Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1387 I scared Shi Yi to tears


At this time, the baby in Qin Yining's arms was looked at by Lu Chen. He was not afraid at all. Instead, he made a milky sound and stretched out his little hand in the direction of Lu Chen.

Qin Yining hugged her child tightly, feeling uneasy in her heart. She actually did not want her son to become a master who was the only one in the world.

Although she knew that the man in black in front of her must be a top figure that people in the lower world could not imagine, because she came from the Immortal Mountain in the upper world and had a certain vision, and believed that ordinary people would never have such a temperament, not even the emperor of a country.

This person seemed to have an invincible spirit, and he had the feeling that it was difficult to find an opponent across the world and the universe. Perhaps everyone in Prince Wu's Palace underestimated this black-clothed master, because Qin Yining had met the Immortal Lord before, and the opponent did not have such power.

But as a mother, although she also hopes that her son will succeed, the most important thing is to be happy and healthy. She has experienced intrigues and cruel struggles in the upper world, and now she has finally lived a peaceful life in the lower world. Naturally, she hopes that her son can grow up healthily and happily. , stop taking risks and fighting and killing all day long.

To Qin Yining's happiness, and to Shi Zhongtian's and his son's disappointment, Lu Chen did look at Shi Hao for a while, but then looked away and looked at the other child.

Although the child is young, he is very stable. He has four pupils, and his divine light is flowing, and he has a vague majesty that is very inconsistent with his age.

In ancient times, those with double pupils were regarded as saints and gods. Those who appeared were all world-shaking and world-shaking figures.

Shi Yi's parents clenched their fists, even more nervous than their son. Because of today's incident, Shi Yi's mother had contacted the Rain Clan to ask for information about the origin of the man in black, fearing that he would be kidnapped by a liar for his son.

But I don’t know what happened in the Yu tribe. It is said that a riot broke out. Then the Rain God personally passed the decree and told that person not to talk lightly.

Shi Yi's mother was so excited now that even the Rain God didn't dare to speculate on how strong the deducer must be. If you miss such a master, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Shi Yi is only over two years old now, less than three years old. He only looks older because of his good physique, and his cold face gives people a sense of stability.

But in fact, he is just a child. He is more than two years old and does not understand much yet. After one year, it will be hard to say after he understands something.

In fact, he had no real feelings about becoming a disciple of a powerful master, but he had been obedient to his mother's arrangements since he could understand words. Since his mother wanted him to become a disciple of this powerful master in black, he would work hard.

The young Shi Yi seemed to be blushing a little, and then his double pupils emitted some strange light, and their power began to appear, which contained innate magical abilities.

"As expected of a person with double eyes. At such a young age and before practicing, he has already undergone such strange changes."

Some people in the Shi clan were amazed, thinking that Shi Yi would definitely become the Young Supreme in the future.

Lu Chen and the young Shi Yi looked at each other. The other's face, which had been flushed due to exerting force, turned a little whiter. Apparently, the magic of his double pupils allowed him to see more of Lu Chen's true nature than others, which frightened him. His face turned pale.

"A man with double eyes is not an ordinary person. Would you like to travel with me for a few years?"

Lu Chen smiled and planned to personally train Shi Yi for a few years, so that this kid would not go astray and be led even further by his parents who could not hold him up.

Some people in the Stone Clan were pleasantly surprised, while others were frowning. The surprise was because Prince Wu’s Mansion might have a big backer from now on, but the frown was because some clan elders thought it would be better to train their clan’s young supreme master themselves, so as not to be close to the family.

For a child who is only over two years old, no matter how precocious he is and leaves home early, if he follows this ancient master for more than ten years, his life may change.

Shi Yi's parents also showed happy smiles. His father stepped forward, ready to thank Lu Chen and say some polite words, such as that his son was stupid and ignorant, and he would ask his seniors to take more care of him in the future.

As a result, something unexpected happened to many people at the next moment. When his father walked past him, Shi Yi stretched out his little hand to grab his father's trousers. His face was pale, his eyes were filled with mist, and he almost cried. "Dad, I...I won't go! He's so scary!"

Lu Chen:......

There was silence for a while, and Shi Yi's father was also stunned. Then he felt a little panicked and hurriedly saluted Lu Chen, "Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, senior, don't be angry."

Lu Chen was speechless, thinking to himself, could he be so scary? He was obviously well concealed, and no one in Prince Wu's palace fainted.

How could Shi Yi be frightened into tears?

"You child, this senior is an ancient power who will teach you the invincible method. Why don't you quickly kowtow and become a disciple?"

Shi Yi's mother was very utilitarian and didn't even consider that her son was afraid. Her husband's father had been suppressed by the Great Demon God. Over the years, she thought that it was because the Great Demon God received a lesson from a peerless powerful man when he was a child that he was like this.

Now that she had the opportunity to become his disciple directly, how could she be willing to let it go? Even if her son doesn't want to, she still wants him to behave well and become the disciple of this great master in black.

