Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1343 The Last Hero

The Man King was extremely satisfied with Lu Chen's inspections. In fact, what he just said was quite bragging.

Lu Chen was not only half as strong as he was when he was young, he was almost twice as strong. He wondered what this kid had grown up on. Could it be that in the world of mortals and not relying on the laws of immortality to become an immortal, he would be far better than people in the same realm? Want to be stronger?

This was more than just the Daoji of the Immortal King. He felt that it was not difficult for Lu Chen to break into the Immortal King. It was just a matter of time, and it was not even certain that he would be able to go further in the future.

The Barbarian King was very satisfied with the person he wanted to teach this time. He firmly believed that the person could learn it.

"The method I want to teach you is the supreme secret of my barbarian clan. It's called Honghuang Jue."

The Barbarian King spoke. He originally looked sickly, but now he was in high spirits.

But the War King and the Soul King knew that this was just the excitement of the old barbarian, a kind of comeback. The injuries on his body were getting more and more serious, and it would probably be more and more difficult for his spirit to resist the erosion of the dark and unknown substance.

If there is no other turning point, I am afraid that in another ten thousand years, the Barbarian King will completely turn into a black man and will be unable to recover.

"Prehistoric Jue?"

Lu Chen heard this name and said, "Senior, this junior already has his own practice route, so it is not suitable for him to change his cultivation."

Listening to the name, he thought it was the Barbarian King who wanted to teach him the cultivation techniques of the Barbarian lineage and let him change his practice.

The Barbarian King's beard swayed as he blew his breath, "What are you thinking about? Don't worry, this is not a skill, nor is it some complicated and fancy magic. It is a fundamental secret technique used to strengthen oneself. It is essentially a body refining technique. "

"The art of body refining?"

Lu Chen's curiosity was aroused. If it was this type of secret method, he could learn it, which would be of great help.

This is the Immortal King's method. It's probably not that simple. It has infinite power and is enough for you to use until you break through. Even after being promoted to the ninth level, it is still a useful secret technique.

The Barbarian King nodded, "My lineage of Barbarians came out of the wilderness and fought with birds and beasts all the time, relying on their ferocious strength. And this fundamental has not been forgotten even when we have cultivated to a high level. I think strength is It is an essence of Tao, and law is just a way of using it. As long as your power is strong enough, any method you use will be strong.”

He said with a proud look on his face: "Back then I rushed into a foreign land and killed everyone in and out of the country. What fancy taboo killing methods could I not break? Just because of my strength, no one could stop me."

Chenhuang listened outside, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, and said to himself that when his master, War King, told him about the past, he had scolded the Barbarian King countless times. He was really a barbarian and did not know how to advance or retreat.

That war seemed to be a glorious victory in nine days and ten places, and even killed an immortal king from a foreign land, but in fact it was the result of the barbarian king's reckless advance, and they also suffered the corresponding price.

He looked at Lu Chen and thought to himself, Brother Lu, now you understand. Not only is King Barbarian not a good teacher, his method is not suitable for ordinary people to learn.

What is the most important thing on the battlefield? Can it be fought? Chenhuang does not deny this, but there is another point that is equally important, and that is to stay calm.

Although seniors like Barbarian King are worthy of respect, his fighting style is not worth learning, and it will easily put the three armies into trouble.

Chen Huang recalled the process of getting acquainted with Lu Chen. Overall, he felt that Lu Chen was a relatively calm and rational person. He thought that Lu Chen would not like this kind of brainless and reckless man's secret method.

"Senior, do this method have any side effects?"

Lu Chen respectfully asked for advice. In his opinion, any method that increases basic strength has certain side effects.

In addition to Divine Restriction, Divine Restriction is an exciting state of the body's potential, and it has long been permanent and cannot be further improved.

Mentioning this, Barbarian King's expression froze, but he still explained: "Actually, there are no side effects. It's just that when the strength expands, it's easy to get carried away. Maybe by the time you react, you won't have any comrades around you."

Lu Chen:......

Then this ancient power is really full of pitfalls.

He has experienced God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique. It feels like countless whispers eroding the brain, and illusions confusing the mind. If it is continued to be turned on, it will not only be an overdraft of the origin of life, but also a kind of pollution to the soul. In the end, I am afraid that he will still Before his lifespan was exhausted, he went completely crazy first.

It's okay to use this kind of deceptive forbidden technique in a near-death situation. It's impossible for him to use it normally. If the Barbarian King's technique is this type, he won't be very interested.

