Starting from playing as a defensive midfielder for Real Madrid

Chapter 67 Use this championship to say goodbye, Forza milan!

"Sign Li Ang! Sign Li Ang! He will become the cornerstone of our midfield for the next fifteen years!"

"If Galliani let Leon eventually return to Real Madrid, he would be derelict in his job! Why didn't he include a buyout clause in the first place?"

"We can still talk to Real Madrid. It's still early before the end of the season. I believe we still have a chance to buy out Li Ang's contract directly."

"That's because you don't know Mourinho well enough. Liang is his favorite midfielder. Look at Liang's progress after coming to us. He is an absolute genius! Mourinho will never just Let him leave Real Madrid like this!”

"I can't accept this fact! Can't we renew Li Ang's lease after this season? Even if we can't buy it out, can we renew Li Ang's lease for another season?"

Milan fans, who are divided, have been quarreling over Mourinho's interview and speech on the Internet and major forums.

Milan performed very well in the first half of the league this season.

But compared with the Milan team after Li Ang joined, Milan's performance in the first half of the season can be said to be at a lower level.

Because Li Ang's arrival not only made Milan's midfield defense more outstanding and stable, but also gave Pirlo a second spring.

Looking at these two points alone, Milan has already completed nearly 30 to 40 million transfer reinforcements in the winter window.

Not to mention the tactical help Li Ang provided to Milan on the offensive end in the second half of the league.

He doesn't have many goals and assists, but all of them are crucial, and there are also those who cover the scoring of his teammates and join in the aerial battle.

Even Milan fans who are least sensitive to tactical adjustments and team strength improvements.

Now it can be clearly listed one by one, Li Ang's importance to Milan, which is seriously aging in the midfield.

And what price did Milan pay for Li Ang?

Bear half of Li Ang's salary during the loan period.

The pre-tax expenditure is just over 200,000 euros.

Even if a generous championship bonus is added, Milan will not spend more than 500,000 on Li Ang!

Yes, this is the only expenditure. In addition, Real Madrid did not even let Milan pay a cent for the rental fee.

Taking this into account, this deal cannot be described as a good deal, it is simply an incredible value for money!

That's why Milan fans, who have gradually lived a "poor life" in recent years, are so reluctant to see Li Ang leave Milan.

Such an outstanding and stable young midfielder is plug and play, his salary is low, and his talent for growth is visibly high. If he were to let go, he would really have nothing to do with Milan from now on!

On the afternoon of April 17, Milan fans holding signs that read "Don't let Li Ang go!" went to sit in protest outside the club's gate.

Li Ang only learned of the development after he drove back to his residence after training in the afternoon.

But he couldn't give any explanation to the Milan fans.

His departure is a foregone conclusion. Faced with calls from his Milan teammates, Li Ang can honestly say that he has a contract with Real Madrid and he cannot make a decision about his stay in Milan.

But facing the Rosenellis in Milan, he really couldn't say such public relations words.

In the thirty-fourth round of the league, the serious-faced Allegri led a starting lineup composed of a rotation of the first team and young players of the second team to challenge Brescia as an away game.

Allegri's expression was not very good throughout the game, and in the end Milan also lost 1-2 at Brescia's home court, breaking their unbeatable record in the second half of the league.

The next day, a reporter directly broke the news that Allegri had a meeting with senior Milan officials, but the result of the meeting was not ideal.

It is said that Allegri and Galliani even had a big fight in the conference room.

The authenticity of the news cannot be verified, but obviously, for the rest of the Italian fans who are not too concerned about watching the excitement, they don't care about the authenticity of the news, they just have fun watching it.

However, more follow-up news ultimately did not spread again from within Milan.

Perhaps only a few players in the Milan team know that Allegri is indeed on fire this time, and the quarrel with Galliani is also real.

But in the final analysis, the two of them had a quarrel because of the development of Milan in the next few seasons, but they also called and reconciled again after calming down.

Afterwards, Leon and Allegri also had a sincere conversation in the office.

Facing Uncle Jon, Li Ang felt grateful in his heart.

After all, he trusts himself and will use his coach if he is given the opportunity.

So when Uncle Jon asked, "If I need you to stay, will you be willing to stay in Milan?"

Li Ang pondered for a moment, and finally did not say anything nice to deceive Uncle Jon, but gave an honest answer.

"I would very much like to continue working for you, but sir, will you always stay at Milan? If you are no longer at Milan in a few years, then where will I go?"

