Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 711 Noah destroys the island

A fierce duel is taking place at the O'Hara ruins in the West Sea.

The sword energy and magma appeared and disappeared in the thick smoke.

The entire sea area was shaken by the turbulent aftermath, and the violent sea was a little less violent than the humanoid natural disaster at this time.

Occasionally, sword energy bursts out of the air, cutting down half of the clouds. Or cut down into the sea and set off tsunamis.

The volcano continuously erupts magma rain into the sky, completely lighting up the place above the Western Sea.

The changes in the earth's crust caused a chain reaction, causing slight vibrations throughout the plate.

There is also magma breaking through the strata on the seabed. The scorching energy continuously heats and evaporates the seawater, and the water vapor rises in this sea area.

Black smoke and various toxic gases continued to float into the sky beyond the overlord-colored dark clouds.

This world has been completely transformed into a realm that humans cannot enter.

Noah can now feel that his physical energy is draining too fast.

The domineering control that goes beyond common sense requires an extraordinary amount of mental energy, and even his will feels heavy pressure.

But if we give up this kind of domineering sword-twisting technique, the threat to Akainu will be greatly reduced, and the battle will run in a direction that we don't want to see.

Moreover, even if the distance between the door fruit and the door fruit is constantly shuttling, it does not consume a lot of physical energy. But for this frequency of shuttling several times in one second, the frequency of shuttling in this half day is more than he has in several years. Be big.

Therefore, the accumulated physical energy consumed silently has reached a very dangerous level.

His own physical strength is not as good as those physical monsters. The further you go, the greater the challenge will be for you.

But in order to be able to have destructive power, such a level of swordsmanship must be maintained.

Almost stuck in an infinite loop.

Halfway through the game, Noah was already thinking of ways to break the game.

This kind of fighting method is not what he likes, and he completely falls into the control of the enemy.

I have to say that Akainu had the advantage this time in terms of preparations for the battle.

The advantage in starting hands has been maintained until now, making many of Noah's previous strategies come to nothing.

If this doesn't work, we need to change the rhythm of the battle.

It is still unclear whether Akainu still has any backup plan, so it will be very dangerous if he continues to fight like this.

Then use the most violent way to break the situation.

Since you are going to have a life-and-death battle in a short period of time, I'm here to add some support.

Having made his decision, Noah showed a firm look in his eyes. He had been risking his life a lot along the way.

The red tide of sword energy splashed out on his sword like pen and ink.

Uh-huh! In this state, you can perform flying slashes without charging.

The pressure that He Daoyi bears on words seems to have found a channel to release floods and spurts out.

The red sword energy struck out in response.

Cutting down the meteor volcanoes and dog-eating red lotus along the way, no matter what the natural system did, it could not stop the extreme torrent of swordsmanship and rushed straight towards the figure.

It can be said that Noah, who is in an extremely domineering posture, can only fight against the top strong men such as Garp, or red-haired people with special characteristics and abilities in frontal battles.

The other top experts could no longer stop him.

In common sense, in battle, in order to ensure physical support and precise control of damage.

Generally, a swordsman's slash will naturally dissipate in the air after cutting off the target.

It was a state of complete mastery, but it was different now.

This sword energy cuts through Akainu's magma incarnation and also cuts towards the island itself.

The sword energy without any restraint swept over the island like a crescent moon.


A corner of the volcanic island was cut off, and the process was extremely smooth.

Rumble, rumble~~~~

Huge volcanic rocks fell off the island and fell into the sea. The hot rocks once again stirred up waves of water vapor.

Akainu frowned.

The opponent's current fighting style is a bit unexpected. I have never seen a top swordsman use his sword energy to such a wanton degree in a battle of the same level.

Is this still a fight, or is he actively seeking death?

Please pick someone up and there are two more swords.

While smashing Akainu's elemental double, he also cut down part of the island.

Diligently continue to destroy the island's body.

After changing the fighting form, Noah's physical energy consumption was even faster.

The large amount of high-intensity sword energy caused his physical energy to drain away like running water.

It is expected that this level of physical loss will not be able to sustain the dawn of the second day.

But such a waste of energy did not make Akainu feel relaxed, but instead made him feel a little helpless.

He is really a man who is full of tactics, and he thought of a way to deal with it so quickly.

After all, this world belongs to the sea, and the island is where they both end up.

Sakaski's volcanic magma field can also undergo elemental transfer within the scope of this island.

It's not impossible to create land with magma, but it will be more labor-saving if it relies on the foundation of the island.

Moreover, the speed of land creation will not be very fast. In this regard, we still have to wait for natural formation to form the foundation of the volcanic island.

Now that the volcanic island is being destroyed by Noah, Akainu's magma realm is also being forced to shrink.

Use human power to limit the scope of natural disasters. Forcing his elementalized area to become smaller and smaller.

I'm afraid that in the end, when there is only a short distance left, it will be the day of his death. At that time, Noah's domineering sword body will destroy everything.

It's really a terrifying fighting mentality, leaving no room for danger and forcing the enemy into a blind corner.

And he did not hesitate to erase all traces of O'Hara. Noah is indeed a ruthless person who knows how to choose.

There is nothing Akainu can do about this fighting style.

Just like he dragged Noah into this kind of physical battle, he couldn't stop even after he started it.

Even if he tried his best to prevent the other party from such behavior. Sooner or later, we will fall into a dilemma without volcanic magma.


Akainu doesn't have much fear in his heart. Since you can't wait to share life and death with me, then come on.

He absorbed the power of the magma into his fists and punched hard, and the battle escalated again.

They no longer have any scruples and no longer restrain their own power, and the aftermath is raging between heaven and earth.

The earth-shattering movements of the peerless experts could not be concealed at all.

Such visions alerted nearby islands.

Looking from a distance, the forbidden island that can no longer be found on the sea chart erupted with terrifying black smoke and deafening sounds.

It's O'Hara!

After 20 years, the old people in the village recalled the scene again.

Memories that are more real than the news in the newspapers.

The naval fleet that covered the sky and the terrifying rows of artillery that passed by the island.

There was also the flame that ignited half of the sky, and the fire of the Tree of Omniscientness burned for a whole night.

It is said that some people even heard wailing and crying. Even the boldest fishermen in that sea area still dare not approach it.

I was afraid that the ghost of O'Hara would crawl out from under the sea.

The fleet never passes there. First of all, there is nothing on the island after it received an attack that truly destroyed all life.

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