Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1113 The clown is actually me


The little golden dragon behaved well, sitting on a chair like a human, with two dragon claws stretched out. The napkin was wrapped around its neck and drooped on its plump belly. Its left claw was knifed and the right claw was forked. It looked like Like a fat dragon gentleman.

It looked at Lu Chen in confusion, because Lu Chen's teeth were really bleeding from his teeth, and it thought that Lu Chen's Taoist injury had occurred again.

"'s okay."

Lu Chen's face looked ugly. Naturally, his Taoist injuries were gone long ago, but his heart started to bleed when he looked at the Secret Blood Stone.

Even if it was the last month of his stay, it would be better if he absorbed a little more. It didn't matter if the secret blood didn't increase. He always felt that he had lost more than 100 million.

"Origin, if there is anything that cannot be certified, I have got it. Please tell me the price."

Lu Chen was a little unhappy and asked the space.

[Three hundred inheritance crystals. Complete]

Lu Chen heard Space's reply, and this time he was satisfied.

Well, this price can make him give up.

"Will this thing disappear?"

Lu Chen asked worriedly. If the items brought back after being placed in the storage space have not been authenticated after forty-eight hours, they will be recycled by the space. In that case, Lu Chen felt that it would be better to take the Secret Blood Stone. It is buried in the God Burial Calendar. I will go back and get it when I have the opportunity in the future.

[All uncertified props in the storage space will be recovered after forty-eight hours. Pioneers are requested to certify the necessary items as soon as possible. 】

The response from the space is very fast and annoying.

[Excuse me, Pioneer No. 009, if you have permission to use it and keep the items? 】

Space prompted again, making Lu Chen's expression improve.

He hadn't yet checked the pioneer's permissions after reaching the seventh level, so he asked directly: "How long can it be retained?"

[Seventh-level pioneers can use the permission to reserve one item to be verified in each world, and the period is two mission worlds. After the expiration, the space will recycle the items and put them into the space mall for explorers to purchase. 】

The explanation of the origin space made Lu Chen feel at ease. In short, just don't lose things to him.

He still had the same theory as before. He felt that the strength improved by attribute points was different from what he had developed. In the same way, the nature of improving bloodline by relying on inheritance crystals in space was definitely different from directly using bloodline props.

For some reason, although the attributes improved by each level of God's Secret Blood were still the same, he felt more reliable. I don't know if it was because of the increasing gap in attributes after reaching the eighth level, which gave him the illusion.

"Brother Lu, don't feel bad, think on the bright side, you've already had sex for nothing many times."

Chu Zihang comforted him, knowing that Lu Chen had a bandit character and would suffer for a long time if he suffered a little loss.

Lu Chen nodded. He only hated that he had not prostituted enough for nothing, and the Secret Blood of God had only been raised to four levels with the help of the Secret Blood Stone.

"Start certifying equipment."

Lu Chen said that he had never exploded a treasure chest in this world. Chu Zihang didn't kill many people and didn't drop any treasures. Eri Yi didn't fight much in modern times, so he was a rare air force.

But their team has obtained a lot of props and equipment in their hometown world, and they are all waiting for certification.

Certified equipment is very cost-effective, almost half cheaper than the market price. This can be regarded as a small benefit for explorers. Explorers who are good at business can also get a lot of funds through certified reselling.

Of course, due to the certification limit, each person can only certify up to five items.

Chu Zihang has certified Kama, and there are only four quotas.

Lu Chen began to examine some of the high-value items in his storage space that could eventually be certified.

【Spirit Summoning Tower】

Place of Origin: Original Sound World No. 81

Quality: Immortal

Equipment type: special magic weapon

Durability: 0/1000 (semi-destroyed)

Details: It can be used as a weapon to suppress enemies. There is extremely high spiritual pressure inside the Spirit Summoning Tower, which is helpful for monks in their daily practice. It is said that the 49th floor hides ancient secrets.

Conditions of use: The spiritual pressure of each level of cultivation varies, and the minimum physical requirement is 100 points. If it is used as a magic weapon for offense and defense, the strength attribute must reach more than 210 points.

Evaluation: The forty-nine floors coincide with the number of the avenue. I know what secrets are hidden inside, but I won’t tell you.

Rating: 1001 points

Certification price: 300 heritage crystals. Large

That's right, Lu Chen packed up the Spirit Summoning Tower.

