Starting from the Dragon Tribe

Chapter 1463 This is clearly the final natural disaster!

"A place abandoned by gods?"

Lu Chen frowned, feeling something was wrong, "That was a native world, and I penetrated it."

Lu Chen remembered that at that time, his world exploration had reached the standard, and the space should have contained the Land Abandoned by the Gods. How could this original world end up under the Supreme World?

"It's not clear yet, but looking at the worldview background introduction, brother Lu, don't you think it's a bit familiar? Although the environment of the world is very different, and although the appearance of the continent is completely different, some historical descriptions are consistent with the land abandoned by the gods we knew before of."

Chu Zihang said, "Let's investigate first. I am currently in the Star Sea Kingdom, on the edge of the Land Abandoned by the Gods."

"Whether it is or not, it won't have much impact on us. If it's the same world, it might be a little easier for us to find the key."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later."

They cut off ties and prepared to explore the world.

Lu Chen was lying in the pool. Under the starry night, the water was rippling, and something was floating in the deep water, passing by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen turned a blind eye. I am afraid that only a person with such a strong nerve like him could stay in this pool of water, communicate with his teammates calmly, and lie down comfortably.

Because floating around him were corpses. There were corpses with pale faces and wide eyes, floating directly opposite Lu Chen, as if staring at him in the darkness.

Lu Chen did not ask Chu Zihang and Hui Liyi what identities they had chosen, because it was not necessary. We are all experienced in space and knew how to choose the best, so there was no need for him, a reckless man, to remind them.

Lu Chen slowly rose up, looking through the water at the vast starry sky.

No matter which world this is, it can't stop him. The upper level is there. Lu Chen's only worry is how to find the key to other universes.

There was a long menu of tasks, and he had to go through them step by step.

But he said that on this peaceful and peaceful night, there were undercurrents surging in some places in the God-Forsaken Land.

There are now two countries on this continent. One is the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, which rules nine-tenths of the continent. It is a theocratic country that respects the Holy Church of Dawn and regards the Holy Mountain in the southeast of the continent as its respect. The monarchy of the Holy King is related to With centralized divine power, he is the supreme ruler of this continent.

On the northwest border, the Star Sea Kingdom is relatively small. Miraculously, this small place with a small land area has been able to live in peace with the Holy Kingdom for hundreds of thousands of years.

The Holy Kingdom of Dawn has never sent troops to attack the Kingdom of Star Sea, and the Kingdom of Star Sea has not sent troops to attack the Holy Kingdom. It seems that there is a silent understanding.

There are not many exchanges between the two countries, because the Kingdom of Star Sea advocates technology and has already entered the era of the Great Voyage in the Starry Sky for countless thousands of years. In fact, this area of ​​​​the Land Abandoned by the Gods is a secondary colony.

The continent of God's Abandoned Land is vast, and the stars in the sky are like dust and sand compared to this place. However, there is also a rumor that this continent was not so big in the past, but was similar to the larger stars in the universe.

The land area is vast, and the trillions of residents of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn can only occupy a small part of the residential area. Most of the areas are still barren wilderness or mountains.

A large city can accommodate hundreds of millions of residents, and everyone is a devout Christian of the Dawn.

In the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, everyone yearns for the Holy Mountain. People believe that it is not only the place where the Holy King lives, but also the place closest to God.

Legend has it that in order to show the power of the Holy Guard, there is an ancient god who was crucified in the middle of the ladder to the Holy Mountain to show the bravery of the ancestors.

The sky is clear tonight, the vast starry sky sheds light, and the moonlight envelopes the holy mountain, giving it a mysterious brilliance.

She, Irina St. Firsius, is the saint of this generation of the Holy Kingdom. She is 231 years old this year and is in the stage of a young girl.

Yes, people in the Land Abandoned by God are born with a long lifespan. It is said that a great change took place before the post-dawn calendar. People were baptized by the Holy Spirit of Dawn, and since then they have gained strong bodies and long lifespans.

Even for families with average conditions in Dawn Saint, the average life span can reach more than 800 years.

If they practice holy power, the strongest among them can live for tens of thousands of years. In such an environment, her age is certainly that of a girl.

It is said that in the last historical era, the Land Abandoned by the Gods was not so big and there were not so many people. However, as people's lifespan increases, the increase in population is of course explosive. Now even though the Godly Land is vast, many places have It was inhabited.

