Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1044 The Great Battle Arena

At the end of the road, a magnificent building stands like a bird's nest. Fairy materials are condensed in a technological way to create this visual impact.

Above the high-tech gate, there is an electronic screen hanging with the name of this place written on it.

Lu Chen couldn't understand because the lingua franca of Tianzhou Ancient Star was different from that of Burial Star. However, when these dwarfs usually communicated with humans, they would use artificial intelligence to assist them.

Although Lu Chen did not understand the language of Tianzhou Ancient Star, it did not prevent him from knowing where this place was.

This is a newly built building in Tianzhou Ancient Star in recent years. It is also a new entertainment project of the intelligent tribe, called the Battle Arena.

As the name suggests, in this building, all kinds of mechas compete and compete. The process is violent and exciting. It has been widely loved by the intelligent people since its introduction.

"Sir, please show your ticket."

When Lu Chen came to the entrance, he was stopped by a Zhizu. His tone was calm and his words were quite polite.

Because during this period of time in the Battle Arena, it was not just the wise tribes from Ancient Star of Heaven who were playing, there were also many outsiders who entered and developed many new projects.

For example, the foreign geniuses competed with the local mechas of Tianzhou Ancient Star.

This kind of cloud battlefield of the Burial God Star is different from the ancient battlefield of the original ancient star. Although the intelligent tribe of the ancient star of Tianzhou has advanced technology, there is no advanced Taoist who can judge the fatal point and teleport people like the ancient powerful ones. go out.

In other words, if you compete here, you will be seriously injured or even killed.

The original project of Tianzhou Ancient Star would not cause any human life, because they were only using their own mechas and equipped with artificial intelligence for discussion.

In Chu Zihang's opinion, its nature is a bit like that of children competing with their beloved robots, and no one can be killed no matter what.

During this period, many geniuses from the God Burial Star came to the ancient star of Tianzhou. Due to the connection of the star field, many young geniuses from the True Dragon Star Territory also walked on the ancient road of the starry sky. When they heard about the magic of the ancient star of Tianzhou, they all visit.

The monks are all arrogant and do not think that they have been cultivating for a long time and are dedicated to seeking the truth. They will lose to a dead thing like a machine. Tianzhou Ancient Star used this to build momentum, making many geniuses dissatisfied and came to the battle arena to challenge.

And I don’t know whether it is intentional or unintentional, the Doujia Arena has given conditions. As long as someone with flesh and blood is of the same size, which is probably the same realm that Lu Chen wins in the competition in the Burial God Star, the Doujia Arena will give it to him. The generous reward is considered a lucky draw.

The weight of the rewards varies. According to the records of those popular ace mechas, the rewards after defeating them are also different. Of course, the stronger the mechas, the more rewards they can get after defeating them.

But even if it is the weakest with the same output power in the arena, the genius of the same level can still get a bottle of evolutionary fluid that is a specialty of Tianzhou Ancient Star after defeating it.

Regarding this, Chu Zihang also knew in advance that the evolutionary fluid of Tianzhou Ancient Star was divided into two categories.

One is the immortal type, which can improve cell activity and extend the life of cells with microscopic technology. These intelligent people use this technology to extend their lifespan. Even if they don't practice, they can live to three thousand years.

The second type is body remodeling, which can improve a person's physique and comprehensively enhance body strength, nerve reflex speed, and resistance to blows.

When he first heard about the existence of the second evolutionary fluid, Lu Chen asked Chu Zihang in confusion, "Don't the dwarfs of Tianzhou Ancient Star fight without relying on the physical body? Why are they still developing such a thing?"

Chu Zihang replied to him expressionlessly, "They have not completely given up on biotechnology. In addition to using mechas, they also have their biochemical beasts. The body reshaping evolutionary fluid is for those biochemical beasts."

The blueprints of those biochemical war beasts are the human race in the starry sky. They were transformed by the intelligent race with biological agents and supplemented with evolutionary fluids, and finally turned into biological machines that had no intelligence and only knew how to fight.

The body-reshaping evolutionary fluid is of course also useful for monks, but Tianzhou Ancient Star is limited by technology and materials, and it is basically difficult to produce an evolutionary fluid that is effective for monks above the final level, so it is no longer useful to Lu Chen.

On the other hand, the life-extending evolutionary fluid, if it was the top category, might be of some help to him.

