Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 275: : Lu Mingfei, Crazy

When the two scuffled together, Zhao Menghua felt that something was wrong. Lu Mingfei was fighting, but he was surprisingly strong, as if he was desperate.

   He punched Lu Mingfei's face with one punch, swelling the face of this poor boy who could step on any foot in Zeng Rili, but the other party just didn't flinch.

   Inadvertently, he saw Lu Mingfei's eyes.

   It seems that another soul has descended into this weak body, furious, the ultimate furious!

   as if to tear everything up.

   Years of patience broke out with today's hatred. This declining boy was so hated, so angry, and adrenaline secreted so fast in his body that he didn't even feel the pain in his body.

   Regardless of the so-called enrollment training or the teachings of Senior Brother Lu, he just wants to smash this man who dared to humiliate himself so much.

   Lu Mingfei didn't know it, but it turned out that there was such violence and bloodthirsty hidden deep in his heart. It was like a wolf who had untied the chain. After letting go, it turned out to be so happy.

   In the end, he hugged Zhao Menghua desperately, and the two fell to the ground. Since he couldn't beat his hand, he used his teeth.

   There was a devilish voice bewitching him in his heart.

   How can someone retreat all over after stepping on him?


   Accompanied by a scream of horror, Lu Mingfei bit the place where Zhao Menghua's neck meets his shoulder, blood oozing between his mouth and teeth.

   "Let go! Let go!"

Zhao Menghua’s hand slammed Lu Mingfei’s back crazily, his legs wanted to top his knees, but Lu Mingfei hugged him too tightly, as if he was using breast milk, but what he was sucking at this time was not breast milk, but Red blood.

   The graduates of Shilan Middle School not far away were stunned. They couldn't believe that this was Lu Mingfei that people usually stepped on. The honest person among the honest people was like a little monster.

   "Ming Fei, let go of him soon."

   At this time, a white shadow ran over from the stage, it was Chen Wenwen.

   However, Lu Mingfei turned a deaf ear. Driven by hatred and anger, he even wanted to kill the opponent directly.

   put both hands on Lu Mingfei's shoulders, "Okay, you will bite the artery if you apply force to the other side. It is more troublesome to deal with."

   Lu Chen squeezed Lu Mingfei’s chin and separated the two. Zhao Menghua stepped back and sat on the ground and shouted, "It’s murdered!"

   Lu Chen looked at Zhao Menghua and felt a little disgusting. You just confessed that no one had any objection to a girl, but why did you have to step on someone and be humiliated to be satisfied?

   Lu Mingfei stood up and spit out red spit, either from him or from Zhao Menghua.

   "Lu Mingfei, how can you do this!?"

  Chen Wenwen supported Zhao Menghua and looked at the blood flowing out of the wound, feeling anxious.

   Lu Mingfei looked at Chen Wenwen, opened his mouth, and finally did not speak.

   turned around and took the tissue that Ling handed over. He wiped the blood from his mouth and face, "Brother Lu, I am willing to go to Kassel College."

   At this time, people heard regular footsteps, and the students thought it was a security guard.

   But it was a group of people in suits and leather shoes who came in. The headed one was still with eyes, and he had an academic atmosphere, like a teacher.

   "Hello, Director Lu, Kassel College 89, Yapeng Sun, come to take care of the aftermath."

The middle-aged man headed by    introduced himself after saluting to Lu Chen.

   As early as the moment Lu Chen kicked the door, Chu Zihang contacted the aftermath department of the local executive department.

  Although Lu Chen himself did not participate in the fight, apart from throwing away Zhao Menghua, he did not violently injure anyone. It seemed that the most serious were the two teenagers who had just finished fighting in the field.

   But in Lu Chen's previous actions, he has exposed his power that is different from ordinary people. No matter how "Chinese Kung Fu" is used to explain it, it is impossible for people to kick the door open and let the door fly tens of meters away.

   The students from the Literature Department of Shilan Middle School are indeed shocked today. In order to make their lives more healthy and positive in the future, love the people of the motherland and society, and become the five-good youths, they need to receive some psychological counseling.

   There are three hypnotic hybrids in this team. They are definitely not comparable to the well-known Kassel Professor Masashi Toyama, but psychological counseling for ordinary people is enough.

   "Let him stop the bleeding first, the ghost is crying and howling."

   Lu Chen heard Zhao Menghua’s cry a little irritated. It turned out that the so-called person who had been standing at the highest point among his classmates was so unbearable once he was defeated.

