Lu Chen has encountered such a situation more than once. The origin space often used his own name to fight for the world. The other space surrendered without a fight. In the end, he received his salary without doing anything.

The basic principle of space operation is to screen explorers. From the perspective of the rarity of the extradition contract, the form of extraction, and the particularity of the existence of the explorer, the space will cost an explorer and make it unique. The basic resources are probably astronomical.

At least for low-level explorers, that is an amount of resources that is unimaginable.

Every explorer is unique in terms of its existence principle, and has been invested with a lot of resources, but the first-order explorers may not imagine that they are so valuable.

To put it another way, if a first-order explorer is directly separated from the space and sent to a great world, he is definitely a man of destiny.

As long as there is a big force willing to cultivate it, its own talent is good, and if it has perseverance, it will not be a problem to raise it to the peak of the ninth level.

But for the ordinary creatures in the sea of ​​the world, even the existences of the supreme sacred land may not be able to reach the ninth-order peak, because they need to spend a lot of time in the process of seeking truth, and the risk is extremely high, and it is rare to reach the peak. the end.

"It seems that you have a little understanding of the value of explorers. Although in the mission world, low-level explorers look cheap, they are actually unique, and they were dug out with great effort by the space."

Old Wang said, "And you have been going so smoothly all the way, and you have never been in the newcomer circle of first-order explorers, so I don't know. If you investigate, you will find that the quality of first-order explorers is actually very low. Quite tall."

"High quality? What do you mean? Please ask seniors to clarify."

Lu Chen was a little puzzled and didn't know what this high quality refers to.

"You have also read a lot of books in the space, and you may have read some of them in some mission worlds, so you should know that there is another type called infinite flow, or some kind of main **** space. These books also It will recruit newcomers, but the quality of the recruits often varies, and there will be some plots that you think will lower your intelligence." Old Wang explained.

Lu Chen nodded embarrassingly. He had indeed read it, but he didn't think there was anything to lower his intelligence, because in reality there are such idiots who can't see the situation clearly and don't know what to do. The reality is often more absurd.

"But if you look at the explorers in the space, you will find that although the first-order newcomers are divided into good and bad, there will be no ones who are stupid or have no potential. The specially selected ones definitely have specialties, even if he hasn’t discovered it himself, Space has already seen its potential, the only thing is whether it can be discovered in the future.”

Old Wang continued, "Actually, explorers are not rubbish. Even the lowest-quality explorers among newcomers have at least seven levels of potential. It's just that many people can't live to seven levels in the cruel competition and task world." It's just a step."

He stretched out his fingers and gave an example, "Explorers of space pulling are not limited to the gathering places of civilizations with backward human technology like Blue Star, but in the heavens and myriad worlds, regardless of age, place, gender, or occupation. It’s only about potential and basic quality, so you will often find that the explorers you know are completely different from your childhood worldview.”

Lu Chen nodded. He had discovered this a long time ago. He came from the original world of No. 81. Although someone pulled it, the space may also have a means of self-drawing and screening.

Most of the explorers he knows are from worlds similar to the earth civilization, but in fact they may come from different "earths". In many cosmic systems, there are places similar to the earth, and the magic is that the degree of civilization development is similar , and even entertainment products are similar, or even identical.

For example, he saw a lot in the space, and also in the dragon world. Some of the myths and legends he heard in his hometown world also coincided with some myths in the dragon world and the world of shrouding the sky.

Many explorers come from different places, but under the benchmark of space, cultures gradually merge.

If you don't compare many things carefully, it is difficult to find the difference.

For example, if he

Going to chat with Kaka, you will find that the "earth" they know is the same in many places, including the animations and movies they have watched, but if you understand the details in detail, you may find that it is different.

To put it simply, if he asks who the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Kaka's hometown is, it must be different from the Dragon World.

Animation, film, etc. are the same, because those are real worlds, 'legends' produced by the reflection and infiltration of the heavens. This principle is similar to what he experienced on the surface of the highest world.

Therefore, explorers from all over the space, because they have read a lot of animation, film and television, and other materials in the space, and then communicate with other explorers, they will think that they are from the same place, but they are not.

People who are truly from the same planet and the same era are almost hard to meet together.

It can be seen from the number of explorers alone. If you just pull people from one earth, the consumption speed of the first-order explorers will already be abnormal, and there will not be so many explorers with high quality and high potential. Give space to pull.

Old Wang knocked the soot and said: "So the space spends a lot of money to cultivate low-level explorers. When the explorers reach the seventh level and above, they will start to create income for the space. The same is true for the eighth level. It is equivalent to a part-time job to pay off debts. , It is also the process of taking out new resources to train new explorers after the space recovers the benefits."

"Is this ecology..."

Lu Chen felt a little emotional, he must be qualified as a worker

Yes, even though I have not penetrated many worlds after I reached a high level, they are all high-quality big worlds, and I should get a lot of benefits from the space.

"High-level explorers raise space, space raises low-level explorers, and the cycle goes on and on. In the end, it is to find possibilities among many explorers and cultivate ninth-level explorers. This is the real military class, that is, what space wants effective fighter."

Lao Wang explained, "You should know that the ninth level is a big threshold. Once the threshold is crossed, the explorers want to improve quickly in the space, because the explorers are the only ones. The first eight levels The advantages that can’t be manifested will only be manifested in the late stage, and the explorers have a powerful advantage that the powerhouses of the world do not have.”

"But I think Tianji Martial Saints and their upgrade speeds are average..." Lu Chen complained, "It's been so long, and a world has only increased a little."

Lao Wang was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer, he finally just lifted the cigarette stick and knocked on Lu Chen's forehead, "You can just say what you say here, and you will be scolded if you say it outside."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Senior, continue."

