Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 283: : Xia Mi: Brother Lu is fancy dog ​​abuse

"Team b, retreat and retreat, retreat to Norton Hall for a defensive battle!"

Seraphim shouted the command, and their student union could not easily admit defeat. Following her were the elite female soldiers of the student union, fighting the lace girl dance troupe.

At this time, the Lionheart battle line on the opposite side suddenly stopped suppressing their firepower. What made Seraphim even more puzzled was that there were screams of doubt, "President?", and there were guns behind them. sound.

When the figure appeared from the corner of the teaching building, the female classmates of the Lace Dance Group suddenly became tight, feeling that their breathing was a little bit unsmooth.

They finally understood what happened on the opposite side, and who could wipe out the elite team of Lionheart in just three seconds.

Standing in front of them was the strongest dragon slayer in the Kassel Academy, a monster of a hybrid species, an s-level of the s-level, and the thirty-sixth president of the Lionheart Association-Lu Chen.


Seraphim reacted, commanding and shouting, the assault rifle in his hand sounded first.

However, the Lionheart President only swayed slightly in place, dodge all her shooting, and other girls pulled out Beretta and fired.

The shocking thing happened to them. The teenager walked forward and let go of his hand. Several Friega bullets that had been captured by violence but had not exploded but had not exploded fell on the ground.

Even the ladies want to explode at this time.

This is really a state of no words! ?

Lu Chen actually caught the bullet with his bare hands!

They finally understood that those who can kill monsters like Dragon King must be monsters.

Lu Chen walked to Serapura's side, and the girls all around fell down one after another, and there was almost a single shot. Lu Chen threw the two revolvers that he had snatched from someone else's hands aside, tapping his identity on the other person's shoulder. The card, passing by the opponent.

"Can you girls not hang the sign on your chest?"

Seraphim heard Lu Chen's voice, but she could no longer see the other person when she turned her head. She looked at the fallen sisters of the Lace Dance Company with a wry smile.

Indeed, it seems that apart from her brand hanging on his chest, Junior Brother Lu just didn't want to touch everyone suspected of being a hooligan, so he knocked everyone down with Friega bullets.

And looking at the way the other party killed them all the way, the six relatives didn't recognize it. Whether it was the Student Union or the Lionheart Club, they were all being cleared.

It seems that Junior Brother Lu's reward for the final winner is bound to be won, and whoever stops will be unlucky.

Lu Chen walked on the campus, wherever he passed, "corpses were everywhere". Later, members of the Lionheart Club voluntarily surrendered when they met him.

Anyway, the Lionheart Club has won, and their president is also the person most qualified to win in the end.

The identity card of this game is an out-of-the-box high-tech product. It not only binds the student ID of each participant to determine whether it is out of the game, but also has several other functions.

First, in order to determine whether a student participates in the activity, this ID badge needs to be activated in the first step. It is not necessary to bring it up. You have to press the fingerprint touch screen on the back to verify your identity. If it is not activated, it will be deemed not to participate.

Second, once you decide to participate, after activation, it will be entered into Norma's system. There is a number on each person’s ID card, which shows the remaining number of people. This number will be increased by one, the ID card will be red, and the others The number on the person will be reduced by one.

Third, the identity card also has a certain function of monitoring pulse and physiological status. Once a student is hit by a Frija bullet, it will glow red in less than half a minute when lying on the ground.

In the end, although Kassel should have no such dog-thief besides Fingel, it is still necessary to prevent someone from hiding to the "finals" before activating participation. This game is set to be unable to activate half an hour after the event starts.

Therefore, Lu Chen can judge how many people are left based on the number on the ID card. He only needs to make the number above 1 and that's it.


After Lu Chen laid down a few classmates, gunshots sounded. He tilted his head, and the hapless man behind him was hit. The originally disqualified person still did not escape the fate of being anaesthetized and coma.

Lu Chen looked up to the top of the church. It was Eliyi who shot the gun. He raised his hand to say hello to Eliyi, but the next bullet responded.

With his extraordinary vision, he could see the girl who had been emptying the gun twice in a row with her pretty face puffed up slightly, as if she was angry.

Lu Chen opened his mouth, "Wait for me."

This game is actually very simple. At the beginning, it was a decisive battle with a few people, but he didn't know where Chu Zihang was now. Before he went to find Eliyi, he had to let Brother Chu out.

