Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1117: Is Origin even losing face?

"No, I'm watching TV shows at home. What happened?"

Eriyi was sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips, drinking Fat House Happy Water, enjoying the peace after returning.

"It's okay, I just have to fight a temporary battle for the world."

Lu Chen was relieved when he heard that Eriki had not been taken. To be honest, he didn't really want Eriki to participate in that kind of battle.

"Oh, come back soon Godzilla, I'll prepare delicious food tonight."

Eriki said, not worried, because she knew that her husband was very powerful as a supermodel, but she just needed to pity her husband's opponent.

Lu Chen suddenly became motivated again and decided to resolve this battle for the world as soon as possible.

In fact, he was a little confused. Generally, world battles are notified 24 hours in advance. This is to allow participating explorers to have sufficient preparation time to purchase equipment or props.

But this time it was like a short notice, with only two hours of preparation time, but it didn't matter to him. He didn't plan to go shopping anyway.

He guessed that the origin space was being unreasonable this time and temporarily added him to the battle queue. The original preparers had already been reminded.

With two hours left, Lu Chen went to the eighth-level arena out of boredom and wanted to improve his ranking.

He has eighth-level authority and can use the eighth-level arena to fight. If the pioneer's rank is always one level higher, his mark level has already caught up with his strength.

[Pioneer No. 009, welcome to the Void Arena. Since this is your first time, we will explain the rules to you. 】

After Lu Chen entered the eighth level arena, he got a hint of the space. Unexpectedly, this place changed its name after reaching the eighth level.

[The Void Arena is a place for eighth-level explorers to compete and compete. It will bring together all the strong men from the nine spaces to fight. Your ranking will determine the settlement rewards after each mission world cycle. The settlement rewards can be found in the personal details menu. receive. 】

[The current ranking of Pioneers in the Void Arena: 142314th]

Lu Chen didn't expect that there were so many eighth-level explorers. The higher the space, the fewer people there were. Judging from his previous experience of playing in the arena, the origin space of seventh-level explorers only had 110,000 people. Eighth-level explorers He originally thought there were only more than 10,000.

But after thinking about it, I realized that this is a joint statistics of the nine major spaces. On average, there are more than 10,000 eighth-level explorers in each space. It's just that some spaces have more people and some spaces have fewer people.

"Origin, is there a separate arena for the eighth-level explorers of our space?"

he inquired.

[The eighth-level arena in the origin space is a low-level arena. Only those who reach the top ten in ranking can receive additional rewards. Pioneers are not recommended to fight in this arena. 】

When the origin space was restored, the ranking of the eighth-level arena also popped up. Lu Chen was currently ranked 30129th.

In other words, in the origin space alone, there are more than 30,000 eighth-level explorers, which is probably the largest number of high-level explorers in the nine major spaces.

He understood the meaning of the space prompt. With his current strength, he could not reach the top ten, so he did not recommend playing in his own arena.

As long as you are ranked in the Void Arena, you can get some rewards at the end of each "season".

He checked below his ranking and there was a reward settlement amount.

With his current ranking at the bottom, after each mission world, he can get a huge reward of 10 inheritance crystals.

Lu Chen immediately sighed. A seventh-level explorer with average strength might be able to earn just this amount by working hard for a whole world, but for an eighth-level explorer, it was just a minimum living allowance.

He looked up, and as his ranking increased, so did his rewards.

Lu Chen flipped through the ranking list. The nicknames of the top ten explorers were marked with different frames. The first place was even more brilliant, exuding an aura of nobility.

[Third place: Scarlet Kiss]

Affiliated space: ancient space

Winning and losing field: 9104:3

Settlement reward: inheritance crystal. Complete*3

[Second Place: Fat Elephant]

Subordinate space: origin space

Winning and losing field: 10391:2

Settlement reward: inheritance crystal. Complete*5

[First place: I’m crazy about silk]

Winning and losing field: 21339:0

Affiliated space: Hongmeng Space

Settlement reward: Chaos treasure chest fragment*1

Lu Chen looked at the rewards with envy. He looked at the fragments of the Chaos Treasure Box for the first place. As long as he collected five of them, he could open a Chaos Level Treasure Box. Even if the treasure box rewards were random, it was far superior to the reward for the second place. .

He had seen the certified price of his Secret Blood Stone, which cost six hundred inheritance crystals. Complete, it was simply a frightening sky-high price.

