Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1461 The Supreme World

"Why, since we have both, let's go together."

Lu Chen didn't know what Leng Yue meant.

Leng Yue put away the Supreme Ticket and said respectfully: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kindness, but I am not planning to go to the Supreme World this time. I plan to go to other worlds to complete advanced tasks first."

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Leng Yue meant. The supreme world is very dangerous.

The tickets can be used at any time. Leng Yue is not like Chu Zihang and others who encounter the bottleneck of an entire level. Leng Yue can just break through normally. After completing the advanced task of space, he can enter the ninth level. door.

Before reaching the ninth level of strength, Leng Yue obviously did not want to take risks in the supreme world.

In that world, according to Lao Wang, the ninth-level powerhouses are not top-notch, and running there is always dangerous. The eighth-level powerhouses can only keep a low profile and grow honestly in the world where they come.

If you travel across the multiverse, the next universe you encounter may be a place of great horror.

As the arbiter, Leng Yue must have his own pride and considerations. When Lu Chen saw that the other party had made a decision, he stopped trying to persuade him.

Later, Lu Chen asked Leng Yue about the world of the First World, and Leng Yue said that she only guessed what happened there through some clues.

A violator must have arrived in the world of the Supreme Being. She killed an eighth-level violator, but the eighth-level violator just came in during the chaos.

In the end, no major abnormalities occurred in that world. Presumably the strongest among the violators returned without success.

However, it also shows that the violators are so rampant that even a world like the Lord of the World wants to take advantage of the chaos. Fortunately, the indigenous strongmen in that world are strong enough. Most of the negotiations are fruitless, and they have no choice but to retreat after the battle.

There are now undercurrents surging in all major spaces, and a large number of explorers have been promoted. Even in harsh spaces like Hongmeng Space, the punishment for eighth-level explorers has been relaxed.

Obviously, the large number of ninth-level experts leaving the space is a big blow to the space, and it is in urgent need of replenishing the population.

On the one hand, the number of new explorers recruited in major spaces has increased. On the other hand, the punishment for middle and low-level explorers is very strict. This is to efficiently screen talents and use the maximum resources to cultivate those explorers who are promising to go higher. By.

Although Lu Chen and Leng Yue didn't know what was going on, they felt that the space was preparing for war, but they just didn't know who to fight.

Anyway, it will definitely not be like in the past. The major spaces compete with each other in the battle for the world. The ninth-level explorers uniformly disappear, and it is more like going somewhere together.

Lu Chen and Leng Yue drank a few drinks, talked about old things, and then left.

It was not long before the mission world opened, and Lu Chen, Eriki and the others spent the remaining few days getting used to it at the training ground.

Of course they have a tacit understanding, but they need to understand each other's strength after separation in the next world.

Eriyi's auxiliary skills are very strong. If she can break through to the ninth level, Lu Chen will get powerful combat assistance, making cross-level combat easier.

On this day, after training, Lu Chen received a reminder.

Because he has already used the Supreme Ticket, the mission world will only be confirmed as that world.

[The new main quest world will open in 24 hours, pioneers please be prepared. 】

[Mission World: Native World No. 0]

[Permissions are being monitored... The upper limit of the average difficulty level of the mission world is lower than the Pioneer Mark level, and world information can be obtained in advance. 】

[World data is being mobilized...]

[According to Article 3 of the Origin Regulations, detailed information about World 0 cannot be disclosed to space residents. Specific information will be described in a partial world view when the Pioneers arrive in the multiverse. 】

Lu Chen was not surprised by this result. Even when Lao Wang talked about the Supreme World, he kept it secret. There was probably something that was not suitable for others to know.

According to Lao Wang, there is chaos below the Supreme World. He will not be directly thrown into the Supreme Divine Land. It is probably just a universe under the surface world. Even if he knows the overall overview, it is useless.

The next day, Zhutian Travel Adventure reunited at Lu Chen's home and had a sumptuous meal.

After the meal, everyone quietly adjusted their status and waited for the teleportation to begin.

[The mission world has been relocated through the ‘Supreme Ticket’, and the transmission countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, seven...]

When the space prompt sounded, Lu Chen opened his eyes and used both talent advancement scrolls.

[Transmission begins...]

As the light beam lowered, Lu Chen nodded to Chu Zihang, and they disappeared into the room.

