Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 128 Eriki knows how to get dressed! ?

When the elevator door opened, there was no one in the corridor, and there was a faint smell of medicine in the air. If Lu Chen hadn't known that he was in the Genji Heavy Industries Building, he would have thought he was in the hospital just by smelling the smell.

But he doesn't see the world through his nose. There are no windows on both sides of the corridor, which violates the hospital's ventilation policy. All the doors along the corridor are made of hard black metal, and various "danger areas" are posted on the walls. and "No Entry" signs, as if there was a devil sealed behind every door.

Lu Chen's face darkened. This didn't seem like a suitable place to live.

Yuan Zhisheng didn't speak, he just led the way. The corridor was very long, and there were many corners and forks. The structure of this floor was like a maze.

Lu Chenxin said that it was lucky that he didn't ask Eriyi how to find her, and then asked for an address and followed the navigation to find her. Otherwise, even if he could find this floor, he would be in trouble in the maze.

Along the way, Yuan Zhisheng swiped his card several times and passed through several security gates, and finally seemed to have arrived at a core area.

The corridor here becomes wider and even seven or eight meters wide at the end. The four walls are reinforced with stainless steel, and white cold light lights are hung on the ceiling, giving this place an inexplicable eerie feel.

At the end of the corridor is a white metal door, an airtight door with rounded corners, but this door also has a transparent tempered glass window.

"Eri is here?"

Lu Chen's tone was gloomy. The surrounding environment gave him too much familiarity and triggered many unpleasant memories for him.

"Hey, Mr. Lu, come with me first."

Yuan Zhisheng sighed. He also reported this problem to his father, but his father only said that Eryi's residence was decorated like a residence. The security measures here were to prevent Eryi from losing control. As a father, As parents, you are always responsible for the eight Sheqi families.

Lu Chen walked to the rounded air-tight door and looked inside through the glass window. What he saw was a pale white wall. There were various pipelines running on the walls and various large-scale medical facilities. instrument.

There are many doctors and nurses inside who are busy, all of them are women. Some are taking notes, and some are studying something under the microscope.

Yuan Zhisheng swiped his card and led Lu Chen into the room.

"Little Lord."

The doctors and nurses stopped what they were doing and saluted Yuan Zhisheng.

Yuan Zhisheng just waved his hand, indicating to everyone to continue their work, and led Lu Chen to continue walking forward.

At the rear of the house was a thick, round metal door with a handle and a combination lock. It looked a bit like a bank vault door. Lu Chen was very familiar with it. After all, he had looked at the same metal door all day long.

Where is the place where my princess should live?

This is clearly the treatment of prisoners!

Yuan Zhisheng entered the password and was about to open the lock. Lu Chen spoke from the side, "Yuan-kun, you said Eriyi is your sister, right?"

"I do regard her as my sister."

As Yuan Zhisheng said this, he was suddenly stunned for a moment because Lu Chen's hand was on the door handle and he hadn't finished entering the password yet.

The next moment, all the medical staff here felt the room shake.

Dang clang——

Lu Chen threw the broken door handle on the ground and sneered: "The quality of this door is not very good."

Although he felt that the environment was weird in the corridor where he came before, he also felt like he was in the dark and could not accurately find the reason for his depression.

He explained to himself in his mind that based on Eri Yi's performance, Minamoto Zhisheng might be a good brother, and Minamoto Zhisheng didn't want to.

He explained to himself in his mind that the facilities on this site were for Eri's health and to treat her in a timely manner.

Until he saw the heavy metal door, he couldn't explain it anymore. No matter how much he tried to whitewash it, this was detention.

The Sheqi Hachi family did not regard their so-called head of the Uesugi family as a young girl, but as a weapon, just like him before.

Eriki's situation is even worse, because she is regarded as a dangerous weapon that needs to be guarded.

Take it out when you use it, close it when not in use.

There was a nameless anger in his heart at this moment, but he didn't know who to direct it at.

"Lu Jun..."

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the door handle that fell to the ground and wanted to explain, but Lu Chen had already taken action amid the panic of the medical staff.