Leon's answers and rhetorical questions made Allegri speechless. After a while, Allegri could only smile and shake his head in relief.

"I can't give you a clear answer, but I roughly understand what you mean. Milan is indeed not the most suitable place for your future development and growth. In other words, Serie A as a whole is not."

"sorry sir."

"No, no, you don't need to apologize to me. Your arrival helped this club regain the league championship again. Even if you are about to leave, I hope that Milan fans, Milan, and I will have a relationship with you." They gave each other beautiful and relaxing memories.”

After saying this, Allegri reached out and patted Leon's shoulder gently.

"Come on, the season is not over yet. We still have one last event to complete. Use this championship to say goodbye to us. This will also be the best farewell gift you can leave to the Milan fans."

After finishing the conversation with Allegri, Li Ang devoted himself to additional training with a more positive attitude.

He feels that Uncle Jon is right. In the last competition of the season where he can still win the championship, he must use his best performance to help Milan reach the top.

Then use this championship trophy to say a final farewell to the Milan fans.

On May 1st, in the 35th round of Serie A between Milan and Bologna, Liang made his first appearance at San Siro again.

The Milan fans at the scene also issued the most ardent and exciting slogans, asking Li Ang not to leave Milan after the end of the season.

Looking at this scene, many reporters instantly recalled the situation when Milan fans tried to retain Kaká.

At that time, Kaka was also very reluctant to bear the fans of Milan City, but for the sake of the club's finances, he finally boarded the plane to Madrid.

And now Li Ang got the nickname "New Kaka" from the Italian media when he first joined Milan.

At the call of his parent club Real Madrid, he will return to Madrid at the end of the season.

This situation happened twice in Milan in less than two years, which is indeed a bit cruel for Milan fans.

Li Ang pursed his lips and glanced at the Milan fans who were calling him fervently with complex eyes, and finally resisted the urge to wave.

The game that afternoon was not intense. Bologna was in a relatively safe position in the relegation zone. Milan was also doing more tactical exercises for the upcoming Italian Cup.

Therefore, neither team invested too much manpower on the offensive end, and the final score remained at 0-0.

The two teams shook hands and made peace, but there was a huge uproar in public opinion after the game.

All Italian media rushed to report the news about Milan fans trying to retain Liang at the San Siro.

On the evening of May 10, before the start of the second leg of the Coppa Italia semi-final between Milan and Palermo, the same scene reappeared at Palermo's home stadium, Barbera Stadium.

When the Milan fans who traveled with the team to cheer for the team, they did not forget to put up a huge banner calling on Li Ang to stay in Milan.

Li Ang, who started the game and played for 90 minutes, still left with a complicated expression after saying farewell to the fans along with his teammates.

The Milan fans who witnessed Milan's 2-0 final second leg and 3-0 victory over Palermo in both rounds to advance to the Coppa Italia final lacked a bit of excitement and excitement.

For so many days, Li Ang has clearly stated his attitude without announcing his decision through any media.

He will eventually return to Real Madrid and return to La Liga under Mourinho's call to further grow on a higher platform.

But Milan fans really can't feel any dissatisfaction with Li Ang.

In the final analysis, Li Ang's time in Milan was too short, and his performance during this short loan period was too dazzling.

The dazzling Milan fans only remember the surprises and happiness he brought them time and time again.

Therefore, after the final regret and pity, Milan fans can only force themselves to feel relieved as soon as possible.

Before the Italian Cup final begins, Serie A comes to an end.

Milan also held a grand championship celebration at the San Siro at home after the 37th round of Serie A.

On that day, the city of Milan was filled with joy, and no Milan fans discussed the issue of Li Ang's stay next season.

It seemed that in the joy and excitement of the championship celebration, all the bad emotions were temporarily suppressed.

Li Ang finally calmed down his mood.

This ending is the best for him.

The fans' no longer entangled and relieved is what he wants to see most.

After the celebration, all Milan players devoted their full energy to preparing for the last important game of the season.

On the evening of May 30, AC Milan and Inter Milan started the final competition for the Italian Cup at the Olympic Stadium in Rome.

The two teams, also from Milan, met for the third time this season.

In the first two direct dialogues, Milan defeated Inter Milan, and Milan's victory in the second time directly shattered Inter Milan's championship dream.

Therefore, Milan's players have the psychological advantage to gain the upper hand when facing Inter Milan.