Old Wang filled up the tobacco, lit it and said, "You think they are slow because you are too fast. In fact, compared to the Supreme World, the upgrade speed of the explorers is completely against the sky. Most of the people there are ten epochs old. You have only cultivated to the true self state, and after reaching the true self state, the speed of practice is extremely slow, and you may not be able to reach the peak of the true self in hundreds of epochs."

He exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "The explorers are different. Even after reaching the ninth level, the least talented explorers, as long as they can live forever, they only need a hundred at most to give them time." Era can reach the peak of the ninth order, so it is in terms of attributes."

"To put it that way, Brother Xiao's speed of becoming stronger is quite fast."

Lu Chen thought about it. He didn't ask about the time of Wusheng Tianji's practice, but it must not exceed ten epochs, because the time flow in the space is faster than that, and not every world is as special as his hometown.

Even if the time in each world is considered full, 10,000 years in the space is only the twelfth era compared to the outside world, and the Tianji Wusheng only entered the space 9,000 years ago.

Judging from the improvement speed of the Tianji Martial Saint, it probably won't take the twentieth era, and it will be enough to reach the peak of the ninth rank, or even faster.

Because they have no restrictions on seeking truth, if the opportunity is in place and the time is in place, they will naturally be able to rise up. Moreover, Tianji Wusheng is not a parallel importer in combat, and his mind is good, so it is unlikely that he will die in the mission world.

"Yes, I think that kid is not bad. Now that he has become a void weaver, he is more attentive in handling things. This job is very suitable for him."

Old Wang nodded, "The circus is in its peak and decline. Rhine and Bell are not enough to carry the banner. After all, they are different from you. They have already distinguished their potential from the initial function. Few people can break their own The limit of potential, surpassing oneself, if the animal trainer does not leave, it is enough to shoulder the responsibility of the leader."

Lu Chen didn't answer the conversation, knowing that Lao Wang is a strong man in the comment space, so he might reveal some secrets.

Sure enough, Lao Wang's next sentence surprised Lu Chen, "

It's really embarrassing to the old man and me. For the first time since I abdicated, the circus is under the pressure of other adventure groups. "

"Senior, you used to be... from the circus?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Lao Wang took a puff of cigarette slowly, the smoke covered his eyes, "I am the first generation head of the circus, and I brought up Joker. After retiring, the kid has done a good job, but the management is more loose."

Lu Chen finally knew why Fox recommended him to Lao Wang's place back then, and said that this is the place where their team has been building equipment, and that this is where the old team leader is located.

But he also knew that Fox probably didn't know the identity of Old Wang at all, and even Rhine might not know it. With the departure of the older generation, Old Wang's identity would sink to the bottom of the sea unless he said it himself.

"Senior, you are truly extraordinary. Back then, you must have been the most powerful person in the nine dimensions. There is no one in the world, and all the heavens and all worlds will worship you."

Lu Chen flattered.

"Brat, I can say it out of my mouth. Don't guess. I'm not as powerful as you think. I'm not a pioneer of the void, but a weaver of the void. The strongest old woman is in the primordial dimension."

Lao Wang scolded with a smile, and said another important piece of news.

Lu Chen recalled that Martial Saint Tianji said that he went to Hongmeng Space to negotiate and visited a senior. He didn't think about it at the time, but now that he thinks about it, they are already the pinnacle of this generation of explorers. Where are there seniors?

It seems that the primordial space also has the same trump card as the original space. The strongest in the space have not finished, leaving the strong to sit in charge.

"Senior? Work in the origin space, can you still retire?"

Lu Chen asked curiously. He was thinking that if he was lonely and invincible one day, maybe it would be a good choice to go back to the original space and learn from Lao Wang for retirement.

"Retirement is a joke, but after going through some special procedures, you can be demoted as a backer. Naturally, the backer doesn't need to send out tasks, and the origin of the mining job will not come to me."

Old Wang explained, "The things involved are much more complicated. It is the result of the transaction between me and the origin space. You don't need to know now. In short, old man, I am very dissatisfied with the current circus. You go to see the little lion in the afternoon. Hit it."

Lu Chen nodded with a smile, "I will definitely bring the words of the senior to me."

Speaking of which, he also knew that Old Wang probably knew about the recent situation of the circus, otherwise he would not have said that he was going to see Rhine. Pulled into the space? Why did the senior elephant in the circus disappear and become a violator?"

Lao Wang raised his eyelids and cast a glance at Lu Chen, "Want to know?"

Lu Chen nodded again and again, "This junior has been curious for a long time. I have always wanted to know the reason why I came to the space. The person who used the extradition contract to lure me back then is my benefactor. I always want to thank him."

"I'm not a void weaver anymore, and I don't have the authority to retrieve some information, but I'm sure about this."

Lao Wang said lightly, "The person who pulled you is indeed an elephant in the circus. He is the benefactor you said, and now he has become a violator. You will definitely receive the mission of chasing and killing you in space, because the current nine The only person who can chase him down in the big space is you."

He looked into Lu Chen's eyes, "So, are you going to kill the benefactor who took you?"

Lu Chen fell into silence, but he didn't consider this issue.

Now that I am a pioneer of the void, if the adjudicator of the void can't handle it, then this kind of hunting job must be on my head.

In other words, the next time I see an elephant, it will be a soldier

When Rong meets, Space will assign him the task of adjudicating and destroying that powerful violator.

" I know him?"

After a long silence, Lu Chen asked. "What do you say?"

Old Wang slowly exhaled smoke, and leaned back a little, "The extradition contract can only attract acquaintances, and they must be acquaintances with a high degree of favorability. They must be people you know. As for who, you should be better than the old man and me." There are many."

Lu Chen's heart was heavy, or he was full of confusion, "Why did he become a violator? Is there anything wrong with space?"

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