Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1084 Race against time

"Huh, humans always push their noses into their faces."

Viscount Romont looked gloomy and waved his hand, "Don't embarrass the empire. You know what to do."

The remaining five Yuanxue Tianjiao nodded when they heard this. They knew that if they continued to gamble and fight with Lu Chen, they would probably fall as a result, but none of them refuted it.

Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction, "Haoqi, I like people like you who keep their promises."

Romon did not reply, but just waved. Several other young viscounts left with him and headed straight for the galaxy. He was no longer interested in the subsequent battle today.

Count Karman was also feeling very uncomfortable. He didn't expect that Lu Chen actually defeated Nichkhun, and the rest of the battle still had to be fought. Although the level of the battle was determined by them, they were the ones who took the lead.

But today it was clear that they were going to have a decisive battle in this realm. They brought ten Abyssal Blood geniuses. Some of them did not need to take action in their plan. Unexpectedly, they lost four games in a row at the hands of the real dragon parents. They temporarily found Ni It was a bit embarrassing for Kun to come over, but in the end, Nichkhun was defeated by Lu Chen across ranks.

If they were to temporarily change their players and switch to a higher-level Abyssal Blood Genius for a duel, it would really not be in line with the Simon Empire's style of conduct.

They were cruel and tyrannical, killing all living beings and robbing the source of life without mercy. However, they also paid attention to the face of the race and paid special attention to contracts. These were the rules set by the oldest princes.

Lu Chen saw the Yuanxue Tianjiao coming out. After sensing the opponent's strength, he patted the little golden dragon on the head and said, "Be quick, the divine crystal is indispensable to you."


The little golden dragon let out an excited roar and rushed straight towards the Yuanxue Tianjiao who looked unhappy.

There was no suspense in the subsequent battle. Amid the cheers of the creatures of the God Burial Planet, they once again won ten consecutive victories. For a time, their morale reached its peak.

Many humans even believe that even if they start a full-scale war with the Simon Empire, they may not lose the God Burial Planet.

But not everyone is so optimistic. The senior and powerful people at the top are still worried.

"Master Lu, today you are showing off your majesty and fighting for the Burial God Star. My sister is here to celebrate for us in Chenxi Pavilion."

Princess Ji and the princess invited. She said this to everyone. Although some of the "old geniuses" present did not go out to fight, they were all prepared to fight to the death before they came up. They were all outstanding people from the God Burial Star.

Lu Chen wanted to refuse. He also wanted to go back to Wushen Mountain to discuss the next plan with the great elder, but feeling the fiery eyes around him, he swallowed his words again.

The main reason was that he saw the little golden dragon secretly gesturing to him, saying that it had eaten the leftovers from Chenxi Pavilion when it sneaked out to play, and it was very delicious.


"Brother Lu, let me toast you!"

At the banquet, Lu Chen devoured his food. Xiao Jinlong said that he would not deceive me. Chenxi Pavilion was indeed the most luxurious restaurant in the Daxia royal family. The quality of the food was not comparable to that of the "canteen" in Wushen Mountain.

Li Tiange from Qingyun Sect stepped forward to propose a toast. Even though he was almost 200,000 years old, he still looked at Lu Chen with a hint of admiration.

"Senior, just treat it as a junior respecting you and waiting."

Lu Chen quickly wiped his mouth and stood up, looking at the old geniuses at the table, "The juniors have a higher self-control talent and are confident before going up to defend their hometown, but the seniors have a higher consciousness. Compared with those who are not yet For those who dare to fight, you are admirable."

With that said, he took a drink first.

"You don't need to be so serious. Today is a happy day. Under the power of Mr. Lu, the God Burial Star has been given a rare month of respite. We might as well talk about some happy things."

As hosts, Ji and Princess got up to liven up the atmosphere and made secret glances at Lu Chen many times during the dinner.

Everyone started pushing cups and changing cups. Ji and Princess even approached Qianxue and asked cautiously: "Fairy Qianxue, you said you knew Mr. Lu when he was a child. Are you... playing a nurturing game?"

After she came back, she collected some information and found that Fairy Qianxue had been protecting Lu Chen since he was born. She even killed a royal disciple who was chasing Lu Chen when he was in the Burial Abyss.

Calculating hard, the Ji Fusheng who died was still her distant cousin.

It's just that the Daxia royal family has a long history, and there are countless royal disciples. There are so many princesses and princes that she can't even recognize them all. There are not many people who are really famous and valued internally.

Conflicts often break out between young disciples of the major forces during training. Deaths and injuries are common, but an all-out war cannot be started just for the sake of one or two disciples.

