Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1119: Replenishing one’s life

"Punctured!? Impossible, right?"

Many explorers in the Fairy Space were shocked and felt incredible.

"Didn't you say that it was a dark turmoil initiated by a top-level eighth-level man? Why did he break through it?"

Some people are puzzled.

Aoun shrugged, "I don't know about that. Lao Lu didn't tell me that much. He only said that I should meet the person and walk around."

Seeing that all the explorers were looking serious, he smiled again and said: "The good news is, it won't be long before we can't meet him. That guy should be about to reach his birth stage. Let the perverts play with the perverts." , there will be an eighth-level boss to torture him."

While various major spaces were discussing Lu Chen's deeds, the Origin Space once again launched an application for the World War, but this time it was not approved by arbitration.

Because the eight major spaces jointly launched a boycott, they believed that Origin's behavior was "violating" and it was true that they did not follow martial ethics.

The final space explorers who had just received the message of the battle for the world were relieved. The space prompted that the battle for the world was temporarily canceled without penalty.

Cancellation and surrender are two concepts. The latter means defeat, and the former means nothing happens.

In the only place filled with fairy mist and born out of chaos, a high tower was suspended, and several people in the hall were rubbing their brows with headaches.

"In the origin space, you lost too much at the low level, and now you want to regain your position?"

"But they won a lot at level 7 and above. It's too ugly to look at each other like this."

"It's like a kid showing off a treasure. It's really annoying."

Several people were discussing with a wry smile. They did not expect to encounter such a funny thing during their duty period in charge of arbitration.

The handsome man at the head looked at the man's information on the screen, "The origin space is a deterrent, just like the nuclear deterrent of humans in some small worlds, telling other dimensions that they are not easy to bully."

No one asked him what the use of this was. The world that Origin Space won through "despicable means" this time has already entered its pocket. In the future, other spaces will be a little wary of Origin when fighting for the seventh level.

Because for all major spaces, temporary additions of people in the battle for the world are allowed.

In other words, before starting to decide on the list but before investing, Origin can pull Lu Chen over to join the battle at any time.

If this was a game, Origin's behavior would have caused almost all other spaces to put their mouse on the surrender button first. After finding out that the opponent was not cheating, they would move the mouse away and play the game normally.

"Lu Chen...why does this name seem familiar?"

The leading man frowned and thought carefully in his mind.


"Origin, Settlement."

Lu Chen took the little golden dragon back to the room and happily began to settle the rewards. Chu Zihang had also returned.

[Now the unified settlement of rewards for the pioneers will begin...]

[Settlement in progress...Settlement completed. 】

[The Pioneers performed well in this World War, with an overall evaluation of SS+ and received the Master War Medal*1]

[Based on the Pioneer's performance in the World War, you can choose three of the following seven rewards. 】

A. Crystallization of inheritance. Complete*1

B. Attribute extreme value reward compensation (rare)

C. Fairy level full score prop treasure chest*2

D. Book of Talent Awakening. Advanced Chapter (Rare)

E. Grandmaster-level random specialization scroll

F. Immortal level random equipment treasure chest fragments*3

G. Zongjiang’s blessing (rare)

Lu Chen roughly scanned it, and he must choose option B. The rewards for extreme attribute values ​​have been missed because of his cross-level improvement, and he will be less strengthened than other explorers. If he doesn't choose, he will lose money.

He checked the Book of Talent Awakening in option D, because it didn't have a suffix like "Final Chapter" as he imagined, but an "Advanced Chapter"

[Book of Talent Awakening. Advanced Chapter]

Origin: space of origin

quality:? ? ?

Type: special props

How to use: Use before entering the mission world.

Details: After using this prop, you can choose an awakened talent of the explorer. After entering the mission world, the relevant advanced mission will be released. After completing the mission, the talent level will be improved.

Evaluation: A weak talent may not have no potential. Oh, if you are a pervert yourself, then just pretend I didn't say it.

score:? ? ?

Lu Chen did not hesitate and chose to check the book of talent awakening. He would definitely get anything that could improve his own strength.

As for which talent he plans to upgrade, the God of War body will naturally take priority. As his strength increases, he begins to find it difficult to integrate into some powerful spells.

After the Martial God Body is upgraded, it may not only enhance the original effect, but may also have some new characteristics.