He shook the mountain with his hands, and the heavy metal door was loosened under his precise control of power. He punched into the wall next to him and grabbed one side of the metal door. With a squeaking sound, the door was opened.

Yuan Zhisheng stopped when he wanted to persuade. Well, the door had been torn down, so what else could he say.

As long as Lu Jun doesn't make a fuss at Genji Heavy Industries because of his anger.

To be honest, he didn't know whether he should be happy or worried about Lu Chen's anger. He was happy because Lu Chen seemed to have really developed feelings for Eriki, which made him want to praise his father for his cleverness.

But he also had some doubts in his heart. According to his previous observations, Eli Yi didn't mention it. Lu Chen seemed to have no idea about the relationship between men and women. He always felt that there were other reasons why Lu Chen was so angry.

Rather than saying that he fell in love with Eriki, it was better to say that he felt disgusted and repulsed by the environment itself. He seemed to empathize with Eriki's experience.

But why?

According to the understanding of the Sheqi family, although the boy's previous life was not very happy, he had nothing to worry about.

What Yuan Zhisheng was worried about did not happen. Lu Chen did not have any further attacks. It would be better to say that he stayed where he was. Looking from the side, Yuan Zhisheng even saw a hint of caution and restraint in the young man's expression.

Lu Chen stopped moving, because the person standing behind the door was Eri Yi. If his mind was like a villain who traveled through various spaces to take risks, then the villain was on a battlefield full of anger one moment, and then he was here again the next moment. In the more complicated space, various wills that made him anxious and panic were eroding.

He thought about a lot of messy things for a while. Looking at the broken metal door, he suddenly thought, if he was looking for friends to play, wouldn't it be rude to break in like this?

After all, Eri was only wearing a white bath towel at this time. Her long hair was wet. A few drops of water dripped from her burgundy hair, crossing her pure face. Her moist and clear skin was revealed by the hot bath before. Crimson.

The shoulders are half exposed, the jade arms are clear, and a pair of slender calves are exposed. The lines are elegant, as if they have been carefully carved.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of what his previous superior had said in praise of him, saying that he could equal a hundred thousand elite soldiers.

But another line from an ancient poem that he only knew came to his mind.

Only with a pair of smiles did he look back, and a hundred thousand elite soldiers turned against him.

Fortunately, during the two days he stayed with Eriki, Lu Chen taught him the truth about how girls should dress well, otherwise the scene he saw now might have been even more glamorous.

Yuan Zhisheng turned around consciously and gave a helpless lesson: "Eri Yi, go get dressed first."

Then he quickly pulled Lu Chen away and told this idiot to turn around quickly. My sister is not married yet!

At the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart. If it were the former Eri Yi, he might have just trotted all the way over from the bath. It was obvious that he had told his father so many times that Eri Yi had not taken it to heart.

What happened today? Eri actually knew to at least wrap something up after getting out of the bath!


Time goes back to two hours ago.

Eriki lay on the tatami, watching the time numbers on her phone slowly beating, waiting for information about the possible arrival of Godzilla.

As time passes, the battery of the mobile phone is also decreasing one by one, just like the girl's gradually losing mood.

Just when the phone's battery level turned red, she finally heard the sweet sound.

"I'm going to play with Eri this afternoon."

It's Godzilla's message!

Eriki sat up, replied to Godzilla, and then stood on tiptoes and trotted around the kotatsu, as if performing some kind of celebration ceremony.

"Master Uesugi, it's meal time."

At this time, the sound transmission device in the room sounded. The time was approaching twelve o'clock, and it was indeed her usual meal time.

The side room of the room is the dining area, and there is a food delivery channel there. Nutritious meals prepared by ChateauJ's chef have been delivered, but Eriki did not go to pick up the meals.

She is in a somewhat excited state now and does not feel very hungry. Besides, if Godzilla comes, can she go out and play again? She wanted to go out to eat.

Afternoon, what time is it in the afternoon?

After twelve o'clock, it's afternoon, right?

Eriki glanced at the time on her phone. It seemed that it was about to jump to the twelve o'clock mark.


Eriki glanced at the closed metal door, but it didn't open.

Maybe it will be later.

