Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 114: : Fierce battle, ground sound

Main text Chapter 114: Fierce battle, ground sound

The strong wind caused by the dancing dragon's body roared in this space, blowing the hair of several young people, Chu Zihang and Caesar were a little bit slumped, they were exhausted, and they really couldn't do anything now.

"Chu Jun, Caesar, let me use the knife."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the two people sincerely. The red maple was on the verge of breaking, and it was not suitable to continue cutting. He handed the red maple to Chu Zihang and signaled the exchange. He was the only one who had enough energy and was the only one who could barely manage. People who join the battlefield.

Lu Chen was knocked into the air again and again. As the water level rose, his speed became lower and lower, but the ancient dragon on the opposite side seemed unaffected.

What made him even more depressed was that he had jumped to the back of this behemoth several times, trying to attack the opponent's spinal nerves, but was shaken away by the opponent's strong force. The only time he successfully swung the knife down, reluctantly cut. I opened the dragon scales, but found embarrassingly... the knife was not long enough.

His momentary loss of consciousness was almost swept by the dragon's tail, he was knocked into the water after being blocked with a sword, and his expression was gloomy when he got up.

This next-generation species is too big. The dragon scales on the back and the spine of the muscle layer protector are more than half a meter thick. Although he knows some martial arts skills, he can’t cut out the sword air knife like in the anime. Annoyance is a kind of bells and whistles.

The knife is not long enough, it is not long enough.

To put it simply, he, who prides himself on being unparalleled, discovered today... that he could not break his defenses!

If it is on the open and dry ground, he can still use a slightly faster speed to deal with the opponent slowly, cutting the meat with a blunt knife to see if he can kill the opponent.

But now it’s underground, and it’s the opponent’s Nibelungen. The water level is constantly rising. He can’t take advantage of the ground. He can only jump and rush from the ground that hasn’t been flooded, but it’s difficult to change this way. When in the air, it is like a baseball flying towards the opponent, and the bat-like dragon tail is already ready for a home run.

The situation is a bit unfavorable for them, this next-generation species hasn't even started to use Yan Ling!

Even if considered from an optimistic point of view, the opponent's speech spirit does not belong to the combat system, but this magnificent dragon body alone is enough to bring them a deadly threat.

Lu Chen could consciously take a few bludgeoning blows, which means he vomited blood, but except for him, even if Yuan Zhisheng was swept up front by the dragon's tail, most of them were dying.

At this time, if the weak Caesar and Chu Zihang were headed up, they would probably say goodbye to this beautiful world.

The eyes of the noble ancient creature finally showed a trace of exploratory curiosity, examining the tiny human being against him.

He couldn't understand why such a small creature could collide with his powerful dragon body, and after being knocked off again and again, he could get up and rush again without incident.

Obviously I feel that the dragon blood of the opponent is not high, why is there such a powerful force?

Yun Zhongji, my last clansman... the human being you mentioned is him.

The huge golden pupil showed a trace of remembrance, but it was only an instant, because the next moment, he was brought back to reality by severe pain, the young man turned his body in the air, and his claws were lost.

The young man stepped on the strong dragon arm and rushed forward. The two knives slashed across the dragon scales, bringing up dazzling sparks. Behind him was red dragon blood, and the young boy’s eyes were fiercely fighting. With intention and strong murderous intent, he seized the other party's flaw.

The two knives retracted, and the muscles of the legs were strengthened, and he speeded up again, like a bullet out of the chamber, the spider cut forward and thrust forward, pointing directly at the dazzling golden pupil!

However, in the next moment he saw a trace of humane jokes in those ruthless eyes. The strong wind hit from the side, not the left front paw of the ancient dragon he had been paying attention to, but the dragon tail that had been prepared, hidden in him. Just now he looked at the blind spot.

This is not a flaw, it is a trap!

He was careless, he didn't expect that the arrogant dragon clan would use this kind of tactical fighting style when facing the enemy.

Yeah, why not?

The battle is for victory, why can't you use some tricks? What's more, the opponent is still in the line of the white king who has the title of the **** of tricks.

Lu Chen stepped on the dragon's arm to take advantage of his strength and was already vacated. The spider cut was less than three meters away from the golden pupil. He swung the boy An Gangqi with his right arm, preparing to resist the dragon tail's sweep, but there was a trace of regret in his eyes. The instant judgment made him understand that this time the raid was going to fail.

Before his sword reaches the opponent’s eyes, it will be swept out by the dragon’s tail, and it is impossible for him to throw away the sword for the follow-up battle. With the size of this ancient dragon, the length of the spider cut is only enough to stab the opponent’s one. The eyes do not necessarily hurt the brain.