The moment he took out the Spirit Summoning Tower, Lu Chen felt that the people around him looked at him strangely.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm just doing this to fit in with history. Anyway, such an obvious big thing doesn't appear in modern times, which means it disappeared in the God Burial Calendar. I'm not digging into the family fortune of Martial God Mountain."

Lu Chen shrugged. Besides, the Spirit Summoning Tower had been damaged by the Marquis' attack, so it could no longer be used by the disciples of Wushen Mountain for training.

"But Senior Brother Lu, this thing seems to be hiding something from the Martial God Mountain. I remember that the upper level inside contained some analytical essence of the Martial God..."

Xia Mi looked at Lu Chen with a strange expression, "It seems that you are going to take the blame for the loss of martial arts skills."

Lu Chen scratched his head, "Is that so? But this happened to be the same era as I remembered. I thought this thing should be related to the secret blood lineage, and there were still secrets that I didn't understand, so I took it away first. "

Three hundred inheritance crystals are not expensive. This Spirit Summoning Tower was originally close to the level of an imperial weapon. If it had not been damaged, it would not have been certified so cheaply.

Lu Chen chose certification and planned to find an expert in the space to repair it and then do some research.

Apart from anything else, the Spirit Summoning Tower can also be used as a weapon to shoot people. In terms of cultivation, it is still effective even for his current state.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen took out another item, which was a piece of jade that was as bright as a condensed star.

It's very strange. When it was in its hometown world, this stone looked like an ordinary jade stone, showing no strange phenomena. After leaving that world, it bloomed with a strange light.

【Yang Blood Stone】

Place of Origin: Original Sound World No. 81

Quality: Immortal

Item type: bloodline enhancement

How to use: Refining your own bloodline, or paying for integration with auxiliary functions in the space enhancement hall.

Details: The rare jade produced in the original mine has a complementary and uplifting effect on people with positive constitutions and can greatly develop the body's potential. It is very precious and was used by the original mine as a token in a certain era.

Evaluation: Apart from the meaning of the token, it is also a rare treasure. Please make good use of it.

Rating: 1130 points

Certification price: 600 inheritance crystals. Large

The Yang Blood Stone is also a good thing. Something that can be used as a token by the original mine is of course of high value in itself. The technique Lu Chen practiced is also the Supreme Yang Supreme Strength, and he may be able to use it in the future.

But it doesn't seem to be necessary, and the price is not cheap. Lu Chen's team currently doesn't have many inheritance crystals, which makes him very confused.

"I suggest Brother Lu to change it. If you return to that world in the future, it may be useful."

Chu Zihang suggested that their team's "money making" ability is already very strong now. The six hundred inheritance crystals may seem like a lot. They are astronomical figures for the top large-scale seventh-level adventure groups, but this is an exchange certification. , the actual value is probably half cheaper.

If this prop was traded on the market, its value would be at least 1,200 yuan.

For any useful high-value props, you can earn one by exchanging them. On the contrary, exchanging them for cheap props is a loss.

Lu Chen thought that what Chu Zihang said made sense, so he exchanged the Spirit Summoning Tower and Yang Blood Stone, and the team's funds were instantly reduced by 900 inheritance crystals.

After that, he spent another three hundred pieces of inheritance crystal in exchange for a piece of fist-sized dragon-patterned black gold, which was also the best thing he found in the treasure house of Wushen Mountain.

His regicide was broken in the last battle, and although he had been using the secrets of military characters to nourish it and keep the Black Water Black Snake's blade intact, the regicide could not be repaired.

The Duke-level law is stuck on it, and he cannot restore it with his own personal strength. He must find a relevant master, and the master's own strength must be top-notch to restore the regicide.

When repairing the regicide, Lu Chen wanted to use better materials, so he exchanged this fairy material.

There are no bright spots in the harvests of Eriki and Natsuya. According to the distribution before Eriki's return, she and Natsumi both have five pieces of immortal-level equipment or props in their storage spaces, which can be sold at a reasonable price, but for Something that their team doesn't have much use for.

Lu Chen himself does not lack weapons or armor, and the characteristics of those immortal-level equipment are not suitable for him. Others do not yet meet the conditions for using immortal-level equipment.

Instead of exchanging it and using it as a treasure, it is better to sell it and exchange it for money to enrich the team's funds. If they need it later, they can also buy suitable fairy-level equipment.

