Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1115 The supporters are too sensible

Lu Chen felt a little weird. A member of the circus asked himself what an outsider looked like.

He shook his head, "I saw it, but I can't remember what it looked like, but it should be a normal human appearance, a man."

Lu Chen could only be sure that the circus leader was a man and could not remember anything else.

"Harmful—as expected, all ninth-level explorers are like this. They are all mysterious and cannot be seen clearly."

Rhine felt a little disappointed. He had been curious about the mysterious leader for a long time.

He had joined the circus when he was in the second level, but he had never met the troupe leader until now. The senior person he had met the most was the deputy leader, the animal trainer.

Once the animal trainer took them to a place to eat. The animal trainer took off his mask, but he also didn't see the opponent's lineup clearly, or he seemed to have seen it but couldn't remember it. In the end, he couldn't even tell whether the animal trainer was a man or not. The woman didn’t even figure it out.

"Brother Lu is really awesome this time. It is estimated that all the nine major spaces should know your name. It is different from before. You made too much noise this time. You directly saved an era in that big world and sent the same group of people to The explorers are overwhelmed."

Rhine lamented that he couldn't see through Lu Chen's current strength, but he knew that the opponent's attributes had reached the eighth level.

And he was sure that Lu Chen's explorer mark, or any other mark, was definitely less than the eighth level.

what does that mean? This means that as long as a large number of explorers are not released across the space, Lu Chen is almost invincible in the mission world.

With the combat power of a supermodel, there are so many benefits that can be obtained in the world.

He guessed that the reason why Lu Chen's strength improved so quickly was that he entered this virtuous cycle a long time ago and has always been above the level of explorers of the same level.

"There is a certain amount of luck, and I also paid a heavy price, otherwise I would not be able to come back this time."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart, he had demolished the east wall to pay for the west wall, and he would have to pay it back one day.

Rhine didn't know the inside story of Lu Chen in the mission world, but seeing Lu Chen's sad expression, he stopped talking about the topic, "I'm looking for Brother Lu this time. First, I want to spread a message to the gang. The trainer asked me to tell Brother Lu , because of the deterrence of the group leader, the violators will not attack you again for the time being, but you have also entered the vision of the violators alliance and will still be targeted in the future."

Lu Chen grinned, "Give me a few more worlds, and they can come as they please."

"Are you so confident?"

Rhine took a swig of a glass of strong wine, "But we who are messing around really don't need to worry so much. Generally speaking, our family must have a big business, and the violators are just small troubles, and they are the targets of our hunting."

"Actually, I'm also curious. Some beings are already so powerful. Why do they still want to become violators? Are they unhappy in space?"

Lu Chen wondered. He felt that the violator giant was almost invincible in all the worlds. What on earth was such a person still pursuing?

Becoming a violator is not like those guys he hunted before, just for some small interests and bugs. The magician seems to be already very strong, and listening to the dialogue, the magician may have been with the circus leader before. Old acquaintance.

Is it true that such a person becomes a violator just to get a bug and not listen to the warning of the space?

"Who knows, I heard from the old people in the group that they are all leftover problems in the space. Those giant violators rarely cause trouble. The targets we hunt are usually those guys who operate in violation of regulations and do not listen to warnings. They can enter into illegal activities. Those in the Alliance are all lucky guys who have found an organization."

Lai Yin shrugged and clinked glasses with Lu Chen.

"I will keep your kindness in mind and will definitely repay it in the future. I am very grateful to the deputy leader for his kindness."

Lu Chen thanked him and said that the circus had really helped him a lot. Although he understood that he might just be a pawn in the game, if the circus had not intervened in this matter, he would have died in the God Burial Calendar.

A magician can completely destroy an era with a single move, and even modern explorers are not immune to this.

"I'm not used to it being so official. I'm talking about another thing, it's about the next world."

Rhine waved his hand and said with a smile, "Didn't we enter Zhetian before? I received news from the space again. The special world is about to open again. I need to go back to compete for the qualifications for the second round."

"Is there still this matter?"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He had heard Fox explain about the special world qualification competition, which was hosted by Lingxu Palace. He seemed to have mentioned the example of round-by-round selection, but he did not expect that the Zhetian World was like this.

