Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1333 Space identity exposed?

Lu Chen's heart trembled after hearing the old man's words.

Listening to this tone, this old man seems to be the elder of the person buried here!

He couldn't answer the question, so he just watched the old man fidgeting with the bud in the pond with some melancholy.

Lu Chen felt familiar, so he wanted to get closer and take a closer look. He was surprised to find that although the seeds had just broken out of the mud, they were seedlings of the Chaos Green Lotus!

After an unknown amount of time, he saw another Chaos Green Lotus. It was unknown whether it was related to the Qing Emperor of later generations.

"Senior, have you always lived here?"

Lu Chen looked at the commoner old man and was very curious about his identity.

In a small place in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, deep in the mountains and ravines, there actually lives a mysterious old man. With his strength and power, he is probably an unparalleled powerhouse among the Immortal Kings.

Lu Chen was not a gossipy person like Chu Zihang, but he was also very curious and wanted to know the origin and identity of the other party.

Because this may help him further grasp the node of his era and gain a lot of world exploration.

After the old man fertilized Qinglian, he returned to the previous place and sat down, using the fire stick in his hand to poke the firewood. "I have been away from the world for a long time, and I can't remember it."

Next, the old man and Lu Chen's little golden dragon shared the roasted mountain rabbit. Finally, he touched his belly with a satisfied expression and said with emotion: "People need to eat. Only when they are full can they have the strength to work. Being hungry is not easy." Something uncomfortable.”

As he said that, he glanced at the little golden dragon, which shuddered the little golden dragon who was still savoring the deliciousness of the roasted mountain rabbit, because he felt that the old man was looking at its fat body.

Lu Chen also touched the little golden dragon, " is my partner and cannot be eaten."

The commoner old man smiled and said, "It's nothing. It's just that this is the first time I've seen such a fat real dragon. How come it's been trained like a domestic dog?"

The little golden dragon whined to show its dissatisfaction. Besides, it was just well-nourished, which was a sign of strength.

"There is a bit of excess nutrition and lack of exercise. Your 'digestion' power is very strong, but you swallowed too much. If you don't digest it all during the experience, problems will occur."

The old man fiddled with the firewood and spoke slowly, as if he could see through the little golden dragon's origin.

Lu Chen felt that the old man had no ill intentions. Instead, he was giving instructions to the little golden dragon. He also smiled and poked the little golden dragon's belly, "Look, the seniors said you are too fat. You need to exercise more, otherwise you won't be able to break through."

He also knew that this was actually his fault. The little golden dragon didn't want to eat so much before. Based on the principle that he could not lose money after finally going to the supreme world, he let the little golden dragon swallow too many chaos-level fairy materials. With the little golden dragon's digestion ability, it is still difficult for it to digest chaos-level immortal materials.

Now it seems that there are some hidden dangers. Little Golden Dragon's appetite is indeed not as good as before. In mortal terms, it is indigestion.

"Senior, is there any magic method to help it digest?"

Lu Chen asked for advice.

The commoner old man picked it from the fire, and a piece of charcoal rolled down next to the little golden dragon. "Eat some charcoal, it will help digestion."

Lu Chen was dumbfounded. He didn't know that activated charcoal was helpful for digestion, but that didn't mean burning charcoal.

But it didn't look like the commoner old man was joking. The ordinary-looking piece of carbon rolled down under the claws of the little golden dragon, sparking a few sparks but not burning up.

The little golden dragon also looked confused. The dragon claw pointed at himself and then at the burning charcoal on the ground, meaning again, senior, are you serious?

But the commoner man didn't say much. After doing all this, he continued to guard his fire, just like a lonely old man sitting around the fire on a cold night, turning it from time to time in order to be in the swirling light of the fire. , seeing the years of youth.


Lu Chen picked up the burning charcoal. It was not hot to him. It felt like the temperature of ordinary fire. It was not as hot as the blood of him and the little golden dragon when he fought, so it would not burn them.

With the little golden dragon's expression of resistance, Lu Chen stuffed the charcoal into the little golden dragon's mouth. He was afraid that the guy would hide it secretly in his mouth, so he dug his arm deep into the little golden dragon's mouth and made sure it was swallowed before pulling it out.

As a result, the little golden dragon lay on the ground retching at first. After a while, he stopped vomiting. The fat dragon had a look of surprise on its face and began to crawl towards the fire.