She leaned over, hugged her son, and whispered softly in his ear, "Yier, be obedient. Mother will not harm you. This senior just looks a little more fierce, but he is the invincible in ancient times. You will be the best in the world in the future." Invincible, you will know your mother’s good intentions when she falls.”

Shi Yi's face turned pale, but he still listened to his mother's words. When his father explained to the senior with a low eyebrow and a nod, he slowly gave up.

He just hoped that what his mother said was true and that he could really learn the invincibility method. His mother should be...right, right?

Lu Chen was very speechless. Shi Yi seemed to be frightened by him, but he was also comforting himself. At least he was not able to stop the child from crying at night, but he almost made Shi Yi cry.

In fact, he had no intention of accepting Shi Yi as his apprentice, because the master and apprentice were the great cause and effect, which was very troublesome.

But Shi Yi's mother, this woman was very scheming, she kowtowed to her disciples, and she wanted to teach her son the invincible method.

But you still can't find fault, because to outsiders, this is just a mother coaxing her child.

"If you don't mean to do it, that's fine. I will go to another world to find someone else."

Lu Chen said, it's not easy to force this kind of thing. Anyway, there are still seed players in Perfect World. As long as they can understand what he preaches, he can teach them well.

"Yi'er, why don't you pay your respects to the master soon?"

However, Shi Yi's father was also very smart and quickly pushed his son.

Young Shi Yi pursed his lips and felt like he was walking towards the fire pit again, but he still followed his parents' wishes and the expectations of some tribesmen. He walked to Lu Chen, knelt down and kowtowed a few times, "Shi Clan, Shi Yi pays homage to Master. ”

When Shi Zhongtian saw this scene, he was equally happy. At this time, Prince Wu's Mansion was still very harmonious. Seeing that the descendant of Lao Wu's lineage was selected, he also felt that Prince Wu's Mansion had a bright future.

On this day, there was a banquet at Prince Wu's Mansion. Many clan elders toasted to Lu Chen, hoping that Lu Chen could stay longer so that he could teach some Dharma to their descendants.

But Lu Chen only left a sword intention carved on the back mountain of Prince Wu's Mansion, and nothing else was passed down.

He took Shi Yi and left Prince Wu's Mansion. Before leaving, Shi Yi was still grumbling and seemed a little reluctant. He really didn't want to follow this terrible master.

After all, he is still a child over two years old, and it is normal to rely on his parents. Shi Yi feels that his future is bleak at this time.

The night before he left, he had a nightmare in his mother's arms. As soon as he went out, he was eaten by his master.

He always believed that his master was not a human being, but must be a devil who loved to eat children. Otherwise, why would he come to Prince Wu's Mansion to pick children?

But after walking on the road for a few days, he found that Master didn't eat him either, and was actually teaching him the Fa again very seriously. Even though it was very complicated and profound, he understood a small part of it.

Shi Yi's performance made Lu Chen very dissatisfied, because this guy was said to have no talent, so why couldn't he understand what I was saying.

Later, he thought about it and concluded that it could only be attributed to his young age. He would probably get better after he was three or four years old.

The days that followed really shocked Shi Yi. Although he was young, he had read a lot of books and knew roughly the differences in strength among the strongest people in the world.

He saw his master slaying those ancient ferocious birds with a snap of his fingers, plucking their feathers and bleeding them skillfully, and putting them on the barbecue grill. After a while, they were sizzling and oily, giving him a satisfying meal these days.

The food in Prince Wu's Mansion is simply... weak!

What has he eaten? They are all ancient relics, and they all seem to be very strong.

"Yi'er, what do you think is the path to invincibility?"

Lu Chen taught Shi Yi on the road and sometimes tested him.

Like a little adult, Shi Yi bowed respectfully first, and then replied: "My mother said that I was born with double eyes, which makes me invincible. As long as I have these eyes, I will be invincible when I grow up!"

Lu Chen was speechless, "Then if someone dug out your eyes, would you still be invincible?"

Shi Yi trembled with fright and quickly covered his eyes, "Master, my disciple is wrong, don't gouge my eyes."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, then handed over a roasted phoenix leg. He looked at Shi Yi who was looking through his fingers and said, "Do you think it's cruel if someone possesses an innate magic and then gouges out your eyes? Can you be invincible?" "

Shi Yi breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had made a fuss again. His master had been very kind to him these days, but he just seemed a little more fierce.

He took the roasted phoenix leg and was about to answer, but was interrupted by Lu Chen, "Eat first, think slowly."

Shi Yi deserves to eat the roasted phoenix leg first, and he will forget himself as soon as he bites it. It is really delicious.

After eating, he thought quietly, "The weak eat the strong. If I lose to others in my future practice and have my eyes gouged out, I don't seem to have anything to resent. The strong are stronger, and the weak are just destroyed."

Lu Chen had a big head. It seemed that education was not to blame for some things. This child was born like this. According to what he said, although he was afraid, he really didn't think it was cruel.