Irina walked through the long steps. On both sides, the sacred pillars made of the Holy Stone of Mexis towered into the clouds. Their shadows in the night shrank toward the center, as if they had paved a path leading to the front for the girl. carpet.

On both sides of the road, every hundred meters there was a holy guard wearing white armor standing there, holding a spear made of divine iron and looking intently.

Under the moonlight, the girl is wearing a white gauze with a long skirt. The decoration is gorgeous but elegant, and she has an aura of holiness in her solemnity.

The night wind blew in her face, swaying her hair, and her skirt flew back, outlining the girl's beautiful curves.

She climbed to the top of the mountain and drew her hand on her chest. This was a sacred ritual to show her respect for the ancestors and saints.

Finally, she touched the necklace she wore around her neck. It was the symbol of a saint and a legendary relic from before the dawn of time. It had unfathomable power.

She continued to move forward, and two spears stopped in front of her.

"Your Highness the Saint, the area ahead is a forbidden area. No one is allowed to enter without the order of the Holy King."

The two holy guards said in a deep voice, like robots, their eyes were straight, and their voices did not contain much emotion.

"His Majesty the Holy King asked me to check the status of the Holy Pool. According to the records of the lost ancient tablet, the sacred legendary guardian will awaken tonight, and we should welcome him."

Irina said sternly, not panicking at all when two spears were held in front of her neck.

"Please present Your Majesty's warrant, Your Majesty the Holy Lady."

The two holy guards were merciless and only acted according to the rules.

Irina glanced at the two guards lightly, took out a dagger from her waist, "I give you the order."

The two holy guards had no doubt that he was there, because this was the Holy King's personal holy relic, and the necklace on the Holy Lady's Crown was both a lost holy relic.

They retracted their spears and stood on both sides again. A few hundred meters further, they reached the forbidden holy pool.

Since it is a holy pool, why is it forbidden?

The people of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn don't know, and even most of the clergy on the Holy Mountain don't know, but the elite guards here know a little bit about it.

It is said that one hundred thousand years ago, someone walked out of the holy pool. It was not the much-anticipated resurrection of the holy guardian, but a corpse.

In that battle, a third of the Holy Mountain was destroyed, and it was the Holy King of that generation who personally took action to suppress the ancient powerful man who had turned into a corpse.

In the end, no one knew what happened to the ancient powerful man. He just disappeared. No one up and down the Holy Mountain dared to mention this matter, and he disappeared into the long river of history.

However, since then, the holy pool is no longer a place where clergy can worship at will. It has become a taboo place and is guarded by a large number of elite holy guards.

The holy pool is at the top of the holy mountain, from the middle of the mountainside up. There are a total of three hundred holy guards here.

The Holy Guards of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn are not unpowerful. Several civil strife broke out in the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, but they were suppressed by only a hundred Holy Mountain Holy Guards.

The ancient god who was crucified on the Holy Mountain was also killed by the Holy Guards and the Holy King.

Irina moved lightly, walking slowly, solemnly and solemnly. She held a sacred orb in her hand. The radiant light illuminated the holy pool on the top of the mountain, making the entire pool light up, like a silver plate. .

She performed a ritual of worship in front of the holy pool, bathed in the sacred flowers, and recited the Dawn Bible. This was a solemn ceremony.

Irina actually doesn't agree with the lost ancient monument in her heart, because many of the things recorded on the ancient monument are too ridiculous.

It is unknown who left this inscription, but it records the history from ancient times to the present, and also contains the future.

According to what the Holy King said, many of the things recorded on this stone tablet were correct. It was an important foundation for the rule of the Dawn Holy Cult. They must pay attention to the words on the stone tablet.

However, in the past few years, there were some lost ancient monuments that recorded events that were about to happen. The Dawn Holy Cult prepared many times, but all failed. In the end, the reference significance of this ancient monument became low.

There are even some cardinals in the Holy Church who believe that the lost ancient monuments are not enough as a reference, and even the history that they once believed to have really happened may not exist.

Also, how could anyone predict everything that will happen in the past, present and future?

For many years afterwards, the Holy Dawn Church no longer responded according to the records on the lost ancient tablets, and in fact, nothing bad happened.

This ancient monument was once placed in the center of the Holy Court, but now it has been moved to a warehouse.

But today the Holy King called her over at night, saying that something might change tonight, and they should have someone come to greet the awakened legendary guardian.