The blood that Zhao Menghua shed just looks scary. Lu Mingfei has no "battle" experience after all, and the bite is wrong. At most it is a skin trauma. It is said that Lu Mingfei suffered more severe injuries and his face is completely invisible. Come out in person.

   After all, he led people out of the projection hall. Lu Mingfei was a little erratic in walking, and was supported by Chu Zihang.

   When he crossed the gate, Lu Mingfei was a little worried after returning to his senses. Although Senior Brother Lu was very grateful for helping him out today, Senior Brother Lu destroyed the cinema facilities.

   "Brother Lu, what should I do about this? The movie theater should let you pay?"

   Lu Mingfei was a little uncomfortable speaking, and looked out. I don't know when, this movie theater has been emptied.

   He wanted to express his gratitude, saying that he had saved some "private money", or used a scholarship to pay it back after enrolling.

   Lu Chen shook his head, "No compensation."

Lu Mingfei was stunned, and said that this is a society under the rule of law. Our students will squat in the detention center if they have a fight. Brother Lu, you are blatantly destroying commercial facilities. You will definitely sue you if you don’t pay. what!

   Seeing Lu Mingfei's some doubts, Lu Chen added: "I bought it here."

   Lu Mingfei's mouth closed immediately.

   is getting smaller, it’s my size.

   The operating condition of this movie theater itself is average, and the money spent to buy it is not as much as that of a toy set by Eriya.

So no one will come today. Before the incident, the employees of the cinema had been given paid leave by the "boss", and after Lu Mingfei entered the cinema, the door outside was closed and it became "off". .

   The only person in this theater who is still working hard and earning a double salary is the uncle who is responsible for releasing BGM to Lu Mingfei, and the uncle has not forgotten the time, he just received the "double pay"

Lu Mingfei has no objection. Of course, Lu Chen wouldn’t let the boss here quit his uncle because the theater staff took outsider red envelopes. Life is not easy for everyone. Uncle didn’t know that Zhao Menghua wanted to play Lu Mingfei. He just wants to make more money to make ends meet.

   After leaving the door, Chu Zihang sent Lu Mingfei to the last row of a commercial Benz, then returned to the driver's seat and started the car.

   Lu Mingfei needs to go to the hospital. Zhao Menghua's karate is not for nothing. According to Lu Chen's experience, Lu Mingfei's eye bones were broken, his eye sockets were severely congested, and bone cracks appeared on his body.

   If Zhao Menghua did this first, Lu Mingfei might get rich overnight. Rolls-Royce's legal department would kindly send him a greeting of "Is there any intention to buy a car?"

   After getting in the car, Lu Mingfei remained silent, and after the adrenaline's effect declined, he began to feel unbearable pain, sweating, and dizziness and nausea.

   There is a price to be strong with weak strikes, but he feels inexplicably comfortable in his heart, as if the breath that has accumulated over the years has finally dissipated.

  The spirit gradually fell into a trance, Lu Mingfei unexpectedly thought of Chen Wenwen's affairs, he himself was surprised, and said confusedly: "Brother Lu...Aunty also asked me to bring eggs when I go home."

   Lu Chen glanced at Lu Mingfei and didn't know what kind of brain circuit the other party was. He thought that Lu Mingfei was going to cry loudly after being "lost in love" at this moment.

   Chu Zihang glanced at Lu Mingfei, who had fallen into a semi-conscious state through the rearview mirror, "He is not awake anymore, but subconsciously wants to seek his own psychological safety zone, he wants to go home."

   It seems that people are always strange, Mingming Lu Mingfei usually feels a bit aggrieved living in his aunt's house, but he is in a delirious trance, but he wants to return to his hut.

   Chu Zihang slammed on the accelerator. It was important to save people. He didn't expect that someone would be injured so badly today, so he didn't contact the medical team. The people in the executive department only had simple bandages and other medical supplies.

  Because it was close to get off work hours, there was a traffic jam on the road, and it took 20 minutes to get to the city hospital.

   Put Lu Mingfei in the emergency room. After the first aid, Lu Mingfei was placed in the VIP ward, and Chu Zihang breathed a sigh of relief.

   Lu Chen and several people sitting on the benches outside the ward, eating the meal zero brought back from the outside, it was also a unique experience.

   "Why do those people bully him?"

  Eriyi was a little bit confused. It was obvious that everyone was a classmate, and it was the high school she had dreamed of. The anime she watched were pretty good.

   Lu Mingfei doesn’t seem to have any advantages, but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything bad. Why should everyone bully him?

