Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1008 The terrifying secret blood stone

He was born with a poker face and kept his emotions hidden, which made the people of Tianzhou Ancient Star feel that this negotiator of the Daxia royal family was very difficult to deal with.

What surprised them most was that even their high-tech emotion measurement instruments and micro-expression capture analyzers had no effect on Chu Zihang.

They couldn't tell what this man was thinking at all. He was clearly chatting with them, but in his mind it was like he was talking to someone else.

For a moment, Tianzhou Ancient Star's negotiator wondered whether Chu Zihang had a split personality?

Chu Zihang naturally didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he just made concessions calmly, provided that the bottom line of the Daxia royal family was not involved, otherwise war would be inevitable.

After the call between Lu Chen and Chu Zihang ended, he knew that he didn't need to worry about Chu Zihang for the time being. After all, Chu Zihang was going on behalf of the Daxia royal family, and in a sense, he also represented the Burial Star.

As the saying goes, if the two armies are fighting without killing the envoy, if the people of Tianzhou Ancient Star dare to attack Chu Zihang, they will be slapping the face of the Great Xia royal family and the face of Burial God Star.

Although this group of dwarfs pride themselves on advanced science and civilization, they are also well aware of the horror of the God Burial Star. They just want to get a share of the God Burial Star and become the sixth force among the five major forces. They do not want to start a war with the local indigenous people.

They may be able to compete with one family, but if other forces unite, Tianzhou Ancient Star is no match.

Therefore, the negotiation was surprisingly peaceful. The negotiator of Tianzhou Ancient Star repeatedly revealed his intention to cooperate with the Daxia royal family and get the support of the Daxia royal family to settle in the Burial God Star and become one of the permanent forces on the Burial God Star. one.

It feels like a certain country wants to join the United Nations, and the Daxia royal family is in charge of affairs at this time. At this moment, Tianzhou Ancient Star is trying to bribe Chu Zixing.


On Zhige Peak, Lu Chen packed his things, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to wait until the mountain master came to help him check the situation.

He is not a fool. After returning to Wushen Mountain, he heard about what happened before. There was a killing intent mountain in Ancient Dragon Cave, but Xue Baitian didn't even show up.

From this point of view, I was right when I said that Gulong Cave was brave that day, even daring to test it.

With Xue Baitian's temperament and the people in Gulong Cave seeking death, she naturally came to kill as many as possible. Even when the Dragon Ancestor came in person, she dared to fight to see if she could complete the feat of slaying the dragon.

But Xue Baitian didn't show up, so the rumors from the outside world were intriguing. There was something wrong with her cultivation.

Lu Chen had been away from Wushen Mountain for a few months, but he didn't expect so many messy things to happen.

Now Xiao Lu Ming knows that the mountain master seems to be in seclusion, and there are some bad rumors among some disciples, saying that the mountain master has gone crazy in his practice and is now on the verge of death and seriously injured.

Of course, this view is only in the minority. Mystic Blood warriors are strong-minded and cheerful, and they will not worry about the future of Wushen Mountain because of this kind of thing.

It's just that this time when someone came to bully him, Xue Baitian didn't even show up, which really made many disciples murmur inwardly.

No one knows what Xue Baitian's actual condition is.

Lu Chen was sure that the Great Elder knew about it, otherwise he would not have compromised that day and allowed himself to make a bet with Ao Tian.

Because just like what he said that day, even though Ancient Dragon Cave agreed to the conditions very painfully, but the Dragon God Fruit's tens of millions of years of dragon marrow, no matter how precious it is, can't compare to the out-of-print true dragon cub like Little Golden Dragon. .

It was an unequal bet, but they still agreed.

Is Lu Tianhua sure that Lu Chen can win 100%? Most likely not, it could only be that something was wrong with Xue Baitian and he was not suitable for starting a war with the Ancient Dragon Cave.

Originally, for this kind of thing, it was enough to hand over the little golden dragon. After all, the secret blood warrior didn't really care about the true dragon bloodline.

Mystical blood warriors are inexplicably arrogant and inflated. Well, Lu Chen usually likes to call it self-confidence.

In short, the secret blood warriors don't think the true dragon's bloodline is very good, so they give it to them. Anyway, it takes a lot of resources to cultivate a true dragon. Cultivating a true dragon of the same realm is more than enough to raise ten secret blood warriors.

But the problem is, Lu Chen made an oath to heaven and earth before, and now less than a year has passed, and he still has to take care of this stupid dragon that loves to cause trouble.

If the little golden dragon is given away, it will be against the oath he swore.

Lu Tianhua knew this, and of course he didn't want to, so he suppressed the voices of many elders, saying that if the Ancient Dragon Cave came to force him, he would naturally be the first to resist.

