Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 996 Original Clay Statue

Lu Chen turned over and looked at the fragments on the ground with a solemn expression.

This is something similar to the Divine Source Liquid in the Zhetian World. It was originally used to seal living beings and keep them for future generations.

But these creatures in front of me have all been turned into statues. How long will it take for the energy of these crystals to be exhausted and for the creatures in them to weather?

Lu Chen reached out and tried to touch a creature with an eagle head and body. As soon as his fingers touched its edge, the statue made a clicking sound and shattered into dust on the ground.

"Captain, we should be in the right place this time."

Qianxue said from the side, holding the little golden dragon's tail with one hand.

The little golden dragon kept whining, because it felt that there were a lot of divine crystals here and it wanted to mine them.

"Be cautious. Although all the creatures in front of you have died, it is impossible to guarantee that there are no living creatures."

Lu Chen stood up and used his spiritual power to float himself up and back to the little golden dragon's back again.

The world has almost no knowledge of the original mine. This place may have never been visited by anyone in the history of the God Burial Calendar.

Regardless of whether these sealed creatures are good or evil, as far as the most basic survival instinct of living beings is concerned, once they see young and energetic life, God knows what these beings left over from ancient times will do.

Lu Chen and Qian Xue walked forward in the mine. There were such statues on both sides of the cave. The little golden dragon used its claws to dig at the ground many times, wanting to see if those divine crystals could still be used, but the It was disappointed and all its energy was gone.

In 2010 AD, Eriyi, who was in the modern world at this time, had arrived at the Kunlun Mountains with Xia Mi and many explorers.

The ancient alien gods in the sky kept wailing, and fell one by one in front of the man whose red sky stretched across the sea of ​​​​stars. The entire star field was dyed red with blood.

"Further down, it's not safe enough."

‘Live without complaining’ guided Wang Tiezhu to dig down, and rejected Xia Mi’s proposal to use his ability to directly blast away the earth.

Because there is the original mine below the boundary. If one digs incorrectly and directly comes into contact with something unknown, the thing coming out from below may be much scarier than the ancient alien god attacking above.

"Is the instrument accurate? Why am I a little scared? I always feel like there is a big guy down there."

Wang Tiezhu wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead. They had dug very deep, but the fluctuations of the battle above could still reach them from time to time.

No matter how strong Lu Ming is, he is only at the peak of the seventh level. Maybe these ancient alien gods can't do anything to him, but it is unrealistic for him to stop all the ancient alien gods by himself.

Nowadays, many ancient gods from outside the territory have descended on the God Burial Star. They did not go on a killing spree, but wherever they went, a large number of civilians and weak monks continued to die due to the unbridled release of energy.

The low-level explorers on the God Burial Star were trembling one by one, looking at this world-destroying scene, wondering what kind of evil they had done to end up in such a ghost world.

When the ancient gods from outside the territory were wreaking havoc on the earth, the low-level explorers finally heard the beautiful voice, and one by one they quickly applied to return and disappeared from the earth.

But there are also more unlucky people, such as Richard's adventure group. Their previous missions were relatively high, so they stayed in the world for a longer time. This was originally a thing that made them proud and happy, but now they are going crazy.

In this world where monsters and ghosts are everywhere, how can low-level explorers like them survive?

Because of the chaos on the God Burial Planet, Richard gathered his team and began to flee towards the secret place of the Western Federation. He did not care about affecting their status in the Western Federation, and directly forced his way into the underground hive base. They wanted to see what was hidden under the base.

Anyway, Richard now understands that in this world, there are some troublesome bosses, and today's history may change at any time. Even if things get worse, they can still be better off than being slaves to the Shenwu Empire in the East. Difference?

Now if they are not slaves, they can just burn incense. It is satisfying to be able to investigate some secrets and gain more world exploration points.

At the Kunlun Mountains, Eryi and others had to continue diving because several ancient gods from outside the territory came towards their direction, as if they were deliberately looking for them.

The power of those ancient gods from outside the territory is close to the peak of the seventh level, and it is not something that Eri Yi and Xia Mi can deal with at this time.

The supporters dug hard, the speed seemed to Xia Mi to be ridiculously slow, but based on the principle of caution, they would rather go slower than make mistakes and dig things they shouldn't.


