Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1325 The ghost must have scared her unconscious

Under the dark night, a man sat deep in the Hades Mountains. A group of ghost-like creatures knelt there, and patches of faint green light illuminated the valley.

The splashing water of the waterfall was colored by the light, like flying fireflies, crossing the man's face and illuminating his true appearance.

In such a strange scene, the man turned his head and looked straight in the direction of Zhang Ling'er.

At this moment, Zhang Ling'er felt that her soul was going to die. Strangely enough, the light had clearly illuminated the man's face, and her eyesight was also very good, but she felt that she could see clearly, but she didn't know the man. What does it look like.

The next moment, Zhang Ling'er was trembling all over and about to scream.

The man grinned. In Zhang Ling'er's opinion, she felt that all the rhetoric her mother used when telling stories was too weak.

Only by facing the "Ghost King" personally can we understand his terror. He is simply the most ferocious and indescribable evil spirit in the deepest part of purgatory. The sense of ferocity would make even the legendary immortals tremble.

Dad, Mom, everyone in the village, I'm sorry, Ling'er failed to complete the task, you run away...

When the thought came to this point, Zhang Ling'er was completely frightened and fainted.

The smile of the figure sitting on the big rock gradually solidified, looking suspicious of life.

Lu Chen thought for a long time and touched his face, "I don't have the title of Ancient God..."

Moreover, he carries a shadow on his body, which can cover his own aura to a great extent. In theory, it will completely shield his evil spirit and will not hurt ordinary people.

He looked at the pile of remnant souls in front of him and said, "It's all your fault for scaring the child."

The remnant souls kneeling on the ground were trembling, and no one dared to speak out. They were all unconscious beings who were temporarily driven away after being discovered by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's original intention was good, that is, to get rid of the beasts that were scared to death by the little golden dragon. The frightened beasts that were paralyzed would be helped by these residual souls to break them out of their immobility and not to damage the ecology of this mountain forest.

The legend of the Hades Mountains is somewhat true. Lu Chen has researched and found that powerful beings did fall here. These remnant souls are also some powerful people from ancient times. They wander mechanically in this mountain range and cannot find their way back. road.

After he discovered it, he intended to save it, but after thinking about it, he hadn't finished digging out the secrets of the Hades Mountains, and there might be a certain amount of world exploration, so he let the residual soul wipe the little golden dragon's ass first.

But I didn't expect that in this small mountain village at the corner of the Hades Mountains, there would be someone who dared to go deep into the Hades Mountains. She was a girl who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

It's a mistake. If most people see these remnant souls, they will really be frightened and they will not be considerate enough.


With a huge noise, the waterfall opened, and a fat golden dragon jumped out of it and rolled in the large pool below.

The little golden dragon has been retreating in the cave behind the waterfall for the past few days. He sensed the movement outside and came out to take a look.

When it saw the girl who fainted from fear beside the jungle, it looked at its master, placed a dragon claw under the dragon's head, and touched it, showing a clear look.

"What's that look in your eyes?"

Lu Chen felt that the way Xiao Jinlong looked at him made him inexplicably unhappy, "Go and bring the person here."

For him, this is of course something he can do without raising his hand, but he just wants to command the little golden dragon.

The little golden dragon whined, as if complaining, and used his spiritual power to lift the girl over.

Lu Chen checked and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his brain, he was just too frightened.

With a tap of his fingers, he took over the creation of heaven and earth and instantly cured the girl's physical damage in the past few days, and made her mind clear and she woke up.

It just so happened that Lu Chen had entered the Perfect World for a while and had not yet communicated with the indigenous residents. He could ask about the specific time and the general situation of the world to obtain some limited information.

Zhang Ling'er woke up slowly. She just felt that she had had a terrible nightmare, but fortunately it was just a nightmare.

She opened her eyes and saw a face illuminated by green light under the dim night, smiling at her with a sadistic smile like a demon that chose people to eat.


She screamed and fainted again.

Lu Chen:? ? ?

He patted his head and waved his hand, "You guys, retreat first and continue working. If you find anything strange deep in the mountain, report to me."

He drove the remnant souls in the hope that these remnant souls could walk some familiar roads, awaken some memories, and maybe dig up treasures for him.

After dispersing the remaining souls, Lu Chen raised his hand to light up a small red sun in order to make the place look less dark. Within a radius of a hundred miles, the red light made the earth light up again.

It must be that this girl is too afraid of the dark, so that would be fine.