The reward for first place is so generous, which is really exciting.

What made Lu Chen even more concerned was that this "Silk Maniac" had never lost a single match in the Void Arena. It could be said that he had won from scratch, which was truly terrifying.

He was sure that this person was an obsessive-compulsive person and a perfectionist. He must only move up the rankings after reaching the eighth level of strength, otherwise the winning streak would definitely be interrupted in the middle.

The second place was from his own family in the origin space, and Lu Chen felt that the name looked a bit familiar to him. He guessed that he might be from the circus. He had also received the props given to Fox by the other party.

He has always wanted to see the circus elephants, but when he asked Rhine, Rhine only said that elephants have become very mysterious recently and they are almost invisible in the troupe.

"Origin, start matching for me."

Lu Chen felt itchy. As long as his ranking rose here, he would be able to get some rewards for free in each world. If he didn't fight, he would be losing money.

[Start matching for Pioneers... Matching successful. 】

[Your opponent is ‘Master I’m the Strongest’ from the arcane space, ranking: 140316]

Lu Chen was shrouded in white light and received other prompts as he entered the arena.

[It has been detected that there is a pet beast under the name of the pioneer. The beast master can bring the pet beast with him to fight. Do you want to drag the pet beast to the Void Arena? 】

Lu Chen thought for a while, "Pull."

He does not have obsessive-compulsive disorder, nor does he think he will lose at the bottom of the rankings, but he feels that instead of letting the little golden dragon build blocks at home, it is better to take it to experience the various facilities in the space.

After the feeling of weightlessness passed, Lu Chen was teleported to a stone forest. The space density here was extremely high. With his current strength, it was actually difficult for him to fly, let alone shatter the void.

With his martial arts eyes, he could see a man in a white robe holding a staff on a stone pillar in the distance.

"Master, I am the strongest." When he saw that his opponent was accompanied by a dragon, he immediately felt stable. He was the best at fighting beast masters.

But when the plump little golden dragon's blood energy leaked out, he felt something was wrong.

The opponent's dragon is obviously not at the eighth level of strength, and its comprehensive attributes may have exceeded 230 points.

"Fuck, it's so unlucky to meet a pervert who doesn't compete in the arena for the first time today."

"Master, I am the strongest," he cursed. He thought that Lu Chen was a beast master who had been promoted to the eighth level for a long time, but he had never played in the void arena.

He directly chose to surrender, "delaying my score."

Lu Chen was a little stunned. The opponent didn't fight him at all. When he saw the little golden dragon charging forward, he surrendered and ran away.

"Is this the eighth-level explorer?"

Lu Chen muttered, and then he lined up a few more, all of which were surrendered directly by his opponents, leaving him speechless.

When he looked at the rewards after his ranking was improved, he suddenly realized that these explorers were very utilitarian in playing in the Void Arena, just to "increase points". When they encountered someone who felt that they were definitely unable to defeat them, they would surrender directly to avoid wasting time.

Anyway, as long as the ranking rises in the end, their rewards at settlement will increase.

It wasn't until Lu Chen's ranking rose to 120881 that he met an opponent willing to fight him.

After playing more than ten games in a row, Lu Chen's ranking finally stopped at 116396. It wasn't that he couldn't play anymore, but that the battle for the world was about to begin and he couldn't continue playing.

[The battle for space is about to begin. Pioneers, please prepare for teleportation. 】

[Teleport countdown 10, 9, 8...]

When the countdown reached zero, Lu Chen was enveloped in white light in the auditorium outside the arena. After passing through the long tunnel, he came to the familiar ship again.

[Number of explorers participating in this origin space war: 171]

[Number of explorers participating in this arcane space battle: 123]

[Target World: Native World No. 67823]

With the sound of space ringing in his ears, Lu Chen observed the other explorers on the big ship.

The explorers of the origin space still looked serious at this time, and they were all gearing up. Their mental outlook was completely different from the origin explorers in Lu Chen's impression.

"Playing arcane magic, isn't that just random abuse?"

"I like fighting those magic masters the most. They are very single. There are not many arcane magicians, and they are piled up to death."

"Arcane Space seems to have been defeated for five consecutive years. Last time I heard that Hongmeng beat him violently, and not many people came back alive."

He also heard the cheerful chatter of explorers in the crowd. The explorers of the origin space were actually full of confidence.

