Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1010 Xue Baitian’s conjecture about another world

Lu Chen sat cross-legged on the ground. Xue Baitian took his hand away from his immortal platform and frowned, "What did you do?"

Lu Chen answered truthfully: "When I was going through the heavenly tribulation, I was injured by the last immortal brand, which left some hidden dangers."

Xue Baitian put his hands back and stood up, feeling that things were a bit troublesome. She had heard about Lu Chen's tribulation, which was very popular in the True Dragon Star Territory, and finally attracted many Immortal Marks.

She had also seen it secretly before when Lu Chen broke through the tribulation at Wushen Mountain. It was indeed an unheard-of catastrophe, but how could there be a soul lingering in this wound?

Although in terms of energy level, it was far inferior to the realm she and Lu Tianhua were in, the depth of that meaning was beyond their use of soul power and could not be erased.

In other words, this is not a matter of realm at all. The soul is intertwined with the Dao, which fundamentally disintegrates Lu Chen's Dao foundation. Others can't help him.

Unless he can stop himself from the inside, re-stabilize the Dao foundation, and eliminate the dark causal connection.

"Mountain Master, is there any good solution for this disciple's injury?"

Lu Chen asked expectantly.

Xue Baitian was silent for a moment, "You have to find a way on your own and cultivate your soul with all your heart. Maybe there is hope of repairing it."

She said that she was powerless. If the sword intention was in her body, she would have a way to slowly cure it from the source. But this was Lu Chen's body. If she forcibly took over with her soul, it would make Lu Chen's way. The base cracks faster.

"How long can he live?"

Lu Tianhua frowned when he heard that Xue Baitian had no choice.

"If the Tao injury cannot be alleviated, according to the current condition, he may only have five years to live."

Xue Baitian analyzed this, which made Lu Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

Because it will take more than six years for him to return to space. In other words, if he cannot find a way to stabilize his injuries, he may not even survive to return.

The cracking of Daoji is not only causing pain to his body and soul, but also consuming some of his origins. The longer time goes by, the more severely his longevity will be weakened.

Just like Ye Fan once did, if he is willing to cut off his cultivation and become a mortal, then he can naturally solve this disaster, but Lu Chen certainly cannot abandon his martial arts.

"One year later, we still have a bet with Gulong Cave."

The Great Elder pondered, "Anyway, I haven't made an oath to heaven and earth yet, why don't we just forget about it?"

He originally thought that Xue Baitian could think of something to deal with Lu Chen's injury. After all, in his opinion, this friend had been omnipotent since childhood. As a woman, as a secret blood warrior with a foreign surname, she had repeatedly created miracles and became a martial artist. The mountain master of the sacred mountain may still be the strongest mountain master in history.

"You have to ask him."

Xue Baitian smiled and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen pondered slightly, "...The disciple is still somewhat certain. He is confident that the damage will be adjusted to a level that will not affect the combat effectiveness within one year. Since the agreement has been made, there is no reason to break the contract."

Not only was he thinking about the bets proposed by Gulong Cave, but he also found that the mountain master's state was indeed wrong. After examining his own situation, Xue Baitian's spiritual power had obvious abnormal fluctuations, as if he was suppressing something.

Wushen Mountain did not take a strong response last time, which already made Gulong Cave suspicious.

Gulong Cave suffered a big loss, four elders died, and they will never let it go.

It would be okay if the gambling fight was carried out according to their wishes, but if Wushenshan turned its back and stopped accepting it, then the Ancient Dragon Cave might really launch a full-scale attack.

Xue Baitian glanced at Lu Chen meaningfully, "As long as you know what's going on, you need to know that you can only survive the calamity you have suffered. The reincarnation of cause and effect will eventually have its destiny."

Lu Chen felt enlightened and looked at Xue Baitian, a woman with a familiar face, in surprise.

What did the other party know? Did you notice that the injuries on my body were caused by the past Plath version of Lu Chen?

"Disciple understands."

Lu Chen saluted respectfully.

Xue Baitian looked at Lu Chen with admiration. At the same time, he felt that this child was inexplicably kind. With her martial arts skills, she rarely appreciated people. Her only disciple, Lu Shuiliu, only felt that he had seen too much.

Lu Chen was different. At only ninety years old, she had reached the peak of the fourth level of Wushen. Her self-created skills were integrated with Wushen and she walked her own path. She was astonishingly talented and even better than she was when she was younger. Pass it.