Lu Chen took action to wake her up again. With his method, he could cure a mortal-level girl. Wasn't it easy to catch her?

Zhang Ling'er woke up again, and this time she felt a hot breath hanging above her. The dazzling red light turned everything in her field of vision red, including the face set off by the red light.

"Mom, I didn't do anything evil, why did I end up in hell!?"

Zhang Ling'er exclaimed in despair and fainted again from the face that looked like a demon from hell.

The little golden dragon covered its mouth with its claws and snickered, making a sound of "oooooooooh".

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Lu Chen was annoyed, "Come here!"

The little golden dragon rolled his eyes and said to himself that Lu Chen really didn't have any skills at all, and it would take a great real dragon to take action.

Lu Chen stepped away, and the little golden dragon shrunk its body. When standing up, it was only about the height of a person. Its plump belly was a little droopy, and it made a squeaking sound when walking.

It solemnly lit up the golden sacred light to illuminate the place, and then shot out the real dragon's spiritual energy to awaken the girl's consciousness.

Zhang Ling'er woke up and saw a legendary dragon-headed face. She was so frightened that she backed away and moved on the stone slab, "Sure enough, there is one!"

She exclaimed that the speculations of the villagers were correct. A terrifying existence had really descended on this mountain range, and it was actually a dragon!

Even mortals know the reputation of the dragon. It is definitely the top existence among many monsters and monsters. Even if it only has a little dragon blood, it is still the overlord of an area.

No wonder the beasts in the mountains and rivers are paralyzed. It turns out there is a dragon here, and it hasn't left yet!

It's over, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back.

As for the scenes she had vaguely seen just now, she thought it was a nightmare.

The little golden dragon was also a little confused. It tilted its fat head, "Ouch?"

No, I'm very charming. Shouldn't I be loved by everyone?

It stretched out its dragon claws and made a few gestures, but the girl opposite didn't seem to understand what it meant.

"You, you are...what are your orders?"

Zhang Ling'er said tremblingly. She found that this dragon didn't seem to have any intention of killing her. If it was Tong Renyan, would she have any hope of praying to it so that it wouldn't hurt the people in the village?

"It tells you not to be afraid. I don't mean to hurt you."

At this time, she heard a clear male voice coming from behind her. She turned around with a stiff neck and saw the face she had seen several times in her nightmares.

Perhaps it was the sacred golden light of the little golden dragon, or the girl had developed a certain resistance, so she stopped screaming and fainted.

"Excuse me...are you the King of Ghosts? Or the legendary God of Hades in this mountain range?"

Zhang Ling'er said tremblingly, trying to stand up and salute respectfully, but her body was weak and she couldn't muster the strength. Besides, as a mountain person, she didn't know much about etiquette.

Lu Chen's face was a little dark, Ghost King? Hades? Do I look like that! ?

What a rude little girl.

But he doesn't have the same understanding as ordinary people, and it's true that he didn't take good care of it, causing the little golden dragon to cause trouble to the residents near the Hades Mountains.

He said kindly: "Little girl, you misunderstood. I am just a monk passing through this place. It is my mount."

Zhang Ling'er was relieved when he heard this. Although the other party was extremely scary, he was able to communicate and didn't seem to have any intention of harming himself.

She is also a courageous girl. After adjusting, she stood up, thought for a moment, and found a suitable title, "Senior, hello, I am Zhang Ling'er. It was Ling'er who was rude just now. Please don't take offense." ”

She thought for a while, but was afraid that the other party would be angry because of her rudeness, so she knelt down and said, "If senior is unhappy, I hope you will only deal with Ling'er and not affect the villagers down the mountain."

Lu Chen was speechless. Do I look like a bad person?

After all, he was a being respected by all the people in Zhetian World. The contrast for a moment was a bit unacceptable to him.

He used gentle spiritual power to lift Zhang Ling'er, "I told you, you misunderstood. We have no ill intentions. You can return to the village, tell the villagers the truth, and live as usual."

At this time, Xiao Jinlong handed over a skewer of Dragon Horn Elephant's secret roasted meat. The fragrant smell made Zhang Ling'er move her index finger and swallowed her saliva in dissatisfaction.

"It seems you haven't eaten well for a while. Come on, eat. I'll take you home after you're done."

Lu Chen said, holding the endless wine flask and taking a sip of wine.

Zhang Ling'er saw that Lu Chen and Xiao Jinlong behaved kindly, and thanked them: "Thank you, senior, for giving me the immortal treasure."

