Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1053 What is life?

After Chu Zihang heard the news, he didn't seem to be surprised, "The plan remains unchanged, but in the second half, Brother Lu, you have to change the way you fight."

"Brother Chu, aren't you surprised? This is a robot. The robot uses the sword's will! It looks like an old swordsman who has been practicing in the world for many years!"

Lu Chen was surprised by Chu Zihang's calmness.

"Although I didn't tell Brother Lu, this situation is within my expectation. If Plan C is implemented, Brother Lu can contribute."

Chu Zihang was very calm, threw a piece of inheritance crystal to the little golden dragon, and asked him to continue using his escape technique to dig forward.

"Plan C? Wouldn't that be perfect for providing data to artificial immortals?"

Lu Chen frowned. The so-called plan C was that he gradually began to release his strength. After the gods adapted to his offensive, he began to tentatively use the Karma Blade Intent to give the gods a certain amount of time to react.

This plan C was not originally the plan today. It was the plan that the two planned to let Lu Chen refresh the combat system after they obtained the control authority of the artificial immortal god.

"I already know what's going on. Brother Lu, don't be distracted when fighting. Just do as I say. Don't worry, your Karma Blade Intent will not be plagiarized so easily."

Chu Zihang spoke calmly and sat expressionlessly on the back of the little golden dragon, operating a tablet that he had removed from the starship carrier. For example, the supercomputer used by Zhou Guxing today has even higher computing power. Some.

"Then I'll let it go. If it doesn't end in the end, I won't take the blame."

Lu Chen said jokingly, unsheathed the regicide in his hand, and struck the god's divine iron heavy sword with one strike. Gonggong's sword moved forward with all his might, forcing the god back tyrannically.

The audience in the Doujia Arena began to get excited, feeling that this was something to watch, and Lu Chen finally took action.

However, the geniuses of the human race who knew the principle of soul intention looked at each other with some doubts about life. How could a machine cut out the sword intention?

"It's so frustrating... I'm worse than a robot..."

A female disciple of Xueyue Peak looked depressed. Some powerful disciples of Xueyue Peak would also understand the soul intention, such as the admired senior sister Qianxue, who was extremely proficient in the use of sword intention.

But not everyone can understand the ability of Soul Intention. Even in Wushen Mountain, where martial arts are prosperous, more than two-thirds of the Mystical Blood warriors do not have the ability to master Soul Intention.

The female disciples of Xueyue Peak also often travel down the mountain, just to understand the various conditions in the world and to understand the ability of the soul, but most of them do not have this understanding and ultimately return without success.

Oh, but some female disciples did not succeed in returning to the mountain. When they realized the world of mortals, they got themselves involved and married outsiders.

"This is no ordinary robot. If I'm not mistaken, the manipulator behind the gods is the pinnacle of Tianzhou Ancient Star's artificial intelligence, Kama."

Ma Xiaofei looked at the fighting platform solemnly, "As far as I know, Kama is the first artificial intelligence born in the ancient planet of Tianzhou, and it is also the strongest artificial intelligence. It has a long history and is more powerful than the major forces on the Burial God Star. He is even older, and in terms of age, I am afraid that only the Dragon Ancestor from the Ancient Dragon Cave can compare."

"Brother Taoist, I understand the truth, but after all, the artificial intelligence of Tianzhou Ancient Star is just a high-end computer composed of mechanical principles. It is not considered a life, let alone a soul. How can it use the soul? I mean."

Wang Tengfei asked doubtfully.

"Then it depends on the principle of soul intention. Is there anyone here who knows it?"

Ma Xiaofei asked.

A young man in the crowd raised his hand, and everyone around him kept a certain distance away from him because he had a strong evil spirit.

"The true disciple of Martial God Mountain, Lin Ruofan, I have mastered my fist skills."

The man introduced himself and said that he had just set off from Wushen Mountain two days ago and traveled to Tianzhou Ancient Star.

"It turns out that it's Brother Lin Dao. You have practiced the fist spirit. Can you tell us where the soul spirit comes from?"

Ma Xiaofei asked as if asking for advice.

Lin Ruofan frowned and thought, "To be honest, although everyone in Wushen Mountain is practicing, we don't know its principles. We call it soul meaning, and think it is the inner power of the heart triggered by the insights deep in a person's soul. , when this kind of power is used, our attack will become particularly powerful."

