Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1327 Zhenshan Tribe

The villagers in Zhangjia Village trembled under the pressure naturally exuded by the majestic man.

The leader of the Zhenshan tribe was waiting for a reply. He did not let anyone collect the body of Pixiu below, because according to the ancient rules in the Hades Mountains, whoever shoots the prey belongs to him.

Their mountain-holding tribe rose from a small tribe, gathered many tribes, and eventually became a super-large tribe with a population of more than 100 million people. Their ancestors relied on observing the rules for generations.

Being blindly domineering doesn't last long in the mountains, but this Pixiu overlord has been hunted by them for many days and has run out of fuel. It's still annoying to be robbed at this time.

He needed an explanation, and he was also curious about who could kill this overlord who inherited the bloodline of Pixiu.

You must know that even if this Pixiu Overlord has been severely injured by them, it cannot be killed by ordinary inscription realm monks. He saw a cut between Pixiu's eyebrows. He must have ended his life with a blow. The other party was at least the same as himself. A strong person in the formation realm.

He raised his hand to tell the people behind him not to act rashly.

"This gentleman from the Zhenshan tribe, please atone for your sins. We have no choice but to have this brave overlord rush towards our village..."

The village elder of Zhangjiazhuang stood up and explained tremblingly.

Guan Shan, the leader of the Zhenshan tribe, frowned. He felt that the people in this village were very weak, not even monks. There were only a few people who probably had good bones, so they were stronger.

Who killed this Pixiu Overlord?

"The leader is asking you, who shot this Pixiu Overlord?"

A bearded man next to Guan Shan asked, dissatisfied with the village elder's answer. They only saw a small hole on the top of Pixiu Overlord's head and thought it was killed by a bow and arrow weapon.


The old village chief was sweating on his forehead. Although the mysterious monk was very kind to the people in the village these days, his temperament didn't look like someone easy to talk to.

If he reported the existence of the other party, he would probably offend the strong man in black clothes and black sword, but if he didn't tell them, Zhangjiacun would not be able to bear the powerful tribal leader attacking them.

The old village chief was in a dilemma. He hesitated and couldn't speak for a while.

"I killed him."

At this time, a voice sounded in the mountains, as if coming from heaven and earth, reaching ears from all directions, and it was impossible to tell the direction.

A figure appeared beside the old village chief at some unknown time, standing in front of all the villagers.


Zhang Ling'er spoke. Because Lu Chen didn't reveal his name, she named him Uncle Ghost King in her heart. At this time, she almost shouted out in surprise.

Guan Shan's expression suddenly changed when he saw Lu Chen, because even he didn't notice when the other party appeared.

Judging from the other party's attire, he didn't look like someone from the mountains. He knew that he might meet a master from the outside world today.

He clasped his fists and said, "Senior, I don't know if you are doing the Qing Cultivation here, but there are many collisions. I hope Haihan will do it."

After saying that, he turned around and waved to everyone, "Let's go."


Several big men at the top of the Inscription Realm shouted, in order to kill the Pixiu Overlord, they had killed several brothers, why did they just forget about it in the end?

Those good seeds in the tribe are all waiting for the baptism of Pixiu blood. They are the future of the tribe.

"Shut up, the rules are the rules, this is the ancestral system."

Guan Shan looked unhappy and asked everyone to leave because he felt that the man in black looked bad.

Like an executioner who had slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures, the smell of blood seemed to be transmitted to his nasal cavity through his vision and soul, making him want to tremble.

The others were presumably no better off, but simply unwilling to give up their prey.

Seeing the leader's toughness, many people were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do. After all, the leader was the strongest person in the tribe, so they followed him and prepared to evacuate.


Just when they turned around and were about to escape, a voice sounded behind them, making Guanshan feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

He turned back with a stiff expression, "Senior, we have already abided by the rules of the mountain and handed over the prey to you. What else do you want?"

When he said this, his tone was a bit unkind. The Zhenshan tribe was not without temper. Even if they were very strong, if they refused to stop after snatching the prey, the worst possible outcome would be a bloody fight.

Lu Chen stood still, but the body of the Pixiu Overlord flew up and flew towards the Guanshan people, "Take it away, I have no interest in taking away your livelihood, but it is a bit noisy."

