Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 285: : Is this the female version of Fingel?

"Sister Uesugi, what are you going to do?"

After the shower, Xia Mi was wearing her pajamas and wiping her hair, standing behind Eriyi curiously and nervously.

"I want to see if Brother Fingel has updated the results of today's Freedom Day."

Eriya replied, she heard from there that Brother Fingel was in the news, and it should be well informed.

"Sister Uesugi, winning is not that important. Maybe the person who won is just lucky, she doesn't want to win at all."

Xia Mi smiled more and more stiff, persuaded.

Eriya tilted her head slightly puzzled, and looked at Xia Mi, "Are there anyone who doesn't want to win?"

Xia Mi nodded as if beating the drum, "Yes, yes, not everyone wants to confess, the Bugatti Veyron's reward is quite tempting."

Eriyi thoughtfully, then clicked on the Night Watcher forum, and entered the top few posts that were maxed out.

"Shocked, freedom is set to fall, and the s-class couple ‘kills the same’, the real winner is actually her!"

"Who is the final winner, Lionheart President? Student President? Or a super S-grade freshman from Japan? No, neither..."

"The new character was born. On the first day of enrollment, she stepped on the s-grade couple to win the victory of Freedom Day. Is she really a grade-a mixed race?"

"Legend of the world! Two s-levels broadcast dog abuse on public channels. People who love single dogs strongly condemn it!"

"This is the victory of the Holy Church, the victory of the single dog!"

"The newly enrolled Junior Sister Xiti Bugatti Veyron, with the qualification to confess that she must succeed, instantly became the public enemy of all girls in the school. Who will she use this opportunity for? The senior intelligence officer will analyze it for everyone... "

"Deep digging, the origins of the a-level juniors, the skippers from the mysterious oriental preparatory class, the elite of the elite, swear that they are strong on the first day of coming to the school!"

"The s-grade freshman shined on Freedom Day, and shot Caesar Gattuso with one shot, and shot Chu Zihang with another shot. Will she be the next Lu Chen?"

"S-level freshmen all join the Lions Heart Club and strongly resist the Lion Heart Club's monopoly of outstanding talents!"


I have to say that today is the day of the paparazzi carnival, all kinds of revelations emerge in endlessly, from the final result of Freedom Day, to the midway fighting situation, and finally there are even posts about resisting the monopoly of Lionheart.

Eriyi ignored the pile of high-click posts behind, and clicked directly into the first post, wanting to see who had won.

Even Zero came over, wanting to see who can stand out from the chaos.

Xia Mi looked at Eriri who was sliding the mouse, and walked back to the dormitory door without a trace.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Eriyi, is it convenient now?"

At the same time, Xia Mi saw Eriya's head gradually turning, staring straight at herself.

There are wolves before and tigers behind.

what to do! ?

Eriya got up, she seemed to be murderous! ?

She is approaching, what should I do! ?

The precepts don’t seem to affect this girl! ?

Eriya stretched out her hand, passed Xia Mi's side, and opened the door.

Suddenly, Xia Mi felt a more dangerous aura behind him again, like a ghost head pressing on his neck.

Do you have to force me! ?

Rabbits will bite when they are anxious!

Force me to make a trick, right? ?

So in Lu Chen's doubts, under Eliyi's surprised gaze, they saw that this young girl in pajamas squatted down and hugged Eliyi's thigh tightly.

"Sister Uesugi! Forgive me! I didn't mean it!"

The aggrieved appearance was simply tearful and touching.

"What's happening here?"

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. He came to Eliyi just to go to the cafeteria for dinner together.

He also asked Fingel who was the winner, but Fingel mysteriously told him to see for himself, and he hadn't checked the Night Watcher forum after he took a bath.

He looked at Xia Mi, who was holding Eli's white greasy thighs without regard to his face, and for a moment he wondered what kind of species it was, the female version of Finger? Or the female version of Lu Mingfei?

Oh, it seems that these two creatures are not very different on their faces.

"Xia, Xia Mi, get up first."

Eriya was a little at a loss, and helped Xia Mixian up. She didn't really want to kill, and she didn't know what this roommate was afraid of.

After Xia Mi got up a little nervously, Eriya glanced at Lu Chen again: "Wait for me to change my clothes first."

Lu Chen nodded, closed the door and went out consciously.

