Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1434 Lu Chen: Let me go!

Lu San, on the other hand, is stronger. The secret blood of God makes her more crazy and bloodthirsty in battle, but her fighting instinct is also very strong, allowing her to always seize the opportunity and overpower the three dark powerhouses.

Lu Chen looked at this scene thoughtfully, and it was no wonder that the secret blood warriors of Wushen Mountain were not good at fighting. He had never seen anyone who was not good at fighting. They were basically militants and had very good martial arts talents.

Maybe this kind of bloodline is inherently good for fighting and killing.

They are all creatures that were only a few days old. Normally, these creatures should be just trash with empty attributes, but when they fight, each one is more fierce than the other.

This is just like when Lu Chen was young, he relied mostly on his heart and followed his intuition in battles. He had no fixed moves and fought until he was crazy, like a wild beast.

Lu San had the advantage in all aspects, especially the secret blood of God, which gave her a great resistance bonus. Her energy and blood were also abundant, and she quickly completely suppressed the three dark creatures.

"Ah - what on earth are you!?"

Dark Pixiu screamed and was divided by Lu San. She used instinctive magic to refine it and devour it directly. This is a skill that every dark creature knows.

Lu San seemed to take a deep breath, sucking the endless darkness and blood mist into her mouth. After doing all this, the corners of her mouth were red, like a female Rakshasa stepping out of the abyss, with allure and chill.

After swallowing a dark creature, her aura became stronger. Lu Chen carefully observed her soul, and because the other person's bloodline was born from his own, he could actually control it. Lu San's life and death depended only on him. in a moment.

After observing and sensing, it became clearer. Lu Chen found that Lu San's blood was constantly expanding. For example, he originally gave her only one drop of blood essence, but now the blood essence had been devoured, expanded and divided, and turned into more than a dozen drops.

Of course, this is just an energy level metaphor. It is not that Lu San only has a dozen drops of God's Secret Blood in his body. The real situation is that after Lu Chen's blood essence entered Lu San's body, it had already melted and turned into diluted God's Secret Blood. .

Now Lu San's process of devouring dark creatures and transforming God's secret blood is essentially a bloodline advancement, purifying God's secret blood.

Lu Chen just wanted to observe Lu San to confirm whether there would be any side effects from unscrupulously devouring darkness to enhance the secret blood of God.

If there are no side effects, then let Lu San step aside. This dark place is taken care of by Lu Chen!

The battle ended quickly. Without Dark Pixiu, the other two dark creatures were obviously no match for Lu San.

Lu San also discovered the magical power of God's Secret Blood. If he could inject his own blood into the enemy's body when fighting against the enemy, it would be like virus seeds taking root and sprouting, swallowing up the dark power in their bodies and causing huge damage.

Because not everyone can adapt, if the secret blood of God cannot be forced out immediately, after it spreads and is swallowed up, there may be a danger of the body exploding, or the soul may be extinguished.

Lu San suppressed the other two dark creatures and began to swallow them. After a while, they merged into her body, and the aura continued to surge and surge.

The secret blood of God worked crazily in her body, devouring those dark substances, allowing her blood to be continuously purified.

Lu Chen looked at this scene and thought about it carefully. He felt that the secret blood warrior's corrosiveness seemed to be stronger than the dark matter. That is to say, it would not turn into a corrosive thick fog and spread in the world, otherwise it would be much scarier than the dark matter.

"Master, the mission has been completed."

After doing all this, Lu San returned to Lu Chen and reported.

Her aura was very unstable, and she was about to enter the Immortal King level, but the surface of her body showed terrible distortions, energy was conflicting, and there were signs of losing control.

Lu Chen took action to suppress the rioting secret blood of God, suppressing her realm first.

To break through to the Immortal King level, Lu San is still too young. Facing the catastrophe, he is probably dead.

Don't think that dark creatures don't have to go through tribulations. When they become immortal kings, they will still be blocked by heaven. But generally speaking, the tribulations they and ordinary monks face seem to be that the dark creatures who can reach this point are also very powerful. , there is always someone who can get through.

"You guys stay here, I'll go take a look deeper."

Lu Chen ordered Xiao Jinlong and Lu San to wait outside.

After Lu Chen left, Xiao Jinlong glanced at Lu San, opened his mouth and yawned, making Lu San a little shaken.

Because she seemed to have understood the meaning of the owner's mount before, and it seemed that it wanted to eat herself.