"It seems that Brother Lu has not received the prompt, which means that you already have the world positioning props to return to the world of Zhetian. It is really enviable. The deputy leader is right. Sometimes you should leave more bonds in the world. In this way It’s easy to get positioning prop rewards.”

Rhine sighed, "But I am still a little confident in my own strength. I should be able to pass the second round of screening. After all, this is the second screening for the explorers from the same period last time. There are only a few people in total, plus some For the new lucky ones of the same level, ten people should be selected.”

"Wouldn't Brother Lion suffer a loss when facing an explorer with a full seventh-level mark?"

Lu Chen asked with a smile, Rhine's attributes were not at the top of the seventh level.

"Space is not so unreasonable. Since the people selected last time are still allowed to participate, then new people will be recruited according to the overall level mark. I am definitely above the average level."

Rhine said confidently.

However, Lu Chen felt that the other party had overestimated himself. According to Luo Shen, Luo Hongchen, who was in the same batch as Lai Yin, was probably already at the level of an eighth-level explorer. Luo Hongchen alone would raise the overall level.

Qianxue also provided herself with gossip, saying that she needed to pay attention to a pioneer from the Tiandao space, codenamed Wuxin.

The one named Wuxin is very low-key, but his strength may not even be able to defeat Luo Hongchen. The last time he entered the world of Zhetian, Lu Chen had never heard of this person's name either on the Emperor Burial Star or on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. , I'm afraid he is a saint.

I am afraid that these two pioneers have already reached the eighth level of strength, which will completely increase the overall comprehensive strength. If they recruit new people to participate in the world battle, Rhine's future will be worrying.

Lu Chen told Laing his news, and Laing's face turned heavy as expected, "No, I have to go back to the big guys to ask for something. Don't get lost in the battle for qualifications."

At this moment, he was not in the mood to drink, and cursed: "I'm not very lucky. I heard that among the earlier batch of fifth-level explorers, there were still byes, and they can go again without participating in the qualification competition. If you want to cover the sky, I will still fight you to death."

The competition for qualifications is very dangerous. Lu Chen realized this very well last time. He was too dangerous to other explorers.

This situation is the same now in the same period of the sixth level. The strength of the two pioneers is obviously supermodel, and they can reach the level of defeating skill with strength.

The gap between the eighth-level explorer and the seventh-level peak is even greater and difficult to bridge. Not everyone is as supermodel as him.

"You can only accept fate when it comes to luck. I can only hope that Brother Lion can come back alive."

Lu Chen said helplessly that he did not receive the prompt, and even if he participated, he and Rhine were not in the same competition area, but in the former fifth-level Explorer competition area.

Taking Kaka as a reference, Kaka is currently only in the middle range of the seventh-level explorer. However, Kaka was still led by himself, and his strength should be far behind the explorers of the same period.

Other explorers can now touch the threshold of the seventh level, or it will be good to enter the seventh level for the first time.

I am now a quasi-emperor in the fourth level of cultivation. If I used to compete in the world qualification competition, wouldn't that be bullying?

Oh, I used to bully people too.

Lai Yin stood up and couldn't sit still after hearing the information released by Lu Chen, because he was going to compete the day after tomorrow. When he walked to the door, he slapped his head and said, "I almost forgot, Lao Wang also asked me about your situation and said you were going to fight. If you have new equipment, go to his place and have a look.”

Lu Chen stood up to see him off and was about to leave, "I was about to go. A lot of the equipment in the previous world was damaged."

His regicide was broken, and he wanted to ask Lao Wang if there was any way to repair it.

After leaving the bar, Lu Chen wandered around the commercial street and headed towards his destination.

"Boss, Boss Lu!"

Hearing a familiar voice, Lu Chen turned his head and found that he had arrived at his usual furniture store.

The girl in sailor uniform was waving to her, looking excited to see her idol.

Lu Chen paused for a moment, and instead of going directly to the back half of the commercial street to find Lao Wang, he first walked to the furniture store of the girl in sailor uniform.

"Brother Lu, do you want to buy a bed!? I made a fairy-level one for you this time!"

The girl in sailor uniform got straight to the point and said excitedly.

She completed the mining and collection task in the God Burial Calendar, and the space gave her a huge reward. If not for the wealth and wealth gained through danger, the rewards she received from the previous ten worlds combined were not as large as this time.

There was no living being in the God Burial Abyss, but they did not dare to go deep. According to the requirements of the space, they only collected resources from some locations in the entrance area. She collected a bunch of immortal-level materials.