In the room where only the girls were left, Eriyi slowly approached Xia Mi, pressed it to the other's ear, and asked softly, "Xia Mi won't use that reward indiscriminately, right?"

The voice is beautiful, as beautiful as nature, and the tone is innocent, but with a trace of fear.

Xia Mi shook his head like a rattle, "I will definitely not use it indiscriminately."

Then she crossed her necks with Hui Yi, and whispered in the ear of the other party: "Don't worry, Senior Brother Lu, it’s Senior Sister Uesugi."

Eriyi stepped back helplessly, her pretty face was flushed, "...Xia Mi called me Eriyi just fine."

At this point, Xia Mi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his survival crisis was temporarily lifted.

It's just that, as a post on the Night Watcher forum said, she can't be sure...become the public enemy of girls in the school.

But not every girl is as innocent and cute as Eriya.

Xia Mi walked to the window and looked east, she wanted to go home to find her brother...


On September 20th, demons danced wildly in the noisy classroom.

Today is the day of the 3e exam, and this classroom is full of "fairies"

In the head classroom, most of them are a-level mixed breeds, not to mention. Today there are two new students who are estimated to be s-level in this classroom.

Lu Mingfei felt that he was a bit fake, but Senior Sister Uesugi was different. He had previewed the language lesson and knew how terrible the other party was.

Oh, Senior Sister Uesugi seems to like to hear others call her Senior Sister, Lu Mingfei has always been a chicken thief in this regard, um, high EQ.

At this time, Lu Mingfei was a little nervous, and he didn’t know whether Brother Fingel was reliable or not. He didn’t seem to sympathize with Long Wen. Yesterday, when Brother Lu and Senior Sister Uesugi were driving out for a drive, he offered a small bribe for Brother Fingel A wave.

Until yesterday, he felt that Brother Fingel was sloppy and lazy and an unscrupulous paparazzi, but last night, he suddenly felt that Brother Fingel's figure became taller.

The seniors of the eighth grade are just extraordinary!

When everyone was dancing around, only he and Senior Sister Uesugi sat in the classroom and didn't respond. For a while, he began to think, is it possible that the S-level is not affected?

Don't you see that Xia Mi, who looks beautiful like a female monster, who lives next door, is also sitting in the position and shaking his head.

However, Senior Sister Li Yi was so lucky, and she didn't cheat, suddenly Lu Mingfei was a little suspicious of life.

On the other side, in the monitoring room, Lu Chen was petty bourgeoisie drinking a bottle of Happy Mansion Water.

He is in a good mood these days. The person who won Freedom Day is Xia Mi. In his opinion, Xia Mi's sexual orientation should still be normal. Although she shouted "fire and theft, brother", she could never like it. It's a girl.

And this junior girl didn't mean to confess to anyone, just the smile on her face when she took away Caesar's Bugatti Veyron, that was really happy.

He can also understand that he is also a child of a poor family. The Bugatti Veyron is handsome or not. It doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, it is mainly valuable.

I heard that Junior Sister Xia Mi is already planning to sell the car, saying that she wants to exchange some money and send it back to improve her family's situation.

In the past few days, Lu Chen, under the guidance of Brother Chu and the planning of Brother Caesar, had prepared a flawless confession plan, and waited for the time to come, pick a good day to confess.

Looking at the carefully drawn Eriyi in the video, Lu Chen also let go of his heart. Of course, the first emperor's bloodline would not respond to listening to the emperor. After all, it is not a school, but Eriyi can still understand the Longwen test. Even if Eriya wants to, she can sing a live.

"That's how the teacher looked at my exam last time?"

Lu Chen smiled and chatted with Schneider, feeling a bit strange. He struggled in the examination room a year ago, but now he has become an invigilator.

"Your calmness at the time surprised us, and so is the new S-Class."

Schneider said in a hoarse voice, "I don't know the situation of Lu Mingfei, but I think it may not be enough to evaluate you and Eriya with the S grade."

One is a young man who has killed two first-generation species, and the other is a girl who is comparable to the first-generation emperor. Their Kassel Academy has more and more monsters.

It's a good thing.

Lu Chen shook his head. "The ratings are all imaginary, but I am still happy to see the juniors and juniors of the college this period, at least the college's grassroots strength has become stronger."

He is not talking nonsense. There are nearly ten more freshmen with a pedigree or higher than his class.

