Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 287: : Mayan guide girl

The coconut fell to the ground, and the girl sitting on the reef suddenly looked back and realized that someone had come over, like a frightened seabird.

He got up in panic, but didn't stand firm, and fell straight from the high rock.

However, she did not come into close contact with the sand. Someone caught her, and she hugged each other tightly in a panic. It was mutual tenderness.

Eriyi put the girl down and looked at the other party with a little dissatisfaction. The girl almost hit her.

"Sorry, thank you."

After the girl stood firm, she apologized first, and then thanked Eriya. She said it in English. At the same time, she was a little surprised. This beautiful sister is also very good at it.

"Hello, I am Ischl. Jacques, are you here to travel?"

Ischchel introduced herself politely and at the same time was very puzzled. Usually there are no tourists here, so she will come here to sing at night.

"Miss Ischchel, hello, my name is Lu Chen."

After Lu Chen introduced herself, he reviewed the girl. The other party was wearing a plaid short-sleeved shirt with local Maya characteristics. It seemed to have worn for many years. The color has faded, and the tension is also a little tight, which makes people worry about it. He was not breathing well, his belly button was exposed in the center, and his lower body was wearing a short gray skirt with white flowers, full of exotic style and youthful vitality.

The muscles that were exposed during the fall were not abnormal. It should be an accident. The physical fitness is in the category of ordinary people, but it is relatively healthy.

Eriya pulled off his sleeves lightly. Lu Chen felt that his judgment was almost complete, and straightforwardly said the words he had prepared in advance: "We are from the Archaeological Society of the University of Kassel, and our research this semester is about Mayan culture. So I want to visit the ancient villages here."

Ischchel looked at the group of people in front of him. There were Easterners and Westerners. It seemed that their hair color came from many different countries.

"Mr. Lu, you are here for archaeology?"

Ischchel was a little puzzled. These elder brothers and sisters who were one or two years older than herself looked like tourists. She had seen the archaeological team on TV. They all brought professional tools and were well-dressed.

"I just arrived in Cancun today, because the scenery here is beautiful, so I played too much during the day, but I can't do my business all the time. I heard that there is a village here, so come and have a look."

Lu Chen explained that only at this time does he feel a headache. Normally, Brother Chu does this kind of thing, and he is only responsible for cutting the dragon.

Now he is the executive officer of the war practice class and the benchmark that the Lionheart Club Junior Brothers and Sisters have longed for. He can't leave these things to others to do.

In fact, Zero is also very analytic, but when she communicates... it always seems to be giving orders, and her expression looks very unfriendly.

Lu Mingfei... let him **** in his stomach for nothing.

He just tried Ischchel and mentioned the word "Kassel", but the other party was indifferent.

According to the plan for the first two missions of the Executive Department, they should have also communicated with the local villagers. Kassel College will not be "anonymous" to the outside world, but usually people cannot find out what Kassel College is. The university is nothing.

"Our village, in fact, you should go to the Tulum site for archaeology. Now there is basically no ancient culture here."

Ischchel suggested, and smiled: "But if you want to visit the village, of course we welcome it."

After speaking, Ishchel began to lead the way, and Lu Chen followed her, and at the same time paid attention to the surrounding conditions.

As the sky was getting dark, everyone turned on the flashlight specially provided by the equipment department.

Except for Lu Chen and Eliyi, everyone else had pistols hidden under their clothes. Two magazines were allocated. In addition to the Frieja bullets, there were also live alchemy ammunition.

The weapons of Lu Chen and Eliyi are also in a state of being airdropped at any time. Above the cloud layer more than 7,000 meters away, there are transport planes of the executive department circling alternately.

After all, they have suffered huge losses, and the academy attaches great importance to this mission, and will not let their ace commissioners slay dragons without a handy weapon.

Ischchel is a lively girl, perhaps she rarely sees outsiders, and talks a lot along the way. Apart from introducing her village, she asks about some outside matters.