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, the Barbarian King continued: "It's not as serious as you think. It's just a situation where the secret technique is out of control. Generally speaking, it just makes you feel like your blood is boiling and you want to kill everyone. It won't affect you. With his thinking, he can still distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.”

Seeing that Lu Chen was hesitant, he said to the king of war: "Lao Zhan, come and tell him that my method is not good. That day, I fought one against three, so why didn't I still take off some of their arms and legs?"

The King of War frowned, and wanted to say who the hell are you calling me "Lao Tzu", but considering that his old brother's time is probably running out, he didn't care so much.

He nodded and said: "That's true. That secret method is very strong and is the core of the old barbarian's method. If you can learn it, with your talent, you will not only be invincible in the same realm, but also unrivaled under the Immortal King realm."

He didn't mean to trick Lu Chen, "But this method does have some side effects, and there are some restrictions. The old man can't explain clearly, so let me explain."

He paused and explained, "One is the physique. Old Manzi's physique is special. It is named after a saying from several epochs ago. It is the Huntian Barbarian Physique. It is a physique with very strong physical strength and qi and blood. It is also Only this kind of physique can support the use of Honghuang Jue, otherwise ordinary physiques will only explode and die, or be drained by the secret technique. "

"Secondly, when using it, due to the expansion of Qi and blood, the physical body is in an extreme state of operation, which may indeed cause some mental confusion. In this regard, it also depends on one's own self-control ability. In my opinion, Lao Manzi does this Not very good, even though he was the founder of this method.”

"Finally, with your true immortal status, using this secret technique will cause loss of life source. If it is not replenished and used for a long time, I am afraid your immortal life will be damaged."

The War King's explanation was concise and concise, and the Soul King nodded at the side. If it were the old barbarian who had to explain this, it would take a whole day.

When Lu Chen heard the last one, he nodded, "Burn your life, I'm familiar with this."

It's just that the Barbarian King's method is obviously much better, and the side effects don't seem to be big if you put it this way. Moreover, it is the Immortal King's method, and it is still effective even if used by people at the level of the Barbarian King.

The opponent relied on this method to fight one against three, and even defeated the Immortal King in a foreign land. This shows that he is still very powerful.

The War King continued: "Bringing you here today is a reward for your military achievements and an opportunity. However, if you are not interested in this method, you can also join me or the Soul King."

Chenhuang heard what the King of War said from behind and thought to himself, Master, you finally remember what I said. Brother Lu is an excellent young man. Just looking at your temperament, you should be traveling together.

After Brother Lu went out, no one believed him even if he said he was not your disciple.

He looked at Lu Chen again and said to himself, Brother Lu, have you heard this? The side effects of this method are not small. Anyway, you are almost invincible in the same situation. Why do you want to learn this?

Although thinking this way is a bit disrespectful to Senior Barbarian King, this is clearly a method that only reckless men would use.

"Lao Zhan, you are not interesting enough. Don't compete with me. I feel that this boy is very suitable for me and is very suitable for passing on my Dharma. I am almost buried, you still want to fight with me?"

When the old barbarian king heard the last words of the war king, he puffed his beard and glared angrily. If he hadn't been weak, he would have picked up the bone club and fight with the war king.

The King of War grinned, which made Chenhuang, who was familiar with the master, feel uncomfortable. He said, "I'm just talking. The right to choose should be given to young people."

The old barbarian king grabbed Lu Chen's shoulders, "Boy, whose method do you want to learn!?"

At this time, everyone in the room, including Chen Huang at the door, was staring at Lu Chen, waiting for his answer.

The Soul King didn't give Lu Chen any new "suggestions" because he really didn't want the old brother's method to be lost. It was a method that seemed reckless but actually understood the mysterious fundamentals of the human body.

"Senior Barbarian King, I will learn from you."

Amidst Chenhuang's heartbroken and surprised expression, Lu Chen spoke.

There is nothing to hesitate. Chenhuang doesn't know himself well enough, and he likes this kind of simple and crude method.

Invincibility within the same realm is not what he pursues. What he pursues has always been invincibility across levels.

In the era of Emperor Luo, although the current Imperial Pass is safe and there are still several powerful Immortal Kings who can take care of it, it cannot always be safe.

Although The Legend of Emperor Wu randomly places time nodes, the nature of space does not allow explorers to travel around the world with normal welfare. I am afraid there will be something different in this era, and I am afraid there will be ultimate turmoil.

By then, all the backers may be useless. In a chaotic war, the only one you can rely on is yourself.