Guan Shan was overjoyed and shocked at the same time. He knew in his heart that this man in black might be a strong man that he could not imagine, and he didn't care at all about the treasure in their eyes.

He saluted quickly, "Thank you, senior."

The other men of the Zhenshan tribe were also beaming and saluted with the leader very wisely, "Thank you, senior, for your help."

When Lu Chen came out, he thought there would be a chaos, but he didn't expect that this large tribe would listen to reason, so there was no more fighting. He was not interested in killing some weak monks.

After Guan Shan thought for a moment, he waved the bone knife in his hand and removed the two hind legs of Pixiu Overlord. He used his spiritual power and placed it in front of Zhangjiacun. "Senior is generous, but I, the man in the mountains, must also guard it." The rule is that everyone who sees it has a share, so it’s good to leave it for the children’s baptism.”

He knew that the man in black in front of him probably didn't like the overlord Pixiu at all, but since he lived in Zhangjiacun, there must be some connection with him.

He had guessed that the other party might be a strong man who came out of the mountains among the ancestors of this small village. Now he has come back to live in seclusion. Although this small village has declined, it is blessed to have an unparalleled strong man in charge.

This strong man has no use for the Pixiu Overlord, but it is definitely a good thing for the people in this small village, so he said it was for the children.

Lu Chen smiled, making those in the Zhenshan tribe unsteady and trembling. Even Guan Shan was a little frightened, and for a while he couldn't figure out what Lu Chen meant.

"You are quite good at doing things, so please stay. You are a guest. Although I am not the owner of this place, I happen to have something to ask you. Why don't you come in and sit down?"

Lu Chen said, looking at the old village chief again.

The village elder responded and nodded, inviting: "All the heroes from the Zhenshan tribe are tired from the journey, why don't you come to the village to have a rest."

Although Guan Shan and others are from the mountains, as the largest tribe in the Hades Mountains, they live a life that includes rich clothes and fine food. They originally did not like the hospitality of small mountain villages, but today is different.

There is an unparalleled powerful man sitting here. If they can establish a good relationship with him, it may be beneficial to the development of their tribe in the future.

He immediately called for help and carried Pixiu Overlord's two hind legs into the village.

No one in Zhangjiacun has ever seen this scene before. This is the Overlord Pixiu. This famous existence in the Hades Mountains has even been mentioned in the records of the ancestors of Zhangjiacun. It can be said that this area is the center of the Underworld Mountains. It is almost invincible within a radius of tens of millions of miles.

If the Pixiu Overlord were to pass by Zhangjia Village on weekdays, the pressure he would exude would be enough to cause the death of a large number of villagers. As for getting the flesh and blood of the Pixiu Overlord, it was something they would never even dare to think about.

The old village chief had more knowledge and knew that in some large tribes, children would practice the art of bone inscriptions and undergo animal blood baptism when they were young to strengthen their bodies.

The blood of the Pixiu Overlord is really a peerless treasure. If other tribes in the mountains find out about it, they will probably fight to get it.

Fortunately, the mysterious strong man Ling'er brought back was still in their village as a guest, so there was no need to worry for the time being.

The children were all curious around the back legs of the Pixiu Overlord. One back leg alone was dozens of feet long. Fortunately, the land in the mountains was vast, and the road in the center of their village was built very wide, otherwise they would not be able to fit in.

"Oh my god, how can a beast grow so big? How many houses will it trample down with one leg?"

An eight or nine-year-old boy exclaimed with a runny nose.

"What kind of beast? This is a demonic beast that has become a spirit."

Some older children joked, looking at the hill-like Pixiu Overlord outside the village in admiration.

The men from the Zhenshan tribe who entered the village aroused the curious attention of the children. After all, they had never seen the monks take action.

The strong men of the Zhenshan tribe just walked through the air, which made the children envious. They thought that one day, they could be like those majestic uncles.

"Is that... the remains of Qingluan Eagle!?"

"It's the Demon Scaled Tiger!"

"Hiss... Could it be a savage beast with Taotie blood?"


After entering the village, the men from the Zhenshan tribe were amazed. They had not noticed it before, but after entering the village, they found animal meat hanging in front of every house.

After careful sensing and observation, I discovered that those beasts were all great monsters!

Especially that beast with Taotie bloodline. A piece of animal skin was peeled off and stacked in the backyard of Ahu's house to dry. Even if it was stacked many layers, it was still the size of a house. It was unclear where the flesh and blood of its body went. And know.