Lu Chen looked over the last reward option and decided to choose "Zongjiang's Blessing"

【Zongjiang's Blessing】

Origin: space of origin

Quality: Immortal

Prop type: Enhanced auxiliary

How to use: put into use in the equipment strengthening hall

Details: When strengthening equipment with an Immortal rating below 1200 points, adding the 'Master Craftsman's Blessing' will increase the probability of success in strengthening by 5%. If the equipment fails to be strengthened above +8, the Master Craftsman's Blessing will be consumed to protect the equipment from damage. .

Evaluation: Oh, the redemption of non-chiefs,

Rating: 1100 points

Lu Chen looked at this prop and commented on the column that made his mouth twitch, but the space was still as skinny as ever.

The Master's Blessing is an immortal-level item. If you put aside the reward options of enhanced functions, it should be the most valuable reward.

He felt that the immortal treasure chest fragments were just for fun. He had to collect ten of them to open them. Isn't this a lie?

His regicide enhancement level has dropped significantly, and he plans to strengthen it again after Lao Wang repairs it.

The stone he obtained before could no longer be used because Regicide had reached the immortal level, so he also threw it to Chu Zihang and asked him to use it to strengthen the Death Note.

Once the growth equipment is brought into the space, it will be bound to the explorer. The Death Note, which was originally available to anyone, can now only be used by Chu Zihang alone, and Eri Yi cannot help him.

To be honest, for "conquering" three seventh-level planes, the rewards given by space are not much, but Lu Chen himself didn't do anything at all, which was equivalent to free prostitution, so he didn't have any objection.

That Master War Medal, if used well, can be exchanged for something immortal.

Eriyi had already started preparing dinner, and the little golden dragon returned to his room to continue building blocks. Lu Chen went to the Pioneer exclusive room to check out this week's stores.

[Pioneer No. 009, welcome to the Pioneer Merit Store. This month’s items will be refreshed in twenty-nine natural days. If you need them, please purchase them as soon as possible. 】

[Friendly reminder, the Master Pioneer Medal can be split into three Diamond Pioneer Medals. 】

Lu Chen started browsing the list in this issue. As expected, the things here were the most considerate. Space always knew what the pioneers needed.

He was first attracted by his "urgent task".

[Remnants of the Nine-Transformation Good Fortune Pill]

Origin: space of origin

Quality: Immortal

Prop type: Shouyuan recovery item

Instructions for use: Swallow

Details: The residue left by a supporter after refining the elixir is not worth mentioning compared to the real Nine Revolutions of Good Fortune elixir, but for explorers who are short of life and have not taken similar elixirs, maybe it is A good choice. After taking it for those with strength of eighth level and below, it can increase the upper limit of life span and life span value by 6,000 years.

[Reminder: It is detected that the pioneer bloodline is special, and the effectiveness will be reduced by 80%]

Comment: Oh, my God, most people can't use it. You won't be short-lived, right?

Rating: 1100 points

Exchange price: Master Pioneer Medal*1

Lu Chen was speechless when he looked at the evaluation of the space. He really needed this thing urgently, and his lifespan was approaching the red line.

In the last battle of the God Burial Calendar, his originally abundant life span successfully dropped to the one hundred mark. Or rather, after returning to the space, due to some special reasons, his life span has become 98. .

And his official actual physical age in space is now ninety-seven years old, which means that in half a year he will be dead.

Of course, he can use his last experience to try to live out a third life, but the risk is too high, and he cannot force himself into a dead end when he has a choice.

Regarding his Tao, he still needs some time to stabilize before he can be absolutely sure of living out the third life.

The reward from the previous world was a Master-Level Pioneer Medal. Lu Chen directly emptied his medal reward.

In order to avoid heartache, he directly chose to exchange it without looking down to see what other good things there were.

He swallowed this dark, cinder-like thing into his mouth. It was unexpectedly delicious. He thought it would taste like burnt rice.

There was a warm current in his body, and the gentle medicinal power circulated, nourishing his life wheel. His Emperor's Martial Scripture was running, and his whole body was as clear as glass, exuding a red warm light.

About two hours later, Lu Chen felt his body became lighter and his energy and blood became stronger.