But the little golden dragon just smashed his mouth and made no other moves.

On the other side, Lu Chen went deep into the deepest part of the thick fog. At this point, the dark matter was almost liquefied. If he took out the Hongmeng Clear Stone at this time, it would probably be destroyed soon.

Fortunately, he no longer needs Hongmeng to turn into clear stone. He slightly lets go of his defenses, and dark matter pours in. God's secret blood will automatically swallow up those dark matter.

Compared with Lu San, Lu Chen was much larger. If they were compared to energy conversion factories, Lu San was just a small workshop in the village, while Lu Chen was a universe-level terminal processing plant.

He felt the increase in the energy of God's Secret Blood, and there was nothing strange about it, so he began to completely let go of his defenses and devour the sources of darkness pouring from the source.

Because his level of the Mystic Blood of God is already very high, an average body size can only allow him to increase his divine power, which is considered a kind of nourishment, and it is difficult to achieve qualitative improvement.

Lu Chen felt that although the dark matter here was rich, at his passive speed, he might not be able to improve his attributes even if it took hundreds of years, so after trying without any problems, he opened his mouth.


He swallowed up the dark matter between heaven and earth like a whale swallowing the sea, and a huge whirlpool formed in the vast no man's land. The center of the whirlpool was where Lu Chen was.

Outside the no-man's land, across the abyss left by Lu Chen, some powerful monks were able to see visions in the no-man's land.

"What's going on!? Is there some terrifying dark creature about to be born in the no-man's land? Why is there such a strange phenomenon?"

"Hiss—the dark areas of the main film are in turmoil. This vortex is so huge. Could it be that some supreme dark creature has advanced and is devouring dark and unknown substances as energy supplements?"

"I don't know if the barrier left by Emperor Wu can resist the attack of the creature. Is it possible that it can break out?"

Someone worried.

Lu Chen didn't know the situation in the outside world. He was devoting himself wholeheartedly to the great cause of devouring.

The black mist rolled into his mouth quickly, and the so-called anger that swallowed the world was nothing more than that.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the sky and the earth in the no-man's land became clear, and the darkness in large areas disappeared, revealing the appearance of the mountains and rivers of the earth again.

Lu Chen's "lung capacity" was obviously huge. In one breath, he drained the entire no-man's land!

When the whirlpool of black mist in the sky disappeared and the last trace of dark and unknown substance entered Lu Chen's mouth, he smacked his mouth and said, "Did I eat too much exotic food? It actually tasted pretty good."


Lu Chen's body sent out a wave of unstable aura. God's Mysterious Blood was boiling. The hot red blood was rising, sublimating the earth and directly vaporizing it. His power was rising extremely, and God's Mysterious Blood was improving!

Originally, he had been refining it for many years, but at this level, the improvement was too slow. It took 700,000 years for Lu Chen's Secret Blood of God to advance, but now it has become loose and his attribute points have changed!

Several of his main attributes have all risen a bit. It's not that the secret blood of God has become weaker at level nine, but that he has not reached that level. In the menu of the space, it does not count as an increase in LV level, but the reaction is in Something has changed about him.

This is the difference between improving yourself and using inheritance crystals in space to improve. The change in power will be slowly reflected in layers.

Lu Chen looked inside at his situation. The secret blood of God was turbulent for a moment. After digesting all the dark matter, it gradually calmed down. Lu Chen didn't notice anything strange.

He checked the menu of the space and found that no negative status was marked in his personal details.

This is the advantage of Space Pioneer. When the combat system and auxiliary system are turned on, any negative status of the body will be marked, and the detailed duration, etc. will also be marked. It’s just that Lu Chen doesn’t usually look at this thing. The combat auxiliary system Voice prompts have never been turned on.

Those functions are only used by explorers who are new to the space, because some people have never been exposed to combat before entering the space, but they have played a lot of games. This may allow them to integrate into the space environment faster.

Lu Chen confirmed that it was correct and grinned. He seemed to have discovered a great way to be promoted.

People in this world become disloyal when talking about darkness, and are as afraid of the unknown as tigers, but when it comes to him, these things have turned into good resources.

The source of darkness in the no-man's land comes from the spiritual world, that is, the False God Realm, because it is easier for the Ancient Temple to transmit darkness through the spiritual realm, regardless of spatial distance.