I learned from the chat that this girl dropped out of junior high school, just because the village generations depend on the sea to eat the sea, do business on the beach, and communicate with people from all over the world, so English gradually became a village. The mainstream language.

"Do you not use Mayan?"

Lu Mingfei asked curiously. In his heart, the Mayans are still very mysterious, but looking at this girl who is one year younger than him, it feels like an ordinary girl next door. There is no TV and the literature says So rigid and scary.

When I mentioned this, Ishchel showed a look of shame on his face, "In fact, very few of us here understand Maya, especially young people. After all, Maya can’t eat. Do business on the beach. Tourists don’t Will communicate with us in Mayan."

"Well, I thought you would divination and prophecy."

Lu Mingfei was a little disappointed. The reality is different from that in anime. Everyone has to ask for a living. Fortune-telling predicts that they can’t get food, and they will be regarded as a liar.

"Hehe, if this gentleman wants to try divination, he can go to the old lady in Murao, she seems to know a little bit, but I think she is just coaxing children to play."

Ischchel led the way and said as he walked, the distance was less than one kilometer, and he was over quickly.

The village was a bit dilapidated, and a drooping wooden sign hung on an old tree with ancient Mayan characters inscribed on it. Lu Chen couldn't understand it.

The interior of the village is basically wooden houses. For a certain period of time, it looks a bit damp and old in the coastal area for years. There are not a few people in the village because it has not yet "off work" time.

"Dark Sun, this is the name of this village."

Petty Chinese explained to Lu Chen in a low voice, causing Lu Chen to take a glance, but he didn't expect Brother Chu to be away. He had other encyclopedias.

Ishchel, who was walking in the front, turned her head and glanced back. She couldn't understand Chinese, but she was a little curious about what these archeology students were secretly communicating.

"This is Granny Keya's small stall. It is said that they are all ancient sacrificial items. They have magical powers. If you are interested, you can also buy them from Granny Keya."

Ischchel introduced some things in the village, um...most of the time they are doing commercial sales.

Although she was very grateful for the beautiful red-haired sister who saved her, she was still frightened by these people.

Life is not easy. The young people in the village are very early-minded and know how to make money.

"Look at this."

Hui Liyi picked up a wooden sculpture of a giant panda. She always likes something with a cute appearance.

"Ischl, how much is this?"

Lu Chen glanced at the woodcarving and secretly complained. Even if he did not perform well in his studies, he knew that there were no giant pandas in the area where the Maya lived in history. Is this a sacrificial item? Lie!

But... Since Eriri likes it, he is willing to be taken advantage of.

"Chenghui, one hundred dollars!"

Ischchel looked back and smiled and stretched out his hand, and did not maliciously slaughter the customer. When Granny Keya had time to go out, she would ask the Yankees for thousands of dollars depending on the situation.

Lu Chen nodded, and zero consciously took out one hundred dollars in cash from the small bag on her body. Many places here do not support swiping cards, and cash is necessary.

"This money is really good."

Lu Mingfei whispered at Ling's side. He is not a fool. The giant panda woodcarving has magical powers. He feels that he is insulting people's IQ and can only deceive the rich Americans.

The Maya people in the village are also very enthusiastic, especially after seeing that the pocket money is so refreshing, the thick stack of banknotes when opening the wallet is even more dazzling.

"Ischchel, it was very fruitful today, and being a tour guide is also promising."

A middle-aged, dark-skinned man smiled and greeted Ischl, in Mayan.

"Are you a tour guide?"

Zero asked, making Ischl stunned. She didn't expect that some of these people could understand Maya. You must know that Uncle Mok's Mayan language is not standard at all, and he was actually heard accurately. ?

Ishchel was a little embarrassed and spread out his hands, "Run for a living, I don't have a good education, so I can only run errands as a tour guide."

In her heart, she rebuked that TV shows are all deceiving. Who said that the top students of archaeology are all vases, they can only guess the meaning of Mayan characters, and can't understand the words?