Walking on the road, Lu Chen eliminated other people while thinking about what had just happened.

It can be seen that Eriya wants to win, but he can't figure out why.

Eriya treats herself very well. Isn't she afraid of big-caliber sniper rifles hurting me?

Why does she want to win so much?

Also eliminate me! ?

Could it be...

Lu Chen suddenly became vigilant in his heart, and even more determined his will to win.

And after Hui Yi on the top of the church shot and eliminated a Lionheart member again, she whispered: "Why hide!"

Obviously, it's good to be eliminated by herself, she will win to the end.

and many more!

To hide, I want to win until the end, and I don't even want me to win.

Could it be...

Eriya's eyes became dangerous, pulling the bolt, and shooting at the few remaining students in the school... Ladies first.

As time went by, the school became quieter and quieter, only the gunshots that rang out from time to time by Eriya.

She looked down at her identity card on the mountain, the number on it had become "3"

Liberty entered the finals within 25 minutes of fighting in a day. I’m afraid no one would have thought of it. Because of the existence of the S-Class, this game ended very quickly. Last year’s locomotives were even better than a few. Hours.

On the other side, on the top floor of the Hall of Valor, Lu Mingfei shivered as he looked at Senior Brother Lu who came up. After thinking about it, he still didn't raise his gun, "Brother Lu, I surrender!"

Then honestly pressed the identity card on his chest.

"You should shoot and try, and dare to compete."

Lu Chen said lightly, but he didn't educate Lu Mingfei too much. After all, the other party was very good in a certain sense today.

After going downstairs, he intimately helped Chu Zihang move a chair and let the other party sit down. The large-caliber Friega bullet was anesthetized enough to numb the elephant, but Chu Zihang remained awake, because it was inconvenient to move.

If it hadn't been shot in the head, he would have been alive and well.

Leaving the Hall of Valor, Lu Chen ran wildly inside the school and jumped straight onto the top of the church.

Hui Liyi stepped back vigilantly, and aimed his sniper rifle at Lu Chen.

"Eri Yi..."


Lu Chen passed a Friega bullet dangerously and dangerously.

"Eli Yi is..."


Lu Chen:...

Before Eriyi fired his next shot, he quickly got close and took the big toy. "Eriyi really wants to win?"

Eliyi made a small bowl with both hands, covering the identity card on her chest, avoiding a surprise attack, "Want to win!"

"Can't you let me win?"

Lu Chen asked with some headaches and anxiety.

Eriya shook her head, her long burgundy hair was flying in the wind, her pretty face bulged, "Why don't you want me to win!?"

This time, Lu Chen wouldn't be able to stop it. Although he felt that the possibility of Eriyi confessing to others was almost zero, he did not want Eriyi to win.

Without him, he felt that this confession qualification was his own.

As a man, how can I let my beloved girl say that first?

He once heard Brother Caesar say that whoever confesses first means that whoever loves each other a little bit more!

It was a defeat for men and women in love, but it was a victory for the "numerical" of love.


Lu Chen scratched his head and didn't hold back. Since he wants to get the qualification, if he says something like "I want to confess to you" now, wouldn't he be surprised? The qualification is meaningless.

Eriya looked suspiciously, "After you win, you won't..."

With that said, Eriya gradually squeezed again, "I won't be right..."

After the education of Sister Milana, Eriya gradually understood the relationship between men and women (emotions), and she suddenly became a little shy and nervous again.

If she said "I won't confess to others", wouldn't it be like implying that she is the "owner" other than "others"? Wouldn't it be equivalent to confession! ?

No, I have to get the qualifications and use the rewards if nothing is wrong.

In the anime that Eriya has seen, the successful cases of confession are basically girls confessing to boys. She feels that this is the right way to confess.

Who said it later, doesn't it mean that there is less love for each other?

Today must not be allowed to win!

The scene froze for a while.

On the other side, in the Hall of Valor, a slender figure opened the door and walked in cautiously, like a little thief stealing something.

Xia Mi groped around the wall, secretly looking outside, very vigilant.

"what are you doing?"

Chu Zihang's cold voice sounded.


Xia Mi screamed, turned her head abruptly, and patted her chest and said, "Brother, are you trying to scare me to death? Why are you sitting there like a dead person."

"Sorry, not intentional."

Chu Zihang said lightly, Brother Lu moved the chair very tall, he sat down a little to be more comfortable.