People in the original Void God Realm fled in panic, and the Dark Immortal Kings who were suppressed deep in the Void God Realm were also released, and now they don't know where they are.

There is a gap in the spiritual world in the uninhabited land. It is regarded as a border. It naturally becomes a breakthrough point for dark matter to erode reality from illusion. What appeared in front of Lu Chen was a small spring, and dark matter was still rising at this time. .


Lu Chen took another breath and swallowed the dark substance spreading out of the air.

He frowned, "This is too unpleasant..."

At first, there was enough dark matter accumulated in the spirit world, and it spurted out, sweeping across the no-man's land, but now it has little stamina.

Because the "pressure" in the spiritual world is not enough, it cannot be squeezed out.

"My lord... so fierce."

In the distance, Lu San looked at the clear sky and earth, feeling a little dazed and unable to find any adjectives.

There was still a lot of dark matter permeating the no-man's land. She had devoured some of the surrounding areas before, and she felt that her body was unstable, her blood was agitated, and she was in danger of exploding. But Lu Chen was so good that he emptied the entire area. .

At this time, people outside also saw the situation in the no-man's land and were very surprised, but more people were cheering.

"The darkness receded! Those unknown substances disappeared!"

"Did Emperor Wu take action? Fight against the source of darkness and force those dark and unknown substances away!"

"Emperor Wu is invincible!"


People in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths retreated because of the disaster, cheering and shouting all kinds of things.

Of course, not everyone thinks that Lu Chen did this, and some people are wondering whether the dark force is returning like a tide.

"Could it be that the supreme dark creature has taken shape? He has swallowed up all the dark matter. How terrifying it will be. A new immortal king will appear!"

Some people are worried in their hearts, feeling that the vision of the maelstrom is like being swallowed by some terrifying creature. If it succeeds, it must be the immortal king.

"There is nothing to worry about. Even if it is caused by a living creature, as long as it dares to come out, Emperor Wu will kill it!"

Some people are full of confidence and worship Emperor Wu very much. They believe that as long as Emperor Wu is in charge of this world, all disasters will not be a problem.

"Emperor Wu succeeded? So quickly?"

Meng Tianzheng, the great elder of Chen Bing's three continents outside the no-man's land, was also surprised. He knew that Lu Chen had entered the no-man's land and was probably thinking of ways to conquer the darkness.

Originally, he was not very optimistic about it, because no one has been able to do it since ancient times. At most, they can isolate and suppress the dark matter, but they cannot make it recede or be annihilated.

But now the no-man's land is clean, and no dark and unknown substance can be seen anymore.

"How did Mr. Emperor Wu do it?"

Old Man Aoki was excited and confused at the same time, wondering if there was any secret method to cure darkness. If it could be popularized, there would be no need to fear the invasion of darkness in the next nine days and ten places.

"As expected of Master, he has easily accomplished a feat that the ancients have not accomplished."

Shi Yi praised, Shi Hao returned to the lower realm to reunite with his family, and he came up again during this time.

While everyone was discussing excitedly, the world suddenly trembled. This caused people's excitement to fade and their faces to be replaced by panic.

Because that kind of shock came from the vast no man's land. Could it be that some dark creature really had awakened?


The entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are trembling, as if there is a huge mouth of the abyss, sucking in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, causing vibrations as it squirms.

Deep in the no-man's land, Lu Chen was not satisfied with swallowing the dark matter slowly flowing out of the dark spring. He thought about it and decided to take the initiative himself.

So, when the little golden dragon grew into its mouth and Lu San's dumbfounded expression was on his face, he leaned down directly, put his head towards the dark spring, and opened his mouth.


Lu Chen used all his strength and the power of a supreme giant to start devouring the spring crazily. He took a deep breath as if he had a straw in his mouth.

Because Lu Chen used too much force, the heavens and the earth were shaking, and the dark matter from the other side of the spiritual world poured into this side crazily, all entering Lu Chen's mouth.

Lu Chen raised his head and smacked his mouth, "Not bad, the taste is strong enough."

He seemed to feel that lying down and sucking was not enough, and the spring was too small, so he sealed the small spring with a kick and punched out at the same time. The void was shattered. He opened up the spiritual world and met reality in the spiritual world. The bigger opening was right in front of him.

Lu Chen was very satisfied with this much thicker "straw" and stood still and opened his mouth wide.


There's more at noon

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