"You haven't had a master since you entered the Martial God Mountain, so you can become my disciple today and become my disciple."

Xue Baitian suddenly spoke, which surprised Lu Tianhua.

Because Lu Tianhua knew that Xue Baitian was very lazy. If it weren't for the fact that as the mountain master, she had to train an heir and teach an apprentice, she wouldn't even bother to accept Lu Shuiliu.

When he took Lu Shuihui as his disciple nine hundred years ago, Xue Baitian had said that he was her first and last disciple. Unexpectedly, nine hundred years later, he changed his story.

And although Xue Baitian accepted Lu Shuihui as his disciple, in fact, he only taught Lu Shuihui three times in the past nine hundred years, and spent the rest of the time as a free rein.

Lu Chen was naturally happy after hearing Xue Baitian's words, not because he had a stronger backer, but because he really needed some strong guidance.

Xue Baitian is the only person he knows in this world who has lived a second life. Her attainments in martial arts and Taoism are beyond the reach of ordinary people. Her guidance can give him a lot of inspiration.

"Disciple Lu Chen, pay homage to Master."

Lu Chen quickly saluted. From today on, he is the disciple of the second mountain master of Wushen Mountain.

When Xue Baitian saw that Lu Chen didn't kowtow, she didn't care. She didn't care about it at all. It was just a name. In fact, she didn't have much time to teach Lu Chen. Some of her own problems had not yet been solved.

"Very good. I hope you will get along well with Shuiliu. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask your senior sister first. Although you are my disciple, you must not bully others in the future at Wushen Mountain..."

Xue Baitian paused, with a smile on his face, "...but to the outside world, you can be more public. After all, there should be only a few people who dare to kill my disciples in today's era."

The calm words revealed strong self-confidence, which made Lu Chen feel excited.

This shows that Xue Baitian's problem is not fatal, it just takes some time.

"Disciples, please remember Master's teachings."

Lu Chen said respectfully. In fact, he couldn't kneel down when faced with a face that looked like his mother's.

It's just that today is his first formal meeting with the Lord of Martial God Mountain. The apprenticeship came too suddenly, and he was not mentally prepared.

Xue Baitian spoke casually, and he had no real sense of having a master.

"Okay, I'm a little tired today. Tianhua, you go down first and wait in the square. Tianhua and I still have something to say."

Xue Baitian waved his hand, but there was nothing strange about his expression.

Lu Tianhua nodded, "Let's go."

After that, he stood up, waved his hand to catch the little golden dragon who was still sneaking around the room, and took Lu Chen out with him.

After returning to the square at Zhige Peak, Lu Chen was still deep in thought. He was wondering whether there really was reincarnation in the world, or whether there were similar flowers.

This was an idealistic thing. He felt that Ye Fan might have been thinking about it all his life, but he didn't understand it in the end. He just shouted that to give himself a firm path.

In the end, Lu Chen shook his head and drove these thoughts out of his mind. He had enough things going on and he couldn't keep thinking about these fruitless things.

In the cabin, Xue Baitian spat out a mouthful of blood, his face looking a little unhealthy flushed.

Lu Tianhua frowned when he saw this, "What's going on with you? Is there really something wrong with your practice?"

He didn't think that a martial arts genius like Xue Baitian would really go crazy, but as he saw before him, Xue Baitian just used his spiritual power to check Lu Chen's injuries and he would vomit blood.

"I saw something I shouldn't have seen, and I'm just being punished."

Xue Baitianwu's nerves were running smoothly, and he returned to normal in an instant.

"What do you see?"

Lu Tianhua asked curiously.

"If I had told you, the injury would have been more serious. It's okay now. It won't take long for you to recover."

Xue Baitian's tone was calm and he just sat there cross-legged, quietly tending to his injuries.

"Related to the future?"

Lu Tianhua speculated.

"Do you remember the four-dimensional creatures I told you last time?"

Xue Baitian changed the topic. She couldn't discuss the future with others in depth.

"Did you hear those voices again? Did they tell you what was going to happen in the future?"

Lu Tianhua, like Lu Chen, was also impatient and hated this feeling. Xue Baitian seemed to know a lot of things but didn't tell him.

