Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 168: :School Board Meeting (thanks to Mr. Xiuju’s leader)

Lu Chen put on a luxury suit he didn't like in the locker room and got into the car arranged by the commissioner.

Passing through the alleys paved with slabs, green trees are accompanied by the white castle winding to the end.

It was a white castle close to the cliff. The outer wall was made of hard marble. The windows were narrow. The commissioner drove the car and parked in a dedicated parking lot. The parking lot was not large. When Lu Chen arrived, there was only one vacant space.

There were a Lamborghini, an old Jaguar, a Mercedes-Benz modified by AMG, and a silver Rolls-Royce parked in other locations. What surprised Lu Chen was that among these luxury cars, there was another one. An orange mountain bike.

"Mr. Lu, the meeting has already started, you can go up first."

The driver's commissioner's respectful Bang Lu Chen opened the car door and stood by the side and stopped speaking after saying this.

Lu Chen got out of the car and walked directly into the old castle. After stepping through the gate, he discovered the unusualness of this building.

The walls are obviously thickened, and solid steel plates may also be embedded inside. There are cameras everywhere inside and outside the castle to monitor the situation. There should be some firepower device hidden in the hidden mouth of the top fortress.

What kind of historical castle is this, this is simply a small military base!

He went upstairs along the spiral staircase. Every time he passed through an area, people wanted to come up to check and search, but they were all forced back by his gaze.

Coming all the way to the attic, there is a closed thick metal door, a bit similar to the door of a bank vault. It has a 64-digit code and two keyholes. Looking at the traces on both sides of the door, it is a bit new. It may be recent. Just changed.

With the configuration of this fortress, even if a missile falls here, the board of directors can be safe and sound.

In front of the door stood a strange woman, who looked like a secretary, and she saluted Lu Chen, "Mr. Lu, the school board has already begun. You are late. When the discussion inside is over, when it comes to your business, you will Summon again."

Lu Chen sneered and said, "Summoning? You really regard yourself as the emperor."

The soundproofing effect of this room is very good. It is basically impossible to hear the conversation inside, but Lu Chen calmly took out a headset from his pocket...this was given to him by the principal.

The latest research and development of the equipment department, through the wall anti-shielding, the signal lever is good, and the principal also ensured that there is no explosive function inside.

Obviously, even the neuropathy of the equipment department knows that what is put in the ear, once it explodes, is equivalent to direct murder.

The light in the room is slightly dim. There are no windows in this room. It is not that the school managers sealed the windows for safety purposes, but because it was originally a place where ancient monks practiced hard work. It was not meant for people to enjoy. of.

On the long table is a row of candlesticks, illuminating the faces of the school directors, and there is a flavonoid bell in front of each school director. For a while, the time here seems to be back thousands of years, and the elders of the secret party are full of history. A serious meeting.

There were six people present, including Angers, four men and two women. Angers sat at the end of the long table. That was the position of the supreme power. No school board expressed his unwaveringness.

Sitting on the left hand side of Angers is a middle-aged man with a cane. He is wearing a straight black suit with a crimson handkerchief in his jacket pocket. It is the school manager representing the Gattuso family, Frost. He is no more than four. He is more than ten years old, but he looks a little old. If he stands with his brother Pompeii, I am afraid that some people will think that he is Pompeii's uncle.

On the right is an old man in a suit with red sandalwood beads in his hand, chanting words, as if reciting a scripture silently.

Bottom line is a man in bright yellow sportswear with a bicycle helmet on his right hand. He looks about 30 or 40 years old.

Sitting across from him is Elizabeth. Today's Elizabeth has the makeup of a European lady, is covered with a black veil, and is wearing an expensive waist pinch skirt. The outside is shining with a fur waistcoat, and the long table bottom is slender with golden legs underneath. High heels, this is what a woman will wear when she is on the battlefield, and she is indeed on the battlefield today.

Sitting next to Elizabeth is another female school manager. If Lu Chen sees it, he will feel that his thoughts are wrong. Elizabeth is not the youngest of the school managers, this one sitting next to Lisa The female school manager looks only fifteen or six years old.