Eriki was not disappointed. She opened her small wardrobe. On the left was a row of miko uniforms that were the same as the one she was wearing, and on the right was a row of other clothes.

There are Burberry’s new windbreakers, Dior’s evening dresses, Chanel’s classic little black dresses…

These were given to her by Godzilla and were neatly stored in her wardrobe. She has never worn them these days.

In the girl's mind, she seemed to feel that putting on these clothes meant that she was going out, but she knew in her heart that even if she put on these clothes, the cold metal door would not open for her. It’s a pointless loss. It’s better not to wear these clothes and give yourself non-existent hope.

But today is different, Godzilla said that he was coming to play with him.

My brother agreed last time and she can go out.

Erika was picking through the wardrobe, and finally her eyes rested on the little black skirt and the white shirt that matched it. She vaguely remembered that when it was her turn to try on this piece of clothing, Godzilla's eyes were the richest.

Take out the clothes and prepare them, then neatly and carefully place them on the tatami.

Eriki deftly untied the bright red belt of the miko uniform, removed the clothes on her body in a few clicks, grabbed the little yellow duck in the box and rushed to the bathroom.

The waiting time will pass slowly, but the little yellow duck will accompany you when you take a bath.


The medical staff in the room all left first at Yuan Zhisheng's signal.

This group of female medical staff had just been frightened by Lu Chen's behavior. Although they had heard that the ace S-class specialist of the headquarters was a rare warrior in ancient and modern times, even the next generation with a dragon body was killed by him. .

But tearing down a bank vault door with bare hands still surprised them.

"It seems that the young lady is really going to find a good match."

A young female nurse muttered to herself quietly as she left, and others also cast approving glances.

No, this seems to be a bigger monster.

Monsters and monsters are of course a good match.

Lu Chen stood at the door, looking at the house decorated by Heshi, and didn't know whether he should go in or leave.

"Lu Jun, come here and wait."

In the end, it was Yuan Zhisheng who called his soul back, and Lu Chen walked stiffly to the side and sat down on the stool next to Yuan Zhisheng.

"Has Eriki always lived here?"

Lu Chen sighed and calmed down.

"She has been here for the past few years. She used to live in a shrine in the mountains. Later, because her bloodline became increasingly unstable and she needed regular injections of serum, she moved to Genji Heavy Industries."

Yuan Zhisheng took out a box of Gentle Seven Stars from his pocket, but after thinking about it, he put it back. Smoking is not allowed here.

"The Sheqi Eight Family's technological level is also very high. Isn't there a cure?"

Lu Chen felt a little heavy.

Minamoto shook his head, "Have you ever heard of a way to turn Deadpool back into a normal person? Since you have seen a child, you should know what ghosts are like. In a sense, Eriki is not She is not an emperor like me, she is a ghost, and her bloodline is more unstable than that of a child...a very evil ghost."

Lu Chen was silent. Deadpool was irreversible, at least according to the information the secret party had learned so far, so there were many things he would never have thought about before.

For example, Brother Chu has used violent blood three times, and the dragon blood has begun to corrode his body. Death is just a countdown. One day Chu Zihang will become a deadpool. What should he do then?

And Eriki, he didn't know what kind of feelings he had for this girl. He just felt that he was very happy when he was with her and she was also his good friend.

As for whether he developed love-like feelings for Eriki as Caesar and Chu Zihang said, he didn't know.

It's like he doesn't even know what love is.

Every normal person's youth will have a bright peach color, or a silent blue.

Either an unforgettable love, or a secret love hidden in the heart, which are colorful chapters in the book of youth.

But he is not a normal person, and he does not have a youth worthy of praise. His previous life was a military camp, a battlefield, and the overwhelming cannonballs raining down on him.

The death of his companion was unforgettable, and the huge waves caused by the bomb were extremely hot.

But he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand what love is, and he doesn't know what his feelings are now.

But there was only one thing he understood. He didn't want to see Eri locked up here, imagining the wonders of the outside world behind the heavy metal door all day long.

He understood how torturous this feeling was. It was understandable that he was imprisoned by the enemy, but the girl was indeed imprisoned by her family.

He kind of knew what he wanted to do.

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