[Teleport target world: Native world No. 0]

[Number of people transported to the origin space this time: 9 explorers]

[The number of people transported to the final space this time: 7 explorers]

[The number of people transported in the fairy space this time: 8 explorers]

[Number of people transported to Tiandao space this time: 23 explorers]

[Number of people transported to Hongmeng space this time: 5 explorers]

[Number of people transported in arcane space this time: 6 explorers]

[Number of people transported to the chaotic space this time: 7 explorers]

[The number of people transported in the ancient space this time: 6 explorers]

[Number of people transported to the divine space this time: 7 explorers]

[This world is a native world of a large multiverse and is not the first exploration. 】

[Due to the limited cost of the Source of Time and Space, only the explorers who enter through the Supreme Ticket will open the table world this time, and the multiverse will be released based on the explorers' comprehensive strength, style, and team situation. 】

[It is detected that the Pioneer enters the No. 0 native world for the first time to perform a world mission, and the following tips are given:]

1. Don’t get close to the other world. The other world is extremely dangerous and the Pioneers are currently not strong enough.

2. Pioneers can freely explore the surface of World 0. The main tasks will be released in segments based on comprehensive factors such as the Pioneers’ identity, status, financial resources, and personal strength in the world. The completion of the tasks will affect subsequent task routes. and length of stay.

3. For pioneers to unlock the 621,416,782 commonly used languages ​​in the world, they need to spend inheritance crystals. Complete*10. This item is optional, and pioneers can also learn it by themselves in the universe.

Among these regulations, Lu Chen did not pay much attention to the reminders. On the contrary, there was one thing that was not mentioned, which made Lu Chen very curious.

Because in the past, space would warn explorers not to leak space information, but when they entered the highest world, they did not say this.

Does this mean that the existence of space is not a secret at all in the eyes of the supreme world?

Of course, Lu Chen didn't think that all the residents of the multiverse in the supreme world knew about this, and probably only the high-level experts knew about it.

There are very few people in the space this time, which can only be said to be expected. After all, most of the people who receive the supreme ticket are the judges and pioneers, and the judges and pioneers are mostly lone wolves.

There were quite a lot of people coming to Tiandao Space this time. Lu Chen guessed, like himself, that the leader of an adventure group had obtained the Supreme Ticket and entered with the group members.

You are really bold. You don’t come to this place casually. If you don’t do it, you may be destroyed here.

[Arrived at native world No. 0, and will be released soon...]

[The second time travel is about to take place. Pioneers please be prepared for the impact. 】

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen felt his body shake. Even with his strength, he felt the discomfort caused by the tearing sensation, which made him a little worried about Eryi and the others.

However, space has always been reliable, and I have never heard of anyone dying during teleportation.

During this teleportation, Lu Chen felt that there were countless eyes staring at him in the hazy darkness.

Time and space were like an abyss mixed together. In the twisted depths, some beings noticed them and made inexplicable whispers.

Those beings looked at Lu Chen, which made Lu Chen feel a little awkward, because some of them had selective eyes, while others were friendly.

But that kind of friendliness made Lu Chen feel even more unhappy, because he vaguely saw an indescribable terrifying existence, radiating "friendly eyes" towards him, as if he was one of its kind.

[The transmission is successful, the Pioneer is about to enter the original world No. 0_Old God Panverse]

[Target Location: The Land Abandoned by God]

[Time point: March 17, 765,800 years after the Dawn Calendar]

[A reasonable world identity is being arranged for the pioneers...]

[The following identities are available, please check for pioneers:]

[Tip: The initial identity is limited to the universe of descent, but this identity will map other multiverses through projection. If the pioneer travels through the multiverse, it will be affected later. 】

1. The final natural disaster: You are the legendary final natural disaster in this continent. You are destined to destroy everything, kill those rebellious old gods, and wipe out the sins of living beings. When the indescribable living beings arrive, the dark red mist floats, All things come to an end.

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S-


The first thing Lu Chen saw when he came up was something that made him want to curse.

What the hell! ?

Origin, please stand up and I have something to say!

What optional identities does this give me? The first thing I recommend is "Final Natural Disaster". Am I like that kind of person?