The light golden long hair is on the top of her head. Although she also deliberately put on makeup and tried her best to make herself look more mature today, her little baby-fat face is tender no matter how she looks, like a delicate porcelain doll. No matter how serious her expression is, she doesn't seem to be a supreme power person.

Behind her stood a housekeeper wearing white gloves, with his head high and his eyes straight.

"As in previous years, those who never attended still did not attend, and Frost still replaced his brother at Gattuso's house."

Angers opened his mouth, and then his voice changed: "It's two o'clock exactly. Strictly speaking, the meeting time has just begun, but you closed the door ahead of time and shut out my S-level students. What is this? How many ways?"

"Anger, pay attention to your wording, it's not yours, it's the secret party."

Frost shook the flavone bell and retorted.

"Haha--" Anger sneered, "I said, Lu Chen is my student. This is normal wording, but in your mouth, it seems to be describing an object, a weapon, and the meeting hasn't started yet. Is this already anxious to announce the ownership of the weapon?"

"The wording of the Frost school board is indeed incorrect, but it is also true. Lu Chen is a student of Kassel College and a member of the Secret Party."

The old man with a rosary like a monk spoke.

The meeting has just begun, or if it is not even started, the atmosphere in the arena has become tense.

At this time, the man in sportswear smiled and shook the flavonoid bell, "Everyone calm down and be kind."

However, no one paid attention to him.

The girl and the housekeeper looked at each other and said: "Strictly speaking, only the school board and the principal of Angers can participate in the board of directors. It is not appropriate for other unrelated personnel to observe at the beginning. Moreover, although the annual board of directors is held in advance, it is not just for discussion. About Lu Chen."

The girl’s words seemed to be justified. Angers looked at the girl with a smile but did not speak, but Elizabeth next to the girl said, “Should I ask the housekeeper behind you to go out first? As far as I know, He is not a school manager, nor is he the leader of the secret party."

The girl was stunned, at a loss, her face turned a little red.

"Okay, Lisa."

Angers smiled and said to Elizabeth, and then shook the flavonoid bell, "today's topic officially begins."

Frost shook the flavonoid bell and looked at Anger and said: "The Secret Party is committed to fighting the dragons and has secretly guarded the world for thousands of years. The Executive Department will give out a report every year on the situation of mixed-race organizations around the world. Except for China and Japan, as well as the North American mixed forces led by Henkel, they are basically under our control, but now there are new organizations that provoke the majesty of the secret party, but the secret party does not have any effective intelligence. Obviously in recent years The executive department's work is a bit slack, how do you explain this?"

The school directors all raised their spirits. This is the first important issue of the school directors meeting today. There are organizations with so-called hybrid monarchs in the world. The name of the "monarch" is not mentioned, but everyone knows it. The monarchs of are all powerful. It can be said that apart from the old man and Lu Chen sitting at the end of the long table, there is no mixed race in the secret party as their opponent.

And such a powerful organization has been potentially underwater, and the Secret Party did not even know before. What a terrifying news.

What's more, this organization had previously dived in a low-key manner. Once the fangs were exposed, even the school board would dare to kidnap the school board. This is not only a provocation to the Secret Party's majesty, it is a slap in the face of the Secret Party!

Many school managers present turned their attention to Elizabeth, wanting to know what the "victim" wanted to say.

However, Elizabeth did not speak. Angers first answered Frost’s question: "Explanation? What explanation do I need? The main job of the executive department is to slaughter dragons around the world and deal with high-risk mixed races and deadpools in society. When? Has it become a department that has to look for potentially powerful organizations all day long?"

Angers lit a cigar, took a deep breath, hot smoke poured into his lungs, but his face did not change, thick smoke spit out from his mouth, looking at Frost: "Dear Director Frost, if you are familiar with Chinese culture, you will know that there is a saying in it that is very good, you are an afterthought, also known as an afterthought."

Frost looked gloomy. Of course, he knew Chinese culture very well. If this was playing chess, he had just fired the gun, and the opponent's car had already come to the front of his general. His rhetoric was sharp, and he seemed to have never occupied Angers. Cheap.