Xia Mi walked around Chu Zihang's side, pulled another chair, and looked at Chu Zihang with a smirk, "Brother, you are... you are anaesthetized and can't move?"

"Well, it's calculated according to the rules."

Chu Zihang didn't think it was shameful.

"Senior brother is so strong, please hug your thighs. He won't fall when he was hit by a Frija bullet. You see that person sleeps like a dead pig."

Xia Mi pointed to the brawny golden-haired pectoral muscle lying on the ground in the hall of the Hall of Heroes.

"That was the student council president. I didn't defeat it. We were all hit by Eriyi's bullets."

Chu Zihang explained.

"Ah? Are you not in the same group?"

Xia Mi was puzzled, Eriya had the impression that she was a beautiful and innocent girl.

Chu Zihang shook his head, "Only one person can win in the end today. Eriya and Brother Lu... should both want to win."

"Hey-this event is really boring. It was completely slaughtered by the monster brothers and sisters. As for why they want to win, they are originally lovers. It is obviously a waste of reward resources!"

Xia Mi also knows the rewards of the event.

"Do you want that final reward too?"

Chu Zihang was a little surprised. It was obvious that this junior girl had shouted "Senior brother, fire prevention and theft prevention."

Xia Mi spread his hands, "Who doesn't want it, but what I value is the Bugatti Veyron in the reward. If it is sold, you will have no worries about food and clothing!"

Chu Zihang was stunned, but he didn't expect that the other party was because of this. The students of Kassel College wanted to win, mostly for the honor of the final winner and the gimmick of confession of power, rarely for that car.

It is estimated that only Fingel and Lu Mingfei will never forget the Bugatti Veyron, and he saw Xia Mi’s "decision" today.

It's a pity that the opponent is out...

Huh? Wait, the identity badge on Xia Mi's chest didn't shine red.

"Brother, although I know that I have a bit of beauty, you can't stare at me like a wolf, it's rude, okay!"

Xia Mi bared her little tiger teeth and said fiercely.

Chu Zihang retracted his eyes, "Sorry, I didn't mean that."

After all, there is another way of thinking about other things, as if the attention is not here.

Xia Mi leaned forward curiously, leaning forward, almost pressing on Chu Zihang's body. The familiar body fragrance on the girl's body poured into Chu Zihang's nasal cavity, making him think back in his mind, and at the same time surprised at this junior sister. What do you want to do?

He wanted to dodge sideways, but the anesthetic hasn't worked yet, and his body doesn't listen to it.

Xia Mi stretched out a hand that pointed at the jade green onion, and gently brushed it from Chu Zihang's ear, "Brother, what is this? So you have been listening to gossip."

Xia Mi noticed that Chu Zihang's abnormality originated from the earphones. She adjusted the volume of the earphones and put them on the table. In the quiet Hall of Heroes, both of them could hear clearly.

"It is the channel communication of the high-powered members of the Lionheart. Those who are out will consciously turn off the sound system, but can hear other people's conversations."

Chu Zihang explained that the only people "alive" today are Brother Lu and Eriya. It is self-evident who the dialogue is inside.

Xia Mi only listened for ten seconds, then raised her hands to cover her ears and leaned back, then looked at Chu Zihang, "Senior Brother Lu, do they know that they are broadcasting dog abuse?"

Chu Zihang thought for a while, "With the big nerves of Brother Lu and the innocence of Eliyi, I guess they didn't even realize that others could hear this channel."

Xia Mi looks up to the It’s a waste of reward resources. Your Lionheart Club’s single dogs have lost a day of freedom and it’s hard enough. You have to be abused by the president’s live broadcast here. Listen, Do these two people have a human word! ? "

"No, they just want to win."

Chu Zihang felt that the decisive battle between Lu brother and Eliyi was quite interesting, and it did not rise to the level of the crime of dog abuse.

Xia Mi exclaimed: "I think they are obviously old husbands and wives, and they are still rushing to confess their places and swear that whoever loves each other more, this wave... is a high-level dog abuse!"

Chu Zihang subconsciously wanted to defend Brother Lu, "Brother Lu hasn't confessed yet. Strictly speaking, they are not a couple. He has reason to want that qualification."

Xia Mi patted Chu Zihang's shoulders with a bewildered look, with a sympathetic expression on his face, "Brother Chu, you didn't realize that you have been fed dog food, you are the most pitiful."

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