"Forty-seventh floor, you two, right?"

The female disciple of Difeng confirmed to Lu Chen.

At this time, Lu Chen had already brought the little golden dragon to the outside of the Spirit Summoning Tower. He was going to try out how the advanced area of ​​the Spirit Summoning Tower was different from the first 46 floors.

"I'll go up and take a look first. If I can't hold on, I'll return to the forty-sixth floor. There's still this..."

Lu Chen patted the head of the little golden dragon that was looking around, "If it can't hold it anymore, let it roll down."


The little golden dragon looked dissatisfied, which meant that it was a real dragon and would not be unable to withstand it.

Daily cultivation at the 47th level requires 20,000 contribution points, which is a hundred times the cultivation speed. However, now that the environment of the world has changed drastically, the cultivation speed outside has become faster. In fact, the ratio cannot reach the difference of a hundred times between the inside and outside.

As the cultivation efficiency increases, the spiritual pressure on the 47th floor of the Spirit Summoning Tower and the pressure on the soul are also a hundred times higher. Usually only the top true disciples or elders in the sect can withstand it.

This level of true disciples cannot be used directly and requires authorization from the elders within the sect. Lu Chen has been greeted by Lu Tianhua, so he can use it at will. As long as he does not go to the last level, he can climb up at will.

Strictly speaking, the little golden dragon's strength is not very good. Theoretically, it cannot withstand the pressure from the higher-ups of the Spirit Summoning Tower. But should it be said that it is due to its unique body structure or its secret ability to resist pressure? In the Spirit Summoning Tower, Inside, he looks like a fish in water, and can even sleep soundly.

If he was practicing on the 47th floor and brought the little golden dragon with him, Lu Chen would be wasting 20,000 contribution points every day. However, the little golden dragon could bring Lu Chen a bill of far more than 20,000 every day on Zhige Peak. …

After completing the formalities, Lu Chen took the little golden dragon into the Spirit Summoning Tower and went straight to the 47th floor.

Although Lu Chen's Taoist base is now cracked, his physical body is in the fourth realm of the Great Sage. The purity of God's secret blood is not inferior to that of most true disciples. His attributes have reached 210+ except for his spirit. If he wants to compete with this Pressure is not a problem.

Having entered the 47th floor, Lu Chen felt the wonderful feeling of being wrapped in spiritual power. All the bones in his body were creaking, but his Dao foundation did not crack, as if it was squeezed by the pressure from the outside world, and even more Stable.

Compared with the pressure on the physical body, the pressure on the mind of the soul in the Spirit Summoning Tower was even more unbearable, causing the little people at Lu Chen's Immortal Platform to shrink by a size.


The little golden dragon let out a happy cry, as if it was doing something, and Lu Chen kicked it.


The little golden dragon was a little angry. As it grew older, it became far wiser than other creatures. It was not as clingy to Lu Chen as it was at first, and it would get angry when it was beaten.

Especially if it thinks it has done nothing wrong, why is it still being kicked?

"Don't shout like that. The senior brothers below will hear you and think you are doing something."

Lu Chen grabbed the little golden dragon by its tail and threw it into a cave. There were only five caves on the 47th floor. There was no one there yet. Obviously not everyone had the huge financial resources to practice here.

"Speaking of which, are you lazing around with some secret technique? Why are you not suppressed by spiritual power at all?"

Lu Chen frowned and said, holding the back of the little golden dragon's neck, "This is a waste. Although I don't want you to improve your strength quickly, but the money has been spent, and it will have no effect."

He could see that the dragon scales on the outside of the little golden dragon seemed to be a natural magic weapon, which blocked the pressure of spiritual power on it, allowing the little golden dragon to relax here, but at the same time, it lost the effect that the Spirit Summoning Tower should have.

In other words, if you spend some money to sleep here, the little golden dragon will be the same as sleeping outside.


The little golden dragon raised its head proudly, which means that this is the talent of the true dragon, and you cannot envy it.


Lu Chen was speechless, "It's up to you, just don't go out and make trouble."

The Spirit Summoning Tower is very strong, even if the little golden dragon messes around, it will not be damaged.

He found his cave and activated the formation to avoid outside interference.

Then he took out the small jade box from the storage space, and first took out the secret blood stone. When he held it in his hand, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly realized that he didn't even ask the Secret Blood Ancestor how to use this thing.

He took the Secret Blood Stone and looked around, wondering, could he eat it directly?

Since it is a bloodline item, can it be absorbed into one's own bloodline?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen took out the Regicide and wanted to cut off a little bit from it and try to blend it into his own blood.