I admit, my charm is a bit low, but I am quite kind.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and told himself not to be angry. He continued to look down. He must have the kind of bright and majestic identity that is respected by the world.

After all, he still has the title of Guardian of Civilization, so he is also on the side of "bright justice".

2. Ancient God Godzilla: According to legend, there is an ancient god named Godzilla. His appearance is indescribable and cannot be looked at directly. The dark red evil spirit will permeate the heavens. When he comes, all living beings can only kowtow and tremble and offer sacrifices. their souls.

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S-

Lu Chen:......

Good guy, you really became the king of monsters this time, right?

It's okay, this identity option was expected by Lu Chen. He didn't think it was his fault at all, it was just that he had the title of Ancient God.

That title shows that entering a world with certain worldviews can lead to the status of the ancient god camp. It is the effect of the title that is at play.

The next identity will definitely be serious.

Lu Chen continued to look down...

3. Holy Princess: You are the princess of the Holy King Xinna of Dawn Holy Mountain. You are below one person and above ten thousand people. You are uniquely favored and have the power over the world. You have many Holy Guards under your command.

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S-

Go to hell!

In the origin space, you, the ninth-level explorer, are all gone. You are so frustrated that you have gone crazy and let yourself go! ?

See clearly, I am a man!

He is really full of questions now. He may be sick in the origin space. Why is there such a weird option as the Holy Princess?

Lu Chen continued to look down. He saw that the menu was very long. There had to be a reliable initial identity that could be used, right?

Then Lu Chen's face became darker and darker. What kind of ghosts are these? "The Lord of the Old Gods", "The King of Natural Disasters", "The Ghost King of the Abyss", "Old Undead", "The Indescribable Evil God"...

Lu Chen glanced at dozens of such optional identities.

Origin Space Isn’t this bullying?

Where is my title of Guardian of Civilization? Where is my title as Emperor Wu? Where is my title for killing pigs? Help!

34. The Butcher of Heaven: You are the undead of the past era, the Butcher of Heaven, an indescribable existence. With a butcher's knife, you can kill all the old gods and gods. You are both good and evil, and the expressions of all living beings change when they talk about it.

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S-

Lu Chen could no longer complain. His identity was probably due to the title of "pig-killer", but he didn't look like a good person, either?

Moreover, the identity selection menu in the space is very human-like. If you click on it in detail, you can also see a "character concept map" in the minds of people in that world.

The identity of the Paradise Butcher looks like a pig-headed man with a dark red mist wrapped around his body, which is so fierce that it cannot be looked directly at.

If you don’t choose this, it’s too ugly, regardless of good or evil!

Lu Chen continued browsing, flipping through it, and finally found a few identities that he liked.

47. Emperor Wu: You are the legendary strong man of the human race in the Later Dawn Calendar. You were originally a mortal martial artist who entered Taoism through martial arts and fought against the old god of darkness. You were named Emperor Wu and became a legend in the legend. However, mortals will eventually die. At the end of the day, the fallen Martial Emperor lay dormant for endless years in the abyss of nothingness and revived again. Is he still the Martial Emperor he once was?

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S-

63. Legendary Guardian: You are an epic figure in the pre-dawn calendar, a legendary guardian. You once fought against the ancient gods and restored the world to purity. After millions of years of vicissitudes, will anyone still remember you? However, the fire of legend will eventually be lit. Will people accept an unknown ancient god-like existence as a legend of the past?

The minimum overall world rating required to choose this status: S level

Lu Chen thought over and over again and glanced at the prompt at the beginning of the identity selection interface. He ruled out the Butcher of Paradise first.

He likes the title of Emperor Martial very much, but in this world view, Emperor Martial is already dead. Strictly speaking, his identity is that of a corpse channeler, and he cannot be regarded as the original Emperor Martial. His initial reputation will probably not be too high, and he may Some other troubles.

Lu Chen did not dare to underestimate this place. Space had never put him into a simple world. Even if it was just one of the worlds below the Supreme World, he thought it was extremely powerful.

He thought about it for a while and felt that the legendary guardian might be good. It coincided with the world view here and was easier to confuse than the title of Martial Emperor. Moreover, the detailed introduction did not indicate that the legendary guardian was dead. He could turn around and bring his identity to the public.

Best of all, judging by the lowest rating of identity requirements, this one is the hardest! That must be the best!

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