Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 171: : Press on the wall

Lu Chen and the principal looked at each other for a while, and both couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's not laugh. You know who I am. You are a rude villager. I can go to the front, but I can't manage such a huge organization."

Elizabeth was relieved in her heart. She didn't want Angers to be "laid off" so early, and she was also very optimistic about Lu Chen.

She will also think about some problems in her heart. Angers is indeed very old. For the S-class hybrid and the current state of Angers, it is not a problem for him to live to 150 years old.

But in the future, if you want to extend your life, you must refrigerate it. For Angers, it is impossible for him to accept this ending. Even if the old man is too old to lift the knife, the old man will die. In the assault on the battlefield.

Lu Chen is still very young. If someone really needs to take over in the future, Lu Chen, who is as powerful as a benchmark, is indeed a suitable candidate.

Frost rang the bell, "The wisdom of management is not important. You are still young and there is time. Principal Angers is also strong and can teach you for a long time."

The old man Rosary glanced at Frost strangely. Although the other party raised this issue, he was not prepared to let Lu Chen directly replace Angers. It seemed that the intention of the Gattuso family was not so easy to guess.

"Well, Frost is right. The war between the secret party and the dragon clan has lasted for thousands of years. It is impossible to completely eliminate the dragon clan in a short time. If you intend, unnecessary courses in the academy can be temporarily stopped. , I will gradually let you take over the affairs of the Secret Party."

Anger rang the bell and said, his expression was leisurely, but his eyes were serious.

What he said was half true and half false.

He is indeed not immortal, and time is limited, but he is indeed ready to kill all the dragon kings while he is alive!

He has made a lot of preparations for this, preparations that even the school directors don't know.

As for cultivating Lu Chen to take over, he is serious. It doesn't matter if he can't manage it. In fact, he doesn't manage the following...

As long as the general direction is not wrong, the right people are used, and the person is good enough, everyone will respect the legend.

Angers predicts that the war with the dragons will become more and more fierce in the future. In that grand battlefield, what the secret party needs most is not the wise men who are strategizing in the rear, and they ordered the soldiers from a long distance to "give me a blow".

Rather, it needs a strong like Lu Chen to raise the battle flag in front of all the elite hybrids, and burst out with a terrifying war roar—Clash with me!

Therefore, in Anger's opinion, it was never Lu Chen's shortcoming to be reckless in the face of the enemy. The secret party needed such a **** leader to take the lead in the charge.

Of course he is also such a person, but he has watched Lu Chen's battles a few times, and he must admit that Lu Chen is still more reckless in this respect...

"If you agree, then we will initiate a vote to promote you to an honorary school manager, and enjoy the same rights as us within the sphere of influence of the secret party."

Frost looked at the thinking boy and rang the bell to answer.

Lu Chen glanced at the principal with some doubts. For a while, he couldn't figure out the situation. He said that you and the Frost school manager were at war with each other before. You have unified your views on this matter?

He glanced at Frost, and the other person's smile was "kind" at this time.

Is this the quality of a politician...

"You are not afraid. After I gained power, I affected the interests of the school managers?"

Lu Chen tapped his finger on the table, looked at Frost and the old man Rosary, and smiled: "I'm not obedient."

The old man of Rosary rang the bell and explained: "The honorary school manager just sounds good. You have the power to mobilize the power of the secret party, but you do not have the right to vote at the meeting. In fact, if you do something unfavorable to the secret party, we will also You can vote to cancel your honorary manager."

"Co-authoring is just an empty shell. In short, I want to make the school directors happy and contribute to you so that I can enjoy the right to be gifted, right?"

Lu Chen laughed mockingly.

"Don't dare to be gifted or something."

Frost smiled and looked at Angers again, "At least we think you will do better than Principal Angers. After all, you are still a little tied, such as the woman in Japan..."

Frost's words were interrupted, and the people present only felt a momentary tremor of the earth, and the harsh sonic boom, and the room plunged into darkness in the squally wind.

But everyone could see clearly, and could see Frost's face clearly, because he was being illuminated by the crimson brilliance at this time, it was the brilliance of death, and fierce murderous intent filled the entire space.

At this moment, everyone understands what the real killing intent is. This is definitely the actual spiritual force field. Under the young man’s rage, endless killing intent agitates in this space, even if they are not the righteous master targeted by the young man, There was also a slight tremor.

Frost was pinched by his neck at this time, and he leaned high against the white wall at the end of the room. A pair of golden pupils were passively opened. The cervical spine was almost directly crushed at the extreme speed. Almost stalled.

Only one person present could clearly see the boy's advance. At this time, he was putting his hand on the boy's shoulder, it was Anger.

Angers smiled and glanced at Frost. "Old friend, I know that you have been dealing with family affairs for many years and playing with various methods, but you have to know that for some people, there are some things that you can't say."

Ignoring Frost’s struggle and snorting, he took another cigar indifferently. A pair of golden pupils were so dazzling in the dark. He looked around at the school manager present, "Transpose, my old friends, if If someone says this to me, I will do the same, so don’t think that I’m not worried about being in control and make you feel headaches. At least you don’t have to be so careful when you talk to me."

For a while, the conference room was suppressed by two S-class mixed races with absolute tyranny. No school manager spoke, and the youngest girl even lowered her head and dared not look at the direction of the end.

"Okay, just a warning. Frost just blunts the bad habit he has cultivated over the years. He doesn't dare to really do it..."

As he said, Anger turned and looked at Frost's rolled eyes. The thick smoke of cigar spit on the face of the noble school manager, and the thick smoke made his lacrimal gland function because of biological instinct, "You mean it?"