Suddenly, there was a collapse below, and everyone's feet were empty. Fortunately, they were all extraordinary people, and they immediately lifted up their abilities and floated in the air. Only the girl in the sailor suit was a little slower and was caught by Xia Mi.

The rubble below continued to fall, revealing a deep mine. To the surprise of many supporters, there was a body that was somewhat familiar to them lying directly under the mine.

"It's Mr. Lu!"

The girl in the sailor suit exclaimed that the last time they mined in the Kunlun Mountains, they dug up "Lu Chen" like this. But then the world line changed, and when they went back to check, the body had disappeared.

Eri Yi moved the fastest and got down from the mine first. She leaned over to inspect the body. She frowned slightly and said, "It is indeed the aura of Godzilla."

Xia Mi also came to the side and muttered: "Didn't that old senior say that Senior Brother Lu is very tough and won't die?"

Eriki looked at the body, "It's a little strange, like Godzilla, but I always feel like something is missing."

"Nothing less. I see that the body is quite complete. The arms and legs are still there. It is much better than the one we dug out in the Burial God Abyss last time."

Wang Tiezhu scratched his head and said straightforwardly.

The girl in sailor uniform covered his mouth and said, "You don't have to speak if you don't know how to speak."

Eryi stood there and meditated quietly, not paying attention to Wang Tiezhu's words. She just felt that the body in front of her was a bit strange.

Although Wang Tiezhu's words may not sound good, they are also true. With his husband's character, if he died during the battle, his body would not be so complete.

So maybe he was killed by a sudden force majeure? For example, a supreme existence above level eight?

Eriki did not talk about this matter to Lu Chen in the group channel because she had already told Lu Chen about it the last time the supporter saw her.

Lu Chen looked indifferent. Anyway, he was like this now and had to ask for explanation. And he also listened to the old blind man and saw the scene in the Samsara Lake. Regardless of whether he believed the information from these two parties or not, he himself I don’t think it will fall easily.


The sound of the howling wind was like a howling ghost, making the people in the mine shudder.

In the outside world, the ancient gods from outside the territory were exploring the God Burial Star, and those who finally slipped through the net under Lu Ming were heading towards the direction of the original mine.

"Did Lu Ming make a mistake? We were told to hide in the original mine, but why do I feel that these ancient gods from outside the territory came just for the original mine?"

Xia Mi frowned, and the figures of several ancient gods crossed just above her, making her feel a little uneasy.

While several people were talking, the light source suddenly lost in the hole above was replaced by a huge pupil, staring straight down. The pupil was as big as a millstone and was spinning, and there was a mucus-like substance on it. dripping.


The supporter of Hongmeng Space made an uneducated national curse. Although he was not strong, he could still distinguish the strength and weakness of these creatures.

The ancient extraterrestrial god in front of him was obviously close to the top level of the seventh level. All attributes were above 200 points. Their combined total was not enough to defeat one of them.

"Run down!"

Natsumi was the first to react, holding Eri's hand and escaping deeper into the cave.

The ancient alien god above was squirming like an earthworm and heading underground. In just an instant, it passed through the long underground cave and arrived at the entrance of the original mine.

The difference in attributes was obvious. Before Eriyi and the others could escape far, the earthworm-like ancient god from outside the territory had already rushed into the mine with a torrent of mud and rocks.

The supporters had despair on their faces, wondering whether they would die in the mission world because of this unknown invasion of ancient gods from outside the territory?

Just when Xia Mi's feet were shining with golden light, trying to pull the power deep in the original mine's veins to cooperate with Eri Yi in a desperate fight, the earthworm's one-eyed extraterritorial ancient god actually stopped moving, and it looked at it in horror. A place where it's like seeing the source of the most terrifying thing in the world.

Its body was shaking constantly, and Xia Mi and others could clearly feel the fear even from a long distance away. At this time, even if the language and species were different, they could see that this earthworm ancient god was almost about to die. Scared out of my mind.

"What happened to it?"

Wang Tiezhu was a little confused.

"The place it's looking at seems to be... Mr. Lu's body."

The girl in sailor uniform's voice was dry, and she couldn't suppress the shock in her heart.