This makes Saint Irina feel ridiculous. It is clear that this ancient monument has lost its reference significance, do you still want to continue to believe it?

But the Holy King ordered that she had to come.

Fortunately, the Holy King did not make a big fanfare and mobilized all the clergy in the Holy Mountain to pray and welcome him. If it was still in vain, it would affect the prestige of the Dawn Holy Cult.

Therefore, she came on the moon without any accompanying clergy, and once again welcomed and worshiped her as a saint.

The two most elite holy guards of the Dawn Holy Cult behind them did not look sideways and did not look at what was happening in front of the holy pool.

Irina worshiped for a while, but saw no movement in the holy pool, so she knew that tonight was in vain again, and it was probably because the lost ancient monument had predicted something wrong again.

The Holy King said that the reason why he thought of this matter again this time and paid attention to the records of the Lost Ancient Stele was because after that, there were no records on the Lost Ancient Stele.

This is the end of the lost ancient inscriptions. After all, the inscriptions are only that big.

There were those who had experienced the Holy Kings and were worried. In their era, the credibility of the lost ancient stele was still very high. They believed that the end of the records of the lost ancient stele was not a good thing, because it meant the end.

The contemporary Holy King doesn't really believe it, but he still lets the Holy Lady come and take a look. It would be best if nothing happens.

This is the last paragraph anyway, so they might as well be cautious.

"Sure enough, the Lost Ancient Monument can just lie down in the warehouse..."

Irina sighed softly. She stood up slowly, knowing that her trip tonight was in vain and she could go back to rest.

Just as she stood up to leave, she turned around suddenly, then turned back, with a bit of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Her blond hair was fluttering in the breeze, and the originally gentle breeze seemed to become a little more urgent.

I saw rippling water in the center of the holy pool, as if something was rising below. Under the action of tension, an upside-down bowl bulged out of the water.

There was surprise on her face. Could it be that the lost ancient monument was right this time, and the legendary guardian really resurrected! ?

The ancient prophecy has come true, and the Holy Kingdom of Dawn will receive the strongest support. The legendary guardian of the lost era returns, and will wipe out the old gods in the sky and restore peace to the world.

Irina hurriedly saluted again, knelt down, and prepared to devoutly welcome the awakened legendary guardian.

She only has regret in her heart. When the legendary guardian wakes up, she is the only one in the Dawn Holy Cult to greet him. Doesn’t it seem disrespectful?

The two holy guards in the distance also sensed the movement in the holy pool, and they turned their heads with serious expressions.

Different from the admiration and respect for the Holy Pool within the Holy Cult, as the elites who guard here, they have heard many legends from the ancestors of the Holy Guards. They do not think that the Holy Pool must be a peaceful place, otherwise why would they add " The word "taboo"?

As Irina looked forward to it, a figure emerged from the solemn gazes of the two holy guards.

The moment the figure emerged from the water, the stars disappeared, the night grew thicker, and the entire land was completely plunged into darkness.

There was a strong wind above the holy mountain, and the holy fires lit around the holy pool were swaying in the wind, dancing like demons. The top of the mountain was only illuminated by these fires and the holy beads held by Irina.

I saw that the man was dressed in black, with a sharp black blade on his waist. Looking at the clothes, he was definitely not inferior to this era, and it was completely different from their current dressing style.

He walked on the lake, swallowing the light, and the invisible evil intention turned into a faint dark red, floating in the night wind, mixed with the rising flames.

It was as if the world was trembling, along with people's souls, just because this man emerged from the holy pool, like the ancient god of the abyss breaking free from his chains!

The two holy guards trembled and raised the spears in their hands, with a look of determination in their eyes. In their eyes, the entire sacred pool was black and red, with an ominous look, and who was the legendary guardian who walked out of the sacred pool? ?

He is clearly an indescribable ancient god of finality!

Irina also had horror in her beautiful eyes. She finally understood why there was no subsequent record on the lost ancient monument. Could it be that what they were facing was not a legendary guardian, but an eventual natural disaster! ?

When Lu Chen stepped onto the shore, he didn't look at Irina and the two holy guards at first. Instead, he stretched and took a breath of the air, which was very refreshing.

He felt the strong aura of divinity wandering between heaven and earth, making his God Eater Ring and Dusk ready to move.

Lu Chen was in a good mood. He had a "cigar" in his hand, put it to his mouth, and took a puff.

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