Even if 90% of the space is taken away, it is still a huge sum of money for them, which can be described as a wave of fat.

And as if Lu Chen had changed his nature, he actually didn't ask for their commission, and took the initiative to help them work for free, escorting them to mine in the God Burial Abyss.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't change his gender, it was just that he felt that he was causing trouble in the God Burial Experience, which made it so difficult for the supporters to complete their tasks. Otherwise, they would have completed their tasks and left long ago, feeling guilty.

"It seems that you are so rich that you dare to make a fairy-level bed."

Lu Chen smiled. He didn't expect the other party's level to be so high. You must know that a fairy-level bed cannot be made with just materials, it also requires a high level of life skills.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Lu, I broke down three beds before I made this bed. It is tailor-made for you. With your strength, the mythical quality is completely insufficient now."

The girl in the sailor suit looked like she understood. She had made a lot of money in the mission world this time, so she had resources and confidence.

"How much?"

Lu Chen asked, looking at the small model-like bed.

The girl in sailor uniform waved her hands quickly, "How dare you accept money from Mr. Lu? You saved this life in the mission world. It's okay for the white-eyed wolves in other dimensions to be ungrateful. The people in our own dimension are still sensible. This was specially made to give to Mr. Lu."

Lu Chen accepted it unceremoniously. Anyway, the furniture was damaged by Xiao Jinlong, and he was not very satisfied with the original bed.

"Oh, by the way, also, Brother Tiezhu and the others said that there are still rules. We exchanged the unused reward materials for some dragon-marked black gold. Didn't Mr. Lu want to repair the knife? It should be used."

The girl in sailor uniform took out another piece of dragon-patterned black gold. It was slightly smaller than the piece that Lu Chen exchanged for the God Burial Calendar, but it was roughly the size of a fist and was very valuable.

The three supporters of the origin space did dig up a lot of high-end materials, but in terms of value, this piece of dragon-marked black gold is probably worth half of their world income from this mission.

"This is for the three of us. I said that since Mr. Lu often comes to my place to buy things, I can see him, so I will leave it here first."

The girl in the sailor suit smiled and handed the piece of dragon-patterned black gold to Lu Chen with great difficulty, because her strength was only at level five, and she had already used up all her strength just to pick up this piece of material.

Lu Chen took it lightly and did not refuse the supporters' offer. He could only say that the supporters in his own space were too sensible.

"Next time you meet in the mission world, you can still come to me."

Lu Chen nodded and said, this is called sustainable development.

Having said that, he did not leave directly. He walked around the girl in sailor uniform and customized a batch of furniture of mythical quality. Fairy quality was too wasteful, so the bed was of fairy quality.

Of course, this time he paid, taking care of the other party's business.

The girl in the sailor suit happily sent Lu Chen away, looking forward to being protected by the boss next time the world met.

Lu Chen crossed the street, turned left and right, and finally came to an alley, stopping in front of the old sign.

The old man sitting on the deck chair was smoking a dry cigarette with a leisurely expression. Compared with the good business of building shops in the distance, his place was particularly deserted.

"Hey, boy, are you back alive?"

When Lao Wang saw Lu Chen coming, he didn't open his eyes, exhaled a puff of smoke and said leisurely.

"I would also like to thank the old gentleman for the scabbard."

Lu Chen thanked him. To be honest, Lu Chen couldn't figure out whether Hei Meng Scabbard's bit of luck came in handy, but he came back alive after all.

"It's because of your own good fortune and strength that you survived. It has nothing to do with what I gave you, old man."

Lao Wang waved his hand, "No need to thank you. I need your help this time for what I said last time."

Lu Chen remembered Lao Wang's request last time, "About your granddaughter?"

"She's going to be promoted. What a coincidence, and she's also been assigned to a special world. I remember, have you ever entered Zhetian? This time you go in to get some snacks. Please help the old man and take care of me."

Lao Wang took a puff of dry cigarette and got up from the bench.

"What's her explorer number, or nickname?"

Lu Chen asked, this was something he had promised a long time ago, and now that he had the strength, he naturally had to fulfill the agreement.

As for why the other party knew that he had entered Zhetian, he believed that Lao Wang heard about it from the circus. After all, the circus often cooperated with this old gentleman.

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