But the next moment the dragon's tail drooped suddenly, Lu Chen quickly reacted to his waist arched, avoiding the sweep, and the spider cut into the dazzling golden pupil.

Reverse, crosscut, **** flowers flying!


The ear-piercing roar sounded, it was the anger caused by the sharp pain, but Gu Long's body was still lowering.

Lu Chen didn't hesitate, stepped hard, stepped on the nose of the dragon's head and turned around while the boy An Tsunaki waved down, pulling a bright red horizontal line in the air.

It was Yuan Zhisheng who helped him at a critical moment. Under the influence of the king's power, this powerful but outrageous ancient dragon finally got its arrogant head. When the gravity was instantly changed, he was beaten. I was caught off guard!

Lu Chen wanted to continue to seize the opportunity to expand the results, but his keen intuition still made his legs jump back, and two huge stones pierced the water and passed by.

Yan Ling. Earth Ming.

This spirit of speech was originally only able to make the ground tremble in a small scale. Excellent users can manipulate the ground with stone thorns tens of centimeters long, but when used by the noble pure-blood dragons, it is almost like rising from the ground. sword!

Lu Chen landed in a place where the water was relatively shallow, and looked at the source infant who was sweating and panting next to him. Obviously, it was not a labor-saving task for the urging spirit to act on a huge next-generation species.

"Cancel first. Even if the pure-blood dragon is more resilient, he will be blind for a few minutes, and I can hold it back."

Lu Chen said to Yuan Zhisheng that the power of the word spirit is not small, let alone acting on the pure-blood dragon, the opponent is still such a big body, Yuan Zhisheng's word spirit should be used at more critical moments.

What's more, it seems that the spirit of the word cannot completely suppress the opponent. At least the proud next-generation species did not kowtow. The four sturdy dragon arms stepped on the ground, still maintaining a high posture, but the water still overflowed his head. .

The most urgent thing is to go out first. This piece of Nibelungen seems to be very unstable, showing signs of collapse.

In the water, he can't exert his strength either, he must lead this guy to the ground to fight, not to mention his current knife seems to be insufficient to "break the defense."

Hei Xuan should have been brought down if I knew it!

After listening to Yuan Zhisheng, he cancelled the kingship and gasped. Originally, he was not very proficient in using this language. Now he needs to control the domain to prevent it from affecting Lu Jun, and only target specific targets, which are so huge. The next generation of species made him somewhat powerless.

"Lu Jun, be careful."

He reminded him and stepped back.

A huge wave like a tsunami is set off on the water at this time, that is the fury of the dragon!

Gu Long's body surfaced, a pair of dragon eyes closed tightly, but he threw a straight "look" in the direction where Lu Chen was.

The humble **** stabbed his eyes!

Under the rage, the void all over his body was distorted, Chi Shui rolled under the invisible mighty force, the entire space was trembling, the gravel on the top fell like rain, but that was only a moment, and the next moment it calmed down. He must force himself to be calm.

Using that kind of spirit, Nibelungen would completely collapse without mentioning it, and the inscriptions he used to remember his tribe would be destroyed.

The piercing sound of piercing the air sounded again. He was once a proud warrior. He accompanied the king to fight on the vast ground. The instinct of fighting could make him swing his claws to meet him. At the same time, several huge stone thorns rose to block the boy's dodge. space.

Chu Zihang and the others looked at Lu Chen, who was rising and falling on the water, and the two swords and Gu Long were touching again and again, and they also recovered.

They must find a way to get out!

No matter how strong Brother Lu is, Yan Ling can't be turned on indefinitely, as underwater greatly limits his strength.

"The water level is almost halfway, but the high-pressure water flow above is a big problem."

Chu Zihang's face was serious. Brother Lu did have a strange power to throw two hundred kilograms of bronze pieces on it, and it seemed that he could throw them up like this.

But it’s actually wrong to think so, because a person’s body is much larger than a bronze block. Throwing upwards requires waist strength and angle. Throwing a person is very inconvenient in terms of movement. It can throw a person up to nearly two hundred meters in the air. , When Lu Chen exerted his force, their waists would be broken, and the violent blood would be hard to bear.

And although as the gravel on the top is peeling off, there are holes everywhere in the water, and the hole in the center of the top is getting bigger and bigger, turning into a big hole with a diameter of nearly 30 meters, and thousands of tons of water are poured every second. Entering Nibelungen, as the area of ​​falling water increases, the speed of the water also begins to decrease, but it is still unrealistic to go up against the water.