The business of young people belongs to young people. The Burial God Star was unhappy and used the same old tricks as the younger ones. At most, they asked their senior brothers and sisters to come forward.

But if you are not popular, your death may be in vain, and no one will stand up for you.

Limited competition, involving life and death, is actually a good thing for monk civilization in the long run. Without struggle, there would be no pressure for progress.

Of course, no one would kill the chief disciples of the major forces or the highly regarded core disciples, otherwise there would really be some old monster who protects the calf, which is forbidden by the major forces.

"Developing a game?"

Qianxue frowned. She didn't play games, so she didn't understand what Ji and the princess meant at first.

Ji, Princess and Qianxue were very close together and made a gesture under the table, "That's it...this one?"

Qianxue was stunned for a moment and said, "No!"

She didn't expect that a royal princess with a majestic appearance and stunning appearance could have such a dirty mind.

"Oh, then I can rest assured. My ancestor said that we can have a proper... relationship with Mr. Lu."

Ji and the princess spoke calmly.

"He has a wife."

Qianxue ruthlessly shattered Ji and the princess's illusions.


Ji and Princess looked puzzled. Was it because their intelligence collection at Luhua Tower was improper?

Lu Chen was born only a few years ago, less than ten years ago. I haven't heard that he has a Taoist companion? Or did he get married while they were in the mountains and forests?

No, Luhua Building is managed by Chu Zihang, the lord of Junen City. Chu Zihang has a good relationship with Lu Chen. They both live in Wushen Mountain now, so the news there may not be accurate.

Regarding Chu Zihang's long stay in Wushen Mountain, the Daxia royal family was also very dissatisfied. However, Lu Tianhua met with the Daxia emperor once and the matter was settled.

"Really, you didn't lie to me? But I've never heard Mr. Lu mention it."

Ji and the princess were full of disbelief, thinking that Qianxue was lying to her.

Qianxue glanced at Ji and the princess lightly, "Are you familiar with him? How many times have you met him?"

Ji and the princess were choked. They poured themselves a glass of wine and drank in silence.

"Alas, although Brother Lu is invincible at his generation and has secured a month of absolute safety for us, the battle after that will still be difficult."

An elder genius at the wine table sighed.

"Yes, I have also seen some fragments of words in ancient books. These people from the Simon Empire came from the abyss. This is a lost race. In a certain era, they once dominated the starry sky. It was precisely because they were too cruel and bloody that they were immortalized. The gods join forces to exile.”

A 5,000-year-old genius said with emotion, "Now that the seal of the earth is opened, they will have more powerful people coming, but there is no one in our era who can match them."

"Hmph, what are you talking about? It increases the enemy's prestige and destroys your own morale. Our God Burying Star has a long heritage. Looking at time, the God Burying Star must have existed in ancient times."

Some people are dissatisfied with this statement.

"Don't I still have a few forbidden areas of life? Are there any living gods and gods there? How about asking them to take action?"

A middle-aged beautiful woman opened her mouth to explore.

"I heard that the elders of the big forces are already discussing this matter, but there is no result yet. After all, the God Burial Calendar has been going on for 570,000 years, but no one has ever seen a living immortal god walk out of the forbidden land of life. , I speculate that even if there were, they would not care about external matters."

Someone analyzed.

After hearing this, Lu Chen also asked for advice, wanting to hear what everyone in the audience thought, "Everyone, you guys, since the creatures in the abyss are only interested in those forbidden areas of life, why not let them directly explore the forbidden areas of life, as long as they don't harass them? Isn’t it enough for us to just live?”

This is what Lu Chen doesn't understand. Because the God Burial Star has a certain degree of military deterrence, it still has some say in negotiations. As long as the life of the God Burial Star is not slaughtered, and the Abyss wants to explore the forbidden land of life, he feels that it doesn't matter.

The situation in the forbidden area of ​​​​life is complicated, and it is impossible to let a large amount of damage occur in the abyss.

"Alas, little brother Lu doesn't know. The reason why these forbidden areas of life are called forbidden areas is that they are inaccessible."

Li Tiange of the Qingyun Sect is the oldest and knows these things clearly. He explained to everyone: "At the beginning of the burial history, there were powerful beings who entered the restricted area, but they were suspected of angering the beings inside, and there was an outbreak at that time. It was such a catastrophe that the sentient beings of the Buried God Star worshiped in the Immortal Meteor Cave for a hundred years before the situation calmed down."