Guan Shan was also frightened, because the beast with the Taotie bloodline was also one of the overlords of the mountain, and they needed to gather the masters of the entire tribe to hunt it down.

Unexpectedly, there was no news about the Taotie Beast for a while. It had been killed, skinned, and left to dry in the sun.

He was shocked in his heart, I am afraid that this was done casually by the strong people living here, and it was regarded as taking care of the villagers here.

Suddenly, he believed even more that this strong man in black had something to do with Zhangjiacun, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such good care of him, right?

At the back of the village, Lu Chen's residence was originally a small wooden house. There was a stone table in front of the wooden house. It was the place where Lu Chen usually drank, learned, and studied the underworld.

Because there were many people in the Zhenshan tribe, more than thirty people, Lu Chen just clicked his fingers, and a strange scene happened. The stone table began to widen from where Lu Chen pointed, and even more trees rose from the ground. Stone chairs, but originally those places were just land.

"Please take a seat."

Lu Chen was sitting on the main seat, and Zhang Ling'er trotted over and handed Lu Chen a glass of fresh juice. Her mother taught her the craft and picked it from the mountain in the early morning.

When the village entertained Lu Chen before, Lu Chen only nodded to this fruit and said it tasted good, so she went to pick the fruit every morning.

They were very grateful for Lu Chen's help to Zhangjiacun and always wanted to repay them, but their strength was low and they seemed to only be able to work hard on food.

Lu Chen nodded, picked up the stone cup, and took a sip. The people in the mountains were very skillful in their craftsmanship. This pure natural juice tasted really refreshing.

After Zhang Ling'er delivered the juice, she stood not far behind Lu Chen. Seeing that Lu Chen didn't chase anyone away, she had the courage to stay. She was also curious about the strong men of these big tribes.

Lu Chen didn't want to expose the girl's little thoughts. At least in Yongning Prefecture, there was nothing worth worrying about.

"I didn't expect that in a small village, there would be an expert like Senior sitting in charge..."

Guan Shan said with emotion that when he was young, he had gone out into the mountains to experience, so he knew a lot about many things and was very cautious in using words. Although he wanted to know the name of the other party, he also knew that some great monks were very proud and did not care about ordinary people. Can say his own name.

"It's such a pity that the children in this village don't practice cultivation despite the flesh and blood of so many monsters..."

The man next to Guan Shan muttered that he was the seventh elder of the tribe and Guan Shan's cousin Guan Ming. He felt that the people in the village were really wasting their natural resources.

Such good baptismal materials were eaten directly without knowing how to study the precious bones of those monsters.

Guan Shan lightly kicked his cousin under the table to signal him not to talk nonsense, and then said: "What do you know? Seniors are already detached from the world, and they may not take cultivation so seriously. Sometimes ordinary life, It may not be a blessing.”

Lu Chen was speechless. He really didn't think so. He simply didn't have the heart to teach the people in Zhangjiacun how to practice.

He has some idea of ​​his level as a teacher. It is okay to pass down some cultivation methods, but let him teach others. He doesn't have the energy.

His goal has never been in the Emperor's Fall era. The current goal is to figure out the specific situation of the era and decipher the secrets hidden in the Hades Mountains. He is ready to leave here and travel to Sanqian Daozhou.

After Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has figured it out, he may take a trip to the Imperial Pass. Combat is the best experience and can accelerate his breakthrough.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't speak, Guan Shan knew that he might have guessed wrong, so he asked cautiously: "I wonder what the relationship between senior and Zhangjia Village is? Are you from here?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "It's just some cause and effect, so I'm temporarily staying here."

Guan Shan boldly invited, "Our Zhenshan tribe may not be in the eyes of our seniors, but can we invite our seniors to come and stay in the Zhenshan tribe for a while? We have many children there who yearn for life outside."

Lu Chen knew what the other party meant. He was asking him to pick and choose, take a few children as disciples or followers, and take them out to gain experience. It was also a kind of show of goodwill.

But he was not interested in teaching his disciples, and he did not need others to serve him, so he waved his hand, "I can be a guest, but I am not ready to leave here for the time being. However, if you have any news about the legend of the Hades Mountains, you can share it with me. Down."

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