Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 783 Lao Sha filled with hatred

On several occasions, it was Ackerman's rescue efforts that brought back supplies from the two top generals.

After experiencing several life and death crises, these people calmed down instantly.

The desert giant is not only powerful, but also extremely fast.

Any punch from the behemoth will have a strong impact, and even a passing blow will cause horrific damage.

Zhu Yuan's long exposed legs were scratched with numerous blood stains. Jiaji's hat had been blown away and his head was almost shot open.

Such injuries only make them wary rather than fearful.

Even at the end of the fight, Rosinandi came up and punched and kicked him a few times, and the fight really turned into a big brawl.

Under the control of a god-level assistant like Crocodile, the battle was very dramatic.

For example, when the giant wants to catch someone, Lao Sha doesn't need to control and pull out the entire palm.

Of course he couldn't do it. Seriously, Barrett had the upper hand in control.

But it can pull out the sand with one finger with all its strength, leaving a gap for people to escape.

When a foot stepped on it, as long as some sand was removed from the joints, the giant would start to twitch like Parkinson's disease.

It's not great, it's just disgusting.

In short, under the command of Ackerman's imagination, Sand Crocodile felt that he had understood the true meaning of battle.

Turns out this is control. The chief of staff of the navy also has a bad heart.

The angry giant began to go crazy.

Barrett can't accept this stumbling fighting rhythm. This is not playing house.

That sand crocodile is really a shame among pirates, always playing dirty tricks.

Mainly it embarrassed him.

And these little fleas in the navy are too much. Two general candidates can come over and beat them up.

The golden retriever navy is barely strong. But why is that little piece of trash with white hair on the outside also jumping in the face?

This soft fist was blown away by a roar, and I was really speechless.

This does not take his reputation as the devil's heir into consideration at all.

It seems that this large bullet form is no longer suitable for this battlefield.

He was also very decisive and ruthless, so he changed his combat form.

You have to knock one person out before you can continue the duel.


A storm of sand shook off the giant and formed a desert rainstorm, sweeping away everyone on the ground.

not good!

The moment Noah lost his vision, he realized that the other party had found a solution.

So I immediately used my knowledge to target several junior navy officers, and threw away Smoker first. He was the most useless.

Then he threw Rosinandi out. In times of crisis, there was a risk of revealing his domineering nature.

Then he came to stand in front of the two general candidates, holding his weapons in front of him.

Although the possibility of attacking a weak person is very small, one cannot be careless in case he loses his mind.

So he found a suitable protective angle, and two rays of sword light began to scatter the dust rain in the sky.

On the other side, Garp also used his iron fists to disperse the sandstorm that blocked his view.

The ultimate cannon!


With a muffled sound, Noah knew something was wrong.

A figure wearing a dark green coat was hammered out from the center of the battlefield like a cannonball.

From the fleeting golden hook, we knew that Lao Sha had been retaliated by someone, and you could even see that his face was deformed by the beating.

This shows how malicious Barrett is towards the Sand Crocodile.

Only a medium-sized giant was left on the ground, almost the size of a San Juan wolf.

The opponent gave up the posture of a large bullet and fully controlled the medium-sized body, so that the control of the sand would be higher.

Forced and helpless, Barrett could only humiliatingly choose a sub-level fighting stance to restart the battle.

In this case, although the attack power is reduced a bit, the coordination is much stronger.

As a result, the situation of the candidate generals became extremely dangerous again. After almost being disabled, Noah arranged to stand on the outside. This battlefield was no longer suitable for them.

Karp and Ackerman continue to battle Giant.

The sand crocodile that was beaten out also quietly lurked back from the dunes and continued to collect sand against the medium-sized bullet.

It’s really just perseverance, anyway, today is the day to go.

Barrett, who felt the passing of sand for the first time, finally had a string in his mind snap.

The battle may not be won, but the Sand Crocodile must die!

Temporarily give up fighting these two frontal opponents, turn around and kill in a certain direction.

Come on, Lao Sha also wants to lose face. Turning around and running away is definitely not his style.

So he was once again knocked away by the full-power ultimate cannon, and the cycle started again and again.

The battle lasted for two days and two nights without stopping.

Some residents on the edge of the desert reported the visions here to the royal family of Alabasta.

I hope Lord Bell can be sent to investigate the situation, but unfortunately Lord Bell knows very well that he is there to deliver food.

There are shocking giants over there, waves of sandstorms, and terrifying loud noises from time to time.

No matter how you look at it, it is not an area that you can enter.

In the end, Kobra simply stepped forward to appease the people.

I advise everyone that it is not a big deal and continue to live peacefully.

There are no treasures or fairy tales.

The effect is still there, but there are always those who are disobedient or ambitious.

These people couldn't get anywhere before being driven back by a puff of white smoke.

The third day.

The giant's body is no longer so agile, and even the roars and wild laughter are no longer there.

It can be seen that Barrett has spent too much energy on the combined fruit.

But without the help of fruit, he was no match for these two people. This kind of battle fell into an insidious trap from the beginning.

After all, the effect of one's own combination is always destroyed by the opponent. The various properties of sand are much worse than other materials.

The decline has already been revealed under the double negative impact.

After the fight, Barrett finally realized the fact that he was not as invincible as he thought.

The delusions in the underwater prison are just delusions.

Not to mention fighting in the South China Sea to compete with the revolutionary army, or fighting in Marineland to cause trouble at the naval headquarters.

Just two people in a place like Alabasta can control themselves.


Barrett felt that he could not continue fighting like this. He had to kill the sand crocodile that had been captured for two days and two nights as soon as possible. He was the culprit who was at a disadvantage in this battle.

From now on, you will not be able to come back to this desert country even if you are beaten to death.

After fighting Garp again, Barrett completely exploded the dust on his body and released the Fusion Fruit.

What broken sand! I don’t want to play anymore!

The descendant of the devil, who was already sober after being severely beaten by society, made a decision.

Then the demon's face, which was covered in blood, looked in the direction where Kill Crocodile was standing and smiled coldly.

That kind of determination to kill the sand crocodile until the sky falls is too firm.

Laosha ran away, but Barrett, who had given up on combining tactics, would not let him go.

Devil form. Fully activated!

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