He and Eriya are very strong, but it is impossible to handle all the trivial tasks. The world is huge, and every place needs the protection of a commissioner.

"Lu Mingfei's training is very effective. This child can endure more hardships than I thought. You may consider bringing him on your next assignment."

Schneider looked at Lu Mingfei who answered the question "seriously" in the screen and said.

"Let's talk about it when you believe it, I start to doubt whether the prophecy is right or not, why after Norton, the other dragon kings are like flameouts, and none of them show up."

Lu Chen was a little helpless. It has been more than four months since the last war. After hard training, they have now become a mature dragon slaying team, but there is no news of the first generation.

"Knife sharpening and not cutting wood by mistake, you are still young, the later the war comes, the better, before the predicted 2012 comes, you can become stronger."

Schneider looked at Lu Chen, "Don't be impatient."

Lu Chen was speechless, he couldn't say that he only had one year left.


At the end of summer, the weather is no longer so hot, and the freshmen are gradually adapting to life at Kassel College.

The results of the 3e exam came out. No surprise, Eriyi and Lu Mingfei were both rated as s grades.

And Hui Liyi and Lu Mingfei, except for the principal's dragon genealogy learning class, basically did not attend, which can be regarded as a special case on campus.

In order to deal with stronger dragons, they should specialize in the field of combat.

Of course, even if some people don't go to class, their grades will not drop.

For example, Chu Zihang, after studying with textbooks, would read books in the Lions Heart Public Library in the evening, because he believed that he was not the best one, but he wanted to help Brother Lu analyze Nibelungen. Various situations.

Today is the weekend, Brother Lu also rarely gave everyone a holiday. He came to the library to continue reading when he had nothing to do in the morning.

During this period of time, he became more and more strange, feeling that the juniors around him always had a special sense of familiarity, and even he seemed to be about to "remember" the other person.

"If the One refers to the spirit, then the upper and lower realms refer to the spiritual worlds of dragons and humans that are different?"

Xia Mi was holding the Jade Record, somewhat puzzled.

"You can understand it this way. It should describe a process of evolving from a human to a dragon to complete self-fulfillment."

Chu Zihang explained.

Xia Mi also joined the Lionheart Club. Recently, the two of them often met in the library and occasionally discussed some academic issues together.

The specific matters of the Lionheart Club are now basically handled by Lancelot. This classmate bears hardships and stands hard work and works hard and no complaints. Only when it comes to important matters, he will look for Lu Chen or Chu Zi's aerial plan.


The phone vibrated, Chu Zihang unlocked the screen and glanced at it. It was an emergency mail from Norma.

Xia Mi’s mobile phone also received a message, “It’s a war practice class. It’s not long after school just started. Isn’t the college afraid that our freshmen will die?”

"Don't worry, the task of new students...usually not too difficult."

The reason why he said it was so-so, mainly because he remembered the first mission with Brother Lu. If it weren't for Brother Lu's ability to turn the tide, I am afraid that many people would die.

Ten minutes later, the executive department building, the combat meeting room.

Chu Zihang ran into Lu Chen outside the conference room and saw many students pouring into the executive department building.

"There are a lot of people today."

Chu Zihang felt a little puzzled, and looked at Brother Lu, wanting to know what's inside.

Lu Chen shrugged, "I don't know too much, but the principal said last time that the ‘education’ plan should be accelerated, and there are many small things in the world during this time."

"Little things don't please Brother Lu."

Chu Zihang shook his head. Norma sent him an email asking him to go to meeting room 1202, but seeing that many meeting rooms on this floor were in use, Norma only asked them to come and did not specify the task content in the email. This was to avoid intelligence. Give way.

"Who knows, such a big battle, even if it's not the Dragon King, it might be a bit of fun."

Lu Chen smiled and asked Chu Zihang, "Which conference room is Brother Chu?"

"One twenty two."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was slightly disappointed, "There is no longer a meeting room, it seems we have been separated."

He was not disappointed that he couldn't act with Chu Zihang, but because the academy separated them, it meant that the target was not the Dragon King, but just a small character.

"Hey, Brother Lu, Brother Chu."

Caesar also came from the other side, and he was also summoned temporarily.

"You are here too. It seems that this is a unified war practice class."

Caesar looked at the crowd in the building and said.


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