And Allegri tried his best to avoid the collapse of Milan due to underestimating the enemy in terms of tactics.

After all, the main defense in the finals, at least in the first half, Milan had to test Inter Milan's offensive firepower. It is indeed too difficult to overturn this style of play.

At 21:00 that night, the game officially started, with Inter Milan taking the lead.

Leonardo indeed formulated a proactive offensive strategy in the final. He was very unwilling to lose to Milan in the last game.

After fighting again this time, he was wary of Milan's starting double forwards Ibrahimovic and Cassano.

At the same time, they also made targeted tactical arrangements for Li Ang, who had caused them huge trouble in the last round of matches.

It is a pity that in today's game, Milan played much more conservatively than Inter Milan imagined.

Throughout the first half, Li Ang didn't even disrupt Inter Milan's defense with forward attacks, he didn't even cross the center line a few times.

He and Gattuso's squatting and sweeping defense made Milan's midfield defense extremely stable.

And Milan also used a "non-offensive" first half to let the entire Inter Milan team learn what it means to be a real loser.

Inter Milan attacked for a while, but seeing that Milan refused to press forward, they simply stabilized their formation and stopped attacking.

The level of friction between the two teams should be compared to the Premier League and La Liga, which may have been complained by their own fans.

But in Serie A, such a scene could not make the fans of Inter Milan and Milan feel shocked at all.

Unknown final game.

This phenomenon is very common in Serie A.

Inter Milan is counting on this championship to be a fig leaf for the two failures this season, and Milan is also counting on this championship to end the season smoothly.

Both sides are teams that value the championship result more than the process, and neither is willing to make mistakes easily.

Fans can only focus their attention and expectations on the second half and even the subsequent overtime.

By the 73rd minute of the game, neither side had the slightest intention of changing formation.

But as soon as the game time entered the 75th minute, Uncle Jon suddenly called Pato from the bench to warm up on the sidelines.

Such matchup substitutions are actually very common. After all, before entering overtime, there must be more opportunities to replace offensive players with more physical fitness.

Leonardo didn't think much, and routinely called on several offensive players on his bench to start warming up.

But in the 88th minute of the second half, at the last moment of injury time, Li Ang, who had never penetrated forward once in the game, suddenly started to move!

A decisive but slightly abnormal aggressive move. After regaining the ball from Sneijder's feet, Li Ang decisively started to move forward!

Following him forward was the midfielder Boateng. Milan's forward penetration was very successful in disrupting Inter Milan's backcourt defense at this moment!

And just when all Inter Milan fans and defensive players thought that Li Ang was going to send a through pass to Ibrahimovic in front of him.

However, Li Ang passed the ball in the completely opposite direction to their prediction!

On the right edge of the Inter Milan penalty area, Pato, who had already been prepared, faced Li Ang's diagonal pass and stretched his body to shoot.

Ranocchia, who rushed to cover up the defense, was still half a beat slower. In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Pato completed the rub shot with his left foot!

A wonderful arc passed over Inter Milan's penalty area. Sasser's reaction was already very fast, but in the end it was still not faster than the rotation speed of the football!

When the football bounced across the net at the theoretical blind spot where the crossbar and the goalpost met, Li Ang felt a roar in his ears, and his thoughts soared into the sky with the fierce cheers that suddenly burst out from the scene!

it's over!

Milan scored the decisive goal at the last moment when regular time was about to run out!

They are going to win their second championship trophy this season!

Allegri was hit by this huge surprise just like every Milan fan in the stands at this moment.

He "ejected" from the sidelines with excitement and passion, and then roared and hugged his assistant tightly!

Li Ang, who was in a daze as Ibrahimovic held his shoulders and pushed him to celebrate with his teammates, finally couldn't help but twitching in his eyes when he looked at the eager and excited faces of Milan fans near the corner flag area.

Li Ang, who didn't want the live broadcast camera to catch him crying, finally chose to cover his face with his jersey.

But his raised arms and waving palms made all Milan fans clearly understand.

This moment still belongs to their little lion.

It's a final farewell to them.

In the last battle, Milan won the last championship with this team.

He let out a silent but most passionate cry.

At this moment, all Milan fans heard that sentence!

“Forza milan!!!”

I could have posted it earlier, but I changed it in the end.

Save the draft for another hour and then go to bed. Be sure to get up early tomorrow.

Good night guys!

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