The geniuses present were speechless for a while, and no one in the co-writing meeting knew the principle?

"So, you are not sure that soul meaning must be related to the soul?"

Ma Xiaofei asked.

Lin Ruofan was a little embarrassed and scratched his head, "Maybe the Mountain Master and the Grand Elder will know. I don't know. Anyway, I just rely on my feeling and use it as long as I know how to use it."

"Brother Lin Dao just mentioned two words, one is soul and the other is heart. So does soul meaning come from the soul or the heart?"

Ma Xiaofei asked again, not only as if he was asking Lin Ruofan, but also as if he was asking everyone.

"What Brother Ma Dao means is that the soul may also be the power of the heart, a collection of human emotions that bursts out in some way and turns into substantial power?"

Lin Ruofan frowned and thought.

"Is there any difference? In any case, gods are not humans, they are not living beings."

Asahina from Xueyue Peak asked doubtfully.

"Then it depends on what the definition of a living being is. Does it have flesh and blood? Or does it count as having a soul?"

Ma Xiaofei asked rhetorically.

"You want to say that the gods... or the artificial intelligence behind it already have a 'heart'?"

Wang Tengfei somewhat understood what Ma Xiaofei meant.

Ma Xiaofei nodded, "If it is Kama who controls the gods, then it has been watching the reincarnations of this world for more than 500,000 years. As a collection of highly intelligent beings, it is likely that it already has its own feelings and what is called a heart. So being able to use soul energy is not something surprising."

On the fighting platform, the battle between Lu Chen and the God of Heaven was already heating up.

The sword energy on one side was powerful, the sword intention on the other side was unparalleled, and the God of War sword skills all came out, beating the gods back one after another for a while, leaving cracks on the body made of immortal grade materials.

The strange thing is that those cracks are repairing themselves quickly. This is because the gods are consuming the energy of the energy core, supplemented by the operation of nanoscale micro-robots, to refill the stored particles of fairy materials. In terms of repair speed, it is not inferior to Lu Chen's usual. Use the word secret.

In the safe house on the other side of the ancient planet Tianzhou, many intelligent researchers had just recovered from the shock and looked at Professor Ibuprofen.

"Professor Ibuprofen, what on earth is going on?"

Anfensi was the first to raise doubts, "Is this also the result of your upgrade last night?"

Professor Ibuprofen picked up a cup of tea. He liked this drink from the Burial Star. "Kama has already known this ability for a long time, but there was no opponent who needed it to use it, and there was not enough combat data for him to use it before. After the battle with Rand yesterday, the combat system was upgraded, and I canceled the restrictions set by the previous underlying code, so it can naturally use its soul."

He took a sip of tea and said calmly: "So I said you have underestimated artificial intelligence. Kama's ability to use soul now has proven that it exists as a living being and is not a simple calculation aggregate."

He glanced at the intelligent tribe researchers present and said, "Gentlemen, let's face the reality. Kama has existed for 530,000 years, which is more years than all of us combined. Why doesn't it produce something named ...a 'heart' thing."

"But I think Kama still has many shortcomings. He has made more than one omission in his reporting work recently."

Carlos said with a dark face. He is a staunch artificial intelligence non-life advocate. In his view, artificial intelligence is a tool, a tool that facilitates their lives, their wars, and their aggression.

"Doesn't this just prove that its independent thinking ability has become stronger? It will use its own will to analyze whether to report in detail or briefly. In fact, Kama also considered all situations, such as the battle against Rand The winning rate and the winning rate against Lu Chen are the so-called surprises."

Professor Ibuprofen smiled and said, "This child is very smart. It knows that Lu Chen and Rand want to teach it some bad things, but it refuses to come. It is like a arrogant young man. It believes I can take the essence and discard the dross, and I believe that Kama will eventually transform into the most perfect creature."

"Thank you for the compliment, distinguished Professor Ibuprofen."

Karma's voice sounded in the room at the right time, making some wise people look unhappy.

If you think about it carefully, Professor Ibuprofen has worked hard to upgrade Kama over the years. Among all the people present, the one who has the most contact with Kama is Professor Ibuprofen.

How many things did this fat, dying, and near-end-of-his-life wise man instill in Kama without all the wise men paying attention?

Some wise giants also looked at Professor Ibuprofen with vigilance, believing that the presence of Professor Ibuprofen would be a hidden danger in the artificial god project. The artificial gods that would be produced by then would probably be unfair and not subject to the research institute's control. driven by.