Why are the ancient gods from outside the territory afraid of Lu Chen? And Lu Chen here is already a corpse.

As representatives of ugliness and fear, you are supposed to be scary beings. Why are you so afraid of a corpse?

The ancient god who looked like an earthworm suddenly crawled to the ground and kowtowed to the place where Lu Chen's body was, as if begging for mercy.

Boom boom boom——

A series of roars sounded, the earth shook and the mountains shook. The entrance to the original mine above was enlarged, and several ancient alien gods with a body size of nearly a hundred feet came down.

Xia Mi's judgment was correct. These ancient gods from outside the territory were indeed looking for the original mine.

The coercion of the strong man filled the cave, suffocating the supporters, but this only happened for a moment, because the ancient gods from outside the territory who came down did not launch an attack.

Like the ancient earthworm-like alien god, he seemed to be greatly frightened after seeing Lu Chen's body. He hurriedly lay there, begging for mercy like the ancient earthworm god.

The scene in the mine was very strange. Eryi and others were standing deeper, and at the entrance there was a group of powerful ancient gods from outside the territory who were kowtowing to where they were, even though the objects of the kowtow were not them.

"What on earth did Boss Lu do in the God Burial Calendar? Why are they so afraid of him?"

The girl in the sailor suit was puzzled. Although Boss Lu was very strong, he wouldn't be so afraid of the ancient gods from outside the territory, right?

Especially since there is just a corpse in the cave, can't these ancient gods from outside the world tell whether it is dead or alive?

"Who are you asking me? He doesn't even know."

Natsumi complained, she pulled off Eri's clothes, "Keep going inside, it's not safe here."

She could tell that these ancient gods from outside the realm seemed to be afraid of Lu Chen, but she would probably find out that this "Lu Chen" was dead and not threatening after a while.

Since these ancient alien gods dared to invade the God Burial Planet, they must have a very strong purpose. They would not stop just because of Lu Chen's corpse. There will always be stronger alien ancient gods who arrive and see something fishy.

When the time comes, they won't be able to escape even if they want to. If they don't leave now, it will be much later.

Eriki looked away. She had no idea of ​​recovering the body because she firmly believed that her husband would not die. This was just a temporary false scene.

The supporters followed Eriki and Xia Mi and fled deeper into the mine, not knowing what the way forward was.

In the God Burial Calendar, Lu Chen and Qian Xue stopped in the mine after not knowing how far they had traveled.

Because they heard a voice that seemed to be having a conversation with them in their ears.


A thin, incomprehensible voice reached their ears. The voice was not loud, but had a weak aura.

Lu Chen opened his mouth to speak in the mine, and at the same time, his martial arts eyes scanned all directions, "Senior, we don't understand."

About half a quarter of an hour passed before Lu Chen and Qian Xue heard the voice again, but the words became the language commonly used by people in the God Burial Calendar today, "Why are you... coming here...?"

The unknown being spoke a little stumblingly, obviously unfamiliar with the language Lu Chen and the others used now, but being able to understand and use a new language in a short period of time was already a method that Lu Chen couldn't understand.

"Senior, where are you? I came to the original mine with a token from a god to find a senior."

Lu Chen's tone was respectful, and at the same time he said that he was not a trespasser and had a token.

"You... misunderstood, I am not the master here, they... are deeper."

As the sound rang out, Lu Chen saw the stone wall in front of him change. A clay statue-like creature walked out of the wall. It was stooped and looked extremely old.

"Senior called to stop us, but do you have anything to advise?"

Lu Chen and Qian Xue got a little closer, ready to enter a fighting state or retreat at any time.

Encountering living creatures in the original mine is a mixed blessing. The good thing is that the opponent doesn't seem to have any intention of killing them directly, and you may be able to get some useful information.

The bad thing was that he and Qianxue couldn't see through the mud statue-like creature in front of them. The opponent was at least a middle-level eighth-level being.

In other words, Lu Chen and Qian Xue may be facing an emperor-level figure in the world of Zhetian!

The clay creature opened its eyes, and a burst of gravel fell. He raised his hand tremblingly, stretched out a finger, and pointed at Lu Chen. This action made Lu Chen very sensitive.

"I need your help with something."

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