However, Lu Chen didn't think that Shi Yi's idea was completely wrong. In this world, the law of the jungle is inherently strong, but people have to stick to some bottom lines.

"But Yi'er doesn't think that if he gouges out my eyes, that person will become invincible."

Shi Yi's other answer surprised Lu Chen.


Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"Because Master will dig my eyes back out again."

Shi Yi said seriously.

Lu Chen was speechless, then reached out and flicked Shi Yi's head, making the little guy cover his head and scream in pain, "You are quite clever."

He had no choice but to say, "Stop playing tricks with me, my teacher. I just want to tell you that you were born with double pupils, which is indeed an invincible asset. But you should not rely too much on it. Instead, you must cultivate me first and then the Tao. Double pupils are just The icing on the cake is a great weapon when you stand at the top, but it is not the foundation of your life. "

"Master, what does it mean to cultivate myself first and then cultivate the Tao?"

After all, Shi Yi was too young. Even if he was precocious, he still expressed confusion about some profound remarks.

"As a teacher, you will slowly understand. From today on, I will teach you the method of cultivation, and you will officially embark on the road of cultivation. I have no other requirements for you, that is, you can use the double pupils when you realize enlightenment, but with After you go on the road, my master will seal your double eyes."

Lu Chen said that it is difficult to educate a little boy like Shi Yi, so he must take his time.

"Master is going to teach me the invincibility method!?"

Xiao Shiyi was pleasantly surprised. He ate and drank well with his master, but he still hadn't learned the invincible method that his parents said.

Lu Chen chewed up a roasted phoenix leg three times and said calmly: "Yi'er, remember, there is no invincible method, only invincible people."

"It's because those methods were used by invincible people and left a reputation, so they have such a good name, is that right?"

Xiao Shiyi was thoughtful, then his expression straightened, "Master, I understand, I want to be invincible."

"That's not a small tone. Let's go on the road first."

As soon as Lu Chen pointed out, he passed on the cultivation methods he created that were suitable for this era to Shi Yi. It was the same as moving the blood cave, but there were many corrections in it, which would make it smoother. Combined with Zhe Tian Some ideas on the method will make the foundation more solid.

Shi Yi's talent was truly terrifying. It only took him a few weeks to enter the world of cultivation. Lu Chen baptized him with the precious blood of precious beasts. He didn't give him too much trouble in this aspect because he was afraid that Emperor Huang Tian would overturn.

And if childhood is too smooth, it may not be a good thing, as it will lead to a lack of experience.

In the following year, Lu Chen took Shi Yi to practice, and at the same time he observed the mystery of his double pupils. He had the martial arts eye, from which he absorbed part of the essence and gained a little bit.

"Ah - Master, save me!"

Xiao Shiyi was running in the mountains, followed by several huge dragon-horned elephants, because he was ordered by his master to steal a dragon-horned elephant cub.

Lu Chen was holding an endless wine gourd on the top of the mountain, drinking with a smile on his face and not interfering.

One year later, Shi Yi was three and a half years old. Because Lu Chen also taught some other things, Shi Yi's level did not improve very quickly, and he was only in the middle stage of the Blood Moving Realm.

The experience in the wilderness has also made the young master of Prince Wu's Mansion much rougher. At first he ate very politely, but now he follows Lu Chen and devours meat regardless of his appearance.

At a young age, he has only a little body, but if he takes off his clothes, he is very strong and has sharp muscles, like a ferocious beast cub.

Lu Chen sealed Shi Yi's double pupils, preventing him from using the power of the double pupils to fight and undergo the most simple training.

Shi Yi is indeed a ruthless person and does not complain at all, because he is indeed getting stronger, and he is talented and intelligent, knowing that this is the beginning of the road to invincibility.

He knows in his heart that his master may come from the upper world, is a great person, and is truly invincible. His parents made the right decision. If he follows his master and learns from him, he will one day become a supreme figure.

On this day, after Shi Yi had eaten and drank enough, he was about to ask Lu Chen for advice on what he didn't understand about his practice.

Lu Chen said: "Yi'er, just practice in the mountains and practice on your own according to the methods taught to you by my master. Three years later, I will come to pick you up. If you haven't walked out of this mountain range by then, what fate will you and I have?" It’s broken.”

Shi Yi didn't expect that Lu Chen would suddenly break up with him. He felt uneasy, thinking that he was going to be abandoned because of his poor performance. How could he survive three years in such a dangerous mountain without the care of his master?

He is just a child who is less than four years old. How can he teach his disciples like this?

But he also remembered his master's teachings, which is to have an invincible heart and move forward bravely. Those who dare not face danger and move forward are destined not to reach the end of the invincible road.

He gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "Yi'er will walk out, please wait for Yi'er, Master!"

He looked at Lu Chen walking away, feeling a little reluctant. He might have to be self-reliant for a long time.

Lu Chen left not only to make things more difficult and exciting for Shi Yi, but also because something happened in Prince Wu's Mansion.

Milkman actually... almost died again. He only saved his life by sacrificing the Supreme Bone.

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