With a muffled sound, the little golden dragon was hit on the head by the dark wooden stick. The old man in common clothes laughed and cursed, "You've eaten it all, how can the fire still be burning?"

Lu Chen looked at the little golden dragon and sensed the little golden dragon's state, because he found that the little golden dragon's aura was rising rapidly and its energy level was constantly improving. In just a moment, its comprehensive attributes increased a little. This was the result of the undigested energy in the body. The result of the fusion of immortal materials.

At this time, Lu Chen was no longer calm. He looked at the fire and said shamelessly: "Senior, actually I also have indigestion."

The commoner old man couldn't help but laugh, "What are you thinking of? It's just some folk remedies for treating loss of appetite. It's not the panacea you think it is. It's useless if you take it."

Lu Chen smiled sheepishly, and he understood more and more that the old man in front of him was definitely a super master. Transforming mortals into immortals, and immortals into mortals, might just be a thought to him.

There is a bulge on the little golden dragon's head, and its two front paws are covering its head. It is really a majestic head.

Lu Chen and the old man gathered around the fire. Time seemed to pass quickly here, and it was also divided into day and night. It was evening.

The old man stood up and walked in one direction, and Lu Chen and Xiao Jinlong followed.

Passing through the forest path, a small wooden house appeared. The strange thing was that Lu Chen did not find anything like this when he used his spiritual mind to investigate this place.

There was a row of chopped firewood neatly placed in front of the cabin. The old man used the charcoal on the fire stick as a starter, added some kindling materials, and started a new fire.

He walked into the house, and when he came out, he was carrying a wild boar on his back, which was also a mortal beast.

Lu Chen rubbed his hands in anticipation, knowing that there was going to be delicious food again. The old man seemed to be very keen on eating it, even though people of their level didn't need it.

I saw the old man shed his skin and hair skillfully, and soon he had processed the roasted wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms and put it on the grill.

Not long after, under the scorching bonfire, the aroma began to spread across the mountains and fields.

This wild boar is very fat, and during the barbecue process, a large amount of oil is secreted, which eventually condenses on its surface. This is natural oil, and its skin is quickly roasted until golden.

Later, the old man took out a stone jar from the wooden house, picked up a brush, dipped the sauce in it, and brushed the dark brown homemade sauce beside the campfire.


The little golden dragon's saliva hit the bluestone underground and made a sound, like rain.

"You can't rush many things. Haste makes waste."

The old man in cloth clothes looked at Xiao Jinlong and Lu Chen thoughtfully. After processing the wild boar, he put it there and roasted it. The flame was also an ordinary fire in Lu Chen's perception, so roasting such a large wild boar was not just a matter of time. What takes half a moment will take several hours to bake.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior."

Lu Chen saluted, knowing the deep meaning of what the old man said, and added: "Senior seems to be very keen on food, and I also have some game here."

As he spoke, he released several large monster beasts from the mountains from his sleeves, including the silver-winged roc, the phantom-scaled fish, and the azure ox.

These monsters were very large in size. Under Lu Chen's magical power, they only appeared in the size of normal animals and were placed in the open space aside.

The commoner old man smiled and said, "Eating is indeed a major event in life."

He sat on the stone bench nearby, flipping the roasted wild boar from time to time, and did not deal with the monsters.

"Junior thinks so too."

Lu Chen smiled and said that he thought it would be difficult for him to give up the desire for food and drink in his life.

"Food is a natural gift from heaven and earth to all spirits, so when hunting and eating, you must be grateful, because you deprive it of life to satisfy your own life. In my opinion, this is the best form of gratitude. , just make them the most delicious, and then realize their value.”

The old man began to talk more. It seemed that he was not a man of few words, but he had not communicated with others for too many years.

"Senior's craftsmanship is superb, so it certainly doesn't mean they have been wronged."

Lu Chen grinned, sniffing the aroma and feeling greedy.

The commoner old man looked at the firelight in the dark night, as if he had seen some past events, and said with emotion: "The feeling of being hungry is uncomfortable. My child, you must have experienced it too."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. He had indeed lived in the famine era, but that was when he was a child before coming to space.

At that time, I was fleeing famine with my mother, and I saw countless people eating book grass roots along the way. Those hungry people ended up with a backlog in their abdomens due to long-term eating of soil, vegetation and other indigestible things. All of them had terrible belly sizes, but their bodies were skinny.