In fact, Ishchel’s understanding is not wrong. Even a professor in this world who specializes in Mayan culture, they may be able to understand the text, but they can’t understand Maya, because pronunciation and listening practice requires materials and environment. , This happens to be the reverse of the Maya.

Many modern Maya people still speak Maya, but they cannot understand Maya, which is an interesting phenomenon.

Zero is not the Mayan language that is learned in the first place, but at the request of the boss, he learned it very early. This is the self-cultivation of the tool person.

"Is life here difficult?"

Eriya asked suspiciously that her English has become more and more standard. Sister Milanla often communicates and counsels with her in English.

At this time, she looked at this dilapidated village, completely unassociated with the bustling beach on the other side, and it was the first time she saw such a place.

Although she has been locked up in a small house for many years, she has always been rich in life, so she can't understand the meaning of money to the poor, and she doesn't know what kind of life the people at the bottom live.

"It's not too difficult. Since the development of the tourism industry, our lives have actually been much better. We used to rely on agriculture and fisheries. Now we only need to go to the beach to cheat..."

Ishichelton snapped, with a playful and awkward smile, "...just sell things."

Hello! You just wanted to say a lie! ?

Is it really okay for you as a tour guide like this! ?

Lu Mingfei wanted to complain, but Senior Brother Lu didn't speak, he didn't dare to overstep.

"I heard that the Mexican government has funded a lot of funding here, why not renovate the village?"

Lu Chen asked.

Ischchel sighed, "Where did the government's appropriations come to our hands? We haven't even used up the money for the development of scenic spots outside."

Then Ischchel gave a nice smile, "But we are still very grateful to the country, after all, living in the scenic spot is much better than before, without farming and fishing."

She pointed to the dilapidated village, "In fact, the village is not as poor as you think, but the old people are unwilling to demolish and rebuild, they have always been like this."

She took a few people to an empty house. “In the past, there were more people in the village, but when many people made money, they moved to the city to work. Granny Keya said that they were all traitors, but I I think it’s okay. If I make enough money, I will move to the city. I also want to study."

"Why didn't your parents let you go to school first?"

Lu Mingfei is a little strange. Ishchel seems to be under seventeen, but he is already running for a living, and when he was seventeen he was still in Shilan Middle School.

When I mentioned this, Ishchel's mood fell. "I don't have mom or dad..."

"Ah, sorry..."

Lu Mingfei was a little at a loss, a little pity the girl, and at the same time began to reflect on his previous life.

He glanced at Senior Brother Lu. Senior Brother Lu has no parents, but he has become the trump card of Kassel College. The girl in front of him probably started to be a tour guide for tourists early on, just for food.

He has no worries about food and clothing, his parents have just gone abroad, and his uncle and aunt are taking care of him. He is indeed not miserable enough, but he imagines himself miserable.

"It's nothing. My mother-in-law Koya raised me. Everyone in the village treats me very well. I think life is very happy."

Ishchel added silently in his heart, "It's happier to catch someone who is taken a long time today."

"Ischchel, has there been anything strange in your village recently?"

Lu Chen looked around the village and found nothing unusual. He made eye contact with Eliyi, and the more keen Eliyi didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Although there are many lessons learned on the beach today, he still wants to ask this girl again.

"Strange thing?"

Ischchel tilted his head, feeling that you were a little strange. Could it be that he heard some folk rumors to investigate the expedition?

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chen stared at Ischl's For example, is there any... missing persons? "


Ischchel was puzzled, "No, our village is not big, I know hundreds of people, everyone is here."

Lu Chen felt even more weird. This incident was investigated by the local police, and the Executive Department also came twice. According to the last statistics, more than 30 people should have been missing, but the girl in front of him hadn't noticed it at all.

The other party's puzzled look does not seem to be fake, and with the investigations during the day, the people here really don't seem to know the disappearance.

Or maybe... they used to know, but now, they forgot.

Ischchel did not stop leading the way. When they came to the end of the village, there was a magnificent building on the edge of the sea.


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