The reason why the Battle Arena has been so popular recently is because of the large supply of evolutionary fluids. Whether it is life-extending evolutionary fluids or body-reshaping evolutionary fluids, they are all good things for young geniuses.

Furthermore, there are rumors that if it can defeat the strongest being in the battle armor field, the legendary mecha will obtain the only super evolutionary fluid in Tianzhou Ancient Star, which will be effective even for final monks.

"I'm here to compete, not to be a spectator."

Facing the Zhizu's inquiry, Lu Chen said calmly.

Of course, you need tickets to enter the arena, otherwise the operator will not be able to make money. There is only one exception, and that is that you are not a spectator, but a participant.

Sure enough, after Lu Chen spoke, the Zhizu in charge of reception showed a smile on his face, "Please follow me."

For the Zhizu, the talented human race that came to compete was just a gimmick to make money for them. In fact, although various rewards for winning were marked, very few people could actually defeat their mechas in the past six months.

On the contrary, this kind of fight between flesh and machine, the scene where flesh and blood fly everywhere when the genius of the human race is tortured by the machine, is very popular in the circle of the wise tribe, and provides them with a lot of income.

There are no practitioners in the Zhi tribe, but he can roughly judge Lu Chen's level through the smart scanner installed in his eyes.

The Zhizu who was in charge of the reception was very happy to see that Lu Chen was a top monk who was nearing the end. If he introduced Lu Chen to the Arena to compete, he would definitely be a high-profile player, and in that case, the tickets would be sold out. Even better, he can also get a lot of commission.

The society of the Homo sapiens is not completely equal. Although everyone is the result of selection from the gene pool, there are still individual differences.

Some intelligent people are geniuses, and some intelligent people are "stupid". Based on this, they divide the intelligent people into different classes after they reach adulthood. Some intelligent people are superior, and some intelligent people are just doing some ordinary work.

Of course, for this kind of reception work, they could have used artificial intelligence robots to complete it. In fact, this was also done in previous battle arenas.

It's just that recently there have been many foreign geniuses from the human race. In order to show their "sincerity", the wise tribe sent noble wise tribes to receive them.

Following this intelligent race wearing a white biological coat, he arrived at the large battle armor field. He first walked through the long white tunnel, and after turning a few turns, Lu Chen came to a room.

There are many large screens hanging in the room, which are broadcasting the situation in the big battle arena in real time. At this time, there are three competitions taking place in multiple zones.

"I don't know what to call this genius of the human race?"

Zhizu showed an ugly smile in Lu Chen's eyes, "I am the receptionist here, you can call me Neil Voss."

Lu Chen looked at the battles in various arenas and said casually: "Lu Chen."

A trace of surprise flashed across Neelforth's expression, because he seemed to have heard this name somewhere before, so he instantly asked the artificial intelligence in the external chip to help him look it up.

The artificial intelligence was very efficient. With almost no pause, he got Lu Chen's original identity. After comparing the appearance, he was shocked.

This is actually the number one genius on the God Burial Star! ?

Why did he come to Tianzhou Ancient Star? Could it be that because there are no rivals in the same area, I heard about the Great Battle Arena and came here with interest?

The smile on his face couldn't be suppressed. This was big news. A heavyweight was coming. I believe there were many wise people willing to buy tickets.

As for whether Lu Chen could kill everyone in the big battle arena, he didn't care, because except for the legendary super evolutionary fluid, the research and development costs for other evolutionary fluids were not high for them.

Lu Chen can bring unprecedented popularity to the Arena, which can make them a lot of money.

As for whether Lu Chen can defeat the legendary mecha, this is not his concern. In his opinion, although Lu Chen is a very powerful being among monks, people will make mistakes and it is impossible to defeat him. That of the legendary god.

"What procedures need to be done?"

Lu Chen looked back at the screen. They were all low-level battles. He also saw the disciples of the Witch King Valley on the screen. Under the attack of a red mecha, they finally recognized themselves as defeated and announced their defeat. Drawing boos.

"I have completed the formalities for Mr. Lu. Just put this card away. This is your identity certificate in the Arena, and it can also be used to withdraw the rewards you will win later."

Nealfus pretended to be respectful.

In the eyes of the arrogant intelligent tribe, no matter how strong humans are, they are just monkeys before they reach the so-called final state, and they are only worthy of being pets.

It would be great if this pet could be more powerful and help them attract attention and make some money.

"The efficiency is quite high. When is the game?"