However, after scanning around, Lu Chen found that the quality of Origin's explorers was indeed quite high, mainly due to the large number of people. The Arcane Space only had 123 people, which was nearly a third short. This was fatal in a battle of the same level. Disadvantages.

No wonder I heard that the battle for the high-level world of origin is not weak, and the reason for co-authoring is because there are so many people.

Lu Chen was about to check the details of the original world, but suddenly received a prompt from the origin space and was stunned for a moment.

Rather, the explorers who were still on the Ark were stunned.

[Arcane Space chooses to abstain from this battle for the world. The ownership of the target world has been obtained. The ownership of the world will be determined later by Lingxu Palace as an arbitration, and all explorers can start their return journey. 】

The explorers on the ship were confused and didn't understand why the arcane space was cast like this.

Although they are full of confidence, to be honest, they feel that if they really fight Arcane Space, they will have some winning points. Master Fa's AOE is still very powerful.

Why did you vote?

In the crowd, a girl with twin ponytails saw Lu Chen with sharp eyes, and immediately ran over in a hurry, "Boss Lu!"

"Oh, Kaka, it seems that you have improved a lot recently."

Lu Chen said hello to his old client. He hadn't seen him in a whole world, and Kaka had become a seventh-level explorer, and his attributes were not low, reaching 180 points. It was really a virtuous circle.

"Brother Lu, our space is so shameless. I know why the opponent voted."

Kaka knew what was going on when she saw Lu Chen. Now she couldn't see through Lu Chen at all. She felt like she was facing an emperor-level figure in the world of Zhetian. Although Lu Chen had concealed his aura, it still made her feel... People are a little scared.

"I don't care whether to fight or not, as long as I don't lose my share."

Lu Chen shrugged, and the Ark had already started to return.

Before he and Kaka even had a word, white light had already descended, indicating that they were going back to the origin space.

This was probably the fastest battle for the world he had ever fought. Before it even started, the opponent clicked.

On the other side, a group of explorers in the arcane space were also confused, cursing their own space in the teleportation tunnel.

"Why are you so cowardly!? You're voting now!? We haven't fought yet! We'll definitely win this time!"

A powerful mage yelled and cursed. He was the leader of a large seventh-level adventure group. He had been suppressed at the seventh level for a long time. He had just made a small breakthrough in the last world and could release a forbidden spell with eighth-level lethality. He thought he could lead it. Space wins.

At this time, he was extremely unhappy, not only because he thought he could win, but after winning, he would get a lot of space rewards.

It is also because according to the rules of space, even if the space voluntarily surrenders and chooses to let the explorers return, they will be punished by defeat and have their main attributes deducted.

Arcane Space is not usually so kind, but this should be the minimum punishment.

At the seventh level, every point of the main attribute is extremely precious. If it is deducted for no reason, everyone will be unhappy.

"I'm not convinced. How can Origin be awesome? It's just that there are too many people. I'll kill them and let me go over and beat them!"

The powerful mage screamed crazily until the arcane space silenced him.

At almost the same moment, the same scene happened in the battle for the sixth-order world. Chu Zihang had just arrived in the world of Overlord (King of the Immortal) when he received a space prompt. Chaos Space had chosen to abstain. They only needed to Just place the space-time device to contain the world.

When Lu Chen returned to space, Chu Zihang was on his way back.

[The battle for the world has ended. It has been detected that the Pioneer is not injured. Do you want to start settlement? 】

Lu Chen had a weird look on his face. He hadn't done anything yet and he could receive the award?


[Settlement started, settling...]

[The pioneers in this world battle performed well, the overall evaluation was S+, and they received the Diamond War Medal*2]

[You can choose three of the following eight rewards:]

Before Lu Chen started to browse the reward list and select the reward that he was almost free of prostitution, he received another prompt from the origin space for a temporary broadcast.

[The seventh-level world battle is about to start in ten minutes. Pioneers, please be prepared. The settlement will lag and the rewards can be refreshed. 】

Lu Chen's face was full of questions, could this still happen?

origin? Isn't it a bit shameless of you to do this?

Those who thought the same as him were in other dimensions at this time.

This time, Lu Chen didn't even wait for the white light to come before he heard the prompt from the origin space.

[Ancient Space has given up, and this world battle has won by default, and rewards for the pioneers have begun to be settled. 】

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