaguya.

"It's not interesting, let's lock them up first.

Fei Yu kept watching from the side, but after looking at it for a while, he found that the bloodline of these big barrels of wood was no different from that of humans.

It's all about fighting for profit.

Locked up and rested for a few days, it was time for him to take a look at the world of Big Barrel Wood.

The two worlds can communicate with each other, but there can only be a big barrel of wood to invade and destroy others, but no one has yet destroyed the big barrel of wood....

It's a bit unfair, so he's going to go through this step and let the big barrel get a taste of what it's like to be destroyed.

"It's useless, even if we destroy it, it's useless, the one who wants to destroy this world is just a snap of his fingers, you will all become sacrifices sooner or later, no... It won't be long, that one will definitely come, he will definitely come here soon..."

Before being locked up, the big barrel of wooden feather suddenly looked at Fei Yu, and roared like madness.

"Don't worry, if he doesn't come to me, I will also go to him, I want to destroy this world, it's not just that he wants to be so simple, although you can't see that day, you should be able to take another look at what is called a big barrel wood.

Fei Yu waved his hand and put the three big barrels in a small cage, and after putting them away, he clapped his hands and walked home.

When some people tried to follow again, Orochimaru suddenly appeared and blocked his way.

"The upcoming battle has nothing to do with you, now your task is to live a good life after you go back, and if you need it in the future, you will send news to several major ninja villages, and now it's all gone. "

Orochimaru looked at Thunder Shadow Mizukage and Earth Shadow, these people still want to go to eat?

Don't worry about it, go home and see if the sea around your house has risen, especially those new land, I don't believe these people don't care...

"Then let's do it first, and if there is any problem, we must be informed. Thunder

Shadow quickly adjusted his state, and if he didn't let him go, he wouldn't go.

Now he really wants to stay away from Feiyu's side.

I can't understand the fear if I haven't experienced it.

The two who destroyed the moon were the ones who fought at the gate of Yunyin Village to wreak havoc.

Now it seems that they suddenly feel that they were just teasing them at all, and if this is true, the country of thunder probably doesn't exist.


The author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m Good noon~~

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