After this world, there was an obvious gap in the strength of the team. As the team leader, Lu Chen was already a strong man at another stage. On the battlefield where Lu Chen was, no one else could even intervene.

At most, the new little golden dragon can serve as a mount and provide assistance.

But Lu Chen's original intention of venturing into the mission world was not to make his team more awesome. He just wanted to see the scenery of all the worlds, constantly pursue powerful opponents, and enjoy the fun of fighting.

And in this process, it would be wonderful if you are accompanied by a confidant and beauty.

Under Chu Zihang's overall arrangement, and with Kama's help in calculations, Lu Chen and others first exchanged the equipment that they could use. The remaining inheritance crystals were handed over to Chu Zihang's management, and those immortal items were exchanged one by one. Then go to the eighth-level explorer market to sell it.

In this way, the funds can be circulated, and the money obtained from the purchase can be used to exchange for the remaining equipment. On a rolling basis, according to Karma's estimation, the team will eventually have 4,600 pieces of inheritance crystal. of capital reserves.

Just after counting, the little golden dragon returned to its room to continue "arranging building blocks". Chu Zihang and Xia Mi set off to sell things. Lu Chen lazily leaned on the sofa and received a call from his friend.

"Brother Rhine, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen answered the call with a smile, knowing in his heart what the circus was looking for him to do.

"It seems that you are really lucky. See you at the same place, at the bottom of the World Tree."

Rhine said, "I'm just a messenger, but now that you are famous, we can hardly reach your heights."

"Brother Lion is joking, I'll go right away."

Lu Chen stood up, greeted Eri Yi, and went out directly.

At this moment, Chu Zihang, who was halfway there, seemed to have received some news, and asked Xia Mi to go to the upper world tree to set up a stall, saying that he had something to leave.

When Lu Chen arrived at the bottom of the World Tree, Chu Zihang saw a gentleman wearing a black suit and a mask on an inconspicuous trunk of the World Tree.

"Follow me, the leader wants to see you."

The animal trainer spoke calmly and turned around to let Chu Zihang follow.

Of course, Chu Zihang's authority was not enough to go to the top of the World Tree, but with the authorization of the animal trainer, he was allowed to go.

Passing through the tunnel of space, he stood still and came to the legendary top level of the World Tree for the first time.

The sun shines on the earth, no longer blocked by so many leaves. This is a quiet avenue with houses on both sides of the road.

Unlike other explorers who live among the leaves, on this street for ninth-level explorers, everyone has a single-family villa.

Within the space, here is a unique status symbol.

You know, every explorer living here, if they go to the God Burial Calendar, is enough to suppress an era.

The trainer's pace was not fast, but Chu Zihang felt that the road under their feet was passing quickly, as if he was being taken through time.

Not long after, they reached the end of the road, where there was a unique wooden house located at the end of the road, which was incompatible with other buildings.

The wood outside seems to have decayed due to time, the door number is half-broken, and a circus badge mark is faintly visible in the corner.

Chu Zihang knew he was there, and the animal trainer nodded to him, turned around and left, obviously not planning to go in with Chu Zihang.

Chu Zihang had no expression on his face, stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door.

After waiting for a while, there was no response. He knocked on the door again and said, "I sat up in shock in my dying illness."


The door opened, and a deep and magnetic male voice came from inside, "The clown is actually me."

Chu Zihang walked into the door, and there was another space inside the house. Different from the shabby appearance on the outside, it was very clean and tidy, with European decoration style, simplicity and low-key luxury.

The man was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, with his back to himself, holding a glass of red wine, shaking it gently but not drinking it.

"Zhutian Sightseeing and Adventure Group, Chu Zihang, I have met the seniors."

Chu Zihang said respectfully, "I just didn't expect someone like you to play tricks on young people."

The man in a purple suit smiled and said, "What are you talking about? I'm still very young, but you were so excited that you didn't tell Lu Chen my identity."

"Brother Lu's Chinese literature is average, so there is no association."

Chu Zihang said calmly, "The last sentence of "The dark wind blows the rain into the cold window" was that he sat up in shock in the dying illness. I thought it was a coincidence at first, until I met you again in the God Burial Calendar. You had already invested in the incarnation in that world. , so it can have such powerful power when the projection comes."

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