Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1298 Special Hunting Mission

Yes, Lu Chen realized later that the explorers were not immune to Shouyuan's troubles.

He didn't think carefully about it in the space at first, that's why longevity medicines are also sold in specialty shops in the space. That's because besides short-lived ghosts like him, there are also people who need them.

If some explorers stay in a certain world for a long time when they are not strong, it will definitely be fatal.

And after continuous adventures, especially when reaching the eighth level and above, staying for hundreds or thousands of years will greatly consume the explorer's lifespan.

By then, if you don't buy some longevity elixirs, you will die of old age.

It is ridiculous to say that it is ridiculous to die of old age in space, but it is not a kind of happiness.

According to Luo Hongchen, he had seen some eighth-level explorers unable to keep up with their improvement speed. In the end, they did not choose to buy life-saving drugs to extend their lives, but decided to die of old age in the space.

It's just that there are quite few people like this. In a place like space, it is difficult to live until the longevity is exhausted. Generally speaking, explorers can gain a lot of time and have abundant lifespan with the help of space.

Rhine's situation should only be temporary, just like Leng Yue is still young after his return.

Because Leng Yue absorbed a lot of immortality substances in the fairy world, she adjusted her condition before returning and bought longevity elixirs to avoid running out of them in the next world.

The day before yesterday, Eriki went shopping with Lengyue and Xia Mi in the shopping mall. During the conversation, Lengyue decided to shamelessly follow Eriki and the others in the car again.

The world of the Supreme Being is also very attractive to her. After all, if she arranges it randomly, she may not be able to go to the suitable world.

Lu Chen didn't care. Everyone was already familiar with each other and there was no need to make any further demands. Moreover, Lu Chen believed that with Leng Yue's character, Hui Liyi and the others would definitely take action when they encountered danger.

In fact, he has nothing to worry about, not to mention that after the bloodline enhancement of Eriyi and others, their attributes are approaching 270 points, and they are almost mortal immortals in the world of Zhetian.

Chu Zihang's head alone made him feel at ease. In addition, many periods of time in the world of the First World were safe. He did not think that using props to enter would lead to a desperate situation.

"Time is not forgiving, but Brother Lu is still so young. Is he a fairy in the mortal world? That's good."

Rhine smiled and said with some emotion. He had known Lu Chen for a long time and was second only to Fox in the circus.

Once upon a time, he was stronger than Lu Chen, but now the gap is so huge.

Even though it was only a dozen points of attribute difference, it would take him several worlds to make up for it, and this process was very difficult. With his strength, working hard in a world of this scope would also be in danger of falling.

"It's so careless. It's hard work in Zhetian."

Lu Chen said modestly, and took a sip of wine after sitting down, "Why do you want to make an appointment here? Don't you have your own small base?"

Speaking of this, Rhine looked a little sad, "Zebra is dead, and he disappeared many worlds ago."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then sighed with emotion, "That's it..."

When working hard in space, it is normal for people to die, even in the circus. Not everyone he knows will not die.

After the world of Zhetian, five or six years have passed in the space. He has not investigated yet, but most of the explorers and supporters he has met are probably gone.

"He is a very good junior, what a pity."

Lai Yin and Lu Chen clinked glasses. The wine in the Adventurer Bar was also very good and made with high-quality materials. It was much better than the wine they drank back then, but Lai Yin felt that it had no taste.

It's not that he likes free sex, it's just that Zebra is very professional, and even with cheap materials, he can create a flavor that satisfies him.

Lu Chen didn't ask how Zebra died. There were too many ways to die in space, and even he didn't dare to say that he would be 100% survivable when entering the mission world.

"Let's get down to business. What important matter does Brother Lion want to inform me about?"

Lu Chen knew that Laing was probably just the messenger. If there was any big news within the circus, Laing would come to inform him.

"Something big is indeed going to happen. There is news from above that there may be a big move in the Nine Spaces recently, because they discovered the violator's lair in a supreme world. The local people's intention is very clear. They will not give the Nine Spaces Space wipes your ass.”

Lain said, drinking another glass of wine. This guy was an old drunkard through and through. Lu Chen even suspected that if Lain died one day, he would definitely die from drinking.

"The highest world?"

Lu Chen wondered, this was still a new term. He knew that Rhine's wording was always accurate. If it was a large native world or a special derived world, the other party would tell it directly.

"Brother Lu, have you ever heard of Lingxu Palace?"

Rhine smiled and said that in his opinion, Lu Chen was very strong, but strangely, he was ignorant in many aspects, especially when it came to various matters in space.

"Lingxu Palace? You said it's the one that arbitrates the special world qualification battle?"

Lu Chen remembered that it was his first contact with forces outside space, and he was also used as a "judge" to preside over the competition.

Rhine nodded, "It's them. Lingxu Palace cooperates with the nine major spaces, and is often invited by the spaces to serve as arbitration for various matters. After all, he is the neutral tenth party and can be impartial."

"If they can cooperate with space, then they must be extremely powerful themselves?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Strong is definitely strong. I don't know how strong it is. You have to ask the leader about this. That's not what I want to say. Lingxu Palace is an organization, but as an organization, it must have a foundation."

Rhine said, "The hometown of Lingxu Palace, which is where the real main palace is located, is the supreme world."

His expression was solemn, "Native world number, zero."

Lu Chen's heart trembled. If discovery or birth were used as criteria, it was probably the earliest big world.

How strong is the No. 0 native world, that is, the supreme world?

"A world like this would allow rats to get in?"