Lu Chen was not surprised. Everything here is processed by artificial intelligence. What Zhizu pursues is efficiency.

"Mr. Lu, don't be impatient. Your identity is unusual. We need to arrange the event and create a good fighting environment for you. We will contact you through that identity card. Before the event starts, you can freely move around Tianzhou Ancient Star. , as long as it’s not illegal.”

Nilfos explains.

"I won't go around anymore. I'll just wait here. Can I go in and watch other people's games first?"

Lu Chen glanced at Neil Voss lightly and asked, 'Create a good fighting environment'? I just want to warm up the publicity and attract more viewers, right?

But he didn't reveal that he was indeed not in a hurry about the matter in Tianzhou Ancient Star. Moreover, Brother Chu said that their plan should be kept low-key and not arouse the vigilance of the intelligent clan in Tianzhou Ancient Star.

"Of course you can. With this ID card, Mr. Lu can watch games in all major divisions for free. This is a benefit for participating players."

Neil Fus smiled and said, "I have to go to the door to receive new guests. Mr. Lu, please help yourself."

Lu Chen's spiritual thoughts expanded and he knew that another human prodigy had arrived outside the Great Battle Arena. Neelforth probably found out through surveillance.

Coincidentally, the newcomer was a human prodigy that Lu Chen knew, from the True Dragon Star Territory. It was Fairy Luoxia who he had squeezed out of the top ten in the Dragon Capital Competition.

As the saying goes, misfortune lies behind blessings. Fairy Luoxia failed to achieve the top ten good results, so she was not qualified to enter the secret realm to explore. Instead, she became one of the few surviving young geniuses among the major forces of the Star Alliance. .

Neelfus left, and Lu Chen scanned the passage with his spiritual mind, heading to a battle armor field.

As long as you hold the ID card, the technology gates you pass will open passages for you. After a while, Lu Chen walked through the passage and his eyes suddenly opened up.

The space inside the big battle arena looks much larger than the outside. It was built by the people of Tianzhou Ancient Star using space technology. It is similar to the small world opened by monks. However, the fighting platform in the center is hundreds of miles long. length and width.

The spectator seats on the periphery are even wider and are made up of small translucent rooms. Spectators can see the outside from the inside. However, after the privacy function is turned on, people outside cannot see the inside. Only the indicator light shows whether it is inside. Someone.

And every small room for watching the battle also has its own mystery. Because the Zhizu are not cultivators, they cannot see clearly the battle between the monks and the mechas without the help of intelligent assistance, so there will be a translucent floating screen in the room. .

On the screen, the intelligent tribes watching the battle can adjust the speed of the scene at will, allowing them to enjoy the bloody feast from a slow-motion perspective.

Intelligent races with higher status may have been implanted with artificial intelligence-assisted processing chips. They can directly watch the battle with their naked eyes. After artificial intelligence processing, the information is directly transmitted to the depths of the brain, and they can also "see" the battle clearly. Effect.

Lu Chen took a quick scan and found that there were not many spectators in this arena, only a few hundred intellectuals.

He looked towards the center of the arena, where there was a dark green mecha fighting with a female disciple of Xueyue Peak. The female disciple of Xueyue Peak was exquisite in Taoism, but the temporary increase in strength caused by the technique was not enough. Going to lose.

There is a large screen above the fighting platform with information on both sides of the battle.

On the left side of the big screen, there is the image of a dark green mecha, which looks majestic. Its name and achievements in the big battle armor field are also marked below.

Perhaps considering the fact that many outsiders have come to the Arena recently, there is also a label in the common language of the Starry Sky Human Race below so that Lu Chen can understand it.

The name of this mecha is Green Light King, and it has achieved twenty-three victories and sixteen defeats in the big battle armor arena.

This is said to be a good result because the current main project in the big battle armor arena is still mecha versus mecha combat. Among mechas of the same power, the Green Light King's winning rate can be maintained at more than 50%. Then Of course he is a strong one.

The screen on the big screen flips over to reveal the origin of the mecha and the owner who provided it, a wise man named Kayab.

On the right side of the screen, the introduction to the human race is relatively simple, with the flavor of a cheap underground arena commentator.

‘The genius girl from Xueyue Peak of the God Burial Star—Asahina. ’

Lu Chen sat down on the steps of the high platform and heard someone shouting and cheering, "Sister, come on, dismantle that dead machine!"

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