Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1361 Entering the sea alone

But Lu Chen searched for this ancient star for half a year and found nothing. It was like being poured a basin of Jiuyou's cold spring on it, which made him calm down a lot.

The land that reaches the sky, if this is really that place, I am afraid that I can only wait for the opening of the node by chance. Without that incredible luck, the weak will not even think about it.

The other thing is that you have to make a blood sacrifice with blood essence and blood above the Immortal King level to have a chance to open the door to heaven here.

Regarding this point, Lu Chen also remained skeptical, because in the original work, it was not the Lords of the Forbidden Zone and the seniors who opened it for Shi Hao, but the drop of Emperor's blood that remained in Shi Hao's body, causing the door to open to the sky. Only a few people went in.

Or maybe, even the blood sacrifice of the Immortal King is useless here. Shi Hao is special, so he can let the door open.

But it's hard to say, because Xiaoxiao Zai also came in with the King of the Endless Immortal, and placed the body of the King of the Endless Immortal in the Land of Tongtian, hoping that he could revive.

Lu Chen didn't know whether it was luck or whether he got in through the Immortal King's essence and blood sacrifice.

But what gave Lu Chen a headache right now was that no matter what the situation was, he seemed to be unable to get in under his conditions.

In the end, Lu Chen decided to give it a try no matter what. He forced out a drop of blood essence and landed it on the stone tablet that no longer existed in the ancient times. He used great magic power to deduce that he wanted to connect the things in this space and trigger that The resonance of the unknown door.

However, after a long time, there was no movement, which made Lu Chen sigh, he was really not a son of destiny, he couldn't compare.

But he was unwilling to give in, and spilled a lot of blood essence, spreading it in the void, and operating some ancient methods. If it failed again, he would have no choice but to fly back.

Looking at this distance, I am afraid that with his cultivation, he would have to fly for several years.

Just when Lu Chen was about to give up, his martial arts eyes suddenly focused.

In mid-air, a crack appeared, then expanded, and light came out.

The passage appeared. Even though it was only the outer door of the Tongshi Land, Lu Chen was pleasantly surprised. He made a prompt decision and rushed in.

Entering this crack, I saw a road leading to a misty ancient cave in the distance, which was spraying chaos and fairy energy.

It looked very close, but when he actually moved forward, Lu Chen found that the road under his feet was disappearing, and behind him was the endless starry sky.

This is truly a mysterious land. This section of road may look close, but in reality it may be infinitely far away. The speed of walking in it is also too fast for ordinary people to understand. It is only a few steps. Lu Chen doesn't know how far he has walked. Far, across a large swath of the universe.

From his perspective, the universe he crossed seemed to be alternately virtual and real, and at extreme speed, he seemed to be a traveler in time, walking in the cracks of the long river of time.

Approaching the ancient cave, it spewed out chaos and fairy mist, making it hazy and invisible. It contained a shocking secret, but Lu Chen didn't see any other living beings or things.

The land of Tongtian in this era is very peaceful, as if no one has visited it for a long time.

In the deepest part, there is a stone room, only one foot long. It is very simple, with no tables, chairs, or exquisite ornaments, only rough stone walls.

Of course, the chaos and immortality in this zhangshi room are even more intense, with inexplicable fluctuations.

Lu Chen knew that he had found the right place, but he was not ready yet, so why not just go in like this? Can it succeed? I'm not the protagonist.

He knew that this place contained great terror. The reason why no one could succeed before Emperor Huang Tian was because everyone who entered the stone chamber rashly must have died.

And Lu Chen didn't know, even if he succeeded, what era would he reach? Is it the more ancient Emperor's Fall era, or the future?

He moved forward cautiously, wanting to test it first, but as soon as he approached the one-foot-sized stone chamber, his body exploded.

It was an unparalleled power, including the power of time, the power of cause and effect, and the power of reincarnation, which allowed Lu Chen to explode without any resistance.

After several years, the blood and mud on the ground began to gather. Lu Chen's figure slowly solidified, and he looked at the stone room with some fear.

"That's right... Shi Hao entered safely because he had his own method of transformation, his future results were determined, and he had the protection of emperor-level means."

Lu Chen sighed, knowing that he had thought too much.

He didn't know who left this place, whether it was the natural creation of heaven and earth, or the reincarnation of others, but he couldn't enter this place.

Not to mention him now, even if a giant Immortal King comes, it will not be able to withstand the crushing force in the stone chamber. It will explode directly and there will be no way to go to other eras through the tunnel.