He continued: "What the big shots are worried about is not that the resources in the Life Forbidden Zone will be plundered by the outside Abyssal Blood nobles, but that they are afraid that after they anger the creatures in the Forbidden Zone, a chaotic war will break out on the God Burial Star. Then will be the real end. For those As far as the ancient immortals and gods are concerned, they don’t care at all whether we weak creatures live or die.”

"But if the God Burial Star is in chaos, these Anza's restricted areas on the God Burial Star will not be peaceful, right?"

Lu Chen frowned and said, he knew that Lu Tianhua wanted to go to the Burial Abyss, but he felt that the risk was too great.

He has been to Zhetian World, and he doesn't think the beings in the restricted area are easy to talk to. The things in the Burial God Abyss seem to have lost their minds, just like the desolate slaves in the ancient forbidden area. The great elder can really get in touch with the creatures inside. ?

Moreover, the bronze door of the Burial God Abyss is tightly closed, and no one from the outside can enter at all. Even Xue Baitian, the master of his own world, has not been able to break it. I am afraid that without the corresponding method, even immortals will have difficulty attacking it.

If modern supporters could hear Lu Chen's voice, they would probably resonate strongly.

They brought extremely professional tools, but they were unable to open the door. They could only use special techniques to pass through from the outside, but even so, the construction would take at least a month.

Nowadays, the modern supporters have given up and are ready to face the punishment of space, because they sent people to "punch holes" there. After half a year, they finally saw hope, and they were restored due to a small change. .

"It's hard to say. I heard that Brother Lu once entered the original mine to explore. You should know part of the situation inside. The space is completely distorted and forms a world of its own. Even if the God Burial Star is destroyed, those forbidden areas will be safe and sound. .”

The beautiful middle-aged woman from the Emei sect said.

"To be honest, the last time I entered the original mine, I had some strange encounters and went a lot deeper, but I didn't see any living gods, and there was no existence that took action against me."

Lu Chen's words were half true and half false. He had indeed not met a living immortal. The senior he met at that time was no longer considered alive and was in a semi-dead state.

"Alas, time is ruthless. Even immortal gods may not be able to live forever. Perhaps the existences in those forbidden areas have already disappeared, but we don't know it."

Someone sighed.

Everyone said something to each other, but they didn't say anything about the forbidden area of ​​the God Burial Star.

"By the way, I once heard that the Abyssal Blood nobles called the Burial God Star a place for spiritual rest. I don't know if there is any explanation for this. Could it be that the ancient star under our feet was different in ancient times and now? Is there any other use?"

Li Tiange said, he went back and checked ancient books, but there were no clues.

"That's too long. The abyss was sealed perhaps tens of millions of years ago. It's more than an era away from now. It's not surprising that an ancient star has a different name."

Someone sighed.

Lu Chen remembered it in his heart. From a place where the gods were nourished to a place where the gods were hidden, what had happened to the God Burial Star?

Are there any unknown secrets hidden deep in this land?

Moreover, half a million years ago, before the beginning of the Burial Calendar, the original mines and the Fallen Immortal Cave should have been in the True Dragon Star Territory. This was not the mother planet of the two forbidden lands. Why did they move to the Burial Star?

Thinking of the Emperor Burial Star in the world that covers the sky, Lu Chen knew that the reason why the Emperor Burial Star had so many emperor soldiers and so many emperor-level experts lurking was to wait for the path to becoming an immortal, but his hometown was different.

Some of the beings in the restricted area have become immortals, not only the "elementary immortals" at the emperor level. Lu Chen feels that there are real immortals among them. Those beings should be invincible in the world, and their lifespan may be close to infinite, because The immortality material in his hometown is richer than that in the Zhetian world.

But why do those beings stay in the dark restricted area? What are they waiting for?

The banquet started with joy, but at the end, everyone felt heavy in their hearts. It was not until the moonlight fell that Lu Chen returned to Wushen Mountain.

Under the adoring eyes of the disciples of Wushen Mountain, he went straight to Zhige Peak and arrived at the main hall. The great elder had already made tea there, and he had obviously been waiting for a long time.

"Disciple Lu Chen is fortunate to have lived up to his command. Please give me some instructions from the Great Elder."

Lu Chen said respectfully.

The Great Elder raised his hand to signal Lu Chen to sit down, and pushed a cup of tea to Lu Chen on the table. "My child, you are excellent. I am very proud of you. This month is very important for the God Burial Star."

He paused, "I will prepare to leave for the Burial Abyss tomorrow."

Lu Chen didn't expect the great elder to be so anxious, "Is there anything I can do?"

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