Lu Chen touched Hui Li Yi’s head, feeling the soft long hair, “People follow blindly. When a strong individual in a group takes the lead to bully someone, everyone else will follow, because if he doesn’t follow, they will I'm afraid I will be pushed out and bullied."

   After speaking, he sighed, "I'm sorry, I promised you only show you the beautiful side of the world."

  Eliyi gently shook her head, and put her bare hand on Lu Chen's lap, "As long as I'm together, I'm very happy."

  Looking at the girl's sincere eyes, Lu Chen almost couldn't suppress the impulse, but he still resisted it. Eriya needs to continue to grow, otherwise he always feels like he is committing a crime.

   "I was a little surprised."

   Chu Zihang said to Lu Chen.

   "What does Brother Chu mean?"

   Lu Chen picked up a piece of chicken from the lunch box and sent it to his mouth.

   "I thought that Brother Lu, you paid attention to Lu Mingfei's confession today, and bought the movie theater to help him when he was in a dilemma."

   Chu Zihang knew that Brother Lu was very committed, and the other party said that he would follow Lu Mingfei, so he would definitely do it.

   But in the end, Brother Lu didn't help Lu Mingfei strongly, but only allowed Lu Mingfei to fight with Zhao Menghua.

  If it was him who came to pick up Lu Mingfei, he might choose to help Lu Mingfei get ahead, let him leave the screening room glamorously, leaving the enviable faces of the students of the Department of Literature, and building up the confidence of this junior.

   In his opinion, Lu Mingfei lacks self-confidence, but S-class should not be self-confident, and he needs to give him confidence.

   "Do you think I'm too aggressive and didn't help him out?"

   Lu Chen smiled. If Zhao Menghua didn't die, he wouldn't even be able to pull the opponent out, so he was not going to give Lu Mingfei his head.

Seeing Chu Zihang’s doubts, Lu Chen continued: "Brother Chu, you have read many psychology books. Generally speaking, I am not as good as you in these fields. Can stand up."

Chu Zihang thought: "Lu Mingfei lives in a foster family, and his lack of confidence and low self-esteem should be the reason for today's situation. His rant is not unreasonable. He is indeed not qualified to challenge Zhao Menghua. If in school, he and each other Contradictory, the ultimate loser must be him."

Chu Zihang didn’t say it was more cruel, but he read the detailed information about Lu Mingfei’s family life and knew that the junior’s uncle was usually very busy. If he was called the parent, the aunt would eventually return home. Will criticize Lu Mingfei.

Lu Chen shook his head. "His aunt may not protect him very well, but it doesn't need to be like today. If he has that fierceness and scares Zhao Menghua, even if he has been criticized and recorded, you think next time Does anyone dare to bully him casually?"

   As the saying goes, he is afraid of being stunned, and he is afraid of death. In his opinion, Lu Mingfei still has some potential, at least he is not soft to the end.

Seeing Chu Zihang's thoughts, Lu Chen continued: "Brother Chu, in your opinion, Lu Mingfei's weakness is because he does not have his parents by his No money, no power, no one to give. He is in his early years, that's why he is like this. He may still regard himself as the protagonist of the tragedy, but is that really the case?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "No, in my opinion, it is purely leisure. Senior sister Qiaowini sends a lot of pensions to her home every year. Although not all of them are on Lu Mingfei's head, he is also safe. , And then I will be full of love and so-called loneliness and sorrow, and join the literature club, and hurt the spring and the autumn all the time..."

He paused, "...Is he stupid? His academic performance is not good, and it is more that he does not work hard. He finds a reason for himself to have no parental cover, no money and no power at home, and then he will fall for himself. I'm very pitiful, but I don't know that there are so many children in the world who can't eat enough, don't wear warm clothes, and can't afford to go to school."

"What about him? Shilan Middle School is a so-called aristocratic school. I saw that the teachers are first-rate, but he is always at the bottom. He rarely communicates with his classmates, he is full of secret love, and he doesn’t want to listen to lessons. It’s normal to be squeezed out and oppressed if you don’t fit in with a good project."

  Chu Zihang thought for a while, and found that what Lu brother said was actually very reasonable, but he also hesitated to ask: "Could it be the mourning of blood?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "Although I have relatively few classes, I also know the definition of Blood Sorrow. There is a very core thing clearly written in the textbook, that is, because the mixed race is different from ordinary people's excellence, it creates a sense of isolation. He Ah... it's the other way around."

   Lu Chen finally made a conclusion, "For a person like Junior Brother, it is not necessary to help him develop self-confidence, otherwise he will always want to rely on others and must let him try to stand up, so I stimulate him."

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