However, Frost, who was almost suffocating, couldn't answer his question. Angers appeared "suddenly" and quickly said to Lu Chen: "Okay, let him go. After all, he was given the money."

Lu Chen released his hand, Frost slumped to the ground, his violent cough was relieved for a while, he looked at Lu Chen with lingering fear, looked at the red-gold eyes with a slight anger, and for a while rebuked the other party for being bold enough to attack. I can't say anything like the school manager.

He stood up and rubbed his neck, straightened his collar, and said, "It's true that I misworded, as my old friend Angers said, I have no ill will."

Lu Chen sneered. This is not an improper wording, and Principal Angers did not say that you are not malicious.

"Give the principal a face, but there is no next time."

Having said that, he turned back faintly and returned to his seat.

"Be kind, we are all civilized people."

The man in sportswear rounded the ground.

After Lu Chen sat down, he looked at Frost, who was still coughing in his seat, and said: "I have finished talking about what is useful and useless. There should be other business affairs when I call me today. Don't tell me just for Arrange for me an honorary school manager, and I will not do anything that has no benefit."

The old man Rosary glanced at Frost, who hadn't eased his breath, and rattled the bell and said, "Then let's start today's final topic. There is indeed something that might need an ace like you to complete.

Lu Chen glanced at the principal, and the other side nodded invisibly, "Tell me."

At this time, the housekeeper who had been standing behind the girl walked across the tabletop and lit the candles one by one before finally letting Guangming return to this space again.

"Speaking of which this matter has to do with the manager of Laurent, it is better to let the manager of Laurent describe it."

After the rosary rang the bell, he looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth rang the bell, "Sebas should have mentioned to you, it's about that set of alchemy knives."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, "Didn't that set of knives be snatched by that mysterious organization?"

You should know that the cause of this incident should be the set of alchemy knives. As for the kidnapping of Elizabeth and the subsequent introduction of him to the meeting, it was just a chain reaction.

According to Sebas' previous statement, that set of alchemy knives can kill the Dragon King. It is the ultimate masterpiece of alchemy, and it should also be the hand of the Dragon King.

The mysterious organization sent a mixed-blood monarch to make such a big battle, depending on what Elizabeth meant, could it be that the other party didn't get the set of alchemy knives?

Elizabeth shook her head, "At that time, I received news that I went to trade with someone, but something changed during the transaction."

No one rang the bell to interrupt her, she continued to narrate what happened that night: "The trade object was a bounty hunter on the hunter website. His nickname was Old Tang. He was well-known in the occult circle. He was very good at going deep into dangerous places. Take something the employer wants."

Seeing that Lu Chen was a little puzzled, Elizabeth explained: "The Hunter website is an underground website, which mainly publishes some special tasks, ranging from detectives and rapes to mercenaries about a small war, and some of them are related to occultism. Missions, such as tomb robbery, exploring ruins, etc."

Lu Chen nodded and said that he understood, Elizabeth continued: "This man nicknamed Old Tang got the alchemy knives from nowhere. He posted a sale message on the Hunter website and also attached several alchemy tools. The photo of the knife. The strange thing is that the post was deleted after only a few seconds after it was published. Our family sometimes pays attention to the Hunter website. By coincidence, the person in charge of publishing special tasks in the family saw this post. He was also the only person on the entire website who viewed that post. After saving one of the photos of the alchemy tool, the post was deleted."

After speaking, Elizabeth paused, "...After our investigation of the Secret Party literature, we found it surprisingly that the set of alchemy knives is likely to be the deadly sins."

"Seven deadly sins?"

Lu Chen thought that the name sounded a bit interesting, like something the judge would use.

"Yes, the seven deadly sins belong to the classification of human evil in the Catholic teachings. The categories that fall into this category are gluttony, lust, greed, rage, laziness, melancholy, vanity, and arrogance, which also correspond to the seven alchemy. The name of the knife comes from the hand of the Dragon King of Bronze and Fire. It is the work of the world's most outstanding alchemist. Each knife contains a living spirit. The spiritual power of the sage is blessed in it, and he died of the seven deadly sins. The dragon clan will never Elizabeth said, picked up the remote control, turned on the projection again, and played her preset image, showing the picture on the white wall. It was a photo, the level of the photographer. Although it is very poor, but looking at the seven knives inserted in the box, you can still feel what a mad weapon this is.

"When we were trading, we thought that the other party should be a mixed race. According to traditional rules, we would verify the identities of both parties first, so we ignited the golden pupil first, but the person who came to the transaction suddenly changed. I was so alarmed, looking at us like a ghost."

Elizabeth was also a little depressed when she brought it up.

"Is he an ordinary person?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. How could a person who could enter various dangerous places and return safely, and get the seven deadly sins, be an ordinary person?

Elizabeth shook her head, "At first we thought we had an oolong and exposed the golden eyes in front of ordinary people, but what happened later completely overthrew my thoughts... the man backed away in panic at first, holding the box tightly and holding his mouth tightly. We yelled, "Who are you guys?" Our people tried to comfort him, but he was still frightened and backed away."

In Elizabeth's emotionless narrative, the events of the night reappear clearly.

"The people at the scene were all stunned. At first it was speculated that the other party might be a mixed race hidden in the society. He was stimulated to wake up tonight, but I thought about it and found it impossible. The man was just a few minutes away. The bloodline was fully awakened within seconds, from a strong ordinary person to a powerful hybrid that can kick the power-type word spirit holders. This is impossible. Everything will have a process...

Having said that, Elizabeth paused, and the expressions of the other school directors became serious.

"...Except, the pure blood dragon clan."

She gave the only true answer.

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