And at that time, what if a foreign master who is much stronger than yourself comes to kill me? He must have enough fighting skills.

Moreover, the King of War also explained some concepts of the Barbarian King's method. He believed that it was completely different from his own God's Secret Blood Forbidden Technique. It was a method that was biased towards the Divine Forbidden Technique, but it was just too radical. He was not planning to copy it completely, but It is necessary to evolve your own new method by understanding the secret skills of the barbarian king.

As his strength increased, the Blood Fiend Golden Body gradually became weak and began to fail. He felt that it would be a good choice to improve his own method by referring to the method of the senior Barbarian King.

Furthermore, he felt the sincerity of the white-haired old man in front of him. As an old man who had protected him for nine days and ten earths, the Barbarian King really had nothing to ask for.

This old man just wanted to leave some of his own laws to future generations and prevent his life's hard work from disappearing. He wanted to find a successor so that his death would be reflected in the lives of future generations.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

The Barbarian King was very happy and slapped Lu Chen on the shoulder continuously, almost knocking Lu Chen into the floor. If he hadn't been physically strong, he would have been hit to pieces.

This made Lu Chen even more in awe of the powerful Immortal King. Even if the Barbarian King ran out of gas, his strength was beyond his imagination.

"Senior, if I continue to shoot, I won't be able to learn."

Lu Chen smiled bitterly and said, King Barbarian is really a rough man. He forgets himself when he is happy and beats him until he vomits blood.

Chenhuang was also dumbfounded from behind. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen rejected the master who seemed to be the most suitable for him and chose to inherit the mantle of the Barbarian King.

He thought of the scene when he and Lu Chen first met that day. Deep in the remote Pluto Mountains, in a small mountain village, Lu Chen looked like an outsider despite his strong evil aura, sipping tea and discussing Taoism with him.

He finished speaking in his heart. In the future, Brother Lu will become like the barbarian king, a reckless man who doesn't wear much clothes when fighting and kills with selflessness, right?

"You don't need to worship me as your teacher. After all, my energy is limited. I'm afraid I can only teach you this method in the remaining time. You just need to remember that if you learn it, you will go to the wilderness when you return to Jiutian in the future. State, the barbarian tribes there are looking for someone to pass on this method.”

The Barbarian King just said a few words, then sat back, coughed violently, and quickly used Xuan Gong to suppress the injury. At the same time, a red sky lit up on his head, and his energy and blood trembled, in order to wake himself up a little, so as not to be trapped by the darkness. Confused and fallen.

He actually knew well that he was not very good at teaching his disciples. Even if Lu Chen was extremely talented, he would probably have to spend thousands of years teaching him.

After teaching Lu Chen this secret method, he can go on the road without regrets and find a place where the War King and Soul King will kill him and expel the dark matter to the nine heavens and ten places.

Lu Chen looked at the state of the Barbarian King and felt a little worried. He bowed and said in agreement: "Senior, don't worry. Thanks to your kindness, Senior Barbarian King has entrusted me with the task. I will definitely complete it in the future."

The Barbarian King nodded happily, "Don't leave today. Wait for me to adjust my condition and start teaching you the secret method tomorrow."

Lu Chen felt heavy in his heart when he saw the Barbarian King sitting there cross-legged. The War King and the Soul King were working together to heal his injuries, stabilize his injuries, and help him resist the dark matter.

Undoubtedly, the three kings of the Borderlands are all respectable. It is heartbreaking to see such a rough hero being eroded by darkness and heading for the end.

"Senior War King, is Senior Barbarian King's injury really irreparable?"

Lu Chen felt the oppression in the room. Chen Huang had left and continued to maintain the formation. Otherwise, if there was a problem with the Barbarian King and any dark and unknown substance leaked to the Imperial Pass, it would be a catastrophe.

The King of War shook his head and sighed, "We sent people to the Immortal Realm to get the elixir, but of the two old friends we had made in the past, one died in battle during the chaos a hundred thousand years ago, and the other used the elixir after being seriously injured. No other Immortal King in the Immortal Realm is willing to lend a helping hand."

"Those guys in the Immortal Realm are not human beings. Although we are fighting for our homeland of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, it is equivalent to guarding the outer gate of the Immortal Realm. At this time, they are so ruthless..."

The Soul King's voice was low, obviously filled with anger, "If the old barbarian falls, sooner or later, the foreign land will break into the fairyland!"

"Old ghost!"

The King of War said in a deep voice. He also knew that his old brother was agitated, and sighed: "We won't let that day happen, at least not until we die in battle."

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