Just as Professor Ibuprofen said, if feelings and hearts were really born for Kama, in terms of relationships, it would certainly have the best relationship with Professor Ibuprofen.

"Then I would like to ask Professor Ibuprofen, can Karma learn Lu Chen's Karma Blade Intent? If he uses it."

Anfensi calmed down. Unlike other intelligent races, he does not pay much attention to power disputes. If Professor Ibuprofen is an enthusiastic researcher of time and cause and effect, and a supporter of artificial intelligence vitalism, then he is an artificial intelligence. Believers of immortal gods.

He has devoted his whole life to the birth of artificial immortals, abandoning all entertainment and spending time on research. At present, he just wants to make the artificial immortals come out smoothly and adjust them to the best condition.

He doesn't care whether the artificial gods have feelings or whether they are alive. He just wants to create perfect gods and use his hands to complete this great creation in this era!

Then Lu Chen's combat data is indispensable. At present, it seems that it is a good thing that the gods can use the sword, which means that the artificial gods will become stronger.

Ibuprofen shook his head, "No chance, I urgently upgraded Karma's combat system last night, not because I hope it can learn Lu Chen's Karma Blade Intent. That thing will make a real god confused even when it comes. Karma is still too It’s young, I’m upgrading its system, I just hope that Kama can sustain Lu Chen’s offensive for a while longer and collect some combat data.”

"Professor Ibuprofen, are you saying this a little bit against your will?"

Carlos said, "You have studied cause and effect all your life, and you really don't want to learn some secrets from Lu Chen?"

Professor Ibuprofen smiled and squeezed out wrinkles on his old face, "Of course I think so. I can't learn the Karma Sword Intent for the time being, but Kama will analyze the mystery of cause and effect in Lu Chen's Sword Intent."

He has built the results of his years of research into Karma's program, and now he needs the real Karma Sword Intent to verify it. As long as Karma can complete the analysis, even if he has not learned the Karma Sword Intent, he will not be afraid of using Karma. The enemy of strength.

"Professor Ibuprofen, you just said that we have a high regard for artificial intelligence. What do you mean?"

Anfensi respectfully asked for advice. Professor Ibuprofen is the oldest scientific research giant among them and the oldest. He is already three thousand years old this year and has reached the limit of wisdom. Even if the medical equipment has been maintained, he I'm afraid I won't live for another year or two.

"Look at the big screen."

Ibuprofen pointed to the battle arena on the big screen, where Lu Chen was crazily ravaging the God in the mind of the Zhizu. Although the God had fully activated his computing power, he was still being beaten back by Lu Chen's sword. The arm was cut off twice, but it was reassembled by the nanorobots built into the arm.

"Kama has worked very hard, but its learning ability seems not to be enough in front of a genius of Lu Chen's level. Just look at the battle data report and you will know that Lu Chen's fighting style is more arbitrary and unconstrained. Many times, The method of executing the move is not within the calculation direction of the combat system at all."

Professor Ibuprofen explained, "This is the highest masterpiece of the ancient planet in our universe. An old warrior with 530,000 years of experience has lost to a human being who is less than a hundred years old. In other words, it is approaching this person." A young human being asks for advice, just like a newborn child learning from a teacher.”

"What are you trying to say? Karma is already learning and absorbing, and this is the result."

Carlos frowned, this outcome was what they expected.

"What I mean is that even Kama, which has lived for 530,000 years, still knows how to continue learning and progress in areas it does not understand, and is willing to humbly learn from a young human being, the one you call Huang. Skin monkeys learn how to fight, but some advanced creatures give up learning areas they don't understand, and reject areas they consider low-end."

Professor Ibuprofen's words made many intellectual giants in scientific research look gloomy. They were clearly referring to Sang and Huai.

Many scientific research giants present only specialize in their own fields, and almost all intelligent tribes believe that cultivators are inferior monkeys who need thousands of years to achieve a certain level of strength, and their technology only needs to be in factories. Able to continuously produce "strong ones" far and wide

From this point of view, they are undoubtedly advanced creatures, and the practitioners are stupid, inefficient, and not worthy of their learning and imitation.

While the Zhizu scientific research giants were discussing and Lu Chen was gradually entering the state on the fighting platform, Chu Zihang asked the little golden dragon to stop digging underground and they were at the right place.

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