Starting From the Dragon Clan To Penetrate the World

Vol 2 Chapter 289: : Divination of Granny Keya

Grace asked in English: "Old lady, I want to divination, my love fortune this year."

It's not Grice's love brain, Kassel Academy can join the Lionheart Club's A-level elite, still distinguish the priority.

She asked this question just to find the way. There are indeed anomalies in this village, and as a respected old man in this village, is Granny Keya’s divination technique a lie?

She already has a boyfriend, and she is a childhood sweetheart. The relationship is very good and unbreakable. She deliberately pretended to be single and asked this question to try.

Moreover, their tasks are very sensitive, and they cannot ask such old people like the village chief "Will our archaeology go smoothly" and "Will anyone disappear in the village tonight" and so on.

If you want to relieve people’s defenses, it’s best to walk into the other’s psychological safety zone and ask them questions that are easy to answer or frequently answered, so that they can feel comfortable and slowly.

This is an elective course in psychology at Kassel College, and it is said to be very useful in love. Many girls choose this course. The professor is Masashi Toyama.

"Little girl, grab a handful of corn from the pot and order it at will. You can grab as much as you want."

Granny Keya placed the tub in front of Grace.

Grace closed her eyes and grabbed a handful of corn from the tub.

"Okay, let go, just sprinkle it in front of me."

Granny Keya said instructing her.

Grace let go, and dozens of corn sprinkled on the ground in front of Granny Keya.

Lu Chen also watched this scene with great interest. He didn't believe in ghost divination, but he had encountered too many extraordinary events, and it was not certain that Granny Keya must be a liar.

Granny Keya used her wrinkled and dry hands to poke corn on the ground again and again, four at a time, saying something in her mouth, as if she was counting or deducing.

In the end, Granny Keya finished dividing the corn. There were 31 corns in total. A group of 4 corns is 7 groups of zero three corns.

Granny Keya suddenly raised her head and looked at Grace, making her heart tremble inexplicably. It was not that she had poor psychological quality, but that in such a dim environment, she was glanced at by an old witch-like creature. , Straightforward, it is indeed permeating.

"Little girl, it's so fierce. God told me that your boyfriend who has been together for many years cheated. You may be making out with other girls in school now."

Granny Keya's voice was gloomy.

Grace was a little angry and wanted to say that Granny Keya was a liar, but the other party not only said that she had a boyfriend, but also judged that her boyfriend was a childhood sweetheart, which made her a little flustered.

"But don't worry, I have a bottle of potion here. As long as you drink it to your boyfriend, he will be loyal forever."

Granny Keya took out a small wooden bottle from the shelf behind her. Because of the dampness, the wall of the bottle was somewhat mildewed.

"Forget it...I don't need it."

Grace shook her head and stepped back.

"Zero, how do I feel... the old woman seems to be right?"

Lu Mingfei asked Zero beside him in a low voice, and Grace glared at him when she heard it.

Lu Chen was also a little curious, could it be that this mother-in-law Keya really has some "Tao-do?"

"Does anyone else want to try?"

Granny Keya put away the bottle, and didn't mind that Grace rejected her "kindness" and looked at the other girls.

Qin Nai, another girl in the team, took a step forward, "I also want to fortune fortune."

She is a freshman sent by the Inuyama family to the Kassel Academy this year. After the fate of the Sheqi Bajia was smashed, she is now entering an unprecedented honeymoon period with Kassel.

On the other side, Ling glanced at Granny Keya, and whispered: "I didn't feel the fluctuations of power such as Yan Ling, she may be a liar."

"But she just seemed to have said about Grace."

Eriya is also a little curious, it's the first time she has seen divination.

Zero shook his head, "It's a cold reading technique. It's not difficult to judge us as students based on our age. And Grace is very beautiful. This kind of person shouldn't worry about love and luck. The probability of having a boyfriend is higher. As for "being together for many years", this range is too broad. For people in love, as long as more than one year, they all think it is many years."

Zero glanced at Grace and paused, "I don't know how long Grace and her boyfriend have been together, but as long as it is more than or equal to two years, it can even be traced back to the childhood sweethearts. Those who accept divination will automatically make up for it. ."