"Haha, little girl, as a villager in the mountains, you are quite educated."

Lu Chen smiled and said that his spiritual thoughts had covered the Hades Mountains before, and he knew that there were many tribes here that relied on the mountains, some of which were quite large, with as many as a million people, and there were practitioners among them.

But most of them are uneducated and speak crudely. Words like "Xianzhen" are quite interesting coming from the mouth of Zhang Ling'er, a girl from a small mountain village with a population of only a few hundred people.

"Senior Miaozan, Ling'er all read it in the village chief's grandfather's book."

When Zhang Ling'er heard the compliment, she quickly said that even though the senior of unknown race and the Dragon Clan seemed harmless, she still did not dare to let down her guard.

She was indeed hungry, so she finished the big meat skewers in just three strokes, five by two, and she looked like someone from the mountains.

After eating the meat skewers, she felt that her whole body was full of strength. The meat seemed to contain powerful energy, which was washing her body. In just a moment, she felt that her strength seemed to be much stronger.

Lu Chen looked at Zhang Ling'er's changes, and there was no surprise. He could tell at a glance that the girl had a special physique, but for him, no special physique caught his eye nowadays.

He doesn't know what the girl's physique should be called in this era, but it is a kind of existence similar to Ye Fan's Holy Body. It has a physique with high attack and defense and high health, but it does not have the roots and vitality of the Holy Body, that is, there is no Holy Body. longevity.

Generally speaking, in terms of physique alone, it is not as good as the ancient holy body.

But the girl's physique should be regarded as a little genius in this era, but it is a pity that it was buried in the mountains.

Not everyone can rise like Shi Hao. Shi Cun's origins are extraordinary and Liu Shen is there. Emperor Huangtian is the supreme genius who was born in response to the calamity, and it is not comparable to ordinary people.

For example, Zhang Ling'er's tribe, apart from knowing that eating the meat of powerful beasts can increase their strength, they don't even know what bone inscriptions are or what treasures are. They don't understand anything related to spiritual practice at all, and naturally they don't pay attention to baptism.

"Are you full? I have something to ask you."

Lu Chen asked when he saw the girl sitting there a little uneasily after eating.

"Senior, please ask."

Zhang Linger said respectfully.

"Do you know how the three thousand states in today use the calendar to track the years?"

Lu Chen first asked the question he was most concerned about. Even if he might not understand the name he might hear, it was still a reference.

However, the girl was a little confused, "Senior, what is...Three Thousand Daozhou?"

Lu Chen:......

He was careless. The children in the ravine had probably lived here for countless years, so how could they know the Gregorian calendar time in the outside world.

"I... I only know that the place where we live seems to be in a place called Yongning Prefecture."

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Zhang Ling'er thought he was dissatisfied with her ignorance and quickly continued to add.

Seeing that Lu Chen was still silent, she hurriedly said: "Senior, my knowledge is limited, but if you want to know more, you can ask the village chief, he is the most knowledgeable person in the village."

Zhang Ling'er knew that if the vision in the Hades Mountains was caused by this senior, it would be effortless to destroy their small village, and it would be useless wherever they ran.

It's better to meet some of the needs of the seniors and maybe survive.

Lu Chen was in such a state now that his method of communicating with the mind would not work on people in the same state. However, ordinary people's thoughts could be seen at a glance, and he suddenly felt helpless.

Even though I'm so kind, why do I still think of you as a bad guy who wants to destroy the world and destroy the village at any time?

"Then I'll send you back. Maybe I haven't interacted with people for a long time and miss the days in this world."

Lu Chen stood up and said.

Before Zhang Ling'er could react, she felt her body light up and her eyes flickered, and she saw the burning torch at the end of the village.

She was horrified and arrived at the village in an instant. This was a journey she had walked for six days. I am afraid that even the legendary great monk in the formation realm that she read in the storybook was nothing more than this, right?

Lu Chen was a little surprised when he sensed the girl's thoughts through his mind. Over the past few days, he had roughly understood the cultivation methods of this era by observing some monks in large tribes.

It's just that he didn't expect that in the Emperor's Fall era, the title of the realm of cultivation method seemed to be no different from that in the chaotic ancient times.

The description of the cultivation state of Dharma in the Immortal Ancient Era should be similar to that in the Chaotic Ancient Era. The era of the Emperor's Fall is not clear. In theory, there will be certain differences due to the large time span. However, in order to facilitate the understanding of the original party, new names will not be randomly set.

There is still one at noon.

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