Perhaps only the physical monster like Lu Chen can use his hands and feet in the current to go upstream. Lu Chen may have a way to go up by himself, but now he must be responsible for dragging the next-generation species, and that second-generation species will not let it go. Lu Chen blinded his eyes.

"We have to continue to expand the gap above, it is too slow now!"

Caesar analyzed.

It is estimated that it will take at least five minutes according to this progress. Brother Lu has been supporting it for nearly five minutes, but whether he can hold it for another five minutes is a question.

"Chu Jun, are the bombs still used for blasting?"

At this time, Yuan Zhisheng looked at Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang nodded and understood what it meant. He took out the bomb from the waterproof backpack. Although it was only a small box, it came from the elite scientific research team of the eight Sheqi family and was powerful enough to blow up a six-story bungalow.

"Gen-kun, how are you playing baseball?"

Caesar looked at the bomb in Chu Zihang's hand and smiled.

"First class pitcher."

Yuan Zhisheng took the bomb and pressed the start button above without hesitation, and the thirty-second countdown began.

Judging from the large amount of water above, they may have been close to the top of Mount Fuji at this time. In the original survey, this is an "underground lake", which is no longer a tributary of the Akagi River. It is a main road and has already approached the Akagi River. The way to the highest point.


In the upper part of Mount Fuji, Shio Miyamoto is continuing to direct the scene.

The tourists were already dispersed before the official start of the mission today, but at this time he still advised everyone to evacuate the people in the counties surrounding Mount Fuji, in the name of "Mt. Fuji Eruption Exercise."

In Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures at this time, there were people from the Shaqiba family who changed into official costumes and began to disperse the crowd, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

After all, today is a working day, and many people are still at work. Even if you have government approval, it is just an exercise. It is not so strict, right?

The president of the Funta Gourmet Company smiled and handed cigarettes to the stern official staff, wanting to make some accommodation, after all, every day of work stoppage would bring him a lot of losses.

However, the official only went around the other party’s factory. The facial expressions began to write on the notebook, and he said as he wrote: "Fire safety is substandard, there are four hidden safety hazards in the working environment, and product hygiene is also problematic. If you Now that employees are not allowed to go home to cooperate with this exercise, the official documents will be sent to your desk tomorrow."

The smile on the president's face instantly froze, and he had no choice but to let the employees go home, but they didn't have any big opinions.

After all, they have all received official text messages. The loss of personal work caused by this exercise will be settled to them at double their daily wages and paid in the form of social security benefits.

Compared to a high-pressure workplace, it is also a good choice to drive away with your family for a drive.

What happened to the Funta Gourmet Company was happening in Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures at this time. The efficiency of Sheqi Bajia was amazing. In just two short hours, nearly half of the people had been evacuated, but this made the snake evacuated. The senior officials of Qibajia are still dissatisfied.

Nearly half is not all, once the situation really deteriorates, it will be the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

At this time, near the top of Mount Fuji, at the shrine of the gods, Jude Mai was sitting by the water looking up at the shrine on the top of the mountain.

The water waves in the Jingshen Lake are constantly rippling. Obviously this large underground is not quiet at this Through the conduction of liquid and solid, Jiude Mai can even faintly hear the majestic dragon roar.

"Potato chips, potato chips, we seem to be a bit redundant, this kid is okay, listening to the voice seems to be a loss for the next generation."

She is leisurely. At this moment, I really feel that their nanny group is a bit redundant. Originally, she was waiting for instructions from the boss. If there is still no movement after a certain period of time, it means that some dumbbies have not found Nibelungen. The exit.

But a few minutes ago, she began to hear the roar of a dragon below, and the ground was shaking slightly. It was obvious that the young people below had found an exit, and at this time they had already worked with the next generation.

"What am I talking about? Lu Chen is fierce, isn't it a next-generation species? If you fight on the open ground, it's not always the one who is pressing."

Su Enxi chewed the potato chips and said.

"How do you know if he is fierce? You don't see how handsome a little milk dog is, and you have a heart of spring, right?"

Jiu De Mai joked.

"Go, go, Lu Chen is not my food, and he is not a little milk dog, he is clearly a little monster. I insist, I think Yuan Zhisheng has an appetite, and I want to use his picture as a phone lock. Screen!"

The two of them harmed each other, until Jiu De Mai heard the man's voice, and her expression instantly became serious.

He picked up the alchemy bomb that he had already prepared and stepped into the pond of worship.

Although it is only icing on the cake to go down and make a road now, they can't make a trip in vain.

Besides, if those dumbbies rushed out of Nibelungen, they didn't know that the rock above was very thin, they could break and rise directly.

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