"Yes and no, what I saw this time was someone else, different from the one who communicated with me in the past. In my deep enlightenment, I could see a figure in the long river of time. He seemed to not belong to this world. Ancient history.”

As Xue Baitian explained, he suddenly coughed several times and vomited out a lot of bright red divine blood.

"Is that okay? If you can't say it, don't say it."

Lu Tianhua worried that when they were alone, they sometimes felt like they were back in childhood, and the conversations were not that serious.

There are also good gossip disciples in Wushen Mountain. They have speculated about the relationship between Lu Tianhua and Xue Baitian, but unlike what outsiders think, the two are just childhood friends.

It is rumored that the great elder has married a wife, but no one has seen the great elder's wife or descendants. Xue Baitian has never married, but is obsessed with martial arts.

"Fortunately, this kind of thing is allowed, because that person really doesn't seem to belong to this world. Originally, there was no such person in the long history of time. He appeared suddenly."

Xue Baitian's skills were running, a burst of red mist steamed from his body, and his injuries recovered as before.

"Is he strong?"

Lu Tianhua was a little curious and knew that Xue Baitian would not talk to him about this pointlessly.

"It's very strong. It should belong to the four-dimensional beings I told you. I saw him, and he also saw me. This is a bad thing."

Xue Baitian sighed.

"According to what you said before, shouldn't four-dimensional beings be able to see everything in the long river of time? What does it matter? They are already looking down on us."

Lu Tianhua was puzzled.

"It's different. This being is not from this world. He came to this world as if he had a purpose, and I feel like he is searching in the long river of time, locating the node of the target. When I saw him For a moment, it seemed like He had been found.”

Xue Baitian explained, "This is not a good thing. It means that many things I have seen before will be inaccurate, and there may be more terrifying disasters waiting for us in the future."

"Would such a being take action against people in our current era?"

Lu Tianhua frowned, "That's not true. According to you, shouldn't we be ants in their eyes?"

From the perspective of fourth-dimensional beings, they are just bugs, in every sense of the word.

"I feel like He wants to get rid of someone. This may be a common fighting method for four-dimensional creatures. They don't always live in peace, just like us monks are always fighting with each other."

Xue Baitian analyzed.

Lu Tianhua was a little horrified after hearing this. If these beings who could move across time wanted to kill people, wouldn't it be possible to go to the source of the timeline and change everything?

Even if you are so powerful in the future, He can wipe you out from the root and cut off the head of this "worm", and naturally there will be no subsequent body.

It is the beginning and the end.

"It doesn't seem right. Didn't you say before that those existences should have transcended time and cause and effect, and do not exist in the long river of time, but above it, so no matter what they were like when they were young, they should have disappeared. , if he wants to kill the beings in the same realm, can’t he use this method?”

Lu Tianhua said doubtfully.

"So this is also the point that puzzles me. Why does a noble being who doesn't seem to belong to this ancient history browse the long river of time and look for a target? If he is really looking for someone, it means that the person he is looking for is not someone else. There is an existence at the same level as him, so why bother to go out of his way to kill him?"

The look in Xue Baitian's eyes changed, as if there were stars flowing.

She said calmly: "After all speculations are eliminated, there are only two possibilities left. That is the target He is looking for. In the future, he will not be able to attain enlightenment here. This is the hometown of that target, so he comes here." Looking for the original roots.”

"What about the second possibility?"

Lu Tianhua wondered curiously. Although he was smart and was a cultural person when he traveled to the ancient stars of Tianzhou, he still found it difficult to understand such a profound state.

"The second possibility is that the target he is looking for is not a being at the same level as him. For some reason, he needs to kill the target first, but judging from his journey through time, his target is not there. The 'insect' in this world is only looking for a specific era, so the target he is looking for is not the people in this world."

Xue Baitian analyzed.

Lu Tianhua thought thoughtfully after hearing this, feeling that Xue Baitian's conclusion was a bit ridiculous, "What do you mean by people who are not from this world?"

The universe of the Buried Gods is vast and boundless. Even at Xue Baitian's level, it is difficult to say that he can travel all over the universe.

According to rumors, there used to be a world of gods, immortals, and demons in this world. Now the universe is just a world of gods, but he feels that these worlds also belong to the category of small worlds and are connected with the entire world.

He always felt that the person Xue Baitian was talking about was not from this world, as if he was saying that the being came from a different world that they had never heard of.

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