Seeing that Lu Chen and Eliyi also looked to her side, she continued: "This kind of cold reading technique is most famous in Brother Lu's hometown. The more classic way of saying is to judge the parents of the hexagram seeker.'\'Father is here. 'Mother died first', benefiting from the profoundness of Chinese culture, there are many ways to interpret it. No matter what you say, the fortuneteller can give a reasonable explanation, unless your parents died together."

"Ah... so it is."

Eriyi's face was a little disappointed. She thought she had met a real master of divination. She still wanted to...

Zero saw Eriyi's lost expression, and said: "I just said it's possible. We only have Grace as a case, and we can't make an accurate judgment. After all, Granny Keya was right. I just concluded that I was guilty."

At this time the result of Qin Nao's divination came out, and Granny Keya shook her head and said, "Poor, pitiful, lucky, lucky."

"Excuse me, mother-in-law, what does this mean?"

Qin Nai asked.

"The little girl lived in a high-pressure general environment before. The previous life may not be happy and may die, but the strange thing is that it seems that you have staggered something in the trajectory of your destiny. You will be lucky in the future. Meet the right lover."

Mother-in-law Keya said this time more general, she didn't even give the time to meet the scope of love, she only said "will meet", then the seven old eighty encounters are counted.

But Zero did not come to a conclusion. Lu Chen looked at Qin thoughtfully.

Mother-in-law Keya may have something to do with divination. Qin Nai is a glamorous and beautiful girl, and she is a serious and serious girl. On the surface, she can't tell that she was unhappy before.

Of course, these things may also be tricks to fool people. After all, many people have troubles in their lives. They feel pitiful and feel pitiful when they say that.

But there was a key thing in Granny Keya's words, saying that Qin Nao's destiny had been changed, and Lu Chen didn't think it could be summed up by words.

And he belongs to an outsider in this world. Without him, with Herzog's ingenuity and forbearance, maybe the Sheqi Family will eventually be annihilated by the whole army.

In that sense, didn't he just change the tragic fate of the She Qiba family?

"Cheng's mother-in-law said."

Qin Nai nodded and returned to her position. She seemed to be hit by Granny Keya's two path searches. For a while, everyone didn't know whether this old woman was a clever liar or a real fortune-teller.

The third one is Zero, she is the least easy to see through, no one can see through the poker face.

"I want to fortune."

Unexpectedly, Ling also said that he wanted to divvy up his love fortune. According to the plan, they should ask some questions related to the task at this time, so as to explore further.

Not long-winded, Ling grabbed a handful of corn and placed it in front of Granny Keya.

Mother-in-law Keya sorted and picked them up, and finally showed a chrysanthemum-like smile on her face, "Girl, don't embarrass yourself too much. Sometimes what you think is different from what you really are, and you should cherish the truth."

Ling silently returned to his position, and did not respond to Granny Keya's words.

But in fact, she was secretly shocked in her heart, and maybe everyone present did not notice a detail.

Granny Keya, this dying, old man who looked like a liar and witch, she just called herself different from Jinna and Grace, she was a...girl.

When she looked up, she saw Granny Keya glance at herself vaguely, and her heart became more shocked. This was not a slip of the tongue, or an accident.

The other party saw through his true age!

How to interpret the latter words?

For the first time, she had always regarded herself as a cruel tool person, but at this time she wanted to continue questioning.

"I want to try too."

Hui Yi pulled the corner of Lu Chen's clothes. She was very interested in this divination game and asked for Lu Chen's opinion.

"Just treat it as a game, don't take it seriously."

Lu Chen touched Eliyi's head, fearing that her mother-in-law Keya might say something bad and affect her mood, because he knew that Eliyi was easy to be fooled and credulous.

"She's really a pretty girl."

Granny Keya looked at Eliyi and gave a compliment, and put the tub forward.

Eriri was a little nervous in her heart and glanced at her secretly, "I...I also want to divination love luck."

Lu Chen was okay. The three other boys present began to wonder if the girls had forgotten the serious task. They have been divination and love four times in a row. Can you divination and test the old woman and the task-related matters?