Lu Chen wondered, "I don't think it should be right. The leader of the circus can drive away the violator giant like a dog. How can such a powerful world be invaded by violators?"

"Brother Lu misunderstood. The violators did not enter the main world, but were hiding in a void near the Supreme World. After being discovered by local people, they notified the space."

Rhine explained: "With the strength of Lingxu Palace, it is of course easy to kill those violators, but they also follow rules and will not take action easily. Unless those violators commit suicide and invade that big world, they will naturally Killed by local strong men."

He continued: "In this way, the matter returns to the space. All major spaces need to deal with these violators and save some face."

Lu Chen pondered for a moment and then said, "So, those group of violators are not weak at all?"

The nine major spaces need to join forces to deal with it, which means that not only is it not weak, but it also means that there are violators from various spaces, and it is probably an alliance of violators.

"According to some news in our group, those violators belong to a branch of the Violators Alliance. In the previous world, they were chased by a space boss, but in the end only the leader was killed, but the people below were They escaped and ran near the Supreme World. They were probably thinking about the darkness under the lamp, but it was too close to the lamp. "

Lain said with a smile, "I guess it didn't take long before Lingxu Palace noticed it and informed the space."

He knew what Lu Chen was concerned about, and continued: "The strength of this group of violators is probably in the upper reaches of the eighth level. Their original level is unknown, they are organized to a certain extent, and their number is quite large. This makes it difficult for ordinary 'hunters' to Let’s start, and the ninth-level bosses are all very busy and won’t do such a thing. Besides, there are also those damn unreasonable rules and regulations, and the space is not suitable for sending out ninth-level explorers.”

Lu Chen nodded. He knew that many of the rules of the space were self-limiting. For example, he could not send people who were significantly stronger than the violator to chase him. He didn't know the meaning of this at first, but then he thought about it. I wonder, could this be a disguised form of cultivating gu?

The weak are eliminated, resources are no longer allocated, and the focus is on cultivating the strong. Only those who are invincible at the same level are the most favored in the space, so they will not send high-level strong people to attack, because that is a waste of resources, and those high-level explorers Nor does it serve as a training experience.

"So, I'm afraid this job will still fall on us, right?"

Lu Chen understood what Rhine meant. If this was what happened recently, then if the space had to send out manpower, he, as the eighth-level pioneer, would be the first to bear the brunt.

After all, his current Pioneer Mark level is not low, and his own strength belongs to the first echelon of the eighth level, so he will not let him go no matter what.

But this hunting mission may not be an unparalleled good thing, because this is the first time that he is at the current level, not the strongest at this level.

It is normal for those who violate the rules to have attribute points reaching 280, but it would be dangerous if they are promoted.

However, I like it!

He likes exciting battles, and the offenders' moves are more eclectic, so he may be able to gain a lot.

Moreover, the space has always been generous with rewards for defeating violators. I am worried that my weapons are not perfect before entering the next big world. Isn't it time to purchase goods?

"That's most likely the case. I guess it's hard to say. Brother Lu, your strength is already very high. You will definitely be recruited. You'd better prepare early."

Rhine reminded, "I heard from the deputy leader that there won't be many people sent to the space this time. Each space can only have two people at most. And the strongest combat force of the eighth level of our space just disappeared not long ago. The space faction is not Explorers will be sent to do this kind of work, so even if you, Brother Lu, are not the strongest at level eight, you will probably be pulled over."

Lu Chen frowned, understanding what Rhine's code word meant. Hunting violators has never been the responsibility of ordinary explorers, and space is not willing to let ordinary explorers come into contact with these things. Hunters do dirty work, but It is also a hidden honor.

I'm afraid that in the end, space will only attract pioneers and adjudicators, and the best will be selected.

Judging from the numbers, there are very few pioneers in the origin space. If the priority of the pioneers is higher than that of the adjudicators, then I am afraid that I will definitely be pulled.

It's just that he doesn't know if there are any top eighth-level adjudicators in the origin space. If there are, that will be a great guarantee for this trip.

"By the way, why did the highest combat power disappear? I remember that there was indeed an eighth-level strongman in the origin. His name seems to be from your group, right?"

Lu Chen's mind suddenly moved and he remembered one thing. He hadn't looked at the top rankings of the Void Arena this time. Could it have been changed?

He still wanted to ask the circus elephant something, but the elephant had disappeared?

Couldn't he be dead?

"Brother Lu is talking about Senior Elephant. He has disappeared from the Void Arena rankings. Of course he has not fallen, he has just advanced. After all, after so many years, Senior Elephant has finally made it through and has become a ninth-level explorer. He no longer lives in this area."

Rhine sighed.

Once you enter the ninth level, there is a huge difference, your salary rises sharply, you will be sent out by the space to do some important things, and you often leave for many years.

Lu Chen felt a little regretful. It had been too long since he had entered the world of Zhetian. The other party had dominated the rankings many years ago. Now it was normal to advance to the ninth level explorer. It was just a pity that he still had some things he could not ask him.

I don’t know when the elephant will come back next time. If their mission worlds keep intersecting, I’m afraid they will never see each other again, and making an appointment will be useless.

While Lu Chen was thinking, he received a reminder from the origin space.

[The special hunting mission is about to begin. Pioneers, please be prepared. The transmission will begin in 24 hours. 】

[Tip: This hunting mission is extremely difficult, so pioneers should treat it with caution. 】

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. This meant that Cao Cao had arrived. He had not yet thought about what to do next, and the notice came out.

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