This is also the normal order between heaven and earth. If everyone can run around in the long river of time, then everything will be meaningless and everything will be chaotic.

Lu Chen guessed that one would have to have at least the level of an Immortal Emperor to set foot in this place.

But the quasi-immortal emperor himself can reach the upper and lower reaches of the long river of time, but it is difficult to interfere with the operation of major events of the era. This land that reaches the sky is not of great significance to them.

"The cheating Tianbang!"

Lu Chen cursed. In the end, he didn't give me the magic, but gave me a rubbish map. I've been looking for it for hundreds of years, but it turned out to be in vain.

Facts have proved that he does not have the same luck as the protagonist. In other words, he is currently the only one in this world, and there is no situation where his future body can help him.

Because he is a person in space, independent of the great cause and effect, after entering a realm, his figure is not spread across the long river of time, but a point. No matter when, there is only one him.

As for the things he had seen during the Heavenly Tribulation, they could only be said to be traces carved by heaven and earth. They were not himself, or in other words, they would not be who he is now, and for him, who he will be in the real future is just a person. the possibility of a large causal direction.

To put it simply, for Lu Chen, who also exists in other causal lines, there is no paradox if the heavenly calamity kills him. That's why Lu Chen was so cautious every time he passed through the calamity in the world of Zhetian, and he only challenged it when he was sure.

"Brother Ye, if you see me in the future, will you hang up for me?"

Lu Chen muttered that this was just self-deprecating, of course he knew it was impossible.

Even if Ye Fan in the future or his other Zhetian relatives and friends become stronger and can see themselves in the long river of time, they will still be unable to do anything. Otherwise, the power of cause and effect will be enough to obliterate them.

Fatty Duan was almost struck to death by lightning, but he only said three words to Emperor Huang Tian, ​​"Be careful...". He couldn't hope for help from outsiders.

Unless it was a cause and effect hedging, no one could reasonably help him, and he had to rely on himself.

Lu Chen left the Land of Tongtian, and the cracks outside naturally closed. He felt heavy. Hundreds of years had passed, and he still didn't know what was happening in the borderlands. He was worried that something terrible had happened.

Over the years, the Immortal Kings who originally went to the world of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have come back one after another. It is obvious that the repair work of heaven and earth and the reinforcement of Tianyuan have been basically completed. In another tens of thousands of years, perhaps the Immortal Realm will be completely closed.

Zhang Ling'er wants to go to the lower world, but she is not blocked by the Immortal Realm. During this period, only Lu Chen and a few people are specifically named and not allowed to leave. Some minor characters are insignificant to the Immortal Realm. They don't care if they are willing to go down to die.

But Lu Chen blocked Zhang Ling'er's idea of ​​​​wanting to go to the lower world, because the great reckoning was coming, not to mention foreign lands, there would always be chaos. If Zhang Ling'er's strength went down, it would be almost impossible to survive.

Because the real immortal is still an obvious "big man", he is the target of liquidation, and he is also a high-quality target that the darkness wants to pollute.

Zhang Ling'er was a little complicated after being blocked by him, and said, "The same goes for Emperor Wu."

Lu Chen was silent for a long time because he realized that he and the War King had the same idea, they didn't want to see the weak and close people die in vain.

In the end, he could only sigh leisurely and say that I was different.

Lu Chen sat cross-legged on the desolate ancient star for another three hundred years, watching the movements of the celestial bodies in a large world, the birth and death of the universe, integrating martial arts with nature, and defeating all laws with martial arts.

Finally, he set off, not in the direction of the Fairyland Continent, but to a place he had calculated on the Fairyland map.

Fifty years later, Lu Chen arrived at that mysterious land. It was covered by endless thunder. If you entered it, you would be struck by thunder. Only the strong ones in the true fairyland could walk through it. Others who were weaker must find the right path. , to pass safely.

At this time, several Immortal Kings felt something in their hearts and looked at the direction where Lu Chen was. Someone stood up and wanted to catch Lu Chen back.

But there was also an Immortal King who sighed sadly, "That's all, I have fulfilled my duty. King Barbarian, your apprentice is very stubborn."

Lu Chen found the cobblestone path and rushed directly to the other end of the thunder. He knew that the Immortal King had come out of seclusion and was coming to find him. He didn't want to be caught back. This was his only chance.

After breaking through the thunder blockade, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly opened up. This was a vast expanse of beach, and there was a dam as far as he could see in front of him.

It could be seen that there was a line of faint footprints left on the beach, which made Lu Chen suspicious.