The old man Rosary rang the bell, "This is indeed not a negligence of the executive department. Our force should not be wasted looking for imaginary enemies. But now, that organization has publicly shown up and held the school manager Laurent, and things are causing trouble in Nantes. It’s not too small. We even found the enemy’s secret base. I just want to know what news we have now after a great war."

The school directors all looked at Angers, and I have to say that Angers regarded the elite of the Kassel Academy like iron barrels. If the secret party is like an ancient feudal monarchy country, the school directors are emperors, then Angers is the commander-in-chief. Marshal of the armed forces.

But the marshal has run the army for hundreds of years. Now the lieutenants only recognize Angers, not the emperor. This is something that no emperor can bear. In history, such marshals and generals are often The emperor figured out a way to deal with the conquest of military power, but the secret party was different.

As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit is dead, but now the "cunning rabbit" is not dead. The school board members want to take back their power, but they also need the lion to bite the enemy's throat.

Angers spread his hands, "If you want to know the exact news of that organization, I am afraid you will be disappointed. The execution department sent a construction team to excavate on the island for more than half a month, and found nothing except the ruins. All the electronic information is in. The base was destroyed by procedures before it exploded. Afterwards, various electronic equipment was shattered and burned by the impact of the explosion. Akadura claimed to be a genius, but he could only look at a pile of scorched debris and scratch his head."

"So the secret party has suffered a lot. After being slapped in the face, after investigating for so long, I don't even know who the enemy is?"

Frost frowned slightly. In fact, he subconsciously wanted to condemn Angers and the incompetence of the executive department, but thinking about this kind of thing is not good for firing guns, after all, the result is their victory, and the Laurent board is safe. Rescued, the three mixed-blood monarchs of the mysterious organization were all killed by the ace commissioner of the executive department.

He frowned because he was indeed worried. This matter was serious. There was an organization they didn't know about, hidden in the shadows, and it was unprecedentedly strong.

Judging by the strength of the mixed-blood monarchs in this incident, if the organization launches a raid, any school board family present will be difficult to resist, especially the mixed-blood monarch named Hughes. Maybe not an opponent.

In terms of speed, he may have a slight advantage, but judging from the ability of Husseus to fight Lu Chen, he is at least nearly 30 tons of power when he exerts his force!

Angers could not head-on with the opponent, and Hughes counted as an invisible voice, and Angers would perish as long as he made a mistake.

In the final analysis, their legendary dragon slayer leaders are still hybrids, belonging to the category of humans, and those "hybrid monarchs" that have been strengthened by special techniques are already pure blood dragons.

With such opponents, the school managers can be described as having trouble sleeping and eating during this period.

Frost is no exception. Recently, he has invested heavily in strengthening the defense bases around the family, but it can only be regarded as psychological comfort.

He originally wanted to raise the matter with his unreliable brother, but when the other party called him, he was actually on the bed, so he hung up the phone in anger.

"It can't be said that there is nothing. At least we may know the technology used by the other party to strengthen the hybrid monarch."

Angers said and took out a quartz bottle from his suit pocket. In the orange liquid was a twisted leech, as if being squeezed by something, now dead.

"what is this?"

Because of the dim light, the fat baby girl didn't see too clearly. After ringing the bell, she asked curiously, but when she leaned forward, Anger put the small bottle next to the candlelight again. After she saw the thing, she asked With a look of disgust, every girl would not like this slimy, slippery, disgusting little creature.

"According to Minister Akadura’s analysis, this is a kind of bio-enhancement technology. The organization cultivates this special leech to store evolutionary medicine, and then transmits the power of the dragon to the mixed species by way of lineage filtering. In this way, the power of taboo is gained."

Angers put the small bottle on the table, except for the two female school managers, everyone else looked at the small bottle with interest.

"This is a technological path that we never envisaged, but it sounds like the effect we want to achieve in the end is similar to what we are going to do."

The Old Man Rosary rang the bell and looked thoughtfully at the small bottle on the table.

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