Because he was on the verge of old age and death, his energy and blood had actually begun to decline before. After taking the residue of the Nine Transformations Good Fortune Pill, he was reborn.

【Shouyuan: 97.3/1298】

Below the longevity column, there are some new details that Lu Chen has not seen before.

In it, Lu Chen saw some outlines about lifespan, such as the issue of the upper limit of lifespan in different worlds that he had thought about before.

Naturally, the upper limits of how long people can live are different in the age of the end of Dharma and in the age of rich immortality.

Strictly speaking, the longevity column he saw in the God Burial Calendar was inaccurate or not fixed.

At that time, his upper limit was shown to be eight or nine thousand years old, but if he went to Zhetian, it might be greatly reduced, and it would only be as high as two thousand years old.

Because the immortality material in the world of Zhetian is not as rich as that of his hometown world, even people with quasi-emperor strength can live for hundreds of thousands of years. If they reach the strength of the great emperor, they will basically live forever. Marquises of the Yuanxue nobles can easily live for It's been there for millions of years.

The lifespan he saw at this time was based on space. By the way, there is no longevity substance in space, so after his return, his lifespan, which originally had an upper limit of 100, shrank to 98, and he needed to make up for it. One blow, otherwise you will die of old age.

Theoretically speaking, if Lu Chen goes to a mission world like Zhetian, because the Dharma he practices is related to the heaven and earth of that world, his lifespan will increase a little, but not too much, because Zhetian is in the end of the Dharma era. Far better than the perfect world era.

If the residue of this Nine Transformations Good Fortune Pill were eaten by people in a world rich in longevity substances, it would probably extend their life span by more than 6,000 years, or possibly hundreds of thousands of years.

After solving the urgent longevity issue, Lu Chen walked to the other side and opened the war merits store and the true spirit soul store. He also had a master-level war medal.

There was still the standard beep, and Lu Chen started to check this issue's products.

Two of the items caught Lu Chen's attention. One was a special prop in the True Spirit Soul Shop.

【Original Fantasy Mirror】

Origin: space of origin

Quality: Immortal

Prop type: special

How to use: Meditation

Details: After using the original illusion, the creatures and objects recognized by the explorer can be meditated. Their strength and restoration degree are determined by the explorer's understanding and understanding of them. The meditated existence can last for thirty minutes. The creatures The upper limit of category comprehensive attributes shall not exceed 260 points, and the item quality score shall not exceed 1200 points.

Evaluation: Your power is all based on your imagination.

Rating: 1100 points

Exchange price: 10,000 True Spirit Soul

Well, Lu Chen couldn't afford it for the time being, but True Spirit Soul was also one of the common currencies among high-level explorers. He could ask Chu Zihang to exchange it for a batch of 10,000 True Spirit Soul, which was worth about six Seven hundred pieces of inheritance crystal. It depends on the market situation.

Lu Chen felt that this prop would have miraculous effects if used properly, and he also had several meditation goals in mind.

Now that Zhetian is gone, he still doesn’t know what era he will be thrown into. If he doesn’t have much time to develop, he will be thrown directly into a period of darkness and turmoil. He must have some strong backup.

After thinking about it, he decided to buy this prop, and then he just had to wait for the money from Chu Zihang to arrive.

Another prop that caught Lu Chen's attention was from the War Merit Store. He felt that space understood him too well, and he was afraid that he would die of old age. Both stores had refreshed powerful props in the longevity category.

Yes, Lu Chen was planning to buy another life-extending prop, not because he was afraid of old age and death, but because other equipment and props either he didn't like or couldn't afford.

Those powerful immortal-level equipment often cost two master-level war medals. He couldn't buy them at all, so he could only look at them.

【Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill】

Origin: space of origin

Quality: Immortal

Prop type: Shouyuan recovery type

How to use: Swallow and refine

Details: A favorite work of a certain supporter. After being taken by creatures of the eighth level and below, the maximum life span and life span value can be increased by 6,600 years.

Comment: He was very pleased with himself, so I confiscated it.

Rating: 1120 points

Exchange price: Master War Medal*1

Lu Chen bought it directly. He had a hunch that he might stay in Zhetian World for a long time this time.

On the one hand, the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill can be used as his longevity reserve. If he really cannot survive the third life, he can still make mistakes.

Furthermore, it can also be used as a backup when necessary.

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