Moreover, Lu Mingfei especially wants to complain. Sister Uesugi, what else do you have to fortune? Even if you abuse the dog in the academy, you have to abuse it when you come out?

Granny Keya picked up the corn sprinkled by Eli Yi. The expression on her face went from being calm at first to the wrinkles at the back. Finally, there was a suspicious look in her eyes. She raised her head and stared directly at Eli Yi. , The shock is like seeing a dead person who shouldn't exist in this world.

"How is it possible? Strange."

Granny Keya murmured softly, in Mayan.

"Old woman?"

Eriyi looked nervous at the old woman's reaction, and wanted to know the answer.

"Can I ask the girl's exact age?"

Granny Keya asked back.

"I am 18 years old this year, my birthday is December 25th."

Eriya answered honestly.

Granny Keya fiddled with the corn kernels on the ground and separated two corn kernels. She became more confused, but she still said, "Don't worry, little girl, you will be very happy. In the future..."

With that, Granny Keya suddenly coughed, and when the coughing ceased, she forgot what she was trying to say, and she felt a panic in her heart.

This is the first time she has encountered divination in many years.

"Old woman, are you okay?"

Eliyi stepped forward and patted Granny Keya's back, and heard the other party say that she would be very happy, she felt a little happy, and worried about her physical condition.

"It's okay, it's okay, what a well-behaved little girl, so good, so good, so good!"

Granny Keya's Lian said three "this is so good", glanced at everyone, paused a lot on Huiliyi and Lu Chen, and finally glanced at Lu Mingfei invisible.

"The old woman is amazing, so here you...are there any props that can make my...plan smooth?"

Eri Yi asked with some twist.

Granny Keya smiled and looked at Eliyi's innocent eyes, "Where are there any props, my old lady, those things are deceptive, the little girl can rest assured to do it, the result will be the best."

Lu Mingfei wanted to complain. As a fortune-teller, old lady, you said that the props for "eliminating disasters and helping luck" are deceptive. Are you really good?

Especially Grace, she was very angry when she heard this. Just now Granny Keya wanted to sell her some potion, she whispered in Chinese, "Sure enough, an old liar."

Huili returned happily, it was the boys' turn, Lu Chen cast a look, and Lu Mingfei looked up.

"Mother-in-law, I want to fortune my life and my recent career."

Lu Mingfei asked very cleverly. From his life fortune, he could tell whether the old woman was accurate or not. The most recent career fortune refers to this task, that is, work.

Granny Keya didn't rush to let Lu Mingfei sprinkle the corn, but gave Lu Mingfei a meaningful look, "Child, you are very greedy."

Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed, "Mother-in-law, I'm just curious, can you count?"

Granny Keya nodded, Lu Mingfei grabbed the corn kernels and sprinkled them in front of Granny Keya.

Granny Keya picked and picked, and halfway through, she looked up at Lu Mingfei again, shook her head, and sat upright.


Lu Mingfei was a little confused, why didn't the other party give himself a divination?

Granny Keya sighed, "I can't fortune telling you."

Lu Mingfei was confused, while Qilan and Fengmohesi behind were suspected that Granny Keya would only fool the girls to play some love-related tricks. Faced with them, the boys felt uncomfortable and stopped working.


Lu Mingfei really wants to know the results of divination, especially about life fortune.

Granny Keya shook her head, "I don't really want to divination for someone like you."

She paused and said, "Because you are real, and I really want to know your own destiny, you have entered the game."

"How about entering the game?"

Lu Chen asked aloud for the first He felt that Granny Keya was not simple.

Granny Keya looked at Lu Chen, "Young man, are you Chinese? You should know that whether it is the divination of your country or the Maya, many places are common."

With that said, Granny Keya got up with difficulty on crutches, and took a small box from the high shelf behind her, "Old lady, I can admit that I just inferred a lot of things based on some simple things, so I can't take them seriously."

She looked back at Eriyi and smiled, "Of course, the old lady didn't lie to the little girl."

She took the box and sat down, her expression becoming serious, "You just want to test it out and see if I am a liar, old lady, and participate with the mentality of a game."

She looked at Lu Mingfei and shook her head: "But he is different."


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