The sharp regicide passed by and dazzling sparks erupted, making Lu Chen a little stunned. Is this stone so hard?

He had used a lot of effort just now, but he couldn't even leave any traces.

He placed the stone on the ground, stood up, activated the divine ban, and endured the pain of the cracking of the Taoist foundation. The god of heaven slashed out with one strike, and a storm surged in the small cave.

After the strong wind passed, Lu Chen found that there were subtle scratches on the stone, but no part had fallen off.

Lu Chen didn't believe in evil, so he slashed out with thousands of knives. Because Daoji was in poor condition, he was sweating profusely from the pain. He panted and sat down on the ground, looking at the small pieces less than a millimeter in size that fell to the ground. grain.

He picked it up and fell into deep thought. If he absorbed it in batches and chopped it bit by bit, would it last until the year of the monkey?

Lu Chen definitely wouldn't dare to integrate the whole piece directly into the bloodline. Just like Wushen Mountain prohibits the use of secret medicines across levels. Secret medicines that exceed the limit of the current bloodline will only make people explode to death after use, or directly cause death. Enter the five declines of heaven and man.

"It's so small, is it effective?"

Lu Chen muttered, then directly cut a hole in his wrist and pressed the small pieces in. He didn't know whether this thing was soluble in blood.

He felt the small particles flow along the blood vessels to his body, swimming around in his body without any sign of dissolving.

"Isn't this just a stone?"

Lu Chen had some doubts as to whether he had not found the right method. As early as when he was chopping the stone, he had been thinking, could such a hard thing really be melted?

In fact, the stone did not melt when it came into contact with the secret blood. Instead, he felt that if he were a mortal, he would have a blood clot at this time.

While Lu Chen was pondering whether he should try other methods of use, his face suddenly turned red.

Because after the small particles traveled around his body, they entered his heart, where the source of the secret blood occurred.


As if thunder shook the world, Lu Chen felt as if the whole world was cracking open. His whole body seemed to be being burned by the true fire of the sun, and his body and soul were being burned.

If anyone else were here, they would see that Lu Chen's body was as red as a shrimp, and it was bulging like a balloon that was about to burst.

Lu Chen's only consciousness at this time was one word, "blanch"!

It's not that the small particles are not strong enough, but they are so strong that they almost burst him.

He was really lost. Thinking about it carefully, this was what the ancestor of the Mystic Blood asked Xi and the female fairy to help him find. This was the ultimate secret medicine used by the immortal-level Mystic Blood warriors!

Lu Chen didn't know how desperate he was. If he showed this thing to Lu Tianhua first, Lu Tianhua would never agree to Lu Chen's use.

Because even if this secret medicine was used by Lu Tianhua or Xue Baitian, it would not be able to withstand its power. A secret blood warrior of Lu Chen's level would be seeking death if he used it.

Lu Chen didn't explode at this time, all because he was on the 47th floor of the Spirit Summoning Tower and had a hundred times the external spiritual pressure, which just offset the outward force.

It was a good thing and a bad thing that it didn't explode, because Lu Chen was staring at double pressure from the inside and outside. A large number of cracks appeared on the entire body surface, and the pain was far greater than any strengthening he had done in space before.


Lu Chen drank loudly, the Martial Emperor Sutra roared, and forty-nine seals protected the Immortal Platform. He tried his best to stay conscious and digest the power of the medicine.

In the Spirit Summoning Tower, his figure suddenly grew larger and smaller, sometimes inflated like a balloon, and sometimes returned to normal size, jumping sideways repeatedly on the edge of life and death.

After the little golden dragon woke up from his sleep in the cave nearby, he poked his head out to see how Lu Chen was doing.

After seeing Lu Chen grow up and down, and turn as red as a shrimp, he laughed and covered his stomach with his paws and rolled on the ground, "Ouch~oooh~"

Lu Chen was not in the mood to pay attention to the little golden dragon watching the show. The secret blood stone was too powerful, and it was not as silent as it seemed on the surface. It contained not only amazing blood power, but also unfathomable spiritual power. Lu Chen Chen must guide this force to disperse and increase the overall volume of his body.

His martial arts evolved rapidly, and Sendai impacted a higher realm. In just three days, his martial arts broke through to the fifth realm of the Great Sage, and all attributes except spiritual attributes showed +1 point in the main attributes. , only the mental attribute increased by 2 points, reaching 209 points, approaching the peak of the seventh level.

Emperor Wu's breakthrough has digested the vitality and spiritual energy in the Secret Blood Stone, but the power of blood is still gushing out. His secret blood of God is still undergoing transformation, and its purity has skyrocketed, surpassing the secret medicine he used before. sum!

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