The hungry and powerless people were crawling on the ground, and some were lying on the wasteland looking at the sky and slowly closing their eyes.

It is not uncommon for people to change their children and eat them on the way to escape. When they first met him, he was frightened as a child. He took his mother and fled the refugee camp overnight because he felt that some adults were looking at him wrongly.

The old man's words awakened many bad memories in Lu Chen, but at the same time, he also felt a little scared.

That was before I came to the space. How did the old man see it? ?

The commoner old man glanced at Lu Chen, as if he didn't see Lu Chen's thoughts, and returned his attention to the roasted wild boar, and said slowly: "I often didn't have enough to eat when I was a child. I remember that there was a severe drought that year. Many people died while fleeing the famine. I had some strength at that time, so I went hunting in the mountains to feed everyone, but many people still died. "

Lu Chen didn't expect that the commoner old man would actually talk about such a heavy topic. Can he listen to this?

But he was still curious, because he himself had experienced similar things, so he asked: "Senior, what happened next?"

The commoner old man raised his eyelids and said, "Then? Then everyone was so hungry that they ate grass, ate dirt... and ate people. Almost all of them died, and only a few people were left. Later, I thought that if people can eat enough, it is something worthy of gratitude. "

The night breeze blew by, and the surrounding grass and trees rustled, seeming to take the old man back to an era that was so far away that it was unimaginable.

The commoner old man looked at the mountains, rivers and all things in this small world, "All things have animism and have their own reasons for existence. All things are born, but they will eventually die. We cultivators are going against heaven. What we are going against is really God?"

Lu Chen sat upright, knowing that what the old man in front of him said contained great truth, so he listened attentively.

The commoner old man shook his head, "No, we are not going against God, we are just unwilling to follow the established path in the prison of fate. The only person we fight is ourselves. We can keep climbing, keep surpassing, and reach the end. What’s left?”

The old man held a fire stick, poked the firewood, and sighed, "It's not as simple as the simple happiness of childhood."

Lu Chen's heart trembled a little. Maybe it was easiest to be happy when he was a child, but he didn't have many such memories.

Why does such a being whose cultivation has shocked both the past and the present, speak with such a sense of twilight and pessimism?

"But if you are already on the road, you will be carried forward by the trend of the times. If you don't move forward, you will be annihilated by the wave, right?"

Lu Chen said that he had no way out, and he was eager to move forward.

"So, we are all still in a certain trap of a certain trajectory, which is ultimately difficult to break."

The commoner old man said with a complex expression, "Generation after generation, people are on the road, but few of them reach the end. After all the vicissitudes of life, who still remembers the dream of their youth?"

He looked at Lu Chen and said, "I hope you can always be as energetic as you are today."

The commoner man stood up, turned the wild boar over on the grill, and said something that shocked Lu Chen.

"I don't know where you got that kind of thing, but it can be used as a reference, not to understand, and it is impossible to try to integrate it into yourself, otherwise the road will be blocked."

Lu Chen was horrified. He knew what the commoner old man was referring to. It was the trace of Taoist source he possessed.

And that trace of Taoist source is still stored in the storage space at this time!

He took out that trace of source, knowing that many things could not be hidden from the old man in front of him. If he had to ask for advice, he would not be able to resist if the other party wanted to rob him.

"Senior, do you know what this thing is?"

Lu Chen asked for advice.

The old man in civilian clothes watched Lu Chen take out the source of light, his eyes flickered, but in the end he said nothing else, "The source of a certain strong man's source of truth is very strong and can be learned, but you don't want to follow his path."

Lu Chen was pleasantly surprised. Even such a strong man said that Daoyuan had a great origin. It should really be something left by a supreme being. If he could understand the mystery of its laws, it would be enough for him to go one step further.

But the old man also said that he can learn, but not "like"

The other party didn't seem to want to take it over for observation, so Lu Chen didn't take the initiative to present it.

Lu Chen was curious about how the old man saw this thing on his body, but he didn't dare to ask, because if the other party saw the existence of the storage space, he would probably have noticed that his identity was unusual.

And if he had inferred that there was this thing on Daoyuan's body by observing the remaining aura on his body before, then he couldn't ask because he couldn't explain the form of the storage space.

No matter what the situation is, it can be regarded as a leak of space, although the other party may have noticed some abnormalities.

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