Are there any footprints left by the "Footprint Emperor" at this time? This is inconsistent with his previous speculation, because the fall of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor should not have happened yet in this era.

That means the Footprint Emperor has just set out on his journey and has not yet reached the depths of the Boundary Sea to fight with the source of darkness? Was this great turmoil caused by several quasi-immortal emperors attacking several realms of the Immortal Realm?

Lu Chen had a lot of doubts in his heart. He also saw the teleportation array not far away that looked like random graffiti. It was obviously left by the Footprint Emperor. It was his warning to those who came after him. If they don't have strong strength, they should do it as soon as possible. Use this teleportation array to leave.

Although Lu Chen had many things that he couldn't figure out, he was so happy to see this teleportation array. Because the boundary of the Boundary Sea was special and connected to several ancient worlds, he might not need to enter the Boundary Sea and just use this teleportation array to return. To the wilderness!

He rushed straight towards the teleportation array. Of course, ordinary teleportation arrays could not connect to the big world, but this teleportation array was left by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, so it was naturally magical.

But Lu Chen's heart felt cold after trying it. This teleportation array was left behind by the Footprint Emperor's great magical power. It can absorb the energy of the world and move around, teleporting people away.

But luckily, this teleportation array seems to have been used by many people not long ago, and he can't activate it. The next time it can be used, it may be ten thousand years later.

What's worse is that this teleportation array looks shabby, with many corners worn away, and I don't know which damaged goods are not cherished when used.

Lu Chen cursed in his heart. It was clear that when Emperor Huangtian wanted to use the teleportation array, it was just enough to be used when it was on the verge of breaking for the last time, so he gave it away directly.

I came to use the teleportation array at such an early age, but was not allowed to use it! ?

Lu Chen looked at the two lucky attributes in his details menu and wanted to curse.

He didn't have time to think carefully, because the Immortal King was extremely fast and it only took a few breaths to get here. He had to make a decision.

Lu Chen gritted his teeth and ran wildly towards the embankment. He wanted to enter the boundary sea!

Since the teleportation array outside the dam is no longer available, it seems that he has the only way to go back, taking a detour from the Jiehai Sea.

Of course, with his strength, he cannot travel far across the boundary sea, but even a true immortal dares to take a chance to find the Immortal King. After all, he is the strongest quasi-immortal king. He will not die as soon as he enters, right?


In the huge waves, Lu Chen threw himself into it like a moth rushing to the flame.

"Lu Chen, are you going to let their good intentions go in vain?"

Behind him, there was a roar. It was King De who had arrived, but he was still a step too late. Lu Chen had already entered the boundary sea, like a dragon swimming into the sea, and was no longer found.

Although he is an Immortal King, he is not yet at his peak. He can walk across the boundary sea, but if he wants to find someone in it, even if it is just offshore, it will take a lot of time, and it is not without risks.

He threw down his sleeves angrily on the embankment, turned around and left. He and the Soul King had a good relationship in the early years, so he took care of him like this. Lu Chen didn't know how to praise, and it was impossible for him to risk entering the sea to find people.

At this time, Lu Chen felt that the huge wave carried the power of the world and almost shattered him.

The huge waves in the boundary sea can destroy the true immortal. If a tsunami rises, even the immortal king will have to retreat.

Lu Chen was really unlucky. He received a blow on the head when he came up. In an instant, he was swept away by the wave. It was not until he entered a certain world that he finally settled down.

The world he entered was also large and full of spiritual energy. If he practiced in it, he could become an immortal, but the immortality material was not as rich as that of Jiutian.

But there are no living creatures in this world. This is a normal phenomenon. There are as many worlds in the world as dust, and it is impossible for every world to have living beings.

Some worlds are so powerful that they can even rival the size of the ancient world of the same origin. The Cang Emperor among the dark quasi-immortal emperors may have been born in a large world in the world sea. In the end, he sacrificed his own world alive and was promoted to the quasi-immortal emperor.

It took Lu Chen several decades to recover from his injuries. Even if he had the immortality of the Secret of Zer and the Secret Blood of God, it would be difficult for him to recover quickly due to injuries caused by the laws of the world sea. This made him fear the power of nature in the world.

No wonder it is always said that only immortal kings are not allowed to enter. There are indeed some true immortals who come out alive after entering, or are promoted to immortal kings, but they are too few, and most of them die in the world sea.

Every crossing carries huge risks.

Lu Chen had time and stable conditions this time, carefully studied the direction of the tide, and started heading towards his destination.

Yes, he knows the direction back to the wilderness because he left the coordinates!

There's more at noon

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